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Page 12

by Susan Kearney

  He’d removed his shirt and wadded it up under his head. Clearly, she hadn’t expected him to be shirtless. The pulse in her neck kicked up a notch before she forced her eyes to his face.

  He didn’t bother to deny her accusation. Not when he’d spent the night tossing on the hard floor while he tried not to think about her asleep in their cabin, her chestnut hair fanning the pillow, her skin smooth and silky.

  But he’d been determined not to go to her. He’d spent too many centuries on his quest to unite the Grail and the Staff. Now that he was closing in, the last thing he needed were carnal distractions. Or worse, emotional ones that affected his judgment.

  He told himself that if it had been Knox, not Vivianne, slowing them down during that run back to the Draco, he would have waited for her, too. But would he have been as frantic?

  It was hard to think straight with all his blood going south. Jordan turned onto his side and faced her. “The Staff’s up to mischief again. Or haven’t you noticed?”

  “I noticed.”

  “I wish we knew what triggered it.”

  She flushed. “I have an idea.”

  “Really?” He rolled onto his back, again, lacing his fingers behind his head.

  “Instead of that Staff ruling us, it’s time we take control of the situation.”

  Leave it to Vivianne to see lust as a control issue. He supposed yielding to desire was scary for her—especially with her background. She’d lost her parents young and grown up in a system that left many people unable to cope. She’d replaced the family she’d lost with an empire that spanned the globe. However, now she was once again alone. In a world she didn’t understand. And Vivianne would abhor being at the mercy of anyone… or anything.

  The Ancient Staff’s power over her had to be undermining her independent spirit. He wasn’t thrilled, either. Sure, the sex was great, but so was the guilt. Guilt that he’d enjoyed what she hadn’t freely offered. Guilt that he knew things about her that she hadn’t shared. Guilt that the Staff would throw them together again and again when he had nothing of himself to give Vivianne, not even hope.

  His eyes found and held hers. “And how do we take control?”

  “We have sex.”

  They locked gazes, and the heat that sparked between them could have fused metal. Still, he shook his head. “I don’t get it. You want to have sex so that we don’t have sex?”

  “I want to have sex—so we can choose the time and place. I want to take away the Staff’s hold over us.”

  So if she couldn’t have total independence, she was angling for a measure of control. While he appreciated her suggestion—and how could he not when it was to his benefit?—he knew there would be consequences if he followed through on her idea.

  At first her memories had come to him only after their sexual encounters. But the last one had come out of the blue. He feared that the physical intimacies between them were somehow triggering some kind of mental bond to develop.

  All their touching had just made it more difficult to put her out of his mind. Being with her was like playing with fire. And he couldn’t afford to get burned.

  Jordan chose his words with care. “There’s no guarantee that anything we do will alter the Staff’s effect on us. I could make love to you right now for hours and it still might kick in five minutes after we’re done.”

  Hands fisted on her hips, she lifted her chin. “I’m willing to test my theory. Perhaps if we satisfy ourselves, that Staff won’t be antagonizing us during a crisis.”

  The idea of actually taking his time to kiss her, to explore her tenderly and caress her skin, to stroke her where she was soft—it held undeniable appeal.

  A dangerous appeal.

  He could stay detached. After all, he’d had centuries to practice cutting off his emotions, but he suspected she would be more vulnerable. And he had too much respect for her to play her.

  He made his voice flat, hard, cold. “I can’t bond emotionally with you.”

  “Can’t? Or won’t?” Vivianne sat on the floor beside him and crossed her legs, curiosity in her eyes.

  “As long as the Grail’s out there, I’ll search for it. That doesn’t leave me extra time for… you.”

  “And?” she prodded.

  He owed her the truth. “I’ve already told you that when the Holy Grail and the Ancient Staff unite, the Tribes will fall. According to the ancient myths, each is half of a whole. When they join, they will form something new.”

  “But?” she prodded him again.

  “When I connect the Staff and the Grail, the Staff and I lose connection. I will die.”

  Horror and fear shadowed her eyes. “But that’s just a legend.”

  “It’s my destiny.”

  Her eyes softened. “Let me see if I have this right. You don’t have time for me while you complete your mission. And after you finish, you’ll be dead?”

  He nodded. “So if you’re looking for someone to get you through the night, I’m your man. But… I won’t be there for you in the end.”

  Her eyes were filled with shadows. “Thank you for being honest.”

  “Yeah, well, you have my permission to be impressed.”

  Sadness filled her eyes. “How do you deal with such a hopeless destiny?”

  “Alcohol, drugs, and wild women.” He didn’t want her pity.

  “Yeah, you’re such a party animal.” She gazed at him, speculation in her eyes. “All right, I consider myself warned. And you needn’t worry, I’m not going to fall in love with you.” She held out her hand. “So are you coming back to the cabin with me or not?”

  He grinned and took her hand. “That was an invitation.”

  “It was.”

  He placed his free hand over his heart. “I think I’m developing a sudden coronary.”

  She winked. “I hear those pass very quickly.”

  He escorted her down the corridor, and for once fate was on his side. They didn’t bump into anyone. No one called him from the bridge. Nothing was attacking the Draco, and nothing was breaking down.

  Yet he was set on a course that could only end badly. In his death. He’d warned her. She was an adult. His conscience was clear.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked as they passed the galley.

  “About which article of your clothing I’m going to remove first.”


  “I’m going to take my time.”


  They reached the cabin, and the moment they were inside, he kicked the door shut behind them. She turned around and faced him, her eyes seductive.

  He twisted the lock because he wanted her to hear the finality of its click. “For the next few hours, you’re mine.”

  “Hours?” she purred.

  He stood close enough to breathe in her scent, without touching one luscious inch of her skin. “We want to be thorough.”

  She grinned. “Yes. We do.” She placed her hands onto his shoulders, pulled him close, tilting up her face. “Kiss me.”

  Ever so slowly, he lowered his head, until their lips were a mere inch apart. She raised onto her tiptoes, combed her fingers into his hair, and tugged his head until their lips met.

  Her lips softened, and her mouth parted with a whisper soft promise of a cascading heat. Heat that put him on a slow burn.

  While he yearned to make the sex good for her, to make up for the pain of what was coming, he reined in his own feelings, locked them down tight.

  She began to remove her shirt. He closed his hand over hers. “Allow me the pleasure.” His tone was low and husky. “We’ve already done fast and furious.”


  He traced the tip of his finger from her temple down her cheekbone to the excited pulse at her neck. “So this time, I was thinking slow and easy was the way to go.”

  Vivianne lifted her eyebrow. “I’m not the patient type.”

  “I can be,” he teased, hoping she could read the promise in his tone as he
swept the hair off her neck, slowly leaned in to nip her earlobe, her neck, her collarbone. “You smell like nectar of the gods.” He nuzzled her shirt aside. “You’re an amazing woman.”

  “You’re not just saying that to win brownie points with your boss?” she teased.

  “You deserve to be cherished.”

  “Fine. But you might want to start cherishing a little more of me before I expire from anticipation.” She cocked her hip at a saucy angle. “Surely you aren’t waiting for inspiration?”

  “Inspiration’s for neophytes.” He’d spent most of last night dreaming of unbuttoning her creamy blouse. But not even his unconscious could have dreamed up this new side of her. A flirty attitude he hadn’t seen before.

  First, he slid the jacket from her shoulders and noted the elegant lines of her neck, her dancer’s posture, and the green fire in her stunning eyes. “By the Goddess, you are one gorgeous woman.”

  She groaned. Leaning into him, she licked his neck and traced a sensuous path to his ear that made the blood roar through his veins. “You’re moving slower than a glacier, and compliments would work better if we could lose the clothes.”

  “Fine.” He tossed her jacket unto a chair. Staring into her eyes, he unbuttoned the top button of her blouse and let his fingertips feather her flesh at the V of her neck. When the soft material parted, he kissed the exposed morsel before finally moving on to the next button. Then the next. Each time he took the opportunity to tease, to taunt, until she trembled with anticipation.

  And when he finally finished with all the buttons, he didn’t part the blouse. Instead he merely ran a fingertip from her throat to her bra, over her ribs and taut stomach.

  She quivered under his touch, and her eyes blazed. “Are you going to spend all those hours you promised me just taking off my clothes?”

  “Not even I can wait that long,” he teased. Then he slid his hands under her blouse and placed his palms on her bare hips. “But I like making you wait for the pleasure I will give you.”

  She sucked in a breath. Her nipples went hard. She tossed her head. “I didn’t know you were into games.”

  “I’m into what turns you on.”


  “Really. And you most definitely like my game plan.” Even if she didn’t want to admit it.

  “You have a plan? That’s a first.”

  He slid his hand up her rib cage to cup her breasts. “My plan’s very detailed. I had all of last night to think it up.” Watching her eyes, he flicked his fingers over the lace at her nipples.

  Her irises dilated.

  “You liked that.”

  “I’d like even more.”

  He flicked her breasts again, then smoothed his hands up to her blouse and peeled the silk over her shoulders. Then, ever so slowly, he slid the material down her arms.

  He relegated the blouse to the chair. “Hmm. What next?”

  “You’re giving me the choice?”

  “I can live dangerously.”

  She shot him a wicked smile. “Then by all means, remove my bra.”

  “If you insist.” He hadn’t enjoyed himself like this in a very long time. Her banter alone could turn him on. And while he was playing it cool, inside he was heating. He was so ready to have her right now, but he was willing to undergo a little discomfort to achieve maximum pleasure. And tough CEO lady was enjoying the role reversal of having nothing to do… but to think of when and where and how he would touch her next.

  He would not disappoint.

  Unsnapping her bra, he bared her breasts to his hungry gaze. The pink buds were pointy and hard. Even her areolas had goose bumps. But when he leaned down and kissed first one breast and then the other and she sucked in her breath, he redoubled his determination to hold out for as long as he could stand his raging hard-on. Because opportunities and women like Vi came only once in a thousand years.

  If you love someone, you’d give up everything for them. But if they love you, they won’t ask you to.



  Take your time,” she challenged, thinking if he could hold out, she’d somehow hang on, too. But it might be the hardest thing she’d ever done. She’d had no idea that standing before him half naked could be so sexy. Or erotic. Her flesh tingled, her blood simmered, and with all his intensity focused on pleasing her, she’d never felt so powerful. So feminine.

  She could make love without falling in love. She’d already proved that by having been with him twice. And now that he’d so clearly told her there was no future for them, there would be no broken heart, either. Vivianne was a realist. She would deal with the future on her own terms.

  After he’d slipped off her bra, her mouth had gone dry with anticipation. The gleam in his eyes, the angle of his jaw, and the sudden tightening of his mouth told her that she might be trembling in expectation but he was right there with her.

  Lightly, he pinched her nipples, shooting a zing of pleasure straight to her core. A soft moan tore from her lips. With his gaze locked with hers, he’d made just the act of touching incredibly intimate. She forced her knees to lock. “Right about now… would be a good time for the… ah… gravity to go out.”

  “Perhaps that can be arranged,” he murmured, his voice mysterious and silky. “But not just yet.”

  Again he cupped her breasts and lifted one to his mouth, and the sensations of warm heat on her bare skin had her rocking forward on her toes for more. His lips closed on her breast, his hot tongue laving the nipple. Moisture seeped between her thighs, and she plunged her hands into his hair to steady herself.

  “You have no idea how good… that feels,” she murmured, in a voice that was already breathless.

  Tingling heat seemed to pour from his mouth into her. Her breath grew ragged, her legs trembled, and her thoughts spun. Light-headed, scales fluttering, she gasped for air but couldn’t seem to draw enough into her lungs.

  When she didn’t think she could take one second more, he raised his head and began anew on her other breast.

  She squirmed and his teeth delicately tightened, holding her in place. Keeping her exactly where she wanted to be.

  All her muscles were tensing, and she wondered if it was possible to orgasm from this delicious pleasure alone. She might have found release, except once again he stopped, leaving her floating.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his tone as smooth as syrup.

  “For you?” she asked, slightly confused. How could she think when she was light-headed, wanting, wanton?

  “Ready for me to remove your pants?”


  She was flushed. Hot. The Draco’s temperature controls had to be on the fritz, because she felt bathed in tropical heat. It was all Jordan’s doing, his hands that caressed and stroked, his mouth that teased and taunted.

  He removed her slacks without delay. But her wish for the lacy panties to go the same way didn’t look like it would happen. For one thing, he’d placed his hands on her hips and turned her around, and then, as he nibbled on her neck, his hands slid around to her breasts, cupping them, cherishing them, repeatedly stroking her nipples.

  When she tried to lean back into him, he pinched the tips lightly. “Stay still for me.”

  “Why?” She thrashed her head, unable to hold still.

  “Because it will please me.”

  God. He was assuming she wanted to please him. In truth, she wasn’t so sure.

  She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. Not when his hands fluttered down her rib cage to her panties.

  She wriggled her hips and demanded, “Take them off.”

  “I will.” But instead of pulling down her panties like she wanted, he caressed the curves of her buttocks, lifting the panties higher until he’d created a thong.

  “Hey.” Moist with her scent, the lacy material tucked into her folds and created delicious constraints.

  “I will take them off… eventually.” He slipped his fingers around her waist and di
pped into the tiny triangle. “Part your legs for me.”

  “Finally.” She breathed out a sigh and did as he asked. She’d assumed he’d dip his fingers lower into her curls. But instead he played with her panties, tugging and teasing, the friction making her crave him all the more until she grew so tight with need, she thought she would surely burst.

  It took all her self-control to remain still. A glance into the mirror revealed her standing there nearly naked, aroused, breathless. And damned if he wasn’t still fully dressed and enjoying every second of her squirming. His eyes practically glowed, and a five-o’clock shadow made him look rough, bold, and dangerously sexy.

  “You can do better,” she taunted.

  “Much better,” he agreed as he flipped a switch on the console. “Gravity’s going off.”


  “Last night from the engineering bay, I rigged this cabin with its own gravity controls.”

  “Oh.” What was he up to? Had he known she would come to him? Ask him to make love? Was she that easy to predict?

  Or did he have other reasons for messing with the gravity?

  He snapped the elastic at her hips and drew her attention back to his hands. She was floating in midair, which meant she was at his mercy. She could move. But she had no leverage.

  Finally, he slid her panties down her legs.

  “What about your clothing?” she asked.

  “Not yet.” His eyes gleamed with blue heat. “I have plans…”

  She swallowed hard. He floated her facedown and over to a straight-backed padded chair that was bolted to the deck.

  “Grab the seat.”

  She did as he asked, and he folded her over the chair so that her bottom rose into the air, her feet unable to reach the deck.

  “Now part your legs.”

  She gulped and did as he demanded. She couldn’t see him. But he could see her. All of her.


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