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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 19: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

Page 15

by Bray, Kimberly

  “Couldn’t keep my seat free,” she teased when he looked at her.

  Corey shrugged his shoulders apologetically. “The man asked me to move my bag,” he said. “I could hardly tell him no.”

  Sarah patted his thigh and leaned closer. “I hope it wasn’t him that gave you the erection,” she said quietly.

  The flush of red spread across Corey’s cheeks and he could see the amusement on Sarah’s face. “You noticed that huh,” he said in an embarrassed tone.

  “Difficult to miss,’ she said, keeping her voice low. She patted his thigh like she had the day before, but this time pushed a little higher and her fingers brushed across the bulge as she pulled her hand away. It seemed she was more than just a cheeky tease and Corey was suddenly wondering just how far she would go.

  The train was too crowded for anything else to really happen though, but his erection remained for the duration of the journey. The teasing chat continued and Sarah’s hand continued to pat on his thigh occasionally and it was starting to drive him crazy. He was disappointed when he saw the familiar sights as the train approached his stop.

  “This is me,” he said again as he stood. Sarah grinned as her gaze dropped to the bulge in his pants, but she said nothing. “Will I see you tomorrow?” he asked.

  The grin remained on the older woman’s face as she shook her head. “Lots of clients at work tomorrow,” she said. “So I’ll more than likely be on the eight o’clock service. You should try it. It’s much easier to get a seat and by the time it gets here the train is almost empty.”

  Corey sensed the surge of exhilaration. If he wasn’t mistaken he was getting an invitation to play and hopefully it would be more than just a touch on his thigh. “I might just do that,” he said with a grin as he moved past Sarah to the aisle. “See you soon.”

  When he stepped off the train onto the platform he waited for it to move off and his pulse raced as he saw the beautiful smile being flashed in his direction. Things were moving quickly and from the initial touch of a thigh when Sarah sat beside him the day before, he was suddenly hoping that his first experience of making love with a mature woman would come the next day.

  He made his way home and after having something to eat tried to concentrate on watching the television. It proved to be impossible though as his thoughts remained on what might happen with Sarah. He finally decided to try and get some sleep and thoughts of her stayed with him until he finally drifted off.

  From the moment he arrived at his office the next morning work seemed to drag. His usual finishing time came and went and he tried to keep his focus on work to make the remainder of the day pass quickly. When the time finally hit fifteen minutes before eight he left and made the short walk to the station. There were less people around and when he moved to the correct platform to get on the train, he could see what Sarah meant about it being almost empty. There were plenty of seats to choose from and he finally dropped into one and kept an eye on the platform.

  A few people got on, but there was no sign of the one person he hoped to see. Looking at the platform clock he saw there was still five minutes to go before the train left. As the time ticked down though, he started to wonder if she would show. It was almost time for the train to leave when he saw her hurrying onto the platform and getting on at the front of the train.

  Corey’s desire was suddenly mounting at the thought that Sarah was walking through the train looking for him. The journey was already started by the time he saw her coming into view. His gaze locked on the pretty legs and worked higher until he was looking at her beautiful face. A grin formed on her lips when she saw him and she moved to drop in the seat next to him. The pressure of the thigh against his own brought his cock fully erect and his chest heaved a little.

  “See what I meant about this train,” Sarah said.

  Corey raised his head and looked around. There were a few other people in the carriage. “We’re not completely alone,” he said.

  “Give it time,” she said with a laugh. “A lot of the carriages empty out long before we reach your station.”

  Corey laughed. “Now what will we do to pass the time when we are all alone,” he said. He let out a rush of breath as the hand touched on his thigh and crept higher. This time it didn’t just brush against the bulge but pressed firmly on it.

  “You sure got it bad for mature women,” Sarah teased. “What age are you?”

  “Twenty four,” Corey replied.

  “Wow…,” she went on. “Do you know that I am old enough to be your…”

  “Pretty older friend,” Corey butted in and grinned.

  “Uh huh,” she replied. “Well how about giving this friend a thrill and showing me.”

  “Fuck…” His curse came out quietly in a rush of breath as the fingertips stroked along the outline of his erection. He pushed his hand down to the zipper of his pants and Sarah laughed as their fingers played together. It was an erotic moment and another rush of breath came out. “I can’t believe this,” he confessed.

  Sarah laughed again. “Have you been with an, umm… older friend before?” she teased.

  Corey shook his head. “No,” he answered. His fingers were still playing with Sarah’s and the way they were touching on his cock was bringing out his passion like never before.

  “Nice,” she said. “I like that I’m your first. That’s so sexy.” She finally brushed his hand away and took hold of the zipper. It came down slowly and Corey tensed as she pushed her fingers inside his pants. The shiver at the top of his spine made him hunch his shoulders and he felt the sensation trickle down his back as Sarah’s fingers caressed on his erection through the thin material of his boxer shorts.

  She sought out the gap and worked her fingers through it and suddenly let out a soft gasp as her touch found the naked cock. Her fingers wrapped around it and she squeezed hard.

  “Tickets please.” The voice of the train inspector sounded as he stepped in the carriage. Corey expected the hand to pull away, but Sarah squeezed harder and held onto his cock. He could sense his nervousness rising as he turned his head a little and saw the man approaching. At the very last moment she pulled her hand out from the pants and was taking the ticket from her pocket as the inspector looked down at her.

  The sweat prickled on Corey’s forehead. He’d dragged his jacket closed to hide the fact that the zipper of his pants was open, but the nerves still played on his mind.

  “Ticket please,” the inspector said again.

  “Oh yeah… sorry,” he said. He was suddenly flustered as he searched in the inside pocket of his jacket and finally pulled out the ticket to hand it across.

  “Thanks,” the man said as he checked it and then handed it back.

  Sarah sat demurely as the inspector walked off, but let out a soft giggle when he was out of earshot. “You seem a little flustered dear,” she teased as her hand patted Corey’s thigh. He was suddenly breathing heavily as her touch moved higher and found the open zipper again. Sarah was quickly wrapping her fingers around the erect cock again. She already knew that there was no one sitting close to them, but still looked around to make sure before pulling the cock out.

  “Oh my…” she said as she got her first view of the erection. She watched as a drop of pre-cum formed at the little opening and then worked her hand higher on the shaft. Her fingertip played on the tip of the cock and the sticky liquid smeared on her skin.

  Corey closed his eyes as he enjoyed the attention being lavished on his erection. The fingertip kept playing on the sensitive skin, but Sarah finally took a tighter grip and started to stroke her hand along the erect length. Her excitement mounted as she played and the craving to do more than just hold the erection in her hand came on strong. She gripped tightly as she leaned across to breathe in Corey’s ear.

  “Have you ever fantasized about making love on a moving train,” she whispered.

  Corey opened his eyes and grinned as he looked at her. “Not until a couple of days ago,” he said. �
�Now it’s all I can think about.”

  “I’ve wanted to do it for so long,” Sarah whispered. “And now that I’ve met you I think my fantasy can become real.”

  Corey glanced around. “How?” he asked. “The train might be nearly empty, but there are still people here. Are we going to put on a show for them?”

  Sarah laughed. “Have you ever seen the first class compartments?”

  Corey shook his head. “I’m not rich enough yet for that luxury.”

  “Neither am I,” she went on. “But on this train a lot of them are empty. I’ve occasionally sat in one and haven’t been caught yet. They have curtains that can be closed and a lock on the door. It can be… very private.”

  Corey cottoned on to what she was talking about. “So we would be all alone and in little danger of being disturbed,” he said.

  Sarah nodded her head. “Unless the inspector decides to investigate who is inside. But he went that way.” She pointed in the direction that the inspector walked. “And the first class carriages are that way.” She pointed in the opposite direction.

  The flash of exhilaration rushed through Corey’s body. He dragged the hand away from his erection and pushed it back in his pants. His fingers fumbled with the zipper as he tried to get it back up and his urgency was obvious.

  Sarah grinned as she saw his eagerness and the thought that he was getting so excited at the chance of being with her was a turn on. When the zipper was closed she stood up. She moved quickly along the aisle and when she glanced over her shoulder could see that Corey was following.

  Arriving at the first class compartments she saw that the very first one was empty. Stepping inside, she moved to close the curtains and when she turned back, Corey was closing and locking the door. He pulled the curtain across the door window to block the view and shuddered at the touch on his butt.

  He spun around and they embraced tightly. Their lips came together roughly as the pent up emotion of the last couple of days spilled over to a passionate kiss. Sarah pressed forward and shuddered as the rampant erection was trapped between them.

  As she rubbed herself against the hardness her tongue dipped in and out of Corey’s mouth. His tongue came forward to meet it and the erotic moment stretched out. A soft gasp escaped the older woman’s lips when the kiss finally broke.

  “I want this so bad,” she gasped as she pulled Corey’s head to her neck. The touch of his lips on the sensitive skin sent a shiver down her spine and she couldn’t hold back the groan. His hands were suddenly fumbling with the buttons of her blouse as he worked kisses lower. As each button loosened more of her naked skin was exposed and the eager kisses explored every inch of it.

  Sarah let out a gasp as the touch moved onto her bra. Another shiver wracked her body as Corey grasped at the silky material and pulled it lower. Suddenly his kisses were touching on the soft curves and when the nipple was exposed he went straight for it.

  He brushed his lips back and forth over the little bud and could feel how hard it already was. His tongue flicked out and he rasped it across the erect nipple to make Sarah groan. She reached for the back of his neck to pull him onto her breast and suddenly he was trapped against the soft skin.

  Corey took the nipple between his lips and sucked on it. His erection was throbbing hard as his exhilaration mounted and the loud groans of Sarah spurred him on. He teased his tongue around the little bud to send pleasure rushing through it and needed to pull back forcefully when he finally wanted to free himself.

  “Keep going,” urged Sarah.

  Corey reached for the other bra cup and dragged it down to expose the naked breast below. He gripped the nipple and held it tightly between thumb and forefinger as he leaned in to press his tongue against it. Sarah’s hand was at the back of his neck again and he let her pull him onto her until his lips were pressed on her soft skin. He dragged his hand away and gripped the nipple between his teeth.

  “Oh yes…,” she groaned as the slight pain mixed with the incredible pleasure to make her body shudder violently. The rough touch on her breast was driving her crazy and the shudders kept wracking her body as Corey played with her nipple. When he finally backed off she dragged him up to kiss him and grinned when their lips parted. She stroked a finger on his mouth to wipe away the red of the lipstick and showed him.

  “I think it would look better somewhere else,” he teased.

  “Naughty boy,” she shot back, but she knew what her young lover wanted and decided to give it to him. Moving to sit on a seat she dragged him to stand in front of her. The touch of her fingers caressed along the outline of the erection and she could feel it twitching as she played. Her fingers reached for the zipper to pull it down and Corey expected her to put her hand through the gap again.

  Instead she worked the button loose and yanked the pants down. The underwear followed quickly to leave him completely exposed and he groaned as the fingers squeezed around his solid length.

  “You get so hard for me dear,” Sarah teased as she looked up to catch Corey’s gaze. She kept her eyes on him as she stroked her fingers along the stiff shaft. When he threw back his head she dropped her gaze again to watch what she was doing. Leaning forward she kissed on the head of the cock and when she moved back saw the slight red of her lipstick staining the skin.

  Her fingers moved to play over the mark and she wanted more. When she leaned forward again she took the erection in her mouth and let her lips slide down it. She clamped tightly around the thickness and when she pulled up saw the bright red lipstick ring left on the skin.

  “Oh fuck…,” gasped Corey as he looked down. Sarah’s fingertips were stroking over the mark and the pleasure was rushing through him. He sensed the slowing of the train and realized they were coming to a station. He expected Sarah to stop, but as the train came to a halt she sucked the cock back in her mouth. Her lips stroked along it and the risk of being caught seemed to turn her on even more.

  A few people got on and Corey could hear them passing by the door. He wanted to groan as the lips pushed towards his balls and suddenly he was acutely aware of the tip of his cock stroking on the soft skin at the back of Sarah’s mouth. She held on the erection until the train got moving again and laughed as she saw Corey biting his lip.

  “Trying to keep the noise in?” she teased.

  “You’re a bad woman,” he replied.

  “I know,” Sarah went on. ‘Don’t you just love it?”

  Corey laughed, but the sound died away as his lover’s mouth caressed around the head of his cock again. Sarah teased her tongue on the sensitive skin and heard the sound of the groans. She worked lower on the erection and started to bob her head again.

  Her lips rasped along the hardness as her excitement mounted and she could feel the wetness staining her panties. She kept up the pressure on Corey as her head continued to bob, but she finally backed off before she pushed him too far. Leaning back she pushed her hips forward until her butt was perched right on the edge of the seat.

  It was obvious what she wanted and Corey dropped to his knees. He grabbed at the hem of the skirt and Sarah lifted her butt to let him pull it higher. Her panties were suddenly exposed and as she parted her legs the damp stain on the blue material was all too obvious.

  Corey ducked down to kiss it straight away and the taste of pussy flooded his mouth. He was suddenly gasping for breath as he grabbed at the panties to get them out of the way. The beautiful shaved pussy was exposed to him and he leaned forward to kiss it.

  Sarah groaned as the eager tongue opened her up. She grabbed at Corey’s hair to pull him forward and her ass bucked up from the seat as the touch pushed in her wet hole. She couldn’t hold back the soft gasps as the tongue played around inside her. Corey lapped at the slick pussy walls as he burrowed in deep until his lips were pressed on the smooth, shaved skin.

  He worked frantically to make Sarah feel good and the sound of the pants and groans were a sign that she was enjoying his touch. When he pulled back to catc
h his breath, his fingers played on the smooth skin. Sarah pushed forward to get more and let out a squeal as Corey’s fingers found her clit.

  The breath was suddenly rasping from her as she squirmed around. The brushing sensation of the fingertips gliding over her clit was quickly driving her wild and she urged Corey to put his tongue back inside. He leaned down to give her what she wanted and kept his fingers touching on the erect bud as he teased his tongue around her wet entrance and then pushed back inside.

  Sarah squirmed around all the more frantically as she was licked out. She was almost crying out as the pleasure swept through her body and it was her turn to bite on her lip to try and keep the noise in. Grabbing at Corey’s head she dragged him up and looked in his eyes.

  “Fuck me…,” she whispered and the breath rushed from her as he quickly got up and dragged her to her feet. He spun her around and pushed her forward so that she needed to rest her hands on the seat. Sarah gasped as the skirt was pulled up around her waist and the panties dragged further down her thighs. The touch of the erection on the soft skin of her ass cheeks brought out a groan. Corey pressed forward and the rattling of the carriage as the train sped along made them sway together. He could feel his cock settling into Sarah’s butt crease and was suddenly in thrall to his touch on the soft skin.


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