The Billionaire's Setup

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The Billionaire's Setup Page 13

by Marie Higgins

  “Here you are,” Anna said, holding out the cloak.

  “Augh!” Victoria huffed. “I don’t want this one.” She flipped the fur-line collar. “It’s not cold outside. Bring me my lighter cloak.”

  Anna’s face reddened as she turned and stormed up the steps. Victoria sashayed to the window near the door, gazing out into the lovely fall weather.

  “Good morning, Miss Victoria.” Missy walked by, holding a feather duster. “Will you be seeing Mr. William again today?”

  Victoria glanced at the maid and rolled her eyes. “Of course we are. What kind of idiotic question is that to ask to a woman who is engaged?”

  “Forgive me, miss.” Missy curtsied.

  “William is taking me shopping for our wedding.”

  “Oh, how lovely.” Missy’s smile looked forced.

  Anna’s descent down the stairs was slower this time as she walked to Victoria and handed her another cloak.

  “I hope this garment is more to your liking,” the maid said in between clenched teeth.

  “Yes, it will do.” Victoria flipped her hand, motioning the servant to leave.

  At that moment, a man came up the porch, and Victoria hurried out and left with him. In Nicole’s dream, she couldn’t see his face. But her mind stayed inside the house with the servants.

  “Oh, that woman.” Anna bunched her hands, glaring at the closed front door. “I’d like nothing more than to strangle her.”

  Missy grumbled in distaste. “Stand in line.”

  The cook peeked from around the corner as if she was making sure the coast was clear before she walked out into the entryway.

  “I predict that one day Miss Victoria is going to get what’s coming to her, and it won’t be pleasant at all.”

  Shaking her head, Anna folded her arms. “That day can’t get here soon enough.”

  “You two have it easy,” Missy complained. “I’m the one who is running ragged trying to make her happy, and all she can do is find fault with everything I do.” She paused and then added, “Press my dress – oh, no, I want the other color. Why can’t you read my mind, Missy? You need to use your head to think.”

  Matilda leaned her shoulder against the wall and frowned. “It’s Mr. William I feel sorry for. We all know that Miss Victoria is showing him a different version of herself – one that will disappear after they’re married.”

  Missy brushed her fingers along the feathers of the duster. “I’m just glad that Donald is more tolerable than his sister.”

  Anna laughed. “Old bitty Walters down the street is more tolerable than Miss Victoria.”

  Matilda chuckled and turned back toward the kitchen. “I wonder what the price of cyanide is going for these days.”

  Anna’s loud laugh followed her all the way up the stairs. Missy watched as the two other women left before she reached into the pocket on her apron and pulled out a locket. The golden heart-shaped locket had sprinkles of diamond on the front side. Indeed, the necklace was much nicer and more expensive than a mere maid would own.

  Right away, Nicole guessed the locket belonged to Victoria since she’d mentioned that Missy had a habit of taking things that weren’t hers.

  Missy opened the locket and gazed down upon the picture inside. Nicole stepped closer to see what Missy was lovingly gazing at, but Nicole couldn’t see as the dream started becoming fuzzy. Then she heard Missy’s voice as if through a long tunnel.

  “Oh, William. Why can’t you love me, instead?”

  Nicole rolled over in bed as her mind and ears became alert to the sounds and lights around her. She glanced at the alarm clock on the bed stand. Seven-thirty in the morning.

  Sighing, she scrubbed her hands over her face, trying to fully wake up. The dream she’d had of Victoria had disturbed her, so much more than the others she’d had. Now, more than ever, Nicole believed that Victoria had been killed. The servants were definitely suspicious.

  After showering, she quickly dressed in a lighter material shirt and wore jeans and boots. Leaving her hair long, she applied her makeup before spraying some cologne over her body. As she left her room, she practically skipped toward the elevator. Last night, she agreed to meet Nolan for breakfast at eight-thirty.

  Waiting for her in front of the elevator was the man that made her weak in the knees and caused her heart to do silly flip-flops. He smiled and took hold of her hands.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said sweetly as he leaned in and kissed her.

  “Good mornin’.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  She shrugged. “Well enough. I just felt bad for leavin’ you last night, but I was so tuckered out. And...” she wagged her eyebrows, “I knew that bein’ so close to you last night would make it very hard to sleep.”

  The elevator doors opened and they walked in. He punched the lower level button before he turned toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he pushed her into the corner.

  “Tell me,” he said huskily, “am I too close now?”

  He brushed his lips across her cheek and she sucked in a breath. Warmth filled her, mixing with the pleasure already shooting through her body. His cologne surrounded her, making her want to press her face against his chest and never leave.

  “You smell wonderful,” she sighed. “I think I like you this close.”

  “I can get closer.” Nolan slid his arms around her waist and kissed down her cheek to her neck. The elevator hesitated and shook as it reached the first floor. Nolan stepped back just as the doors opened. He took her hand and led her out of the elevator.

  Nicole couldn’t stop smiling. Nolan knew just how to make her happy, and she loved that about him. Today was going to be a wonderful day because she wanted to be with him every possible minute.

  They entered the dining area and headed for the breakfast buffet. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a familiar figure. Victoria was leaning over a man’s shoulder looking at the newspaper with him. Nicole’s stomach twisted. Although she figured nobody could see her, she worried about getting caught just looking at her – and heaven forbid Victoria trying to talk to her.

  At the buffet table, Nolan handed Nicole a plate, and now she wished to have breakfast in bed. But then... that wouldn’t stop Victoria, either.

  Nicole placed a few items on her plate and waited for Nolan to fill his plate. They walked to an empty table and sat across from each other. Nicole kept glancing at Victoria, even though she tried not to look like she was watching a ghost. Victoria raised her gaze and smiled at Nicole.

  “Are you going to go shopping with Bailey today?” Nolan asked before taking a bite of his bacon. “The tour bus will be taking us to Denver for this afternoon’s activity, so maybe you can do your shopping there.”

  Nicole groaned and rubbed her forehead. “We might as well drive and follow the tour bus because after Bailey is done shoppin’, she’ll have so many bags of clothes there won’t be any room left on the bus for the group to sit.” She shook her head. “I think she’s goin’ to have to buy more luggage just for all the crap she’s purchased since we’ve been here.”

  “And to think,” Nolan chuckled, “she complained yesterday about there not being any good stores.”

  “I know, right?” Nicole took a bite of her banana.

  “What time is your flight?”

  “We leave on Sunday.” She didn’t want to tell him that her flight would be going home on her own jet. “When is yours?”

  “Sunday evening at ten o’clock.”

  Sadness washed over her just thinking about being away from this gorgeous and loving man. “I hope it stays Saturday forever.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” He reached across the table and held her hand. “Promise me that we’ll keep in touch.”

  She nodded. “I’ll find some excuse for the company to fly me to Arizona every month.”

  “To sign papers?” He winked.

  “Exactly. I’ll find more papers in Arizona to sign.�
�� Her mind quickly spun with ideas on what she could own in Arizona just to be closer to Nolan.

  “Ohhh...” Victoria sighed loudly as she leaned against the back of Nolan’s chair. “He is just so sweet.”

  Inwardly, Nicole groaned. How could she have forgotten about her ghost? She was just relieved that Nolan couldn’t hear Victoria.

  But now the dead woman wanted to talk. How was Nicole going to handle this situation without looking like a crazy person?


  Panic grew inside Nicole as she struggled for something to say or do. She needed to get Victoria out of here. As Nicole glanced down at her plate, her mind swam with ideas until finally one of them made sense.

  “Oh, no,” Nicole exclaimed heavily. “I can’t believe I forgot to get my orange juice.”

  “Do you want me to get it?” Nolan stood.

  Nicole motioned for him to sit. “No, I can get it.”

  “Nonsense. I’m already up.” He moved toward the buffet table.

  Nicole turned her scowl on Victoria and asked softly, “What in the blazes are ya doin’ here?”

  Victoria held her clasped hands against her waist as she looked around the room. “I wanted to see what people do in the mornings here. My energy is usually drained so I don’t linger about in the daytime, but today, I feel a bit more alive.” Victoria smiled. “So, who is Mr. Wonderful?”

  “Go away!” Nicole said quietly. “I cannot be talkin’ to you here.”

  “Did you dream last night?”

  “Yes, but... I can’t talk about it here.” Nicole glanced at Nolan who was on his way back. Please, Victoria. Go away!

  “Perhaps I shall just sit here and wait until you’re finished eating.” Victoria slid into an empty chair next to Nolan’s seat.

  “No!” Nicole mouthed to the ghost.

  “Is everything alright?” Nolan asked. “You look a little flustered. You did want orange juice, but then you just mouthed the word no.”

  Nicole gave him the best smile she could fake under the duress moment. “Orange juice is what I want, thank ya kindly.”

  As he sat across from her, Nicole glanced to Victoria who wore a silly grin that needed to be knocked off the ghost’s face. This was not funny!

  “Do you think Bailey would like to go with us to the historical library this morning?” Nolan asked.

  “I honestly don’t think she will. I’m sure she came back really late last night, and she probably won’t wake up until noon.”

  “Maybe she hooked up with that bartender.” Nolan chuckled.

  Victoria’s laugh was louder, and Nicole cringed. Thankfully, she didn’t notice anyone in the room looking at their table, so at least they couldn’t see – or hear – the annoying ghost.

  “Bailey would never lower herself to go out with a bartender,” Victoria snickered. “You forget, Nicole. Your cousin is too much like I was when I was alive.”

  To keep from yelling at the dead woman, Nicole quickly spread honey-butter on her scone and took a bite.

  “I have to admit,” Nolan said, pointing at his plate of food, “Hanover House has the best Belgian Waffles I’ve ever tasted.”

  “You know,” Victoria leaned on the table, looking right at Nicole, “I think they got the recipe from my cook, Matilda. She made some very delicious waffles, too.” Victoria glanced at Nolan in silence as if she was studying him. “Your man is very handsome. He reminds me a little of my William. My true love also had green eyes.”

  Nicole couldn’t take this any longer. She tightened her fingers around her fork and glared at Victoria, but she bit her tongue because she didn’t want to look foolish talking to thin air.

  Nolan watched Nicole carefully, and that made her even more nervous. He was going to figure it out, she just knew it. She tried smiling at him again, but the doubt on his expression told her that he knew something was wrong.

  Inwardly, she groaned. Now she needed to figure out some kind of story to tell him for her odd actions because telling him about her ghost was out of the question. I am not crazy!

  Nicole’s phone chimed and she looked down at it. It was a text from Bailey.

  Hey. Are you and billionaire lover-boy having breakfast?

  Nicole texted back. Yes.

  Great. I’ll be right down.

  “That was Bailey,” Nicole said, raising her attention back to Nolan. “I’m shocked that she’s awake this early, but she’s comin’ down to join us for breakfast.”

  Nolan arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure she stayed out late?”

  Nicole shrugged. “I’m now doubtin’ it.”

  Victoria clapped her hands and shuffled her feet as though she was dancing. “How wonderful. It’s going to be like a family reunion.”

  Holding her breath, Nicole silently counted to ten. Her patience was still wearing thin and she didn’t know how long it would be before she exploded in rage.

  “Maybe I should try and see if Bailey can see or hear me.” Victoria grinned. “Don’t you think that’s a splendid idea?”

  “No, I don’t,” Nicole snapped before catching herself. Her cheeks burned with humiliation.

  “You don’t... what?” Nolan asked.

  “Umm, I don’t... I don’t think Bailey stayed out late. That’s the only explanation I can think of, because she is not an early riser.”

  Nolan reached across the table and took her gently by the hand as he rubbed her fingers. “Was she in her room when you went to bed last night?”

  Nicole laughed uncomfortably. “Actually, I’d forgotten to text her before goin’ to bed. I reckon my mind was on other things.”

  His smile relaxed. “I know that’s where my mind was at.”

  “Ohhh,” Victoria said, switching her gaze back and forth between Nicole and Nolan. “I hope you tell me what happened in his room last night.”

  Just ignore her! But telling herself that and actually doing it were two different things. Nicole had a headache already. It was time to end this!

  Nicole slipped her hand away from Nolan and continued eating her breakfast. Within minutes, Bailey entered the dining room and grabbed a plate of fruit before joining them at the table, sitting next to Nicole.

  “Good morning, Bailey,” Nolan greeted sweetly.

  “Good morning.” Bailey blinked as if still trying to wake up.

  “What are you doin’ awake already?” Nicole asked her cousin.

  Bailey gave Nicole a lazy grin. “I couldn’t wait to tell you about Devin.”

  “Who?” Nicole asked at the same time Victoria voiced her same question. Nicole kept her gaze on her cousin. “Is that the bartender you went to go meet?”

  Bailey sighed dramatically. “No, he’s another guy I met last night. He owns a chain of hotels, and he was in town to find a location for another hotel.”

  Victoria released a loud laugh. “Did I not tell you that she wouldn’t be satisfied with a mere bartender?”

  Bailey turned and gripped Nicole’s arm. “Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet him. He’s so wonderful and gorgeous.”

  “What about me? I want to meet him. But nobody thinks this ghost has feelings.” Victoria moaned, swooping her hand across the table. The newspaper that had been lying on the table, shifted slightly.

  Nicole held her breath, knowing exactly why it moved, but... would the others?

  Both Bailey’s and Nolan’s gazes snapped to the newspaper. Nolan rubbed his shoulder that Victoria had been standing next to.

  “That was weird,” he said. “And I felt a chill in the air just then.”

  “It was a draft.” Bailey rolled her eyes. “I felt it, too. These old building are always drafty.”

  “Maybe.” Nolan shrugged.

  “He’s a clever man, Nicole,” Victoria said. “He’s one you don’t want to lose.”

  Bailey cocked her head, narrowing her gaze on him. “What? You think it was a ghost?” She snickered rudely as she reached for her cup of juice.

  Victoria giggl
ed. “Let’s see if Bailey will think this is because the old building is drafty.” She reached out her hand toward Bailey’s cup as Bailey lifted it to her mouth.

  Nicole knew exactly what the irritating ghost had planned. “No!” Nicole’s voice rose in panic as she pulled on her cousin’s arm. The juice spilled over the rim of the cup.

  Bailey gasped and glared at Nicole. “No?” She wiped off the juice from her hand. “What’s wrong with you, Nicole? You’re very jittery this morning, unless... Do you think it was a ghost, too?”

  Nicole wiped the napkin across her mouth. “Are we done with breakfast? I am.”

  “I’m finished, too.” Nolan stood up with Nicole.

  The annoying ghost grinned victoriously. “You and Nolan are so darling together. Maybe I should try and help you two out, or... are you already a couple?”

  “Let’s go,” Nicole said quickly as she grabbed Nolan’s hand and pulled him away from the table. She didn’t like the way Victoria was looking at Nolan with a calculating expression.

  “Wait for me.” Bailey grabbed a few pieces of fruit off the table and followed them. “Where are we going?” Bailey asked.

  “Just out of here,” Nicole said as she practically had a foot-race out of the dining room and out the front doors. The cool morning air was refreshing. She sincerely hoped that Victoria wouldn’t be able to wander away from the house. If the ghost followed her, Nicole was in danger of admitting herself to the psych ward.


  That was the strangest experience Nolan had ever had. Talking with Nicole during breakfast was like she was carrying on a conversation with two people. There was that moment he’d believe there had been a ghostly presence, but the more he thought about Nicole’s actions, he wondered if she could actually see and hear the ghost that had been with them.

  Clearly, Nicole didn’t want to talk about it, unless she didn’t want to say anything in front of her cousin. Bailey doubted paranormal activity of any kind and would ridicule her cousin for believing in ghosts. Nolan would have to be patient and wait until he was alone with Nicole and ask her about what really happened during breakfast.


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