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Undesired: A Best Friend’s Brother Romance

Page 15

by Sullivan, Piper

  She smacked me. “Stop taking so much joy in your friend’s future torment.”

  “Better him than me.” She frowned and I shrugged. I loved Hope and I knew that, had no problem admitting it to her, but the hell of falling in love, almost screwing it up and then trying to get it back was, well, it was pure hell. I would never, ever go through it again and it was a damn good thing I had Hope. She was it for me, and soon, I’d make her mine for good. “Your jitters are starting to fade. I’ll go grab you a coffee.”

  “You’re the best.” She beamed a grin at me, licking her lips as her gaze looked me over. Heat flared in her eyes as I knew they would. It was all part of my plan. “Something sweet and buttery too?”

  “Of course.” I kissed her again because I couldn’t resist and then I left the shop, crossing the street at an angle to get to Big Mama’s. It was late enough in the day that the rush was over and Walker stood at the counter looking down at his phone. “What are you doing in here?”

  He looked up with an amused grin and held up his phone. “I’m following your love story on the Tulip Facebook page.”

  I looked closely and sure enough, it was a photo of me and Hope kissing, not even three minutes ago. “Damn they move fast. These old ladies mean business and that makes me even happier I worked things out with Hope.”

  “Amen, brother.” He raised his coffee in toast just as Big Mama ambled through the swinging door that separated the counter from the kitchen.

  “I put some of those cronut things she likes in the box with donuts and such. I had the cook make’em special for her ’cause you know I don’t condone any nonsense.”

  “No, ma’am.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Suckers are delicious, though. Coffee?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Two tall blacks. Cream and sugar on the side.”

  She sashayed off and returned with two large coffees. ‘Tell Hope to save me something purple.”

  Walker snickered beside me and I waited, willing my brain to recognize the trauma and blackout so I would never ever remember this order for Hope. But I was, for all intents and purposes, a good southern boy, so I said the only thing appropriate. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good boy.” Big Mama patted my cheek like I was a boy of ten instead of a grown man close to thirty. “You’re a good boy and I’m rootin’ for ya.” She winked and held the coffee pot hovering over Walker’s takeout cup until he nodded.

  “Thanks. You have yourself a good day, Big Mama.”

  “Good luck,” she said knowingly as I walked out of the diner with Walker on my heels. I don’t know what, if anything, the older woman actually knew, but hearing she was on my side had me moving with more confidence. More purpose.

  More assurance that what I had planned for today would work out.



  This day, amazing as it had been, was finally over. I was officially a lingerie designer with profits in the bank and everything. Well not in the bank yet, but soon. “Mikki, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. Seriously. I don’t know if any of this would have happened without your support.”

  Mikki sauntered into the back of her shop carrying a small metal box and wearing a wide smile. “You give me too much credit, honey. Besides it’s not completely altruistic on my part.”

  That wasn’t true but I was too grateful to argue. “Then thank you for letting me help you make money.” Her throaty laugh sounded and pulled a tired laugh from me.

  “My pleasure. There’s a gorgeous hunk of a man waiting out front for you.” She laughed when I jumped up to my feet. “I’m so glad y’all worked things out.”

  “Me too.” My face split into a grin that almost closed my eyes, but I managed to grab my purse and not hurry out to see him. Will. No, I took my time, soaking in the view he made standing under the streetlight. He wore dark denim and a plain white T-shirt, no pocket, thank you very much. It was part cowboy and part stripper and already my body was humming with desire. He looked up when I pushed the door open, stopping to look at him again, instinctively licking my lips. “Is it weird that I’m happy this day is over?”

  Will’s smile bloomed. It was his best look: smiling and happy with a confident love turning those gray eyes silver. He stepped closer and pulled me to him, nuzzling and then kissing my neck until I shivered. Being this close to Will was my favorite way to pass any minute of the day. “Nah, it’s been a long day in those shoes.”

  “It would’ve been long in sneakers.”

  He shrugged and pressed a short, hot kiss to my mouth, laughing when I chased after him for another. “I know the answer but tell me anyway.”

  I loved that he had so much confidence in me—it only made him sexier, and it gave me more confidence that I could make Hopeless Romantic work. It made me confident in loving him back with my whole heart, even if I didn’t tell him too often just yet. In case he got itchy feet. But thinking about exactly why the day had been so long had a smile stretching across my face. “Everything. Sold. Out.”

  He lifted me and we spun like fools out in front of Mikki’s shop and I held on tight, just like in the movies. I may have also squealed with delight at being in his arms as I celebrated this monumental moment in my life. “Exactly what I knew you were gonna say.”

  “And Mikki got some orders online which means some of the designs are officially out of stock.” I was more proud than worried, but dang it, I was worried. Only a little though. It was hard to be blue when your personal and professional lives had hit their stride together.

  “Couldn’t be prouder, babe.” He kissed me again, this time a slow savoring kiss that just about melted the bones right out of my body. “Ready to head home?”

  Home. That was the other thing—we were now living together. I knew it was too soon and all that, but the truth was, he worked an erratic schedule and I had two job so our time together was limited. This way, we got as much time as possible. And believe me, it all was quality time. “Is there food at home?”

  Will nodded, wearing that amused gleam in his eyes whenever I did something he found weird or adorable. I was slowly coming to crave that look. He wrapped an arm around me and we walked. And talked. That was a thing about our time together: the more I got to know Will, the more I loved him. He had a dry sense of humor but he was really funny, and the way he doted on his mom never failed to melt my heart. I was a goner.

  The smells hit me as soon as I stepped inside. “Oh my. What’s that delightful smell?”

  His laugh sounded, deep and rumbly, giving me goosebumps. “Glad to see where your priorities are.” He kissed my forehead and led me upstairs instead of towards the kitchen. And the smells.

  We were headed to the bedroom. So far, it was still mostly his bedroom but now that the launch was over, I could move in completely. “Sure, let’s work up an appetite first.”

  He turned to me just inside the bedroom, laughing as he kissed me. “I love the way your mind thinks, but there’s something else first.” He moved and stood beside me, giving me a full view of his bedroom that we shared. The deep blue comforter was masculine but beautiful and I loved sleeping in a king size bed. On the nightstand on my side of the bed was a photo of me and Big Mama at Spring Fling. “Wait.” That photo was on the nightstand at the cottage. “You didn’t.” I didn’t wait for him to answer, walking to the closet where about ten of my outfits took up less than a foot of space, and opened the door. “You did.” Instead of admiring the closet that was now half full with my clothes and half full with his, like a real couple, I turned with a beaming smile for my man.

  “I moved you in. For good.” His voice was gruff and firm, so typical of Will. Even in a good mood he sounded grumpy, but I knew better now. “I knew if I left it up to you, we’d spend the next five weekends moving instead of doing other things.”

  My head fell back and I laughed. “Other things?” Will didn’t have a one track mind, not at all, but he did have a sex drive that made life
good. Really good.

  “Yeah. Sleeping in. Having breakfast together. Sex on the kitchen table.”

  Insatiable, he was. “Shoes?”

  “Downstairs closet.” He didn’t say it, but I heard the “duh” at the end of that answer, because that’s where the shoes were kept. “All that’s left is the furniture so decide what you want to keep of mine and move in of yours and we can toss the rest.”

  “You don’t care if I change things?” That was a surprise because I’d interrupted one of Audrey and Walker’s fights about blending their furniture.

  “Hell no. You’re here and I want you to be happy. As long as you’re here beside me, I don’t give a damn what we’re sitting on.”

  Damn, I loved this man. “I love you.” He grinned wide and his chest puffed out as he leaned in and kissed me. Soundly. Not a smoldering kiss, just a good kiss that was long enough to make me wish for more.

  “Good because I love you too. Please don’t get dainty furniture.” The plea in his eyes yanked a laugh from me.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. I love getting lost in your big comfy sofa. But my chairs are way more comfortable than yours. The rest we can put in storage in case something breaks or gets stained.”

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s go check on the food.” He didn’t wait for a response, just clasped our hands together and pulled me downstairs towards those heavenly smells.

  “You’re being really weird but food sounds amazing. Even though I really want to thank you for moving me in, I need food.” His laugh sounded but I wasn’t paying attention as I took in all the details. There were small glass dishes all over the table with floating flowers or candles in them, broken up by two place settings, one at the head of the table and the other two the left. “Wow.”

  “I know.” When I turned to find him pulling a lasagna from the oven, his lips twitched with a laughter he could barely hold back.

  “I approve. Where are the guys?” There was a quietness, a distinct lack of dogs in this home.

  “Camping out tonight so the grownups can have some grownup time.” He poured two glasses of wine and that’s when I knew for sure something was up because Will didn’t like wine. Well he liked it enough to take a sip or two of mine at home, but never more than that.

  “Tell me more about this grownup time.” His lips barely formed a smile this time as he handed me the glass before he took a sip of his and set the glass down.

  “What’s going on, Will?”

  This time he took a deep breath and squared his shoulders, and a slow smile crossed his face that had me completely mesmerized, more so as the deep timber of his voice pulled me closer. “I know you’ll say it’s too soon but I love you and I am sure of that. I know that I don’t want anyone else but you ’cause I love you, Hope. Will you marry me?”

  To say I was stunned would be an understatement. I mean, I was comfortable with the state of our relationship, but I was also pretty sure that two years from now, I’d be tossing bridal magazine hints around this place. I took in the picture Will made, holding up a gorgeous ring. It wasn’t some big romantic event with bended knee, over the top declarations, and drawn-out speeches extolling my virtues, but it was so true to who Will was, and that was how I knew he meant every word. Mostly. “Are you sure?”

  He grunted and pushed the ring at me. “Absolutely certain, Hope.”

  Thank goodness! “Then heck yeah, I’ll marry you!” I threw myself into his arms, making him laugh as I covered his face and neck with kisses. But I needed to see those eyes; they were the only way to know what he was truly feeling. “I love you, Will Landon, with all my heart and I’m gonna say it. A lot. So get used to it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He knew how that cowboy drawl never failed to turn me on. “The only thing I love more than that is the sounds you make when I’m tasting you, thrusting into you, or just plain pleasin’ you.”

  Good God this man was like the match to the puddle of gasoline that was me. “Damn, that was hot!” He laughed as I smashed our lips together again, wrapping my legs around his body as I got good and comfortable in his arms, kissing him with my whole body.

  Until an awful rumbling sound tore through the air, pulling us apart. Will laughed. “I guess that answers that.”

  “Answers what?”

  “If you wanted food or sex first.” His lips twitched and then he laughed at the mortified expression on my face. I joined in, recognizing just how funny and ridiculous the moment was.

  My heart was full and I wanted to enjoy every single day of my future with this man. “I’ll make it up to you later?”

  His gaze darkened and he nodded. “Since you offered.” He did his best to look innocent and I laughed as I slid down his body. He frowned when I took a step back.

  “You heard the later part, right? That lasagna ain’t gonna cut itself, mister.”

  He tried to glare at me, but it failed as those full lips twitched. “Hard to cut lasagna with an almost engagement ring still in my hand.” He held up the ring, which I still hadn’t even looked at.

  To my horror. “Oh. My. God.” I felt heat flame my face as I stepped up and grabbed the ring. It was simple and beautiful and unconventional—a ring of diamonds surrounded a bigger emerald-cut diamond. “It’s beautiful, Will.”

  “Beautiful enough to give me an answer?”

  I slid the ring on my left finger and glared. “Didn’t I say heck yes to marrying you?”

  “Yes.” He smiled and this time it was filled with pride and love and absolute joy. “Yes, you did.” Then he pulled me close again, ignoring another roar from my stomach as he kissed me. It was the perfect way to kick off the start of our own happy ending.

  * * *


  Don’t miss out on the two chapter preview of my last Small Town Protector Romance, Mr. Justice, Walker & Audrey’s story next!

  Preview: Mr. Justice


  “We the jury find the defendant Percy Hall guilty.” My shoulders sank in relief the moment the jury forewoman read the verdict. Hall was as guilty as they came but domestic abuse cases were the hardest to prosecute due to reluctant victims and determined abusers. Thankfully today had turned out as it should. Justice had prevailed.

  My own gaze swept the courtroom, noting the sad almost-longing look on Percy’s wife’s face. I shook my head, knowing Sheila would be the first in line on visiting day and she’d pick him up in two hundred days when his sentence had been served. I shook it off, knowing there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about that. Abusers and victims, it was a vicious and disgusting cycle that I didn’t want to think too hard about.

  “Guilty,” I said to my assistant, a recent grad who was still contemplating law school. “Fucking guilty.”

  Charlie grinned and clapped my shoulder. “Those photos sealed the deal, man. It was like watching an artist,” he said with a disbelieving smile.

  “If I’m really an artist, we won’t be back here next year on the same charge. Or a more serious one.” Sheila Hall wouldn’t be the first woman to die on my watch. I just hoped she was the first to break the cycle. Anyway. “Good work, Charlie. Take a long lunch and I’ll see you at two-thirty.”

  He nodded as we made our way down the stone staircase that led to the main courthouse exit. Charlie turned right to go wherever he went when he wasn’t at work with me. I went left, towards Big Mama’s Diner and her midweek lunch special—chicken fried steak. My favorite.

  The diner was mostly empty this time of day—the lunch rush long gone and the early dinner rush still a couple hours away—so I felt no guilt about stealing a booth to go over case files for the next trial. Another man who couldn’t keep his damn hands to himself and another woman too terrified to leave him. It was the curse of small towns; there wasn’t a lot of crime but all of it was personal. Up close and personal kind of personal—husbands and wives, families and friends doing horrible, unspeakable things to one another.

  Maybe that was why I�
�d felt so restless lately, so out of sorts and generally unhappy with the way my life was going. I couldn’t exactly explain it and I wasn’t the kind of guy to look too deep into these things, but it was becoming a problem.

  The bell above the entrance chimed, signaling another customer—bringing the total up to three. I didn’t need to look up to know who’d just come in with that frisson of frantic energy following them. Audrey Pearce. Foster sister to my best friend Will, Audrey strolled in looking wholly comfortable in her own skin. Long, waist-length jet black hair fell in soft natural waves around her, nearly hiding what I now knew was an incredible ass and long shapely legs. She didn’t turn but if she had, I knew she’d have eerie violet eyes that gave her an otherworldly appearance. Audrey wore her standard uniform of jeans and a plain T-shirt that hugged extraordinary breasts.

  It was that damn uniform that brought me back to reality. There were plenty of reasons Audrey was a bad idea—legitimate reasons. Life-threatening reasons that had the potential to blow up my friendship with Will, so I thought of all the reasons she was wrong for me, starting with her damn clothes.

  Must be sophisticated in dress and demeanor.

  It sounded archaic, I knew that, but it was a matter of self-preservation. The next woman, if there was one, in my life would be a woman with whom I could commit. Shared values and beliefs, including her style of dress, would ensure a long-term and happy union. And while Audrey ticked plenty of boxes, I had to focus on the un-ticked ones if I wanted to keep my wits about me. She was a successful illustrator but that wasn’t a real career, not like an attorney or a doctor, which was yet another strike against her. She was beautiful, undoubtedly so, but many women were and that was easy enough to ignore. Luckily there was always one rule guaranteed to eliminate her.

  Must be more than five years younger or older than me.


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