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Blowback, Second Edition: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire

Page 34

by Chalmers Johnson

  Indonesian Commission on Human Rights

  industrial policy,


  and IMF controls

  and Japan

  institutions, and capitalism

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  international criminal court

  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  and Brazil crisis of 1998

  and economic crisis of 1997

  and Indonesia,

  negative impact of

  and Soviet Union


  arms sales to

  military spending

  nuclear weapons


  and South Korea


  cruise missile attacks on

  military spending

  nuclear weapons

  Irian Jaya (New Guinea)


  Ishihara, Shintaro

  Islamic militants



  ski-lift cable incident

  Jackson-Vanik amendment

  Jakarta Military Command

  Jameson, Sam

  Janos, Andrew


  American bases in ,

  as American satellite

  arms purchases

  and bipolar confrontation

  blowback against

  and China–xxvii

  and “dark valley”

  and democracy

  and economic crisis of 1997

  economic growth of

  and economics of American empire

  and “extraterritoriality”

  and global economy

  import barriers

  and Indonesia

  industrial overcapacity

  military spending

  as military state

  and North Korea ,

  and nuclear power and weapons

  and oil

  political paralysis of

  “revisionism” on

  rice tariffs

  and Ryukyu islands

  South Korea,

  and state-guided capitalism

  and Taiwan

  and TMD system

  trade surpluses

  Japanese-American Security Treaty

  Japanese Asia Development Board

  Japanese banks

  Japanese Defense Agency

  Japanese Diet

  Japanese Liberal Democratic Party (LDP),

  Japanese Ministry of Finance

  Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)

  Japanese National Space Development Agency

  Japanese Socialist Party

  Japan That Can Say “No,” The (Ishihara)

  Japan Times

  Jiang Zemin

  John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School

  Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET)

  juche (self-reliance)

  Jungang Ilbo (newspaper)

  Kadar, Janos

  Kadena Air Force Base

  Kanemaru, Shin

  Kearns, Kevin

  keiretsu or zaibatsu (industrial conglomerates)

  Kennan, George

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Paul


  Kerry, John

  Khadaffi, Muammar

  Khmer Rouge

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kim Dae-jung, President

  Kim Il-sung, Marshal

  Kim Jae-kyu

  Kim Jong-il

  Kim Jong-pil, General

  Kim Ku

  Kim Young-sam,

  Kinjo, Mariko

  Kinjo, Mitsuko

  Kinjo, Rojita

  Kishi, Nobusuke

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kopassus (“red berets”)


  Japanese occupation of

  land mines in

  military intervention in

  reunification of

  see also North Korea

  South Korea

  Korean armistice agreement (1953)

  Korean armistice talks (1997)

  Korean Combined Forces Command (CFC)

  Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO)

  Korean People’s Army

  Korean summit (1994)

  Korean War

  and American empire

  and China


  Kramer, Franklin

  Krauthammer, Charles

  Krejcarek, Maj. Kevin

  Krulak, Gen. C. C.

  Kublai Khan

  Kumchang-ri site



  in Iraq

  in Turkey

  Kuttner, Robert

  Kwangju uprising of 1980


  land mine ban treaty

  Laney, James T.


  Latin America

  and arms sales

  and drug trade

  vs. East Asia

  and economic colonialism

  and IMF

  Pentagon private contractors and

  special forces operations in

  see also specific countries

  Ledet, Kendrick

  Lee Kuan Yew

  Lee Teng-hui

  Lenin, V. I.

  Levenson, Joseph R.


  Lilly, James

  Lippo Karawaci Mall

  List, Friedrich

  Litan, Robert E.

  “lone superpower”

  and China policy

  Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)

  Lon Nol

  Los Angeles Times

  Lott, Trent

  Lumumba, Patrice

  MacArthur, Douglas

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McFetridge, Charles

  McGrory, Mary

  McGurn, William

  Macke, Richard C.

  McNamara, Robert

  Macpherson, C. B.

  Mahathir Mohamad



  and capital flows

  and export-led growth

  and Indonesia

  Manchu dynasty



  hollowed out U.S.

  move to East Asia


  Mao Zedong

  Marcos, Ferdinand

  Marine Corps

  special forces

  market-opening measures

  Marshall Plan

  Marx, Karl



  Masumi, Junnosuke

  Matsushita Electric Company

  Mayer, Martin

  MCA Inc.

  Meiji Restoration


  Mexican financial crisis of 1995


  militarization strategy

  military, U.S.

  alternatives to, and foreign policy

  as autonomous force,

  and China

  and civilian elite

  and economic crisis of 1997

  and empire

  and force vs. leadership

  foreign military trained by,

  and Japan

  lack of oversight

  and North Korea

  and South Korea

  military bases, U.S.

  and anti-American sentiment

  cost to Japan

  and extraterritoriality

  impact of

  and imperial power

  and international criminal court

  number of

  military spending, –92. See also arms sales

  Milosevic, Slobodan

  Ming dynasty

  minimum wage, global

  missile defense system

  and North Korea

  and Taiwan

  see also theater missile defense system


  Missile Technology Control Regime


  Mitsubishi bank

  “modernization” theory

  Mondale, Walter

  Moon, Katharine

  Morgan Bank

  Morgan Stanley

  Most Favored Nation (MFN) status

  Muccio, John

  Muller, Robert (Bobby)

  Mullins, David W.

  multinational corporations

  Muskie, Edmund

  Myers, Richard

  Myers, Steven Lee

  Nagy, Imre

  Nairn, Allan

  Nath, Ashok,


  National Security Archive at George Washington University

  National Security Council


  and arms sales

  expansion of

  and Kosovo

  and Turkey

  Navy, U.S.

  “neoclassical economics”


  New Guinea

  “newly industrialized countries”

  New Republic


  New York Federal Reserve Bank

  New York Times

  Ngo Dinh Diem

  Nguyen Cao Ky

  Nguyen Khanh

  Nguyen Van Thieu


  Nihon Keizai Shimbun


  Nikkei Weekly

  Nixon, Richard M.

  Noriega, Manuel

  North American Free Trade Agreement

  North Korea

  and “Agreed Framework”

  and China

  economy of

  and military spending

  and nuclear weapons crisis of 1994

  and Park assassination

  and Soviet Union

  and test crisis of 1998

  North Vietnam

  nuclear energy, and North Korea

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,

  “nuclear umbrella”

  nuclear weapons

  and China

  cost of U.S.

  and India-Pakistan crisis

  and North Korea,

  and South Korea

  Nucor steel

  Nye, Joseph

  Ocalan, Abdullah



  Battle of

  cost of bases, for Japan

  environmental damage in

  and Indonesia

  impact of bases on,

  justification of bases in

  land seized for bases

  marine rape case,

  occupation of

  returned to Japanese control

  Okinawa Times

  Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence

  Olympic Games (Seoul, 1988)

  omoiyari yosan (sympathy budget or “host nation support”)

  one-tsubo landlords

  One World, Ready or Not (Greider)

  OPEC oil crisis of 1973

  Operation Condor

  Operation Provide Comfort

  Opium War

  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

  Orr, Dr. Robert

  Ota, Masahide


  Pacific Stars and Stripes

  Padilla, Lori




  Pan Am flight 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland)

  Papua New Guinea

  Paracels (Xisha) islands

  Paris, Jonathan

  Park Chung-hee

  Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power (Johnson)

  Pelosi, Nancy

  Peng Dehuai, General

  People’s Bank of China


  Perry, William

  Persian Gulf, cost of access

  Persian Gulf War

  financing of

  Pertierra, José


  hostage crisis

  Pfaff, William


  American bases on

  end of Marcos rule in

  export-led growth

  People Power movement

  Phoumi Nosavan, General

  Pibul Songgram, Marshal

  Pickens, T. Boone

  Pinochet, Augusto

  Plate, Tom

  Plaza Accord (1985)

  “reverse” of


  Policy Review Committee on Korea

  Pol Pot


  “possessive individualism”

  “posthumous retaliation”

  Prabowo Soemitro Subianto, Lt. Gen.

  Praphas Charusathien, Marshal

  press clubs

  Priest, Dana

  prison population, U.S.

  privatization, of Pentagon

  Procter & Gamble

  “proprietary information”



  public opinion

  Pyle, Ernie


  Quadrennial Defense Review

  Quinones, Dr. C. Kenneth

  “racialized state terrorism”

  Rajk, Laszlo

  Rajk, Mrs. Laszlo

  Rakosi, Matyas

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reischauer, Edwin O.


  Reston, James

  Rhee, Syngman

  rice tariffs, Japan


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