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Eco's Heart

Page 2

by ChaShiree M.



  She doesn’t know how close she is to becoming my snack. Looking fucking delicious in that towel, being defiant. I can see her pupils dilating, her breathing becoming shallower. Fuck! The truth is I can smell her need across the room, and I want to give it to her. I am trying, right now to do the right thing and get her on the plane.

  “Diosa.” I say in warning. My hands go to my cock to squeeze it back into being calm. Her eyes follow the action and she moans. She fucking moans. Who the hell said I was a saint? I tried. Before I can stop myself, I am in front of her with my hand under her ass lifting her as my mouth slams onto hers. Neither of us bothering with keeping our mouths closed. We both go straight for the tongue. Hers wet and warm. I suck it into my mouth, loving the vibrations of her moans as she rocks against me trying to get some friction. Though her legs are wrapped around me, her towel is in the way and I need it to not be. Pulling it from around her body, I drop it to the floor and lean back to get a look.

  “Dios mio, Santo cielo. Fuck. I have been waiting to touch you forever.” I say before moving my mouth back to her neck. I don’t bother worrying about the fact that I didn’t mean to say it out loud. At this point, I can’t think about anything but her pussy that is currently riding my pant covered cock as her hands in my hair are egging me on, pushing me to go back on my word. I suck her neck into my mouth, making sure to use teeth, leaving marks on her, wanting the world to know she has been claimed.

  “What do you mean you have waited forever?” She asks as her pussy rubs up and down my pants. Even through the fabric I can feel the heat from her greedy little kitty, preparing itself for me. Moving one hand down, I come across her nipples, so hard, in need of my mouth. I oblige of course, sucking it into my mouth. It pops when I release it and begin licking them both back and forth. Relishing the way her body responds to me.

  “Ahhhhh ...oh yes.” She says mashing my face into her tits. My hand slide between her legs, and before I make it to her slit, I feel the heat radiating off of her. My fingers make contact, first sliding through her leaking pussy. Rubbing her slick juices back and forth from her clit and her tiny hole.

  “This is so messed up. Oh god...I don’t even know your name. Fuck...yes!” She mewls jerking back and forth racing toward her finish. I want to give it to her more than anything, but something about her first orgasm from me not being in my mouth feels wrong. Right before I fall to my knees, I look into her eyes and simply reply, “Eco. My name is Eco, baby. But you can call me your everything.”

  With that I lift her higher as I fall to my knees and the moment my tongue hits her pussy, I feel myself go blank for a second. A straight up fucking sugar coma is what is threatening to overtake me. My tongue slurps her juices, my body like a live wire as it drips through my beard down my chin. I will gladly wear it as a badge of honor. Her thighs squeeze my head on both sides. She moves against my face, shaking and barely breathing. I rub my beard against her thighs, watching as the abrasion causes redness on her pale thighs, making my cock weep. I can see the wetness forming in my pants.

  “Eco…please...please.” She calls my motherfucking name and together I bite her clit and my cock explodes squirting all over the inside of my pants.

  “Shit, baby. God damn it. I knew you would be my undoing. Fuck.” I yell, holding her as she shakes and quakes, riding out her orgasm. We fall to the floor her in my arms, her head on my chest. Holding her feels right. Like something I was meant to do. “Time’s up baby. Get dressed so we can go.”

  Her body stiffens and I know she is going to argue with me again. What the hell? You give a woman an orgasm and she still can’t do as she is told. “I am not…”

  Not waiting for her to finish, I life her over my shoulder, throwing her towel over her, making sure the vital parts are covered and out the door I go. I don’t want to have to shoot someone in front of her for gawking. But fuck if I wouldn’t. As she yells and kick her legs, beating my back, I lift the towel a bit before we make it outside, and smack her ass.

  Smack. Smack.

  “Now behave until we get on the plane.” I cover it back up but not before hearing the moan I am sure she thought she hid from me. Interesting. Seems she is suited for me in more ways than one. Let the fun begin.



  Shut up. I keep chanting to the angel and demon on my shoulder. The angel is saying, ‘fight him. You don’t know him.’ The demon is saying, ‘Yum. That is why it is so good.’ To be fair, they are both right. I was fighting him initially. Even after he gave me an orgasm. But when he smacked my butt as he was carrying me over his shoulder, there was nothing left for me to do. A little more than a month ago, I began looking up D/s stuff. I wasn’t all that versed on it besides Fifty Shades of Grey and didn’t know anyone who was. However, I knew enough to know, that some parts of me craved a man that would take charge and force me to submit. Now don’t get me wrong, I am very much a strong woman. Intelligent and full of things to say and do. But there is something about a man who can take me in arms and... shit. I need to stop thinking about this.

  I feel like I need to go back to fighting him. I am about to hit him again, when I am flung forward and before I know it, I am inside of a car. “Drive us to the takeoff strip Lazaro.”

  “Now wait a minute. How about you tell me what the…” his mouth makes contact with mine as he sits me astride his lap and all other thoughts fly out of my mind. His mouth is so warm and wet, much like my pussy feels at this moment. “Mmm.” I moan wrapping my arms around his neck, as I begin rocking back and forth. Something about the mint of his mouth and the hardness I am rubbing up against, is making my eyes blurry with desire. What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t know him. He just kidnapped me. I should be fighting him. But fuck if his hands don’t feel good roaming my naked body. My towel has long since fallen, and my hard, sensitive nipples are brushing up against his chest. My breathing feels labored as I try to rock toward another finish.

  “Shit, Eva. I can smell your pussy dripping all over my pants. You need something baby?” He says between kisses on my neck and bites of my nipples. Holy fuck this is so dirty. Briefly, I wonder if the driver can hear us. Oh. Oh god. His fingers slip between my pussy lips and he pinches my clit. Suddenly everything is blurry.

  “Harder. Harder.” I say, grabbing his head as he bites me over and over. I feel his teeth as they suck on my neck, my chest, and my tits. It’s like he is making sure no part of me goes unclaimed by him. I should be taking offense to this. But it's so fucking dirty. Instead, I find myself quivering with more desire than I have ever felt in my life.

  “That’s right baby. Let go. I got you!” His teeth bite my lip as his tongue slips inside and I want nothing more than to die smothered by everything involving him. His thumb slide inside and that’s it. I’m done.

  “ECO!!!” I scream his name. Chanting it over and over as I come down from wherever the hell, he just sent me. Laying on his shoulder, I kiss his neck and I try to catch my breath. His hands rubbing my head, feel so damn good. I could just lay in his arms and sleep and never worry about anything else. That thought gives me a start. Is this what it feels like? That instant feeling my mom was always talking about. She and my dad met when she was sixteen and he was 21. She said she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, even though he hadn’t spoken to her or anything yet, that he was going to be her husband. Turns out she was right. He had seen her at a carnival with some friends weeks prior and spent part of that two weeks trying to figure out who she was. When he discovered, the day she saw him, it was because he was at her house meeting with her father, asking him to promise her to him ahead of her eighteenth birthday at which point he was going to marry her. Being that my dad was already in the life at that point, thanks to his father, and my mom's family was just a normal family, her dad didn’t feel able to say no. the rest, they say, is history. So, is this what is happening right now? Did my destiny just kidnap me?

  “You bit m
e.” I whisper into his neck trying to at least pretend I am against what just happened.

  “I did. Not enough. But we have more time for that later.”

  “For what?” I ask him between yawning.

  “For marking you, sweet Eva. But this will do for now.” What? Wait! I don’t get my head up because he pushes it back down onto his chest. “Shh!! Rest. We have another half hour to the airstrip baby.”

  Hmmm...that sounds nice. Just for a little bit I will give in. But I swear when I got up, I am going to give him hell.



  Shit. I lick my fingers into my mouth as she lays across my chest. Mistake. I shouldn’t have done that. I know I should let her sleep, but fuck if I don’t just want to taste her all over again. “Fuck it.” Shifting her so she is draped across the other seat, I push her legs up to her chest and take a long swipe with my tongue.

  “ECO!!” She screams as she wakes up. Good. I want her awake for this. My tongue swipes over and over, relishing the fucking strawberry eclair that is her pussy. I can hear the slurps of my tongue as her pussy gushes for me. Her hands, gripping my hair, smother my face inside her juices. My cock is weeping, ready to join the party. Letting go of one of her legs, I use one hand and unzip my pants, letting my drill come out. He is already sticky from his downpour inside her apartment. Stroking him and squeezing him, trying to make him hold off, I stick my tongue inside her hole.

  “Oh God!! Yes!! Yes!! She begins to scream as her red and swollen pussy begins to gush. Knowing it is my fault, but not giving a fuck, I remove my hand from her other leg and cover her mouth. Her moans, shouts, desires and everything belong to me only. She is trying to push me away from her, I’ve already cum twice, but fuck if I can stop. I continue to lick her over and over, loving that my mouth is what has destroyed her. When she begins to moan again, I slide two fingers inside her hole, rubbing them against her special rough spot, over and over.

  “Cum for me one more time baby. Gush all over me!!!” I swipe my hand there one more time and bite her clit at the same time and she screams into my hand. Watching her juices run out of her is what undoes me. I grab my cock and jerk him a couple of times, before he shoots out all over her pussy, coating her in my spray. “Fuck...fuck...fuck!!!” I shout, my head falling back as I makes sure all of it is out. Both of us, breathing labored, just stare at one another, words not needed. Well, I can think of a few. “You belong to me now.” I say rubbing my jizz all over her pussy, making sure to coat her. The car stopped a while ago, but there was no way I could stop.

  Fixing my clothes, I put her in my lap, covering her once again with the jacket, so it is in place as we step out of the car. Walking up to the plane, we are greeted by Steffanie, my personal flight attendant. I feel Eva stiffen in my arms. Kissing her head, I whisper, “Behave.”

  “Good evening sir. Everything is ready. The captain is waiting for you to come aboard, phone the front when you are ready for takeoff.” She informs me.

  “Thank you Steffanie. Please alert the captain, it will be about ten minutes.” Eva needs a second to get some clothes on.

  “Very well sir.” She walks toward the front of the plane as I carry Eva to the back. I walk her into the room, where she can get dressed. As I let her down out of my arms, I show her to the closet.

  “Here are the clothes for you to choose from. There are not many. The rest will be waiting for us when we land. I will leave you to get dressed.” I kiss the side of her head and begin to walk away when her next words halt me.

  “I will never wear clothes you bought for your whores.” She says as she looks at me defiantly, with her arms crossed. I don’t know why this action makes my cock stand at attention, but it does. Something about her being so obstinate and the fun I am going to have making her mind me, brings my rod at full attention. Not saying anything, I simply walk over to her, lifting her chin with my finger and lower my face in front of hers. I can read the defiance in her fiery gaze. But I also read hurt and it is that one that makes me respond the way I do.

  “I know this may be hard for you to believe, considering you don’t know me, but I have never brought another woman aboard my plane. Nor have I ever bought clothes for another woman. I have been alone for quite some time and was just fine staying that way, until the day I saw you. You are my ONLY, my EVERYTHING! Now get dressed so I don’t have to kill my flight attendant.” She blinks a few times, not sure what to address first I am sure.

  “Wh-why would you have to kill her?”

  “For seeing you naked,” I can see the confusion on her face.

  “But she is a woman.”

  “The fuck does it matter to me? No one sees you without clothes on but me. Now get dressed.” I walk out, shutting the door behind me. I barely make it to the seat when my phone rings.

  “Dime, Viejo?“ Ordinarily I would try to rush him off the phone, but he sounds upset about something. With my father, if he wants something from you, you stop whatever the hell you are doing and give it.

  “¿Mijo, que haz hecho?” Shit! As soon as he says what have I done, I know why he is calling. Fuck. How the hell did he find out?

  “How did you find out?” I don’t bother with the preamble. I want this discussed and over with before Eva walks into this room.

  “How many times do I have to tell you and your siblings that it doesn’t matter to me that you are grown. Ustedes son mi vida. You are my world. I know everything. Always. I might not say anything all the time, but I always know. Now what in the hell has gotten into you Escobar? You have always been my thinker. My one who doesn’t act rash. You and Ivy. What the hell happened?”

  “They touched her.” I don’t feel the need to say anything else.

  “Mijo, surely, you are not referring to on the arm, or cheek? Are you?” I can hear the exasperation in his voice as he asks me. I picture him sitting in his office at home, in his leather armchair, hand on his head, shaking it back and forth as he contemplates what to do and how for my mother not to find out.

  “I know you think I overreacted, but I don’t. I saw her long before you gave us those files. I have been watching her and waiting for the right moment to take what belongs to me. Some other dead fuck putting his hands, mouth, anything, anywhere on her, was never going to fly. Now, I cannot talk, she is in the next room changing. But no worries Papa, I have taken care of all of them. This will not come back on us.” I mean unless someone wants to jump into a wild boar pigpen and search for bones. Even then they will be hard pressed to find anything.

  “Oh Hijo. Your mama says all of you have my inability to share and be nice. Uh-ah, I am not suggesting you share her, Eco. But couldn’t you have simply warned them and maybe left them with a parting gift? Did you have to go this far?”

  “Yes. Think about it. Anything else I would have done, they would have been able to come back and start a war. This way, it's done.” I hear Eva walking this way and need to get him off the phone. “Viejo, I have to go. Te quiero, Papa.” I tell my father I love him at the end of every call. I know people assume mobsters are heartless and without knowing how to love. That may be true for some. But in my family, my mother would never have allowed it. You never know, especially in this business when your last goodbye will indeed be your last, and we take that seriously.

  “Y yo a ti, hijo.” He hangs up after that, but I can hear the exasperation in his voice. I should probably feel sorry, or at least a bit remorseful for putting this in our line of sight, but the truth is, I’m not. I would do it all over again.



  I am not sure what I expected when I opened the closet. Maybe hooker clothes or something. Certainly not for it to look like a closet full of stuff I stocked myself. Who is this guy? Looking through the hangers, I decide I want to be comfortable but also cool. We are going to LA apparently and right now it is hot as heck there. I pick a cute white and pink sundress off the hanger, and pair it with a pair of white sandals. Low heel because I refuse
to put my back out with stilettos unless I am at a charity function. Turning toward the bed, I see a dresser against the wall and wonder if I am a little freaked out. He knows my size in undergarments as well. Not to mention, these are identical to the ones I have in my condo. Goosebumps begin forming up my arm, as I look around the room for anything that will give me some answers. Pulling my clothes on swiftly, I begin searching in the other drawers and such trying to find some answers. I know I don’t have too long.

  I see a few suitcases off to the side of the bed and I pick those up and open them. Nothing in them but some forms, looks like from an attorney about a new business venture. Huh. Must be why we are going there. The thing is, none of it says his name. Damn it!! Opening up the rest of the drawers, they are empty. Ugh!! I grunt, frustration taking over. I am about to search through the rest of the room when he opens the door.

  “You ready to eat, baby.” He licks his lips as he looks me up and down. Seeing him standing there, taking up almost the whole door frame, my mind immediately forgets what I was doing before he came in the room and all I want to do is remove the clothes I just put on and lay down, open and ready for him. Shit. Standing here my vision is becoming impaired.

  “Later, beautiful. Right now, you need to eat, and then we can talk. Come!” With that one word, he holds his hand out for me to take and I get the underlying meaning. If I take it, I am saying I am going to give this a shot. If I don't, he has more work to do. My fingers are twitching, palms sweaty and itchy as everything in me is demanding I take his hand. I look up at him and see the question and the declaration. He will never let me go. No matter what I choose. So, I think to myself, might as well make it easier on me. I take his hand and walk with him out into the room.


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