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The Billionaire's Setup

Page 22

by Marie Higgins

  “Then let me tell you what I’ve been thinking.” Aaron leaned on the table a little. “I’ve talked with Gramps and Thomas, and they both agree that we should start up a winery hub in Texas. Austin is about halfway between Orlando and Scottsdale, and having a smaller winery there could relieve some of the business from Florida’s winery. I can have you manage it. That’s if you still want to work for me.”

  Nolan hitched another surprised breath. Aaron was just dishing out the surprises today. Nolan glanced at Nicole to see her reaction. She gave him an approval smile.

  “My love, I know you aren’t into the oil business,” Nicole rubbed his arm, “so, this just might be the better deal.”

  Nolan loved working at the winery and loved tending the vines in the field. This was another dream-come-true for him. He took Nicole’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I think you might be right.”

  “I want you to be happy bein’ married to me,” she said softly.

  He loved her even more now than he had a few minutes ago. “You are amazing.”

  She smiled. “And so are you, which is why we make a great team.”

  Nolan turned and met Aaron’s gaze before nodding. “It looks like you have yourself a deal.”

  The two men shook hands to seal the agreement.

  Indeed, things were going very smoothly today. However, Nolan knew that once Missy caught wind of their wedding, she’d do all she could to stop it. Nolan didn’t want to even think about what would happen if she won.


  Nicole stood back, gazing at the gazebo as Beth and Bailey added the final touches. The structure was decorated with white silk, tied with white bows. Petals from red roses were sprinkled on the floor and along the railings. Circling the top of the gazebo were green lights – almost the color of Nolan’s eyes.

  Aaron and Nolan had set up folding chairs from the bed and breakfast for the few guests who’d be in attendance, and then Beth made the men leave so the women could do their jobs to make the gazebo look pretty.

  Smiling, Nicole folded her arms and watched the brunette woman give instructions like she was the one in charge of the decorations. Beth was around Nicole’s age, and she was sure the two of them would be good friends – just like their men were.

  “What do you think?” Beth asked as she and Bailey walked down the three steps of the gazebo.

  “It’s beautifully, romantic. I could have the most lavish weddin’ and reception, but it will never compare to what I’m lookin’ at now and imaginin’ me and Nolan standin’ in here soon.”

  Beth hooked her arm with Nicole’s as they moved back toward the rented car. “Now we just need to get you looking perfect for your wedding.”

  Nicole sighed heavily. It was still hard to believe that she and Nolan were getting married today! They hadn’t even known each other a full week, yet. However, they were meant to be together. Fate had pulled them here at the same time, and Nicole was not going to mess with fate. It would be hard enough fighting Missy.

  She gave Beth a nod. “Then let’s get me ready. I’m eager to become Mrs. Ricks.”

  The women giggled all the way back to the other inn as they dressed Nicole in a beaded-silk white gown with a small laced veil. The gown hugged her body perfectly and flared slightly around the legs. Although the garment had long sleeves, the shoulders hung low, showing more skin. Whenever Bailey took a moment to stare and think about what Nicole was doing, her cousin cried a little. Nicole was too happy – and too nervous – to cry, especially when she’d been praying that everything would go smoothly.

  Bailey gave Nicole a small hug, trying not to wrinkle her or mess up her hair. When Bailey stepped back, her eyes filled with tears again.

  “I’m just happy for you. I’ve never seen you so happy.”

  “Thanks, Bailey. I am very happy... and I want to stay that way. We should get the men and leave.”

  “What?” Bailey’s voice lifted. “You don’t want Nolan to see the bride before you walk down the aisle. That’s bad luck.”

  Nicole didn’t want to laugh, but sometimes her cousin said the silliest things. “Bailey, sweetie... have you forgotten we’ll be fightin’ a really irate ghost? I’m not worried about Nolan seein’ me before the weddin’, believe me.”

  “She’s right,” Beth told Bailey. “I’ll see if the men are ready and we’ll drive in two different cars. Bailey, you can come with Aaron and me.”

  Bailey left with Beth, leaving Nicole in her room as she stared at herself in the full-length mirror. She was doing the right thing – not only by marrying the only man who had ever made her happy, but by sending two ghosts away. She was sure Victoria would take the pathway to Heaven, while poor Missy’s destination was a lot hotter.

  The door to her room opened, and Nolan’s head poked inside. When his gaze found her, his mouth hung open. Slowly, he entered the room, not taking his eyes off her. She couldn’t stop looking at him in his black tuxedo and white shirt. The beat of her heart hammered faster, and she felt like the luckiest woman alive.

  He stopped in front of her and swallowed noisily. “You are... breathtaking.”

  “I feel the same way about you because I’m findin’ it difficult to breathe.”

  “I want to touch you, but I’m afraid you’ll disappear and then I’ll realize I’ve been dreaming.”

  She took his hand. “I know I’ve never had a better dream than the man standin’ in front of me.”

  “You know,” he said, shaking his head, “I’m ready to take you to Las Vegas and marry you there because I don’t want anything to ruin our special day. I’ll never forget the way you look now, and the way warmth is filling my heart when I think about spending the rest of my life with you.”

  “I’m tempted to take you up on that offer, but... if we don’t stop Missy now, who will?”

  He nodded. “Yes, you’re right.” He held out his elbow. “Are you ready to go, beautiful?”

  “Yes. I’m ready to get this over with so that I can be your wife.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  WHEN NOLAN AND NICOLE drove up to Hanover House, the priest was standing out front on the lawn talking with Aaron and Beth. Nolan found a close parking spot and then he climbed out of the jeep and hurried around to help Nicole out, taking special care not to dirty her gown. Gads, she was pretty. She looked like a princess.

  Nolan and Nicole walked up to the priest and shook his hand. The fifty-something year-old man with a thick head of white hair held up the marriage license and smiled.

  “Are you two ready?” the priest asked.

  Nolan glanced at Nicole. Her face was aglow with excitement as she nodded eagerly. “I’m ready, too,” he added.

  The priest walked to the gazebo first. Nolan’s heartbeat quickened as he and Nicole came closer to the gazebo. A light chill moved over him, and his gut clenched.

  “It just got a little cooler, don’t you think?” he whispered to Nicole.

  “Victoria is here. She’s standin’ inside the gazebo, smilin’ at us.”

  “I hope she forgives me if I don’t wave,” Nolan said jokingly.

  Nicole chuckled.

  As they neared the gazebo steps, Bailey waited for them and handed a bouquet of red roses to Nicole. The cousin’s smile trembled as her watery eyes began to leak.

  Suddenly, Nolan’s chest tightened as if it was hard to breathe. Eeriness crawled over him as if an evil spirit decided to join the wedding uninvited. Just before Nicole took a step toward the stairs, she slipped and started to buckle. Nolan quickly wrapped an arm around her, holding her up. He looked into her worried face.

  “She’s here, right?” he whispered.

  Nicole nodded. “I think so.”

  “Can you walk?”

  “Yes, I just twisted my ankle a little, but I’m fine.” She held tighter to Nolan’s arm. Glancing around her, she scowled. “Go away, Missy.”

  Nolan practically carried Nicole up the steps of the gaz
ebo, just trying to get this over and done with. Now that Missy was here, the quicker he and Nicole were married, the faster the dark spirit would leave.

  The priest looked down his glasses at Nolan and Nicole. “Shall I begin?”

  “Yes, and hurry, please,” Nicole said.

  As the priest opened the Bible and turned the pages, Nolan noticed a planter shaking on one of the railings surrounding the gazebo. Holding his breath, he kept an eye on it. Knowing Missy, she’d throw it at Nicole. He was going to stop that from happening.

  “We are gathered today in the sight of God and these witnesses to unite in marriage—”

  As quick as lightning, the planter sailed through the air. Nolan pulled Nicole out of the way, but then the pot smashed up against the priest’s head. Blood trickled from his temple and he crumbled to the ground, unconscious.

  Nolan’s heart sank. They were losing!


  Aaron swore and ran to the priest, shrugging out of his suit jacket. He wadded it up and pressed it against the large gash in the priest’s head. Nolan tried to think of what they could do next to stop Missy, but he was running out of ideas fast.

  Suddenly, a loud roar came from the trees surrounding the area as if a tornado was plowing through their wedding. Wind whipped around them, and debris flew through the air as the decorations were being ripped apart.

  From the corner of the gazebo a form materialized out of nowhere. A woman with dark hair and a plain brown dress stood laughing at them.

  Nolan hitched his breath in surprise. He could actually see Missy!

  “I told you,” Missy said, “your wedding will not happen. You, Miss Carrigan, are going to have to die since you nor Mr. Ricks heeded my warnings.”

  A loud gasp ripped from Bailey’s mouth mere moments before she fainted. Nolan couldn’t go to the woman. Not yet. Thankfully, Beth hurried over to help the unconscious woman.

  “When did you send a warning to me?” Nolan asked the intolerable ghost.

  “I tried to open your suitcase. I wanted you to leave,” Missy boasted.

  “And I,” Victoria’s loud voice entered the argument, “wanted him to stay.” She growled. “Missy, get out of here. You’re not wanted.”

  Nicole glanced to the side of her. Materializing right in front of Nolan was the woman wearing a blue 1920’s dress. She was very lovely and resembled Nicole quite a bit.

  “Missy,” Victoria’s voice grew louder, “you have interfered too much in my life. Leave now!”

  Missy shook her head. Her stringy brown hair swished over her shoulders. “Not until Nicole dies. I cannot poison her like I did you, and I cannot push her down the stairs to her death. But,” Missy looked up at the gazebo’s top, “I can crush her.”

  Nolan grabbed Nicole quickly and pulled her out. “Aaron, get the priest out!”

  Aaron lifted the unconscious man as if he was light as feathers, and rushed out of the gazebo following Nolan and Nicole. A split-second later, the roof of the gazebo crashed down.

  Missy laughed, her evil voice ripped through the wind. “There is no one to marry you now. It looks like I won.”

  “I don’t understand you,” Nicole yelled. “You’re doin’ this because you’re in love with William, and yet, he wouldn’t want someone like you. Not after all of the evil things you’ve done.”

  “Little do you know.” Missy rolled her eyes. “He is waiting for me.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Go to him.” Nicole motioned her hands toward the sky. “Leave us alone and be with the man you love.”

  “Don’t you see?” Missy picked up a broken board and threw it toward Nicole. Nolan quickly blocked it with his arm. “You’re stopping me from being with William.”

  Out of the corner of Nolan’s eye, Beth snatched the marriage license out of the priest’s jacket. She ran to Nolan and handed him the certificate and a pen. She lifted on her toes and whispered in Nolan’s ear.

  Missy’s laughter grew. “Oh, look. Your friend thinks that signing your names on the license will actually be legal.”

  Hope filled Nolan like helium in a balloon. He didn’t want to show his excitement over what Beth had just told him because it was obvious the ghost had no clue.

  He quickly signed his name on the marriage license and handed it to Nicole. “Sign your name.”

  Nicole’s hand shook as she took the pen.

  “I Nolan Ricks take thee Nicole Carrigan to be my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, and to love and cherish, for as long as we both shall live.”

  Nicole’s eyes were wide with question, but he urged her to repeat the vow.

  “I... Nicole Carrigan take thee Nolan Ricks to be my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and to love and cherish for as long as we both shall live.”

  Nolan grinned widely as he glared at Missy. “Only in the state of Colorado can the marrying party officiate their own wedding.” He took the signed license and held it up to Missy. “And you Missy Henderson will leave this family alone. Forever!”

  Missy gasped as confusion filled her expression.

  “By the power of the marrying party,” Nolan continued, “and in the sight of God and these witnesses, Nicole and I are legally husband and wife.” Nolan took Nicole in his arms and sealed their vows with a kiss.

  Missy’s cry of defeat shook the ground and the wind became stronger. Nolan tightened his arms around Nicole as they watched the ghost. Dark smoke thickened around her.

  Nolan and Nicole moved away, closer to their friends but watched the panicked ghost as she tried to get out of the dark smoke. Then suddenly, the smoke was gone... and so was Missy.

  Silence hung in the still air now. Nolan and Nicole glanced around the area, but everything was calm. He looked into his wife’s wide eyes. She shrugged.

  A cry of happiness ripped through the air, making Nicole jump in Nolan’s arms. They both turned and looked at Victoria. She jumped up and down, clapping her hands.

  “You did it,” Victoria exclaimed. “You sent Missy away for good. Oh, thank you very much.” She clutched her hands to her middle. “I wish I could hug both of you.”

  “I wish I could hug you, too.” Nicole nodded.

  Out of the nearby bushes, another figure materialized out of thin air. At first, Nolan thought someone had pulled out a mirror and he was looking at himself. But then, Nolan never wore just a mustache, and this man had one over the top of his upper lip.

  “William?” Victoria gasped. Tears filled her eyes and she slowly moved to the man. He held out his arms and wrapped them around her.

  The ghost-couple kissed for a few moments before pulling away. The man kept his arm around Victoria as they moved closer to Nolan and Nicole.

  Nolan’s throat tightened. “I... suppose you’re my relative.”

  William nodded. “I am. And I’m very happy to finally meet you face-to-face.” He chuckled softly. “I’ve been watching you and Miss Carrigan for a few years now. Forgive an old ghost for meddling, however, I knew you two were the only chance that our lines could finally join. In fact,” he chuckled, “those times you felt someone physically pushing you together? That was me.” William’s smile stretched. “I suppose you could say I helped with your set-up.”

  Nicole gasped and placed her fingers to her throat. Slowly, she shook her head. “And here all along, we thought it was fate.”

  William shrugged. “Consider that my nickname, then.” He turned to Victoria and kissed her again. “My dear, are you ready to come with me so we can be together throughout all eternity?”

  “Indeed, my William. I’ll follow you anywhere. You have always had my heart, and it will always be yours.”

  “Then come, my love.” They turned and took a few steps before fading away.

  Relief swept over Nolan and he gathered Nicole back in his arms. “We did it.”

  She nodded as tears filled her eyes. “Yes, we did... but how did you k
now—” Nicole glanced at Beth. “How did you know about the marriage license?”

  Aaron and Beth moved closer to them. Beth touched Nicole’s arm. “Before I married Aaron, I worked in a law office. I remember one time stumbling across rules of marriage and who can perform them. I found it written that only in the state of Colorado can the marrying party officiate their own wedding. Now, you still have to file the paperwork, but you didn’t need a priest or judge to marry you.”

  “Congratulations,” Aaron said as he hugged Nolan and Nicole. “That was the most exciting and unusual wedding I’ve ever been to.”

  Nolan laughed. “Were you able to see ghosts?”

  Aaron shook his head. “No but I heard the vengeful one. I think the whole town heard her.”

  The sirens of an ambulance pulling up to the bed and breakfast had Aaron turning away from Nolan and going to tell the EMT’s what happened. Bailey released a fearful sob and grabbed Nolan, hugging him. He was happy to know her fainting spell didn’t keep her out for very long.

  “You saved us all,” she whispered with a choked voice.

  He stroked Bailey’s hair as he glanced over her head to look at his beautiful wife whose eyes were sparkling with love. Bailey pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “I’m glad you two were able to get rid of the ghosts,” Bailey said with a touch of humor in her voice, “but now... what are the innkeepers going to do in order to drum up business?”

  Beth laughed. “Bailey, I need to tell you about one of Aaron’s talents. He could rig up this place to make it appear like ghosts were haunting it.” She glanced at Nolan. “Right?”

  Nolan nodded. “Aaron is the best.”

  “Hmm...” Nicole moved into Nolan’s arms again and stared up into his eyes. “What do you say if I try to buy this place? After all, it was in the family, right?”

  Nolan narrowed his gaze. “And why would you want to do that?”

  “So that Aaron could fix it up and we’ll make this a great place for ghost lovers to visit.” She shrugged. “And maybe, we’ll have to expand the backyard here and set it up for weddin’s, too.”


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