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Special Investigations Agency: Primordial

Page 7

by Denise A. Agnew

  Suspicion made her curious but she said nothing else. Zane slipped his arm around her waist and squeezed.

  Eduardo, far less scruffy than he had been earlier, bowed when they stepped into the bright sun. “Señor y Señorita.”

  Once ensconced in the limo, Eduardo put up the partition between them. With the darkened windows and the rich interior of the limo, she felt like a million bucks. Cream leather interior with wooden trim screamed wealth. She’d been in a limo a couple of times, but this one had deluxe everything. Bar cabinet, television, extra-long bench seats, you name it.

  She glanced outside as Eduardo turned the vehicle toward the restaurant. Images bombarded her from all sides as they drove into downtown San Cristobal. Vendors along the streets hawked wares and other stands promised a taste of local fare.

  To her surprise, Zane remained silent during their trip. She kept her attention on sightseeing as a way to calm her nerves. Sometimes when she traveled she went on overload, unable to appreciate beauty around her. Now she felt she needed that distraction or she’d go insane. Thinking too much about what she faced on this adventure could turn her into a bundle of shivering nerves.

  “There is La Bestia Salvaje.” Zane gestured to sleek modern building about ten stories high. “The restaurant is on the top floor.”

  “What does the name mean?”

  “The Savage Beast.”

  Less than fifteen minutes later they pulled into an underground parking garage and came to a halt at an elevator leading up to the restaurant. When they stepped out, Zane put his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  He handed Eduardo a wad of bills. “Wait for us.”

  Eduardo nodded and smiled. “As you wish, Señor.”

  After Eduardo drove away to find a parking place, Zane snuggled her against his chest and whispered in her ear again. “The entire building, including the restaurant, is owned by Ludwig Haan. Keep your eyes and ears peeled. Haan might be there. Remember, we’re on stage from here on out.”

  Feeling hot and a little flushed, she melted into his embrace, determined she wouldn’t show any outward sign of discomfort. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, then decided she’d do the one thing he wouldn’t expect. This man had thrown her off guard ever since she’d arrived in Central America. He deserved a little of his own medicine.

  Sliding her hands over his hard chest and up around his neck, she buried her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down. Then she kissed him.

  Chapter Four

  As Keira’s lips brushed against Zane’s in a gentle caress, a sweet, quick taste of mouth against mouth, she got more than she bargained for.

  His arms drew her flush against him, her breasts pressed to strong muscles, her thighs against his powerful legs. Before she could take another breath, his mouth molded to hers with warm, passionate intensity. As a heated tingle filled her stomach, she allowed him to search her mouth with a deep, unrelenting passion. Fire laced her veins as he devoured with persistence. Hot and drugging, his lips shaped and cajoled, dining on her like a delicacy. The kiss in the elevator seemed tame in comparison to this possession, this unequaled bonfire.

  As her lips parted, his tongue sought hers, caressing with skillful thrusts that teased and then demanded. Every deep stroke brought erotic jolts darting straight into her belly, then flowing deep between her legs. She imagined his cock, hard and thick, making the same motion inside her body and she ached for it.

  She moaned softly as his relentless embrace brought her skin to life, her body to wild awareness of Zane and all that made him devastatingly male.

  Penetrating, plunging, he delved into her in ways she’d never experienced. Her heart pounded, breath coming faster. Everything pinpointed to that moment, an uncontrolled adventure promising a lifetime.

  Lifetime? What am I doing?

  She drew back with a gasp, then remembered eyes could be watching. Her pulse raced, her body hot and face flushed.

  His eyes blazed down into hers. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  The husky words made her stomach tingle. “Mmm. Save some for later.”

  The soft grin that formed on those carved, masculine lips turned her inside out. “That was delicious, babe. I can’t wait to do it again.”

  With total lack of subtlety, he allowed his palm to slide down her waist and cover one ass cheek with a quick, affectionate brush of hot skin. A shiver raced over her and started a chain reaction. She reached up and slipped her fingers across his cheek, a caress designed to prove she wouldn’t shy from his blatant sexual gesture. She saw uncertainty, a bewilderment that went through his eyes and made him look like a little boy.

  He pressed another soft, quick kiss to her lips before shifting gears. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  The elevator opened on the top floor, and as they stepped into the foyer, her gaze caught the brilliant dazzle of crystal chandeliers and opulent Victorian decoration. She schooled her face and made sure she looked blasé about the blatant wealth she encountered. While her grandfather was well-off, the money she saw in the hotel and in this restaurant surpassed him by quite a bit. She hadn’t grown up surrounded by riches and moving in this world took some adjusting.

  The hostess, a young Hispanic woman with glorious long coffee-colored hair and beautiful green eyes, seated them immediately. When they slipped into the cozy booth way in the back, Keira sighed in relief. She’d felt curious eyes upon them as they’d walked by. She’d also noticed quite a few women’s gazes tracking Zane. A weird and unwanted tickle of jealousy needled Keira.

  Watch it. Just because you’re playing a part with him doesn’t give you privileges.

  “Your waiter will be with you momentarily,” the hostess said in clear English and departed.

  To Keira’s surprise, Zane’s attention didn’t linger on the gorgeous hostess. Instead he concentrated on Keira. When those incredible dark eyes turned her way and held her gaze, it felt like all the oxygen left her lungs. Why couldn’t she control her body’s reactions to this guy? All he had to do was look at her in a way that held possession, desire, and incredible heat and everything inside her went off the Richter scale.

  She glanced around to regain equilibrium. The high sides of the booth, rich red velvet, made it so they couldn’t see or hear the patrons on either side of them. The booth across from them remained unoccupied. Embraced by intimacy, she wished they’d been seated somewhere less confined. Despite the cozy comfort and the fact no one could bother them, she felt vulnerable in a whole new way.

  “Interesting booth,” she said.

  “Very interesting. Makes things easier for what I had in mind tonight, darling.”

  God, when he says an endearment like that it sounds so damned real. Like he really means it.

  A scrawny, tall waiter with salt and pepper hair came up to their table. A skinny mustache rode his lip and matched his small mouth. He spoke with a smooth, thick accent. “Welcome. I’m Salazar. I’ll be you waiter this evening.”

  Zane looked over the extensive wine list and ordered a bottle of champagne. The waiter grinned widely as he walked away.

  Zane slid closer to her in the booth, his arm slipping about her shoulder as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. His hot breath made her shiver. “We made him happy. He thinks a big tip is coming if he plays this right.”

  A thrill rippled into her stomach and a dangerous need to play the game made her ask quietly, “Is that what you think, Zane? You’re going to get a big payoff if you play this right?”

  “Of course.” Husky and deep, his voice sent vibrations quivering through her. “When we get back to the hotel tonight, I’ll show you exactly what kind of payoff I expect.”

  She dared turn her head to look at him and almost bumped noses. “Is it okay to speak frankly? I mean, do you think this booth is rigged with a listening device?”

  He grinned. “It might be. But there’s enough noise in this restaurant and you’re sitting so near, I don’t think anyone
could hear. Just keep close and when you need to say something personal, whisper it in my ear.”

  She’d never been one to take relationships with men lightly. Resisting this man’s pull, his attraction seemed to suck away all her resistance. A daring buzz raced through her midsection and drew the breath from her.

  “How convenient,” she said.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll have to do something desperate, sweetheart,” he said.

  She reached for her water glass and took a long, slow sip before responding. “Such as?”

  With one smooth movement he removed his arm from around her shoulders, then his left hand rested on her thigh. She flinched in surprise, a small gasp leaving her lips. He didn’t look at her. His hand felt big and possessive, but he didn’t stroke and he didn’t squeeze flesh. No, he kept his long fingers and big palm there and tantalized with possibilities, with the mere presence of his flesh. One small shift and his thigh bumped hers. When she started to move her leg away in response, his fingers cupped and then inched up until his whole hand lay over her upper thigh, so near her crotch she could almost feel his touch there. Her nipples tightened, pressing against her bra. She imagined, with a flight of fancy deep and intense, his fingers tracing over her panties. Heat blossomed between her legs, a warm aching tingle starting in her clit.

  I can’t believe this.

  She could hardly breathe. In defense she clamped her hand over his. He didn’t remove his hand.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in desperation.

  He turned his hot, passionate gaze onto her. “Touching my fiancée.”

  She withdrew her hand from on top of his. Before she could speak the waiter came back with the champagne and poured a glass for Zane to test. After Zane approved, the waiter poured them both a glass. All the while, Zane kept his hand on her leg.

  Salazar’s gaze landed on her chest and hovered way too long for her comfort. When he asked them if they wished to order, she tilted her nose up and said no. She figured giving this guy the haughty treatment might work wonders at keeping the ogling to a minimum.

  Once the waiter left them to look over the menus, she relaxed a little, but not much. How could she when Zane kept his hand on her thigh? Granted he hadn’t put his hand up her dress, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he tried.

  Going for distraction, she held up her champagne flute and said, “I propose a toast. To us.”

  With a broad smile, he winked and picked up his glass. “To us.”

  They clinked together the champagne flutes. As she took a slow sip of the pricey drink, she savored the delicate, fruity taste. It might be the last time she imbibed in bubbly this expensive. “This is delicious.”

  “Just as you are.”

  She laughed softly. “You’re relentless.”


  She believed it. She’d never run into a man this ruthless with his attentions, so determined to put on affection, desire and love. She must be mad for allowing him to touch her like this.

  When he removed his hand he made sure to caress her thigh all the way from top to knee, and another shudder of reaction touched her. Then, as casual as if he’d never touched her, Zane helped her select a dish from the menu. Before long the waiter returned and took their order. Again Salazar blatantly ogled her chest.

  Zane cleared his throat and stared at the waiter with a clear message. Then with a crisp voice he said something to the man in Spanish. Salazar paled, nodded, and slipped away.

  She smiled in appreciation. “What did you say to him?”

  Zane brushed her hair away from her ear and whispered into the sensitive shell. “I told him your pussy was mine and if he looked at you like that again, he would lose his job and maybe his nuts, too.”

  When Zane drew back he didn’t look amused. His eyes took on a smoldering quality rife with possession and anger.

  Heat burned her face. “Zane.”


  “You are… You are…”

  He pressed a kiss to her nose, then to her chin and she forgot everything she meant to say.

  His mouth hovered over hers. “What?”


  “It’s my specialty, thank you.”

  For a wild moment she thought he might kiss her, but instead he picked up his champagne. A long silence passed while they savored their drinks and listened to soft Spanish guitar music in the background.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, needing some space from his intoxicating presence.

  When she started to slide across the bench seat, his hand covered hers. “Where are you going?”

  She frowned. “To the ladies’ room.”

  He nodded and she yanked her hand out from under his. Walking a little unsteadily on her high heels, she didn’t feel in control. After attending hundreds of functions at art galleries, museums, and political events over the years, she couldn’t remember any of them being as nerve-racking as a simple dinner with Zane.

  She located the ladies’ room at the front of the restaurant. The opulent table and chairs in the small area at the front of the ladies’ room beckoned to her. Maybe if she sat down for a while she’d be in command of her reactions. She sank onto a small, not exactly comfortable chair and stared into the large mirror. Touching up her makeup and hair didn’t take long; getting up the courage to leave the bathroom did.

  Threats from the law notwithstanding, she must follow through. Her grandmother couldn’t be saved, but perhaps her grandfather could. Fortified with renewed courage, she left the room.

  Standing in the cubbyhole leading to the ladies’ room was a man she recognized immediately.

  “Good evening,” he said with a slight German accent.

  Keira remembered him from television appearances and magazine shoots. Elegant and almost effeminate, the high-powered fashion executive looked every inch his fifty years. Thin and wiry, his body seemed poised for action and strength. He might look weak, but she felt a power emitting from him that seemed almost supernatural. When his pale, almost silvery blue eyes snagged hers, she shivered.

  His thin, straight hair receded at the temples and brushed back from his high forehead. With sharp cheekbones and a razor-sharp nose, his face looked cadaverous, his lips reddish. Lined and pale, his skin appeared delicate, as if touching him might break blood vessels. He wore a polo shirt in a bright peach color and his Bermuda shorts looked gauche in the elegant setting. She imagined this man didn’t care because whatever he wanted, he got. A man this rich, this powerful could have dressed in a burlap sack and everyone would tell him he looked fabulous darling.

  “I’m sorry,” the man said. “I’ve startled you. I’m Ludwig Haan.” Haan extended a pale, thin hand to her. “And you must be Dr. Keira Jessop.”

  “Mr. Haan.” She gripped his hand with confidence as his cold fingers wrapped around hers. She restrained a shudder of revulsion as she smiled and nodded. He squeezed her hand and hidden strength made her wince as he pushed her fingers together against the huge engagement ring. “Pleased to meet you. Zane has spoken of you often.”

  Mischief entered the man’s eyes, as if he might be ready to play a game with her. The man kept a grip on her hand, then released it with a slow slide of his fingers over hers.

  “What has Zane told you?”

  Her heart thudded in a slow, rising dread. “He said you’re preparing a fabulous wedding for us. Thank you so much.”

  “Why of course. Even though you’re eloping, I can’t let you have a wedding without all the accoutrements, now can I?”

  “It’s so kind of you.” She modulated her voice, aware she sounded uptight. “I can’t wait to see your estate.”

  “There is much to see there that you’ll enjoy. The exotic. The untamed. Do you like new and unusual experiences, Dr. Jessop?”

  Unsure if his statement extended to sexual innuendos but somehow imagining it did, she gave him a broad smile. “But of course.”

  He ch
uckled, the sound a low, breathy quality. “Then you are in for a treat beyond your imaginings. By the way, Salazar just told me that you and your fiancée had arrived. I’m so sorry I couldn’t greet you at the door.”

  “Not at all,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “We’ve enjoyed the fine champagne and the music.”

  “Ah, yes. Quinto plays the guitar wonderfully. You must dance later on.” His gaze traveled to her bodice and lingered there a moment.

  Irritation rose inside her. First Zane, then Salazar, now this creep. All the men in the world seemed to be attracted to her breasts today.

  “My dear, may I say that is the most amazing dress.” He touched her shoulder, fingering the silky, shimmery fabric. “It fits you wonderfully. Most of my runway models are so thin.” He laughed softly. “But you, my dear. You have a wonderful shape. Curved in all the right places.”

  Slimy bastard. He’s coming on to me already.

  Instead of cutting Ludwig with a sharp comment, she headed him in another conversational direction. “Thank you. I don’t think I’d enjoy modeling. I like my current career too much.”

  “Archaeology, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then you will love seeing all the delightful artifacts at Rancho La Paz, my dear.”

  His fingers hadn’t left her shoulder, and it took everything inside her not to flinch back. “I can’t wait.”

  Again the pale man’s attention cruised over her, a thorough assessment she felt all the way to her toes. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Jessop, but I must be off. I may not have the opportunity to stop by your table this evening and pay my respects to Zane. Please say hello for me. We’ll see you tomorrow?”


  “Ciao, then.” With a wave, Ludwig walked off.

  Keira’s heart started to beat again, her breath sluicing out in a deep sigh.

  Control, Keira. Get control or you’ll never make it through this charade. She drew on a river of strength inside her.

  After taking another cleansing breath, she strode back to her table and slid into the booth. She avoided Zane’s gaze as she nestled close to him.


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