The Billionaire's Setup

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The Billionaire's Setup Page 12

by Marie Higgins

  “In my dreams,” Nicole said softly, “I noticed that you were quite rude to your servants.”

  Victoria nodded. “I kept telling myself that they deserved it, but really... nobody wants to be treated unkindly.”

  “This afternoon while I napped, you were talkin’ with your brother. You got after the maid for not pressin’ your dress.”

  “Oh, yeah, Missy,” Victoria said wistfully. “I had once caught her trying on one of my hats. I was so upset at her, I took her by the ear and dragged her down the stairs and out the front door. But since her mother was the laundry maid, my mother brought Missy back.”

  “But why were you so angry? It was just a hat?”

  “It was my hat,” Victoria’s voice lifted. “At the time, I felt she had no right to do that. And the butler... he had the audacity to correct me in front of my friends. That man gave his advice too freely. However now... now I realize those little petty things weren’t important and I shouldn’t have treated my servants poorly.”

  Nicole’s memory opened and there were times in her own life when she’d acted that way. Just because her father was rich, she had thought she was better than her friends. In fact, for the longest time, her only true friend had been Bailey.

  “Over the years,” Victoria continued, “I’ve been watching our family line, and because I didn’t have any children, I watched my brother’s children and grandchildren down through the years. Donald married a few years after I died and started his family rather quickly. His children were snotty and rude and that was when I started seeing that people in our family were a very conceited group. I believe I haven’t passed over yet because I’m supposed to stop the Carrigan line from being selfish snobs.”

  Nicole grimaced. Bailey was definitely that way, but Nicole... “I might have been that way when I was younger, but not now.”

  Victoria shrugged. “I’ve watched your family for a few years, but I’ve never made myself known to you or Bailey. Of course, Bailey’s skeptical mind won’t allow her to believe in ghost, anyway.”

  “You’ve been watchin’ me a few years?” Nicole gasped.

  “Don’t raise your voice.” Victoria lifted her chin, showing her stubbornness. “After all, I know you don’t want Nolan to think you talk to ghosts.”

  Nicole huffed and folded her arms. “Okay, I’ll admit there have been some times in my life that I’m not proud of the way I’ve treated less fortunate people, but I’m doin’ much better. Ever since my father died and left his company and stocks to me, I realized I had to grow up and take on more responsibility.”

  “Indeed, you are doing much better.” A small smile moved across Victoria’s face. “However, I think you really need to work on Bailey and help her change her attitude before she turns out to be like me.”

  “Fine. So, if I promise not to act like that ever again and work on Bailey’s attitude, will you leave me alone and stop comin’ to visit me, and stop interruptin’ my dreams?”

  Victoria shook her head. “I will leave if you will do me a favor. I want to find out what really happened to me the day I died.”

  Grumbling under her breath, Nicole pushed her fingers through her hair. “How am I supposed to do that? Everyone who was at your weddin’ is now dead.”

  A frown claimed Victoria’s face again. “I don’t know, but I think I’ve found a way to reach into your subconscious and share my memories with you. Maybe that will help somehow.”

  Nicole wanted to scream in frustration. She wanted those dreams gone. Forever. They were disrupting her life. However, turning down Victoria’s favor wouldn’t make the dreams go away, either.

  Leaning her elbows on the stair’s railing, she squeezed her eyes closed. Would this nightmare of hers ever go away? All she wanted was to be free of her ghost and to live her life the way she wanted. She didn’t need her family or friends to think she’d lost her mind just because she was dreaming of things that happened in the past and talking to a ghost.

  “Fine,” she said irritably. “I’ll do it.”

  Victoria smiled brightly, but when she opened her mouth to speak, another voice filled the hallway – coming from clear down by Nolan’s room.

  “Nicole? Who are you talking to?”


  Nolan’s worry had escalated when after ten minutes, Nicole hadn’t returned to his room. However, when he stepped out and saw her down the hall by the stairs, he could see she was talking and it certainly wasn’t someone on the phone.

  She swung toward him. Her eyes widened and her walk was quick as she headed his way. Her smile grew wider, but for some reason, she looked panicked.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said breathless as she grasped his hands. “After I’d called and ordered us dinner, one of the housekeepers stopped to talk to me.”

  He glanced past her, still not seeing anyone. “They did?”

  “Yes.” Nicole motioned her hand down the hallway. “They were on the stairs.”

  He slid his arm around her shoulders. She was too stiff, as was her expression. Immediately, he received the most uncomfortable feeling as if she wasn’t telling him the truth. He didn’t want to think she was lying to him, and yet, she was here with him now, so why was he worried?

  “I poured us some wine,” he told her as he led her into his suite and closed the door. He moved to the table and picked up two wine glasses. “This is Powers’ Red Velvet wine and made in Scottsdale, Arizona.” He handed her one of the glasses. “Jethro Powers, who is the C.E.O. of the winery, came up with this mixture while dating his wife. The wine is sweet but not overbearing.”

  Nicole took a sip and raised her eyebrows. “Very tasty. I’m not that big of a drinker but I do have wine on special occasions.”

  “Same here.” He winked. “And I happen to think this is a very special occasion now.”

  Her smile softened. “You do? Why?”

  “Because I’m with the woman I can’t get off my mind. I’m with a woman who I enjoy laughing with.”

  She lifted her glass. “And I’m with a man who I enjoy bein’ with when I’m scared.”

  He laughed. “Yes, that, too.”

  She took a few more sips of the wine before setting it back on the table. “Our dinner probably won’t be here for another thirty minutes or so.”

  “That’s fine.” Nolan set his glass next to hers. “We can talk until it arrives.”

  He took her hand and led her to the loveseat against the far wall. They sat at the same time and immediately, he took her in his arms. Her hand rested on his chest and she looked up at him with her intoxicating amber eyes.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  There was a hint of teasing in her voice as if she didn’t believe he actually wanted to talk. Although kissing her passionately sounded much better, he felt he needed her to trust him more so that she could tell him what she’d been keeping from him.

  “Everything... or anything.” He chuckled lightly. “I just want to get to know you better.” He paused, but not long enough for her to think of something to say yet. “I’ve mentioned the word destiny before in regards to meeting you, but I think I should explain why I think that.”

  He shifted in the seat to make their position a little more comfortable. “Most of my adult life, I’ve dated women who eventually find another man to give their heart to. Just recently, I thought I had feelings for a woman, but she married my best friend. I honestly thought I would never find another woman who made my heart sing again.” He stroked her shoulder. “I don’t want you to think I’m getting ahead in our relationship, but I want to tell you that this – feeling – between us isn’t just a passing fling. At least that’s not what I want.”

  She touched his chin in a soft caress. “And have you compared me with this woman who held your heart last?”

  He shook his head. “There is no comparison, Nicole. My heart beats faster with you. My thoughts constantly circle around you, and when we’re together I’m...

  Her eyes gleamed with emotion. “Nolan, I’m not used to feelin’ this connected with a man. I’m not goin’ to lie and tell you I’ve never been in love before, but it’s really only been one-sided. Those men loved money more than they loved me.”

  “They were idiots.” He caressed the lock of hair over her shoulder. “Because in my opinion, there’s nothing that’s worth more than finding someone to love.”

  She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. “Nolan? What made you want to come to this little Colorado town and go on a ghost tour?”

  His heart leaped. She had taken the very question he had for her right out of his thoughts. “It was actually a gift for being the best man at my friend’s wedding.”

  She lifted her head and her eyes widened. “A gift?”

  “Yeah, my friend knows what I like.”

  “And you like comin’ to haunted inns to sleep?”

  Nolan chuckled. “My friend knows my fascination with paranormal activities. In fact, when I was a teenager, I wanted to become a ghost hunter.”

  She laughed. “That is definitely an odd interest for a teenager.”


  “Why were you so fascinated with ghosts?”

  “Because when I was little, I was with my family at my grandmother’s house, who had just died. As the family went through her things to see what to keep and what to sell, I thought I saw my grandmother standing on the stairs, looking at all of us. She was smiling. She looked so happy. She wasn’t in a wheelchair, either, and she looked... healthy. As I grew older, I wanted to know if it was possible to see people who were dead, so I just started researching the subject, and the more I learned, the more interested I became.”

  “At least havin’ that kind of hobby kept you from getting’ into trouble.”

  He shrugged. “And it also explains why I never had a serious relationship with a woman.”

  “Oh, Nolan.” She cuddled back against him. “You are just too adorable.”

  “No, you are the adorable one.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now it’s your turn. What made you travel all the way from Texas to a little haunted Colorado town?”

  Their gazes locked, and he could tell how uncomfortable she was with this subject. But he wanted her to tell him. He wanted her to trust him enough with her secrets. However, the cloud of doubt was still in her eyes.

  Several seconds passed, turning into minutes. He continued stroking her shoulder and arm, keeping her as relaxed as possible.

  “For the past few weeks,” she said softly, “I’ve been dreamin’ about a woman from the early 1900’s. I didn’t know who she was or why she was in my dreams. Then one night in my dream, she walked past a town’s sign – Woodland Park, Colorado.” Nicole shrugged. “I’d never even heard of the town before, but I wondered if coming here would help me figure out my dreams.”

  “That’s why you signed up for the haunted tour, too? In hopes of finding the woman who’d died?”

  “Exactly.” She paused again and sighed. “When I’d searched the internet for a place to stay, and I saw this bed and breakfast, I realized this house had been in my dream, too.”

  Nolan’s heartbeat quickened. He took hold of her hand. “Was it Victoria Carrigan who was in your dreams?”

  She nodded. “The very same woman that was in the picture you printed out for me.”

  His heart soared with relief. “No wonder you had looked so startled.”

  “Yes. I was in shock. Actually, I’m still in shock. I mean, this doesn’t normally happen to people, right?”

  “Not normally, but I think it means Victoria is trying to enlist your help.”

  Her eyes widened. “You do?”

  “Yes. She must need help crossing over, and since you are somehow related, she thought she could get you to help her.”

  Tears spiked her eyes and she blinked rapidly. She buried her face against his chest. “Oh, Nolan. I never thought anyone would understand about my dreams. I’m so relieved you do.”

  “Oh, my darling, Nicole.” He kissed the top of her head. “This makes so much more sense to me now. Fate was definitely lending a helping hand.”

  “Why?” She looked up at him.

  “I was sent to this place because we needed to meet. I’m here for you because I understand.” A tear slipped down her cheek, and he brushed it away with the pad of his thumb. “I hope you know you can always tell me anything.”

  She nodded and licked her lips. “I’ve been so worried that I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to about this.” Her throat jumped in what looked to be a hard swallow. “Bailey has no clue about my dreams, and I don’t want her to know. She would never understand.”

  “Agreed. We can keep this between us, and... if you want some help with finding out what happened to Victoria Carrigan, I’m here for you.”

  “You are truly the best, Nolan Ricks,” she sobbed happily and wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed her mouth against his.

  It was a kiss of gratitude, but he was going to ease it into a more passionate kiss – if she’d allow it. His heart grew another ten sizes knowing that she now trusted him. That meant more to him than anything at the moment.

  Gently pulling her closer, he moved his mouth with hers, trying to show her through his kiss how he felt. Her lips were so delectable and so responsive. At times he didn’t know if he was trying to seduce her or if she was seducing him.

  Suddenly, a door slammed, making them jump apart. His attention flew to the front door of his suite, but he didn’t think that was it. Seconds later, another door slammed in the hallway. He looked down at Nicole, confused.

  “Is Bailey back?”

  “Oh, dear. Yes, she’s probably back and upset. She slams doors when she’s mad at someone.” Nicole jumped up and hurried to the door to open it, but another door in the hallway slammed.

  “What’s going on?”

  He stepped to Nicole as she opened the door. They both peered in the hallway. Further down the hallways, another door slammed.

  Nicole rushed to Bailey’s room and knocked. “Bailey? Are you in there?”

  Further down the hallway, another door slammed. The people in the room just down from Nolan’s, opened their door and peeked out. The middle-aged man met Nolan’s gaze.

  “What’s going on?” the man asked.

  Nolan shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Nicole knocked harder on Bailey’s door. “Please answer me.” She peeked at Nolan from over her shoulder. “I don’t think she’s back. She usually wants to talk if she’s mad.”

  The middle-aged couple retreated back into their room and closed the door. Nolan reached for Nicole’s hand as they met in the middle of the hallway.

  “I think,” he said softly, “that there’s an upset ghost on this floor.”

  Her eyes widened. “That’s not good.”

  He tugged on her hand, pulling her back into his room. “It’s not, but I’d rather be with you right now than anyone else.” After he shut and locked the door, he took her back into his arms. “Together, we can handle anything... even ghosts.”

  Her laugh was a little shaky. “You’d better be right, Nolan Ricks... or the ghost will be comin’ after you.”


  Nicole nearly floated into her room later that night after leaving Nolan’s side. It was difficult to tear herself out of his arms, but she was tuckered out and needed to sleep. He’d hinted about her staying the night with him, but she worried that she’d have a visit from Victoria again, and Nicole just wasn’t ready to tell Nolan about that.

  This evening they had become closer – both mentally and physically. She liked that a lot. Telling him about visits from Victoria might ruin his opinion of Nicole. The way he looked at her now with his dreamy green eyes that made her melt would change once he discovered she talks to ghosts. No, telling Nolan the whole truth was out of the question.

  Her belly was full with the delicious food she
had the caterers bring, and her heart was full of a budding love that she never wanted to die. But it was her heavy eyelids that convinced her it was time for bed. So, after a very long and passionate kiss, she told Nolan goodnight.

  She didn’t need the jetted tub to relax in tonight. She’d take a shower tomorrow. Tonight, the pillow was calling to her. She said her nightly prayer that she’d be able to help Victoria pass over – so that Nicole could live the rest of her life in peace.

  As her mind and body relaxed, she snuggled in the blankets and found a comfortable spot on the mattress. As always at the end of the day, her mind replayed the fun things that had happened to her. Today’s events had been plenty to dream about, especially this evening in Nolan’s arms.

  Remembering the moment by the stairs with Victoria, her mind gradually shifted. Soon, she was in the dining room. No longer did it look like what she’d been in this morning for breakfast, but instead... everything was old-fashioned. Victoria sat at the large deep oak table with claw legs. Her plate of food was in front of her, but as she stuck her fork into her eggs, Victoria’s face grew red with anger.

  “Matilda!” Victoria shouted. “Why are my eggs runny?”

  Shuffling of feet from behind the kitchen door sounded mere moments before a woman with white hair and a round body opened the door. The older woman’s eyes widened and her face was void of color.

  “I’m so sorry, Miss Victoria.” The cook rushed to the table and took her plate. “I’ll fix you some more now.”

  Victoria huffed and stood. “I’ve lost my appetite, thanks to your runny eggs.”

  “Again, Miss Victoria. I’m very sorry.”

  As Victoria marched out of the room, the cook’s expression turned to malice. The older woman rolled her eyes and returned to the kitchen.

  “Anna?” Victoria yelled at the bottom of the stairs. “I need my cloak. Now!”

  From upstairs, another maid scurried out of one of the rooms with the cloak in her hands. As she stepped briskly down the stairs, her jaw was tight, and her glare was on Victoria.


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