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Page 5

by Julia Crane

  Keegan laid her head on Rourk’s shoulder and didn’t speak for most of the ride. She was afraid if she talked about it, she would cry. There was no sense in making it harder on Rourk than it already was.

  Keegan peeked up at Rourk and noticed his jaw was tense. She reached up and ran her finger along his jaw and smiled when he relaxed. They exchanged a quick glance, but neither of them spoke.

  When they arrived at the airport, Rourk pulled into the garage and found a spot. While her mother wrestled with Warrick, Keegan and Rourk got their bags out of the truck.

  The walk inside was just as silent as the drive. Keegan held Rourk’s hand, her own palm sweaty and her heart aching at the thought of leaving him. Her mother was subdued as well.

  Outside the security line, Rourk turned to Keegan with sad eyes. Emerald stepped away from them, making a show of fussing over Warrick so that they could say goodbye.

  “I’ll stay here till the plane leaves,” Rourk said, touching his forehead to hers. “I wish I could go back and wait with you.”

  “Me too. I don’t want to say goodbye.” Keegan closed the space between them and flung her arms around his neck. She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer.

  “I will be there in a few days. It will go quickly.” Rourk tilted her chin up so she could meet his eyes. His grey eyes looked pained.

  Keegan rubbed her face with the sleeve of her jacket and tried to give him a smile. “I’m sorry. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. I’m such a baby sometimes.”

  Rourk gave her a sad smile. “Just a few days.”

  Keegan turned and walked towards the security line. She glanced back to find Rourk staring intently at her. He was breathtaking to look at. He stood as still as a statue, his eyes only on her.

  She grabbed her phone from her coat pocket. Miss you already xoxos

  She grinned when she saw him reach into his jeans and pull out his flip phone. A wide smile broke across his face. He looked so cute pecking away at the keyboard.

  Miss you more. I love you Keegan don’t forget that

  Never. I love you 2 I’ll text you when we land.

  Thank you. I guess texting isn’t so bad after all. Rourk replied.

  They finally boarded the plane. Keegan felt a strong urge to run off the plane and back into Rourk’s arms. Instead, she plopped into the seat and folded her arms across her chest. “This sucks.”

  “I know, honey. Here put this on before we take off.” Her mother pulled a gaudy pink crystal necklace from her bag and held it out.

  “Couldn’t you have picked a better color? You know I don’t look good in pink. And it’s so clunky.” Keegan grabbed it from her mom and smiled when she felt the energy radiating of it. “Wow, Mom, that’s powerful.”

  “I had to use rose quartz. It’s the love stone. I’m hoping that on top of the healing energies will keep the pain at bay. Here let me put it on you.”

  Emerald reached over to clasp the necklace around Keegan’s neck. Warrick kept trying to pull it off. This is going to be a long flight, Keegan thought with a sigh. At least they were in first class so they had plenty of room.

  She grabbed a magazine and started flipping through it. When she realized she wasn’t even looking at the pages, she shoved it back in the pocket of the seat. She wondered if Rourk had left yet. Probably not. He would wait until the plane was in the air.

  About thirty minutes later, they finally took off. Her mother kept glancing over at her, worry lines on her brow.

  Keegan rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, Mom. I’ll let you know if I feel any pain.”

  Her mother nodded and started quietly reading a book to Warrick. After a couple moments, he grabbed it from her hands and threw it across the seat. Her mom sighed and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Warrick started crying and pulling on his ears. Keegan watched as her mom placed her hands over his ears and the crying stopped instantly. Keegan secretly wished she had been born a healer. Her power of invisibility was cool and all, but she rarely got to use it.

  The further they got in the air, the tighter Keegan’s chest felt. She grabbed her mom’s hand and squeezed it, gasping.

  “How bad is it?” Her mom reached over, placing a hand on Keegan’s forehead.

  “It’s just in my chest. Feels funny, like a tightening.”

  “Not in your stomach?”

  “No, just my chest.” Keegan put her hand over her heart and grimaced. It felt like her heart was in a vise as it slowly cranked shut.

  “Great, the necklace is working.” Her mother smiled and sat back in the seat.

  “What do you mean great? It hurts.”

  “I know it hurts,” her mom whispered. “But I cannot heal the heart, you know that. This pain you just have to learn to live with.”

  “Wonderful.” Keegan threw her head back against the seat.

  “Just take some deep breaths and try to relax. Hopefully you can fall asleep. This is a long flight.”

  “Thanks for the reminder.” Keegan stretched out her legs and turned her head to the side. “Let me see Warrick.”

  Her mother handed the baby over.

  Keegan stuck out her tongue and made funny faces. Warrick giggled loudly when she acted like she was going to gobble up his hands. He eventually got tired and fell asleep, so Keegan handed him back to her mother, thankful he had been a distraction at least for a little while.

  The pain in her chest hurt, but it was bearable. She closed her eyes and thought of Rourk. She was surprised that she could actually see him. He was walking around in his house packing his stuff. Keegan watched as he sat down on his bed and buried his head in his hands. Keegan’s heart ached for him. She watched as he stood up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a drink.

  Keegan opened her eyes and shook her mom’s arm. “Mom, I can see Rourk when I close my eyes.”

  Her mom smiled sleepily. “Of course you can. He is your chosen.”

  “But we’re so far away. I thought that only worked when we were close by like at the house.”

  “No, you can see him anytime you close your eyes and think of him. Unless he decides to block you.”

  “Well, that’s better than the webcam.”

  “Eventually your bond will grow stronger as time passes, and you can speak to each other with your mind.”

  “Seriously?” Keegan’s eyes were wide.

  “Yes, but it takes a lot of energy. Your father and I rarely do it unless something important is happening. It’s just easier to pick up the phone and text.” Her mom turned her head where it was against the headrest and eyed her. “Don’t overuse the gift to see your chosen. Make sure you give him privacy. “

  “I’ll try, but it’s so fun.” Keegan closed her eyes again.

  Rourk was now in the living room talking to his father. Keegan wished she could hear what they were saying. Rourk had his forearms resting on his knees and was leaning forward while his father talked. She watched as he stood up and walked into his room. He grabbed his backpack and headed towards the door. He walked out without turning to his father one last time. They must have already said their good byes.

  Her mom shook her arm. “Keegan, I told you not to invade his privacy.”

  “What? I was just trying to sleep.” Keegan said innocently.

  “Sure you were,” her mother said, shaking her head. “That’s why you have a goofy grin across your face.”

  Keegan laughed. “He’s just so cute!”

  Chapter 8

  Rourk was waiting to board the plane and he couldn’t stop smiling. He leaned back in the hard plastic chair, not seeing anything around him.

  All he could see was Keegan.

  The bond had returned. He had really believed she was lost to him forever. Now, she was his once more and all they had to do was make it through this separation period. That would be easy compared to what they’d already been through.

  Rourk hated to admit it, but he was upset that Keegan wanted to postpone their
handfasting. It was tradition after all. When elf mates turned eighteen, they were wed—it was how it had always been and always would be.

  However, at this point, he was willing to wait if that was what Keegan wanted. He just hoped nothing came between them again. He didn’t think he could handle losing her a second time.

  How did his father make it through the day without his mother? The very thought of Keegan dying… Rourk couldn’t even think about it.

  His phone dinged in his pocket, and his heart dropped. Multiple scenarios of Keegan in pain flashed through his mind as Rourk fumbled to get his phone out of his pants. When he flipped it open, relief flooded his body.

  Landed. I’m fine. The necklace worked.

  The thudding in his chest calmed to a dull ache. Rourk took a deep breath and let it slowly before tapping out an answer. That’s great. I was worried.

  If I close my eyes I can see you :)

  Rourk chuckled. I know. You forget I feel a pull when you think of me.

  Ack! You knew I was watching you?

  Well, I knew you were thinking of me.

  Sorry, my mom says I should give you privacy.

  He didn’t think he could ever text as fast as she could. He typed his reply. I don’t mind. I love knowing I crossed your mind.

  A crackly voice over the loudspeaker announced it was boarding time for his flight. Rourk didn’t want to say goodbye, even if it was only for a couple hours.

  Gotta board plane. I’ll text you when I land.

  Ok. Love You xoxoxos

  I love you.

  Rourk took a deep breath and acknowledged the pain that tore through his chest. A reminder of their bond. A pain he would gladly bear.

  Flipping his phone closed, Rourk stood and shoved it into his pocket. He walked to the counter, where he handed off his ticket to a slender brunette with an honest smile.

  He had a long flight ahead of him, and he had to switch planes in Chicago. Thankfully, the first flight passed uneventfully and actually landed on time. He wasn’t so lucky with the second flight, which was on a two hour delay—and almost stretched to three hours.

  He sent Keegan a text. Landed in Chicago.

  YAY! It’s late here so going to head to bed soon. Text me when you get home so I know you made it safely.

  Warmth flooded his body. It was something simple—just a girlfriend who wanted to know her boyfriend returned home safely. But it made him feel alive.


  Night xoxo


  Keegan held the phone to her chest and sighed.

  She was propped against the headboard on her bed, sitting in the semi-darkness of her bedroom. A triangle of light spilled across the floor from the open bathroom door, illuminating the fluffy purple rug that covered the hardwood.

  Her mom and Warrick were already fast asleep on the fold-out couch in the living room; she couldn’t hear a peep from them. Her room felt quiet and empty. Something was always happening back home, with her parents constantly in and out and her brothers yelling and stomping around. Even knowing her mother was in the other room, Keegan still felt homesick.

  Since she had been in the air all day, she felt kinda gross. She pulled off her sweater and stepped out of her jeans, throwing both on the floor. Keegan walked into her little bathroom and stood in front of the mirror beneath the harsh globe lights. She lightly touched the necklace and smiled. With her fingers still on the chain, she closed her eyes and searched for Rourk.

  He was nodding off in a chair at Chicago O’Hare. Keegan recognized the airport from all the times her family had flown through it—it was one of the major international airports that had flights all over the world. Rourk was slouched so that his head rested on the back of the black chair, and his hands were clasped tightly over his chest. His military backpack rested between his feet.

  Keegan felt a rush of pride. He was hers.

  She opened her eyes with a sigh, and reached back to unhook the necklace. As soon as the chain fell from her fingers to the bathroom counter, searing pain rushed through her body. Keegan dropped to her knees with a cry, hanging on to the edge of the sink. She tried to reach for the necklace but the pain intensified. She curled into a ball on the cold tile floor and clutched her stomach.

  “MOM!” Keegan screamed.

  Her mother was by her side in an instant. Emerald immediately noticed the necklace on the bathroom counter and snatched it up. She dropped to her knees to clasp it around Keegan’s neck. “Oh Keegan, I’m sorry. I should have warned you not to take off the necklace.”

  While Keegan cried silent tears and the pain subsided, her mom pulled a towel from the rack and covered her. Emerald wrapped her arms around Keegan and asked softly, “Are you ok?”

  Keegan wiped her eyes and nodded.

  “Are you still in pain?”

  Keegan nodded again and wrapped her arms around her stomach, letting her weight rest against her mother. They sat silently for a moment, Emerald slowly rocking Keegan until she calmed down.

  Emerald brushed Keegan’s auburn hair from her face, then cupped her daughter’s cheek as she said, “Put on some clothes and go lay on your bed. I will give you a full healing.”

  Keegan used her mother’s hands as support so she could stand. She slowly made her way into the darkened bedroom and fumbled through her dresser for some pajamas. Each movement was painful. She stepped into her clothes as another tear left a cold trail down her cheek.

  Keegan couldn’t believe something as beautiful as their bond could cause this much pain. The pain had eased slightly once her mom put the necklace back on, but there was still a deep throbbing throughout her body.

  Emerald put her arms around Keegan and guided her to the bed. “Close your eyes. It will be over shortly.”

  Keegan laid back on the soft bed and closed her eyes. She pictured Rourk as she took several deep cleansing breaths. Her mother’s hands felt like they were on fire when she placed them over Keegan’s stomach.

  Despite the uncomfortable heat, it was as if her mother’s hands were drawing all the pain out of her body. Keegan could feel it coursing beneath her skin and into her abdomen, where it disappeared into her mom.

  Within minutes the pain was gone.

  Keegan pushed to her elbows, trying to sit up.

  “Shhh, stay still, Keegan,” her mom chastised. “I want to give you a full healing. It will take another twenty minutes. Just lay there and relax.”

  Keegan must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew she awoke and her clock said it was 7:00 am.

  Ugh, I do not want to get up and get ready for school, she thought irritably. The damn necklace was making her neck itch. It wasn’t very comfortable to have a giant rocks hanging on her chest—especially sleeping with said giant rocks.

  She stretched beneath her covers, putting off leaving the warmth of her bed for the cold of her room. Sounds from the kitchen indicated her mother was up and around, so Keegan finally headed for the bathroom.

  After brushing her teeth and hair, she grabbed her black and white polka dotted robe and went out to the kitchen.

  Her mother was sitting at the table, her fingers tapping gently on her steaming mug of tea. She was still in the sweats she’d slept in, her short hair sticking up wildly on her head. Emerald looked up, her brow furrowed in concern. “Feeling ok?”

  Keegan shrugged, tugging her robe tighter. She slid into a seat at the small table. “Yeah, I feel fine. Just the throbbing pain in my heart. I guess I’ll get used to it. That’s nothing compared to the pain last night. I’m glad you were here.”

  “I’m sure you won’t forget to leave the necklace on now.” Her mom gave her a wry grin.

  Keegan looked down at her chest and picked up the crystal necklace, angling it to catch the early morning sunshine. She let it drop. “Mom, it’s so ugly. Couldn’t you have found something better looking? “

  “No, I told you it had to be rose quartz. You are lucky I was able to find those
stones and have the necklace made in such a short amount of time.”

  Keegan recalled the pain that ripped through her body. She looked over at her mom and quietly said, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Do you want me to make you some breakfast before you go to class?”

  “Sure. How long are you staying?”

  “I was thinking I’ll stay ‘till Thursday since Rourk is visiting on Friday. I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “That sounds good, Mom.” Keegan smiled. She was really pleased to have her. “I’ll show you around town when I get back from classes.”

  Emerald eyed her daughter. She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat. “Keegan, are you sure you don’t want to tie the knot?”

  Keegan fought the urge to roll her eyes. She really did understand why her family was so set on it—and Rourk too—but she had to be true to herself. “I’m sure. Not right now. Just give me some time. It’s not like we are going anywhere.”

  “I’m going to start planning anyway,” her mother said as she stood. She wandered to the fridge and pulled the eggs from it. “It will be fun. We can look at dresses if you want.”

  “What part of I’m not getting married anytime soon don’t you get?” Keegan grumbled.

  Her mother ignored her. “It takes forever to find the perfect dress, and it’s never to early to start. Plus, you know you love trying on dresses.”

  Keegan watched as her mom cracked several eggs into a large bowl and began whisking them. How does she do it? Keegan wondered, shaking her head. I’m actually excited at the thought of trying on wedding dresses.

  She didn’t want to admit defeat, but pretty dresses won every time. “Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt to try on a few.”

  Her mother grinned. “It’s settled, then. We’ll look while I’m here.”

  “Shopping is pretty lame here, Mom. Trust me on this. Let’s just wait ‘til my next visit.” Keegan jumped up to pour herself a glass of orange juice.


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