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Armageddon's Son (HYBRID: The Ethereal War Book 1)

Page 22

by Greg Ballan

  The Pope nodded. "According to the sacred writings, The Ruby Crucifix is the instrument to usher in the second age of man. Without that relic the coming Apocalypse will be eternal. There will be no Rapture, no souls will be saved and we will be living in a literal Hell on Earth. The Ruby Crucifix must be found and the growing evil stopped. I fear we are losing the war for humanity."

  "The Rapture has been debated over several decades your eminence. My Orthodox brothers don't interpret the scriptures the way Vatican scholars do. But the theft of the artifact is troublesome and the spread of evil in our society is all too real."

  "I've never heard of Molec or these writings. Our faith has been strictly scripture based on the New Testament." A Universalist minister sipped from her water glass. "I freely admit our religion isn't as old as many Christian faiths but I've studied the Bible and did my eight years of seminary study and nowhere have I ever heard of Molec or this ruby cross."

  The Pope nodded. "That situation will be rectified shortly but I give you my word, Molec is real. The danger this demon poses is real and our world is in grave peril."

  The Muslim imam narrowed his gaze. "You say you've met this Christian prophet slated to be the world's savior. Who is he or she for that matter?"

  "Imam, the identity of this being is not important; it's what he represents that we must focus our immediate attention upon." The Pope's voice was calm and soothing, but there was a definite evasiveness in his tone.

  "You are hiding something. You preach of honesty and trust yet refuse to answer a direct question." The imam stood, leaning against the table, "Who is this prophet that is supposed to save all of mankind and as your prayer goes, deliver us from evil?"

  "Erik Knight."

  The imam exploded. "The Silver Demon! The man responsible for Sarnia Fahaad's death and the death of countless Arab freedom fighters! You want us to align ourselves with the CIA's deadliest assassin?"

  "We have sworn a death oath against this man; he is to be killed on sight!" The second cleric spat.

  "Sarina Fahaad wasn't killed by Erik Knight. In fact she and Knight joined forces to root out the threat against the LaSalle family and expose the shadow government operating within the United States and now seemingly in other governments." The US ambassador handed out copies of a report to each attendee. "These are a few of the names we obtained through an interrogation of two spies Molec had here in Vatican City." The US ambassador leaned toward the imams. "Ask yourselves this question; who really controls your forces at this point. You're engaged in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and you're still focusing on Israel. Is your objective to have a free state for your people as has been stated in the past, or simply be hell bent on war and destruction."

  The senior Muslim cleric tried to speak but was silenced by a gesture from the Pope, "And what of your own government, Mr. Ambassador? Your nation's interference often does more harm than good."

  "Truly," The representatives from the Jewish faith agreed, their cold gaze fell upon the ambassador. "America has not been the ally she has been in the past.”

  The ambassador looked over at the Pope, "I have no delusions your grace. The United States Government's hands aren't lily white. Man is corrupt and Molec is capitalizing upon that weakness. Our government is just as susceptible to the lure and influence of evil."

  The Pontiff nodded, half smiling. "I didn't intend to come off like a hypocrite, William, considering our own current in-house situation."

  The ambassador smiled. "Never Your Grace."

  "A wraith!" A Protestant leader exclaimed leafing through the report.

  "Yes. Agent Knight engaged it in combat, turning a one acre courtyard into a twenty foot crater leaving several of our buildings charred and windowless during the exchange of hostilities."

  "Molec is unleashing the very creatures of the underworld. How is he able to summon such horrors to do his bidding? I thought the creatures of the Netherworlds were all locked away?"

  "A breach between two dimensions," a Vatican official began. "Think of our universe as a large bubble in a sea of other bubbles. The Ethereal realm would be the ocean containing all the bubbles. A hundred or so years ago a tiny dimension, or sub universe, housing several of these terrors had a brief contact with our universe. Like two bubbles coming in contact each universe contracted slightly, their borders pressing against each other. Before the dimensions could separate again and continue to flow through ethereal space, Molec was able to punch a small hole in the fabric of both dimensions and bring through several of these trapped demons. In return for their escape from their universe they pledged eternal loyalty to Molec and also wanted vengeance against the forces of light that condemned them to their barren wasteland."

  The senior Muslim cleric shook his head. "How has this Molec creature been allowed to run rampant for so long with neither the Light nor the Dark doing anything to put an end to his interference?"

  "Another fair question Imam, sadly we have all been asleep at the helm, so to speak. Molec has worked discreetly behind the scenes very slowly until now. He's been manipulating events like a master puppeteer pulling the strings of those in political power, buying influence where he can and extorting it when his money isn't enough. This act of theft and murder was sloppy thinking on his part. Molec has been secretly and silently deploying his forces, buying influence and laying out the framework for his plan while we have been busy fighting amongst ourselves. The forces of light and dark became so focused on their own activities that Molec was free to act unnoticed and unchecked." The Pope picked up a copy of the report and tossed it back on the ornate conference table, "Until now. Now we must act. More importantly we must act together and share our knowledge and our resources if we are to avert this threat. The forces of darkness are also alarmed. Their minions were duped into stealing the relic and they in turn had it stolen from them by Molec. I'm sure the Lord of Dark is most put out right now. Being used by Molec will have Lucifer seething. Our Ethereal task masters are going to be focused solely on Molec right now and I fear that no good will come from the archdemon's schemes. He's been discovered, gentlemen, but he has the most powerful relic in the entire universe, maybe universes in his possession. None of us are aware how the forces of light and dark will react to this blatant and bold interference into their war of eternity." The Pope gestured toward Bishop O'Malley.

  "I've asked Bishop O'Malley to bring us all up to speed on what we've learned and to give us his further impressions of Agent Knight, his colleague, Martin Denton and what we've learned regarding the henchmen who stole the relic from its place of concealment." The old man pointed toward the cowering bishop. "Come Bishop, tell us what isn't in the pages of this document."

  O'Malley spent the better part of an hour providing a detailed narrative of the last few days. The nervous bishop provided detailed accounts of Knight's activities in the hidden chapel, his detection of all the surveillance equipment in the hotel suite and the unfettered power unleashed during his battle with the wraith. The bishop paused, taking a sip of water while his audience contemplated his report.

  "You've given us excellent detail regarding Agent Knight and Denton's activities and capabilities, Bishop; I applaud your attention to detail. But what of the man himself?" An Orthodox leader challenged. "You've given us no idea as to what kind of man Erik Knight is or his partner. We aren't familiar with this man as you of the Catholic faith seem to be nor do we have an adversarial relationship with him as our Islamic friends have." The leader looked over at the two imams. "Much can be gathered about a man by his enemies also. Surely our Arab friends have some profile of Agent Knight they can share beyond their surface hatred of the man."

  O'Malley frowned. "It's difficult to judge a man's personality after such a short time. Agent Knight is a cacophony of conflicting actions. Our officers told of his compassion and gentleness inside the chapel as he replaced statues and righted the holy tabernacle, I've also seen a darker, more brutish side to him. He seems rathe
r quick and impulsive to act. He appears to be a man of action and deed rather than deep thought and contemplation." The bishop's forehead wrinkled, "Though his mind is sharp and capable considering the deep analytical reasoning he demonstrated when we met with him. The detective is able to piece together facts and has a powerful sense of deduction. I also sense within him a level of discomfort with himself. He is a man of great power yet he lacks the arrogance or confidence most men would possess having such capabilities." O'Malley looked over at the US ambassador, uncomfortable. "Forgive me Mr. Ambassador, for saying this, but most Americans in positions of power have a cocky swagger in their mannerism and their personality. Knight is devoid of these traits, he seems … possibly insecure or uncomfortable with himself to some degree."

  "And Denton?" the Orthodox cleric pushed.

  "He is a man grieving for his son, battling his own inner regrets over a relationship he feels he destroyed. His mind is razor sharp and he seems to have some kind of control over Knight, not in a sinister manner but more like a mentor would have for a pupil. The episode in the chapel revealed that both men have a deep affection for one another and a closeness that makes them both uncomfortable."

  "Denton is the surrogate father Knight didn't have growing up." The Pope made a slight gesture and an aide poured a glass of water. "Denton fills that gap whether knowingly or unknowingly. Both men have found a way to fill a void. Denton found a surrogate son to replace the boy who abandoned him to come overseas, while Knight found a father figure he lost as a young boy."

  O'Malley tilted his head as he considered the Pope's observation. "It could very well be, your grace."

  "So, Erik Knight isn't a mindless wrecking machine. That's somewhat comforting. Is he someone we can direct and control during this crisis?"

  O'Malley shrugged. "I don't think so, your grace. If he aids us, it will be because he chooses to, not because we compel him to do so. The Archbishop can attest, Mr. Knight is very headstrong and determined. We weren't able to fully convince him to take up our cause despite knowing the dangers. I believe he will fight in his own way on his own terms."

  The Pope leaned forward, his hands shaking as he held his water glass. "Then we focus on Denton while he's here for his son's funeral. If Denton has sway over Agent Knight we can use that to our advantage. Erik Knight cannot be allowed to sit this out."

  "Knight will be following up Lazarus and those connected to him, specifically the House Speaker in Washington. So he is, in a sense, working for us."

  The Pope nodded placing his glass down on the table. "Lazarus isn't key right now, he's a minor annoyance we can deal with later. Lazarus was a pawn played by Molec against Lucifer and the Lords of Light. "

  O'Malley's jaw dropped.

  The Pontiff continued, ignoring the shocked looks around the table. "I understand your dismay, Bishop, and I'm not underplaying the vile acts committed by our turncoat vampire priest. Right now locating the Ruby Crucifix, thwarting Molec and trying to root out any of Molec's allies are of the utmost importance. I task you, Bishop O'Malley, to convince Martin Denton to rally Erik Knight to our cause. We need the unfettered power of the hybrid fighting on our side and following our direction. Having such a juggernaut running amok independently can only make things worse."

  Bishop O’Malley frowned, "Your Grace, I'm confused. We agreed to send Agent Knight off to track Lazarus and the underground government back in America. Yet now you seem concerned about having this same man running amok out of our control?"

  The ambassador smiled. "May I?"

  The Pope nodded.

  "Bishop O'Malley, sometimes it's better to let a fish run with your line awhile before reeling him in. Agent Knight needs to discover the severity of this situation on his own; nothing we do will convince him otherwise. Men like Knight are not directly led due to their force of will. Our dear detective will go to the capital, break a few eggs and turn over a few apple carts and discover through his own investigating that everything we've told him has been the truth. I'm confident if Lazarus is still alive, Erik Knight will find him and dispose of him. If, as Knight and Denton suspect, Lazarus is dead, Knight will dig into the mystery like a dog on a steak and find out the who, what, where, when and why to avenge the death of his mentor's son. In doing so he will force Molec's forces to adjust and adapt to his investigation, throwing them off balance and causing them to panic. They know how powerful the hybrid is and they don't want to be on the receiving end of what was done to the wraith here. Molec and his forces know one of his major players was dispatched and I'm confident no one else is eager to confront Agent Knight after the devastating display of power and aggression witnessed here. Knight serves our purposes doing what he's doing willingly or not. Sometimes the best course of action is to let a man think he's acting of his own purpose and volition. Our objectives, for now, are served. We can influence Denton while he's here and leverage that influence to get the hybrid further involved. If we can't, I'm confident Molec will tire of Knight's incessant interference and confront him. At that point Erik Knight will have no choice but to answer Molec's challenge and hopefully weaken or cripple the arch demon enough so the other forces of light can finally capture and dispose of him once and for all." The US ambassador grinned. "Knight will serve our cause whether willingly or unwillingly. By coming here he's already entwined himself in the ethereal conflict beyond his ability to become untangled."

  O'Malley scratched his head. "With all respect, Ambassador, Molec is not one to confine his fight to just Agent Knight. The forces of darkness, whether they be of Lucifer or Molec will use any means to remove an impediment. We are protected here on consecrated ground; Erik Knight and those he holds dear are not. Not only will the detective be exposed, but his family will also be at risk should Knight, as you say, upset too many apple carts. Should we not inform Agent Knight of the possible danger he's facing?"

  "No!" The Holy See countered. "There are forces watching over his family and the detective has taken precaution against human threats. If Agent Knight becomes too concerned for his family's safety our goals and objectives will be in jeopardy. We cannot have Knight diverted from this fight. His involvement is pivotal. He must draw Molec's forces out so we can deal with them."

  "I confess to being slightly uncomfortable with the morality of placing innocent people at risk, your Grace. We are supposed to be 'The Good Guys' with scruples and morals. We seem to be plotting, scheming and manipulating innocents like those we oppose." The Orthodox leader shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  "We're in a war, gentlemen. A war we are in danger of losing. The price of our defeat is every soul on this planet. If we lose, the balance of power shifts and Molec will become a major player in the Eternal struggle. There will be two forces of darkness both grappling with each other and with us. Mankind will cease to exist. I am not eager to hold court in a Hell on Earth. If subterfuge and guile will aid us in the greater good then so be it. Molec and his forces should tread lightly around the detective since he turned one of their fiercest soldiers to dust. We will have entities watching the detective, as I'm sure Lucifer will. Molec will watch from a distance until the detective becomes a too big a thorn in his side. Once that happens, Molec will lash out in an attempt to extinguish the hybrid and bring forth eternal darkness and when he does we will be there."

  The US ambassador frowned, "It's a desperate plan, your grace, but right now it's really all we have."

  The Pontiff nodded. "It will have to do."


  Vatican Guest Suites

  Erik nervously paced back and forth, his motions that of a caged panther rather than a man. The detective kept staring at his wrist watch.

  "You're going to wear a hole in the carpet my friend and it's now 6:35AM, five minutes later than the last time you checked."

  Erik nodded. "Sorry, Martin. I'm just antsy today and I don't know why. That little voice in the back of my head is screaming and I can't seem to settle it down."

bsp; A knock on the door broke the tension. "Agent Knight, it's Neko. There's been a change of travel plans. We need to hurry!"

  Erik looked over at his friend. "See! I knew it … more problems."

  Martin opened the door and Neko stepped inside along with a member of the Bishops' Council. Neko was panting and sweat ran down his forehead. "We cannot take you outside to the streets of Rome. Molec's soldiers are positioned throughout the area ready to engage in combat as soon as you leave the protection of our hallowed ground."

  Erik swore as he cracked his knuckles. "I'm not running, Neko. If Molec wants a fight I'm more than happy to oblige this time."

  "No Mr. Knight, you can't. If you unleash your power in the crowded streets of Rome hundreds, maybe thousands, will die during the fight," the bishop who entered with Neko countered. "We have a helicopter waiting to take you to an airstrip outside the city that very few know exist. We have a plane ready to take you to London and you can catch a connection back to the United States from there. We had not counted on Molec deploying his forces so quickly after his last defeat."

  "What about in here?" Martin looked out a window at the large crater that was the inner courtyard. "Do they possess more of that cosmic fiber that allows them to walk on consecrated ground?"

  The bishop shrugged. "I don't know Mr. Denton, but several powerful warriors of Light are now patrolling God's city. There will be no more sacrilegious desecrations of our holy ground."

  Neko gestured frantically. "Come, Agent Knight! My orders are to get you to the helicopter and get you out of here as soon as possible."

  Denton chuckled. "I get the feeling you've worn out your welcome, Erik." The counselor turned and headed toward the door to see his friend off.


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