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Double The Mayhem (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 2)

Page 13

by Faith Gibson

  Chapter Fifteen


  Maveryck’s heart ached for the woman in his arms. Hearing her tearful confession put his own life into perspective. She was right – he had everything while she had nothing. His Gryphon was trying to break free. To go after anyone who had ever wronged Natalia. It wanted to bring back Anatoly so they could make him suffer. The quick death had been too merciful. Now, she had someone wanting her dead in the same manner. Maveryck vowed then and there that would never happen. He wouldn’t let it. His Gryphon wasn’t the only one feeling protective. But more than that, Maveryck felt like this woman was his. His to protect. To cherish.

  To love.

  Until that moment, he hadn’t understood why War felt the deep-seated need to find Kerrigan, a woman he’d only seen in photos. It didn’t matter who she was, who she had lived with, who she had been before he found her. It only mattered she was his.

  Now, Maveryck understood. Natalia was his. Russian mafia or not. Assassin or not. Tatiana or Natalia. None of that mattered.

  “Come home with me,” he blurted, surprising himself. He must have surprised her too, because Natalia gasped, jerking her tear-stained face from his chest. Maveryck used his thumbs to gently swipe at the moisture rolling down her cheeks. “Until we figure out who wants us both dead, please come home with me. I have two little boys who have talked nonstop about their Lollipop.”

  Natalia coughed out a laugh, but she sobered when she asked, “You trust me with them?”

  “Yes, Princess. I do.” He wasn’t as sure he trusted her with himself. With his life, yes. She had warned him about the contract. It was his heart he needed to guard. As much as Jenna ripped a hole in it, Mav knew Natalia could shatter it into a million pieces and scatter them on the wind, never to be found. He also knew he would never be whole unless he at least gave her a chance. Gave them a chance. Now he understood the ache to go after her that day on the sidewalk.

  “Let’s figure this mess out together. You said you have no one in your life, but I do. I have my family and the Hounds. I—” Mav’s phone vibrated. Probably War making sure he was okay. This was supposed to be a quick recon mission. “Sorry, I need to get this.” He was right. He shot his twin a return text, telling him he was fine and would be home soon.

  “So, what do you say? Pack a bag and come with me?”

  “How did you get in my house?” Natalia asked instead. When Mav pointed to the open window, she frowned. Stepping away from him, she walked over to the window and looked outside. Leaning farther out, she looked around then up, no doubt at the security cameras. Mav was enchanted by her bare legs. He had admired those legs on the blonde from the sidewalk. They weren’t long, but they were smooth and toned. Her ass was covered by silky red panties, and Mav pushed down on his waking cock. Maybe having her in his home wasn’t such a good idea. How was he supposed to keep his hands and mouth to himself?

  “You’re good.” Natalia was still frowning when she turned around. “Too good. How did you reach the cameras? I don’t see a ladder, nor do I see many footprints. Tell me, Mayhem, how did you really get in my house?”

  Well, shit. “Come home with me, and I promise I will tell you. I want to get home before the twins wake up.”

  Natalia bit her bottom lip. Mav wanted to be the one biting it. He wanted his mouth back on hers. Breathing her in as she’d done him. Sharing oxygen while saying with their lips and tongues what they couldn’t put voice to. Not yet. They were strangers. Strangers who were supposed to kill each other. He only knew what was on paper and the little bits she’d shared about how she was raised. She knew less about him than he did her. You couldn’t truly know someone unless you lived with them, and even then, unless you were a mind reader, you could never know what someone was thinking. What they were feeling deep down. Everyone had the ability to lie. To put up a front. To hide their emotions. But having someone in your space, your life, every day, gave a better understanding as to their likes and dislikes. Their quirks.

  Maveryck wanted to know Natalia’s quirks. What made her happy so he could ensure she had that daily. What made her sad so he could erase those things from her life. His Gryphon had felt their connection that day on the sidewalk, and now it was pushing Maveryck to keep Natalia close. Safe. To make her happy. Erase as much of the sadness from her past as he could. Yes, she was an assassin, but if his Gryphon trusted her around the twins, around him, he wasn’t going to argue.

  “Okay. But only until we figure out who’s trying to kill us both.” Natalia left the room, and when she came back, she was carrying a suitcase. He kept an eye on her. Not because he didn’t trust her, but… Well, he was still a little wary. How could he not be? Then again, she was the one who warned him, not the other way around. He was the one who had broken into her home and grabbed her in her sleep. And she was agreeing to come home with him, so it seemed her trust was easier to come by than his. Or maybe she was keeping her enemy closer. He wasn’t her enemy, and he would prove it to her.

  “I’m going to get my car. It’ll only take a few minutes. I’ll wait for you in the driveway.”

  “Sure.” When Maveryck walked over to the window, she stopped him. “I do have a door, you know. Come with me.” Natalia led him to the back door and punched in the code to the alarm. “There you go.”

  “Thanks.” Mav grabbed the doorknob, but before he turned it, he pulled Natalia to him and kissed her softly. “I’ll be right back.” He felt her eyes on him as he took off jogging through the trees. He didn’t take a chance on shifting, so he made his way on foot to his SUV. When he got back to her house, Natalia was waiting on the front porch. He got out and strolled up to where she was standing.

  “I can follow you,” she offered.

  “I think it would be better if you left your car here. If someone is watching, they might wonder why your vehicle is in my driveway. If you need to go somewhere, you can take my car.”

  Natalia agreed, and Mav helped her into the passenger seat, then put her luggage in the back. He was nervous as he drove toward his own home. Having her next to him, with him, seemed like a turning point in his life. Another one. This was added to the list of those days he would remember as long as he lived. It was still dark out, but the sun would be coming up soon. Natalia had been calm and patient with the twins at the store, and he couldn’t wait to see their faces when their lollipop was in their home.

  He pulled the vehicle into the garage, shutting them away from prying eyes. He retrieved her bags from the back seat and led Natalia into the house via the kitchen door. “War, we’re home,” he announced.

  “We? Who—?” War froze when he saw Natalia. Kerrigan stared between Mav and her mate, waiting for someone to say something.

  “Natalia, I’d like you to meet my twin, Warryck, and his mate, Kerrigan. Natalia will be staying here until we figure out a few things.”

  War stared at his brother like he’d lost his mind. Mav stared back, silently promising to explain. “Come on, Princess. I’ll show you to your room. Afterward, we’ll have coffee while we wait on the boys to wake up. Then we can all have breakfast together.” Mav wanted nothing more than to put Natalia in his room, but he didn’t think either one of them was ready for that, so he showed her to the spare room next to the boys. “It’s not much, but I think you’ll be comfortable in here.” He placed her bags on the bed. She looked around, leaning against the doorframe.

  “It’s nice, thank you.”

  “How about some coffee? My brother has questions, and I need to answer them before he runs and tells the family you’re somehow forcing me into this.”

  “Sounds good.” Natalia reached out for his hand, and Mav didn’t hesitate to thread their fingers together. When they walked down the stairs, War was waiting. His eyes narrowed in on their hands, and he flashed a bewildered look at Mav’s face.

  “Coffee’s ready,” Kerrigan said from the kitchen. At least she was able to do something more than stare.

  “I su
re could use a cup,” Natalia said, pulling away from Mav. He missed the contact immediately. Natalia followed Kerrigan, and War grabbed Maveryck’s arm, pulling him into the living room.

  “Please tell me you know what you’re doing,” War begged.

  “I know what I’m doing. Do you remember how you felt when you saw Kerrigan’s photos the first time sitting in Harper’s Point? Remember how you knew you needed to find her?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “There is no but, War. This is the same for me. As strange as the circumstances are, I know in my soul Natalia is my Kerrigan.”

  “But she’s an assassin. A mafia princess… Ah, Princess.”

  Mav grinned. “Yes, I know very well what she does for a living, but how is that any different from what we do? Assassin and mercenary are basically the same thing. We just go after different types of evil.”

  “And you trust her with the twins?”

  “I do. Wait until you see them together. You’ll get it. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I feel it. Here.” Mav made a fist and rubbed his chest over his heart.

  Four little feet pounded down the stairs, and before Mav could intercept, the twins ran into the kitchen.

  “Daddo! There’s a lollipop in the kitchen!” Marshall yelled. “Tolly! You’re here.”

  “Lolly!” Major joined in. “You missed our party. But we have cake. You want some cake? It has purple balloons on it. Like your hair.”

  Maveryck and War walked to the kitchen were Natalia was on her knees with a boy in each arm. Kerrigan was smiling over the top of her coffee cup as she watched the three of them interact. War walked over to his female, sliding an arm around her shoulder, and pulled her close to his side.

  “I would love some cake, but maybe I’ll wait until after breakfast. Did you have fun at your party?”

  “Yeah! Everyone was here. Pops and Rory. Hayden and Kyllian and Ryker and Lucy and T…T… What was his name, Daddo?” Major asked.


  “Yeah, him. Oh, and Uncle War and Aunt Kerrigan were there too. They bought us clothes and toys.”

  “They did? That sure was nice of them.” Natalia’s smile was genuine as she listened to them chatter.

  Major nodded. He had stepped away from Natalia’s embrace but remained close by. Marshall, though... Marshall was staring at Natalia like she hung the moon. It seemed Mav wasn’t the only Lazlo smitten with the pretty Russian.

  “How about I make us all some breakfast?” Kerrigan offered.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Mav said.

  “I know, but I want to. How about pancakes?”

  “With booberries!” the twins yelled together.

  The adults laughed, and Kerrigan said, “Booberry pancakes, coming right up.”

  Mav brushed his hand across Major’s soft hair. “Why don’t we let Natalia get some coffee? You can go turn on the TV while Aunt Kerrigan cooks for us.”

  “Cartoons!” Major rushed out of the kitchen, but Marshall seemed reluctant to let go of Natalia.

  “It’s okay, Marshall. I’ll join you as soon as I get my coffee, okay?”

  “Okay, Tolly,” he whispered. Before he turned loose of her neck, he smacked a little kiss on her cheek. Natalia didn’t move, even after Marshall was out of the room. She pressed her fingertips to the spot Marshall kissed and closed her eyes. Kerrigan elbowed War who was staring at Natalia. Mav squatted in front of her and placed a hand on her arm.

  “You okay?”

  Natalia opened her eyes. They were bright with unshed tears. “I don’t understand. How could their mom… no, how could that woman just hand them over and walk away?”

  “Come here, Princess.” Mav held out his hand, and when she took it, he stood, pulling Natalia into a tight embrace. He set his chin on top of her hair. “I don’t know. It’s only been a few days. I got home from looking for you, and my mom called, telling me to get to her house. Jenna was there with the boys. She handed me an envelope containing legal papers and their birth certificates, then told me they were all mine. She signed them over to me, giving up all rights to them. She included a short note apologizing for walking away four years ago, but it didn’t really explain anything.”

  “Are you going to confront her?”

  “Eventually. Right now, it doesn’t really matter why. They’re here with me, and they’re safe. We have bigger things to worry about than the excuses of my ex.”

  “Right, like what the hell is going on with you two,” War said.

  Kerrigan smacked him in the stomach with the hand not mixing pancake batter. “Warryck Lazlo. Mind your manners.”

  “What? I’m talking about the contracts. You did tell her, right?”

  “Yes. I sent Ryker a text telling him he needs to figure this shit out.”

  “Lolly! Are you coming?” Major yelled. Maveryck was still learning their voices from another room, but that was the name his oldest twin had given Natalia for whatever reason.

  “Be right there,” she responded. “I know we have a lot to discuss, but right now, I have a date with two handsome blonds.” Natalia winked at Mav. Kerrigan handed her a cup of coffee, and Mav pointed out the creamer and sugar on the counter. After pouring a little milk into her mug, Natalia left Mav alone with his brother.

  “That was beautiful,” Kerrigan said, sighing.

  “You weren’t kidding,” War added, speaking to Mav. “Those boys are crazy about her. It just makes me wonder about their relationship with their mother.”

  “You mean, that woman?” Kerrigan snickered. “You’re not wrong though. And it appears she’s just as crazy about them. But I understand that. Those boys are perfect. I have a good feeling about all this.” She turned back to the stove, and Maveryck closed his eyes.

  He had a good feeling about it too. He just had to figure out who wanted them both dead. Before that happened, he wouldn’t let himself get too caught up in what might be.

  Not what might be. What’s going to be.

  Yeah, what his Gryphon said.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Maveryck hadn’t been kidding when he said he had a big family. Not only did all of his brothers and parents show up at some point during the day, several of the Hounds came by to meet the twins. Oh, god. The twins. Natalia was in love. Unequivocally, irrevocably in love with Marshall and Major. Major was the louder of the two. That was saying a lot, because Marshall made his voice heard above the noise in the busy house. But whenever it was just her and the younger boy, Marshall was more soft-spoken. Almost like he was afraid to raise his voice around Natalia. She had a feeling she knew the reason. If she ever got her hands on their mother…

  Maveryck’s two-story house was a well lived-in home. The furniture was nice yet gently used. He had photos on the walls of his family. It wasn’t cluttered, but it also wasn’t pristine. Love, camaraderie, and friendship all filled the home as it became overrun with his family and Hounds.

  Natalia spent most of the day on the floor with the boys. She rose when newcomers arrived, greeting them all with a smile on her face. It was all overwhelming, especially meeting Sutton and Rory. They were a mystery to Natalia. This was the same couple she had spotted her first day sitting on the clubhouse. The same couple who couldn’t be older than mid-fifties. Ryker was older than Mav and War, and they had six older sisters. There were four sets of twins in the eleven siblings, so Mav having twins wasn’t a surprise. But how did his parents have that many kids who looked just like them when they didn’t look old enough? Maveryck had promised to tell Natalia everything, but there hadn’t been time. She knew he didn’t have this much company all the time, because when she’d driven by looking for him, there were no cars or bikes except for the one brother she’d followed.

  Hayden. Now there was a character. He was the one who winked at her the day she followed the bikers. He was still winking at her, and Maveryck was threatening his life every single time he caught his brother. It was all in jest,
but every once in a while, she caught Mav staring at her with what she could swear was longing. Did he want her? If so, why? Because the boys loved her? Did he want a new mother for them? What did Natalia have to offer a man like him? She couldn’t cook. She had no hobbies. Oh, but hey. She could hit a man between the eyes from a hundred yards out. Real mom material right there.

  Speaking of moms… Aurora Rose Lazlo was scary. Major said everyone called her Rory because she could roar like a lion. Natalia didn’t doubt it. The woman was intimidating. She hadn’t been unkind, but she didn’t go out of her way to welcome Natalia into the fold either. If Natalia was in Rory’s place, she would probably feel the same way. Here was this strange woman who had accepted a contract to kill one of her sons – the father of Rory’s grandchildren. While the men went outside to talk about the mess she and Maveryck were in, Kerrigan acted as a buffer between Natalia and Rory. The twins helped. Especially Marshall, who was never far away. When he kissed her earlier, her heart melted. She had fallen a little in love with them at the grocery store, but in that moment when they both hugged her, she was gone. All the way.

  Sutton was a different story. Maveryck’s father took one look at Natalia, clapped his son on the shoulder, and said, “Yep.” What did that mean? Yes what? He approved? She was a killer? His mom was going to hate her? Natalia had never been in any situation like this one. She’d never seen so many people in one house, not even when all her father’s guards had been in attendance. Her father had definitely never said the word “yep,” much less with a gleam in his eye.

  The twins were watching an animated movie, sitting on the floor next to Natalia who was resting against the sofa, her legs stretched out in front of her. Marshall leaned against her, and her arm automatically went around the child. Next thing she knew, his head was on her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair, and soon, he was snoring softly. Major glanced over at his brother, then looked up at her. She winked at him, and Major smiled. He mimicked his brother and rested his head on her other thigh. She scratched her nails through his hair, brushing it off his forehead. It was the most peaceful she had felt since her mother passed away.


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