Book Read Free


Page 2

by Clare Revell

  Lou shrugged. “Didn’t have a choice. They’d stopped looking for Bill and Di, so we went to look instead.”

  “When the wreckage of your boat was found, your mom was frantic. We’ve been looking for you for weeks. Your mom has been staying at my place since before Christmas.”

  “Mum’s here?”

  “She’s waiting at the base. As are Jim and Staci’s parents.”

  Lou looked at him for the first time since she’d begun speaking. “They’re alive?”

  “Yes, they are and all three of them are worried sick about you kids,” he said. “They love you and just want you home safely. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or think you’ve done. No one is beyond help, and that includes you.”

  Lou shivered, tugging the blanket closer. Why was it so cold all of a sudden? “I told you, it’s too late. Can I go sit with Deefer now?”

  “In a few minutes. You don’t look so good.”

  “Don’t feel so good.” She lay down on the tarmac and closed her eyes. Maybe she’d sleep for a minute and then go up the path.

  “I’m going to set up an IV,” he said. “Get some fluids into you.”

  “OK,” she whispered. Nothing really mattered anymore.

  Jack worked quickly and she barely felt the needle going into the back of her hand. “All done,” he said. “The chopper will be here in about twenty minutes. There’s a surgical team standing by at the base back home. They’ll fix your leg, and we’ll get you well again.”

  “Not possible,” she murmured. “Just tell Mum I’m sorry and I love her.”

  “You can tell her yourself, kid.” He pushed her hair back from her face. His touch was strangely comforting. Like her father’s had been a long time ago. “You’ll see her in a little while.”

  “Can I sleep now?”

  “Not yet. I’m not going anywhere, OK?”

  She nodded. Least this way, she wasn’t alone. Because, although she’d gotten used to the idea of dying, suddenly the whole concept scared her.


  Anderson Air Force Base grew underneath them.

  Jim’s stomach twisted. He wanted to see his parents desperately, but at the same time he didn’t. He knew he was going to be in trouble for leaving in the first place, never mind for not having enough faith in the authorities, and God, to look after his parents and care for them and find them. And then there was taking Staci with him and willingly putting her life in danger.

  Ailsa squeezed his hand. “It’ll be OK,” she said. “They love you.”

  He turned in his seat to look at her. “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “I know you. It hasn’t been long, but I know the way you think. Remember my parents were missionaries, too. For some reason they, like pastors, expect way more from their kids than any other parents seem to do.” She smiled at him. “Yes, they’ll be mad, but they love you.”

  Staci bounced in her seat. For the first time in months, he could see the thirteen-year-old that she once was, shining through again. “We’re here. Look, Jim—cars, planes, proper buildings…”

  Jim nodded. “Yeah.”

  The helicopter circled and landed. Five airmen ran over to it, along with a medical team and three civilians.

  His parents, Bill and Di Kirk, and Lou’s mum, Nichola Benson.

  Staci screamed, jumping up and down in sheer joy. “Look, look, look!”

  “Mum and Dad,” Jim said. His heart leapt into his throat. “They’re really here.”

  Staci leapt out as soon as the door opened, still screaming and crying. “Mummy! Daddy!” She hugged both her parents tightly.

  Jim sat still for a moment longer and then jumped out of the chopper, straight into the arms of his parents. He hugged them tightly, tears filling his eyes and unashamedly running down his face. “I thought you were dead…”

  “We thought the same of you two,” Dad said, pulling Staci into the group hug. “Running away was an incredibly stupid and thoughtless thing to do. Why did you do it? Why not let the authorities do their job?”

  “I’m sorry.” Jim took a deep breath. “You were missing. No one was doing anything, so I thought I’d find you myself. Then the girls stowed away and…”

  “Don’t get mad at Jim or Lou,” Staci interrupted. “I wasn’t going to be left behind.”

  “We were worried sick,” Mum told them, her voice wobbling. “When we finally found a working telephone, Nicky told us you were missing—”

  His mother took a deep breath. “We’ve been frantic, wondering where you were. Jack kept in contact, told us he’d found you, but…” She paused. “I am so mad at you.”

  “Guess we’re grounded,” Jim said quietly.

  “For the rest of your lives,” Dad said. “And then some. You of all people should know better, James.”

  Jim shifted. “Sorry.”

  Dad nodded. “We’ll discuss this later.”

  Jim turned and looked for Ailsa. She was standing on the edge of the group, looking awkward. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “This is Ailsa. She’s a missionary kid, too,” he said. “She saved our lives several times.”

  Mum smiled. “Nice to meet you, Ailsa.”

  Staci grinned. “He forgot to mention she’s his girlfriend.”

  Jim elbowed her. “Shh.”

  Ailsa blushed as she shook their hands. “Jim has told me so much about you.”

  Mum smiled. “I’m looking forward to learning about you.”

  Jim looked at Nichola. “I’m sorry.”

  Nichola hugged them. “I thought I’d never see you again,” she said. She looked past them. “Where’s Lou? Didn’t she come back with you?”

  The blonde officer looked at her. “Jack stayed behind with her, Mrs. Benson. He said to tell you he’ll be back on the next chopper.”

  Nichola looked at her and then back at Jim. “Why didn’t she come?”

  “She’s sick and not thinking straight.” He sucked in a deep breath. “Deefer died a couple of days ago and what with her leg being infected again and all…”

  “Her leg?” Nichola frowned. “How did her leg get infected?”

  “She got attacked by a shark and…” He broke off as Nichola paled.

  Dad wrapped an arm around her to keep her from falling. “Shark?” he asked.

  Jim felt sick. How could his dad always make him feel so guilty with so few words? “We went fishing in September. This shark attacked the dingy and sunk it, and she didn’t swim fast enough. I did what I could, but I’m no doctor and we couldn’t call for help, as we’d lost the radio and the phone and…”

  He broke off. He could feel the anger and disappointment in all the adults and knew it was aimed solely at him. “I’m sorry…”

  “September?” Nichola whispered. “But it’s January now. That’s four months…”

  “It’s my fault,” Jim said. “The logbook will prove that. If she dies, I’ll never be able to forgive myself and I don’t expect you to forgive me either.”

  Major Corrigan looked at him. “There’s a doctor on the flight going out there now. And Colonel Fitzgerald has basic medical training. She’s in good hands.”

  “I don’t understand,” Nichola said.

  “It’s a life flight,” the officer told her. “They can start treating her as soon as they land.”

  A dark-haired woman in a blue uniform with lots of ribbons moved over to them. “I’m General Kaylana Merrick, the commanding officer of Anderson AFB. Welcome to Guam.”

  Jim shook the offered hand. “Thank you. I’m Jim Kirk. This is my sister, Staci, and my friend Ailsa Cudby. We found Ailsa on Agrihan. Her parents were missionaries who died there several years ago in a plane crash, and she’s been living on the island ever since. She saved our lives and came with us.”

  “The other chopper should be arriving on Agrihan any time now. The last report from Colonel Fitzgerald said that Miss Benson is with him and in a stable condition. This is Airman Trant, one of our
medics. He’ll take you to the infirmary to check you over and then we’ll get you settled. You can have a bath, a hot meal, and so on.”

  Staci grinned. “A hot bath sounds wonderful. I haven’t had one of those in forever. Or a hot meal that wasn’t fish or fruit or some kind of weird vegetable. Don’t suppose you have chips, do you?”

  Dad shook his head. “If you ask for chips, you’ll get given crisps. You have to ask for fries.”

  Staci frowned. “But I thought the Americans spoke English.”

  Dad took hold of her hand. “Not our English. It’s a whole different language.”

  Jim slid his hand into his mother’s, content to let someone else take charge and be the grown-up again.

  “Let’s get you all inside,” General Merrick said. “And I’ll check on the status of the other chopper.”


  Lou pulled the blanket tightly around her shoulders and shivered. The sun still blazed down, so why did she feel like she lay curled up in a freezer?

  “Are you OK?” Jack asked.


  Jack put a hand on her forehead. “You’re hot. Humor me and let me take your temperature.”

  “Fine.” She sighed. “You sure you’re not my mother?”

  “Quite sure. Your mom’s a whole lot prettier than I am. Hold still a sec.” Jack used one of the in-the-ear thermometers she hated. “It’s 102 degrees. We need to get you cooled down some.”

  He rummaged around in the bag beside her and pulled out a vial and stuck in a needle. Next, he injected something into the line in her hand.

  “There you go. That should help the fever.”

  Lou shook her head. “Go away, Jim. I’m tired. It can’t be 2 AM already.”

  “I’m not Jim.”

  Lou looked at him blankly. “Bill? I’m sorry. I never meant to get Jim and Staci in trouble. It’s my fault. Jim wanted to find you, and Staci and I ran away to go with him.” She shivered, seeing Deefer sitting beside her. “I’ll take you for a walk in a bit, boy. I’m really tired and don’t feel so good. Should never have gone fishing and been shark bait.”

  “Shark bait?”

  Lou did a double take, not sure why the dog was talking to her, but answered him anyway. “Jim was cross because I drew all over his precious logbook, so he fed me to the sharks…”

  Deefer’s radio crackled. The fact the dog was now wearing green uniform didn’t strike her as strange either.

  “Colonel, this is Dr. Andrews. Do you copy?”

  Deefer snatched his radio. Why did his paw have fingers? “Hi, Doc. Where are you?”

  “Five minutes away. How is she?”

  “Pretty sick. Her temp is 102, resps shallow, pulse too fast for me to count, and she’s talking to people who aren’t here. Her leg is way worse than the kid’s radio message said. It’s very infected—my guess from the smell would be gangrene. I’ve started the IV to get some fluids into her. I’ve also given her paracetamol to reduce her temperature.”

  Lou squinted at him before her heavy eyes slid shut. “Deefer, I am here, you know. An’ since when did you talk with an American accent?”

  “Hang in there, Colonel. We won’t be long. Out.”

  Jack shook Lou slightly. “Did you hear that?”

  “Yes.” Lou opened her eyes. “Jack? What are you doing here?”

  “Rescuing a damsel in distress.” He smiled. “Chopper’s coming. We’ll soon have you home safely.”

  “No...” She broke off and closed her eyes.

  Jack’s fingers touched her wrist. “Don’t you dare die on me now, kid.”

  She forced her eyes open. “Not…going…to. Just wanna sleep…”

  “In a bit. Look, here come the cavalry.”

  The chopper flew overhead and landed. A woman in a flight suit ran over to them before the dust settled. “Colonel?”

  Jack smiled. “Hey, Doc. This is Lou Benson.”

  Dr. Andrews smiled. “Hi, Lou. I’m Doc Andrews. Anderson’s CMO. Can I have a look at your leg?”

  Lou nodded slowly, struggling to stay awake. “Tired, sleep now.”

  “Stay with us, honey,” Jack told her. “You can sleep in a few.”

  Dr. Andrews pulled a face as she gently examined Lou’s leg. “Does that hurt?”

  “Not really. Not as much as it used to,” Lou whispered. “Got bit by a shark…”

  “I spoke to Jim and he filled me in.”


  She and the medics lifted Lou onto the stretcher and strapped her on securely. Then they slotted it into the chopper. “I’m going to give you something to help you with the pain, Lou. You’ll get sleepy too, but that way, you’ll be more comfortable on the way back.” She smiled. “And yes, you can sleep now.”

  Lou nodded. “Stay with me, Jack.”

  Jack sat next to her and took her hand. “I’m right here, kid. Your mom would have my guts for garters—her expression, not mine—if I let anything happen to you now.”

  “Mum’s here?”

  “Waiting for me to take you home.”

  Lou’s eyes fluttered as the meds filled her system. “Tell her…sorry.”

  “You can tell her yourself, kid…” His voice faded as everything began to float.


  Jim, Ailsa, and Staci tucked into the third plate of meatloaf, beans, and mash with as much enthusiasm as they had the first. Mum, Dad, and Nichola sat with them. His parents had eaten one plateful, although Nichola hadn’t even gotten food. Three armed security officers sat at the next table.

  Jim pushed his plate back. “That was wonderful,” he said. “I’m nicely stuffed.”

  “It has been so long since I had what Mum’d term proper food,” Ailsa said.

  “It must be harder for you,” Staci said. “After all that happened on the island with your parents and all.”

  “To be honest, it’s not hard at all. Mum and Dad were never there, not in that sense anyway. It was just me. That part of my life is over. I shan’t forget, but it is time to move on.”

  Dad looked over at her. “Ailsa, do you have any family at all I can contact for you?”

  Ailsa shook her head. “No. It was just my parents and me. I never knew my grandparents and there aren’t any aunts or uncles.”

  “What will you do?” Staci asked.

  “I don’t know. I never really thought beyond this point. I know Jim said he wants me around, but I don’t want to get in the way.”

  “You’re not in the way,” Jim said quickly. “You won’t ever be. I want you with me, one way or the other.”

  “You’ll stay with us,” Mum said decisively. “If you want to, that is. Things have changed. Losing people you love puts things into perspective. We saw a lot of people lose family and everything they own in the last few months and we thought we’d lost Jim and Staci. I don’t intend to lose any of you again. And if you have nowhere to go, then you can have a home with us.”

  “Thank you. I’d like that.”

  Mum nodded. “Good. At least until you get settled and decide what you want to do, if not longer.”

  Airman Trant appeared at the table. “I’ve come to take you three to the infirmary. The doc wants you where she can keep an eye on you for a few nights.”

  General Merrick came across, a look of concern on her face. “Mrs. Benson? The helicopter carrying your daughter is on approach. The doc asked me to prepare you as to Lou’s condition.”

  Nichola looked up. “I thought they said she was stable?”

  “Things are worse than we first thought. Lou is seriously ill. The doc is concerned about the massive infection in her leg. They had to do CPR at least once.”

  Nichola paled and sank back in her chair. “No,” she gasped.

  General Merrick put a hand on Nichola’s shoulder. “We will do all we can. I have the best surgeons in the Air Force here.” A helicopter could be heard outside. “That’s them. She needs to go straight to surgery. If you want to see her, it has to be no

  Jim got up. “Can I come too, please?”

  Nichola nodded.

  Dad stood. “I’ll go with and catch up with you guys in the infirmary.” He looked at his wife. “Make sure they don’t get lost en route, Di.”

  Mum held his gaze. “I don’t intend to let them out of my sight.”

  Jim ran with them to where the helicopter had just landed. They stood in the doorway and watched as a second medical team swooped on it and deftly put the stretcher onto the waiting trolley. They ran with it towards the building, Jack running with them.

  As they drew level with General Merrick, she halted them.

  Nichola gasped as she saw Lou lying motionless, tubes and wires everywhere. Her eyes moved downwards until she saw Lou’s red and swollen leg. “Lou, what have you done, baby?”

  “We’ll do what we can,” Dr. Andrews promised and they ran on towards the OR.

  Jack slid a hand into Nichola’s. “They’ll take good care of her, Nicky.”

  “Is she OK?” she asked, her gaze lingering on the vanishing med team.

  Jack shook his head. “She’s pretty sick. But she’s in good hands. I’ve been praying constantly the whole flight home. I know God heard me. He’ll do what is best for her.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “What about you, honey? Are you OK?”

  “I’m fine.” She rubbed a hand over her eyes.

  “No, you’re not.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “C’mon, I got time for a coffee first before the debrief. Let me just dump the bag.”

  Nichola smiled at him. “You shouldn’t talk about people like that. And you should at least shower and change first.”

  Jack grinned at her, then glanced at his crumpled and stained flight suit. “You’re right. On both counts. Give me ten minutes. I’ll meet you in the mess.” He squeezed her hand briefly and headed off.

  Jim looked down. He felt horrible, useless, and alone. This was his fault. Didn’t matter how much he apologized, if she died, it’d be solely down to him.

  Dad touched his shoulder. “Come on, son. Let’s go and find the others. Mum and I need to talk to you and Staci.”


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