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Brides and Grooms Box Set: Marriage WantedBride WantedGroom Wanted

Page 31

by Debbie Macomber

  “Julia, my love,” Alek said with a groan, “I’m afraid I’ll never get enough of you. What have you done to me? Are you a witch who’s cast some spell over me?”

  Julia laughed. “If anyone’s cast a spell over anyone, it’s you over me. I’m lonely without you. If we can’t be together, I feel lost and empty. I never thought I could love again, certainly not like this, and you’ve shown me the way.”

  “Julia.” He rasped her name and, folding her over his arm, bent forward to cover her soft reaching mouth with his. The kiss revealed their need for each other. He heard Julia’s book fall off the sofa and hit the floor, but neither cared. His hands were busy with her shirt and once it was open, she twisted around to face him.

  “I vote for the bed this time.”

  “The bed,” he said mockingly. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  Julia laughed softly. “It was used up in the bathtub this morning. Did you know it took me twenty minutes to clean the water off the floor?”

  He carried her into their bedroom, kissing her all the while.

  * * *

  Afterward, they lay on the bed. Julia was sprawled across him. Every now and then she kissed him, or he kissed her. Alek had never known such contentment in his life. It frightened him. Happiness had always been fleeting, and he wasn’t sure he could trust what he’d found with Julia. His hold on her tightened and he closed his eyes and discovered he couldn’t imagine what his life would be like without her now. Bleak and empty, he decided.

  When Jerry had first suggested this marriage, Alek had set his terms. He wasn’t a believer in the staying power of love. It had always seemed temporary to him, ephemeral, and it came at the expense of everything else. Alek couldn’t claim he’d never been in love before. There’d been a handful of brief relationships over the years, but each time he’d grown bored and restless. He was a disappointment to his mother, who was hoping he and Anna would provide her with grandchildren to spoil.

  How perceptive his sister was to realize he hadn’t loved Julia in the beginning. He hadn’t expected to ever truly love her. He’d offered her his loyalty and his devotion, but had held his heart in reserve. She had it now, though, in her palm. His heart. His very life.

  * * *

  Julia lay across her husband’s body and sighed deeply, completely and utterly content. She’d never known a time like this with a man. A time of peace and discovery. His talk of children had unleashed long-buried dreams.

  They hadn’t bothered to use protection. Not even once. They each seemed to pretend it didn’t matter, that what would be would be.


  She said the word in her mind as though it was foreign to her, and in many ways it was. A few weeks ago she would’ve sworn it was impossible; after all, she didn’t intend to sleep with her husband. That had certainly changed, and now, thoughts of a family filled her mind and her heart. Perhaps it was because she’d so recently lost Ruth and because one of the last things her grandmother had said was about children “waiting to be born.”

  After so many years of pain, Julia hardly knew how to deal with happiness. In some ways she was afraid to trust that it would last. She’d been happy with Roger—and then everything had blown up in her face. The crushing pain of his deception would never leave her, but she’d lost the desire to punish him. Conrad Industries’ success would be revenge enough. There might not have been sufficient evidence to charge him, but people in the business suspected him. They talked. That meant he wasn’t likely to be hired by any other company once he left Ideal Paints—or they fired him. After what had happened, no one else would trust him. Without realizing what he was doing, he’d painted himself in a corner. She smiled at her own pun.

  “Something amuses you?” Alek asked, apparently having felt her smile.

  “Yes…and no.”

  “That sounds rather vague to me.”

  “Rest,” she urged.

  “Why?” he challenged. “Do you have something…physical in mind?”

  Julia grinned again. “If I don’t, I’m sure you do. Now hush, I’m trying to sleep.”

  “Then I suggest you stop making those little movements.”

  Julia hadn’t been conscious of moving. “Sorry.”

  He clamped his hands on her hips. “Don’t be. I’m not.”

  Julia resumed her daydream. A baby would turn her world upside down. She’d never been very domestic. If her child-rearing skills were on the level of her cooking skills, then she—

  “Now you’re frowning.” Alek murmured. “What’s wrong?”

  “I…I was just thinking I might not be a very good mother. I don’t know anything about babies. I might really botch this.”

  He took her head between his hands and brought her mouth to his. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother. We’ll learn about this together when the time comes. Agreed?”

  Julia sighed loudly. “You’re right. As a logical, practical businessperson I know it, but as a woman, I’m not so sure.”

  “Listen, woman, you’re making it impossible to nap. As far as I can tell, there’s only one way to keep you quiet.” With his arms around her waist, he turned her onto her back and nuzzled her neck until Julia cried out and promised to do whatever he said.

  * * *

  Monday morning, Julia arrived at the office before eight. Virginia, her assistant, appeared a few minutes after she did, looking flustered.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were planning to be here quite so early. If I had, I would’ve come in before eight myself. I’ll get your coffee right away.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Julia said, reaching for the stack of mail in her in-basket. Her desk was neatly organized, and she was grateful Virginia had taken the time to lighten her load.

  “I read over the mail and your emails and answered everything I could,” Virginia said. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course. I’m grateful for your help.”

  Virginia hurried out to the lunchroom, returning a few minutes later with a steaming cup of coffee. “I’m sorry but there doesn’t seem to be any cream. I’ll send out for some.”

  “I can live without cream,” Julia said absently, turning on her computer. “Would you ask my brother to drop in when it’s convenient? And please contact my husband and see if he could meet me for lunch.” She’d left while he was in the shower and had forgotten to leave him a note. “I meant to ask—” She stopped, realizing she probably already had a luncheon appointment. “That is, if I’m not tied up.”

  “You were scheduled to meet with Mr. Casey, but I wasn’t sure if you’d feel up to dealing with him your first day back. I took the liberty of rescheduling the luncheon for Tuesday.”

  Virginia knew Doug Casey, their outside counsel, was one of her least favorite people, and she smiled her appreciation. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll get right back to you,” Virginia said. True to her word, she returned a few minutes later. “Your brother will be down shortly and your husband suggests you meet at noon at Freeway Park.”

  “Great.” She turned back to her computer and didn’t hear Virginia leave her office.

  Jerry hurried into her office. “I’m worried about Stanhope,” he said immediately. “I think he’s up to something. I’ve got a private investigator following him. If he makes contact with any of our people, we’ll know about it.”

  Julia rolled a pen between her palms. “I can’t believe any of our employees would sell us out, can you?”

  Jerry tensed. “After what happened last time, who’s to tell?”

  “Let me know the second you hear anything.”

  “I will. The investigator’s going to make regular reports.”

  Her brother left, and Julia was involved with a large stack of correspondence when she noted the time. She stopped in the middle of a dictation.

  Virginia raised her head, anticipating Julia’s next move.

  “We’ll continue this after lunch,” she said, sta
nding and reaching for her purse. “I won’t be back until after one. Cover for me if need be.”

  “Of course.” Virginia was on her feet, too, and Julia felt her scrutiny.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked the older woman.

  “No,” Virginia said with a shy smile. “Something’s very right.”

  “Oh?” Julia didn’t understand.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look happier.”


  Freeway Park was one of Seattle’s many innovative ideas. A large grassy area built over a freeway. Green ivy spilled down the concrete banks, reaching toward the road far below.

  At noon, many Seattle office workers converged on the park to enjoy their lunch in the opulent sunshine. Each summer the city offered a series of free concerts. Julia didn’t know if there was one scheduled for that afternoon, but nothing could have made her day any more perfect than meeting her husband.

  She saw Alek from across the grass and started toward him. He’d obviously seen her at the same time because he grinned broadly and moved in her direction.

  “Did you bring anything for lunch?” he asked, after they kissed briefly.

  Eating was something Julia often failed to think about. “Oh, no, I forgot.”

  “I thought as much. Luckily you have a husband who knows his wife. Come, let’s find a place to sit down.”

  “What’d you buy?” she asked, pointing at the white sack in his hand.

  “Fish and chips. Do you approve?”

  “Sounds great.” She was hungry, she realized, which had become a rarity. Generally she ate because it was necessary, not for any real enjoyment. Anna was sure to change that. Alek’s sister cooked tempting breakfasts and left delicious three-and four-course dinners ready to be served when they got home. By the end of the year, Julia predicted she’d gain weight—from all the wonderful food…and because by then she’d likely be pregnant. The thought produced a deep sense of excitement.

  Alek found a spot for them on a park bench. He set the white bag between them and lifted out an order of fish-and-chips packed in a cardboard container.

  “Are you trying to fatten me up?” she teased.

  His eyes twinkled. “You know me almost as well as I know you.”

  “Indeed I do.” She laughed.

  “But the question is,” Alek said, eyeing her speculatively, “do you like me?”

  It was an effort to pull her gaze away from his magnetic eyes. “More each day,” she answered honestly.

  An electric moment passed before Alek spoke. “You won’t be working late tonight, will you?”

  “No. Will you?”

  He shook his head. “I plan to be home at five-fifteen.”

  “That early?” She usually didn’t leave the office until after six.

  “I’ll be lucky to last that long,” he whispered.

  There was no missing his meaning. Julia’s body went into overdrive. She’d never thought of herself as a highly sexual person, but in that instant she knew she had to do something to appease the overwhelming urge she had to make love with her husband.

  “Alek…would you mind kissing me?”

  He blinked, then bent his head, meaning only to brush her lips, she suspected, but that wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her. Not anymore. She touched his lips with her tongue, teasing and taunting him.

  A deep moan came from low within his throat, which aroused her as nothing ever had before. The kiss deepened and deepened until they were completely lost in each other.

  She wrenched her mouth from his, gasping. “Five-fifteen,” she said when she could manage to speak.

  “I’ll be there.”

  * * *

  Jerry was waiting in her office when Julia returned from lunch. Without greeting her, he announced, “Roger’s made contact with someone from the lab.”

  Julia was stunned into speechlessness. “How do you know?” she asked when she could. There was a cold, sinking feeling in her stomach.

  “Rich Peck.”

  “Who’s Rich Peck?”

  Jerry spun around and glared at her. “The private eye I hired. Rich traced the phone numbers that came into Roger’s home for the past several days.”

  “How did he do that?”

  “Julia,” Jerry said, clearly exasperated with her, “that isn’t important right now. What is important is that someone from Conrad Industries contacted Roger. They used the phone from the lab.”


  “That’s the point. It could’ve been any number of people. The phone’s used by nearly everyone on staff. What I’m saying is that we’ve got a traitor on our hands.”

  Julia found that hard to believe. Almost everyone who was employed at the lab had been with them three years earlier. Their dislike of Roger was well-known. After the fire it had taken months to rebuild, and Julia had tried to keep as many employees on the payroll as possible during that time, in order not to lose her trained and loyal help. There were at least twenty who’d been with Conrad Industries fifteen years or longer. The strain on the budget crippled the company financially. And nearly every employee had hung on, counting on the promise of reimbursement once Julia could get the company back on its feet.

  Julia appreciated their sacrifice. And their trust. Her father had recently died, and to say she was inexperienced would’ve been an understatement. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. It was one of the bleakest times in Julia’s life and in the company’s history.

  Ruth’s faith in her to pull the company out of financial disaster had helped Julia survive that grim period.

  The idea that someone working in the lab was selling her out now—it seemed impossible. She refused to believe it. Refused to accept it.

  “What do you think we should do?” Jerry asked.

  Julia walked over to the window and stared down at the street ten floors below. Cars and people looked miniature and seemed to be moving in slow motion. It was as if she was staring at another world that had no connection to her own.

  “Nothing,” she said after a moment. “We do nothing.”


  “What can we do?” she demanded impatiently. “All we have is the knowledge that someone contacted Roger. Should we haul every employee in for questioning by Peck, hoping his expertise at grilling fifty-year-old men and women will flush out whoever wants to betray us?”

  “We could have Alek scout around and—”

  “No,” she said quickly, interrupting him. “Alek is as much a suspect as anyone else.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous! Alek’s poured his whole life into this project. You don’t think he’d betray us.”

  “No, I don’t,” she agreed readily enough. “But that doesn’t change the facts. Roger had every reason to hope Conrad Industries would prosper, too, and look what he did.”

  “But Alek…”

  “Alek is a suspect, like everyone else. I warn you, Jerry, don’t say a word to him. Not a single word.”

  Her brother stared at her. “He’s your husband. You don’t even trust your own husband?”

  “You’re right,” she admitted. “I don’t. You can thank Roger for that. I wouldn’t trust my own mother after the lesson Roger taught me. If you think I’m coldhearted, then fine. I’d rather have you think poorly of me than hand over the fate of this company to a man who could destroy us.”

  * * *

  Making love to his wife was probably the most fabulous sensation Alek had ever experienced. Perhaps it was because she’d withheld herself from him for so long that he treasured the prize so highly. Julia was open, honest and genuine.

  Alek had never lost control of himself with another woman, but he had with Julia. She was fast becoming as necessary to him as the air he breathed. He wanted her, and that need was growing at an alarming rate.

  Every time they were intimate, she gave him a little more of herself. A little more of her trust. A little more of her heart and soul.

  He glanced
at his watch and frowned. It was well past the time they’d agreed to meet. Knowing Julia, she’d probably got caught up in her work and let the time slip away from her.

  He waited another ten minutes before calling her office. Her assistant answered.

  “This is Alek. Has Julia left the office yet?”

  “No.” Virginia sounded surprised. “She’s still here. Would you like me to connect you?”

  “Please.” He waited a moment before Julia came on the line.

  “Hello,” she said absently. Alek could picture her sitting behind her desk with her reading glasses at the end of her nose.

  “Do you know what time it is?”

  “Five-forty. Why?”

  “We had an appointment, remember?” He lowered his voice. “I’ve got a deck of cards and—”

  “A deck of cards?”

  He wasn’t sure what he heard in her voice, but it wasn’t amusement. It troubled him, but he didn’t have time to analyze it just then. “Yes, I recently heard about this American card game that I want to play with you.”

  “A card game?”

  “Strip poker. Sounds like fun. I’ve got everything ready. How much longer are you going to be?”

  “Oh, Alek, listen, I’m really sorry, but I could be at the office another hour or more. Everything from last week is piled up on my desk. I really shouldn’t leave.”

  “I understand.” He didn’t like it, but he understood. “My game can wait, and it looks like I’ll have to, as well.” He was hoping for a little sympathy, or at least a sigh of regret, but he received neither.

  Julia was keeping something from him. He heard it in her voice, felt it as clearly as if it were a tangible thing.

  * * *

  Julia didn’t arrive home until nearly nine. It would be too much to ask that Alek not be there waiting for her. She didn’t know how she was going to look him in the eye.

  A headache had been building from the moment Jerry had left her office. Everything in her told her Alek would be the last person who’d sell them out. It would make it much easier to believe in him if she hadn’t so staunchly defended Roger to her father. She’d been wrong once and it had nearly cost her sanity.


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