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Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3)

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by B. N. Kasner

  Chapter Two

  Carter buzzed with enthusiasm. His plan had to work. He couldn't stay mated to Grace. Not even if he thought she was beautiful, brave and a slew of other things. Since Grace initiated the mating, he figured she'd have to be the one to undo it. If he didn't get her on board, Carter wasn't sure what he’d do. More than likely come up with another plan.

  He was the responsible one, after all. The one to always come up with plan A, B and C. Around Redwater, other than being a boring stick in the mud, he had a reputation for being a Casanova. Carter had fucked a lot of women, even led some on at one point or another, but he didn't think of himself as a Casanova.

  Usually, a Casanova takes pride in his ability to seduce women and sleep around. Carter thought of himself as a creep. There was no other way to put it, and he wasn't about to deny his actions. He used women. Plain and simple. When he fucked them, it was only for the release. Each time, Carter saw Becky. Which was both seriously fucked up, and a relief for him.

  A relief because it allowed him to pretend. Pretend he had his mate in the most intimate way and that his Becky was still alive. Fucked up, because on more than one occasion he had called out Becky's name. Carter didn't want that little fact getting around, so he stopped learning their names, calling them all sweetheart. Something he never called Becky and didn't dirty the memory of her.

  It felt weird to feel Grace's nervousness. Along with her panic and three hundred other emotions Carter couldn't identify. How could a woman feel all those different things at once? It was all a little unsettling for him. For the past nine years, Carter had been one hundred percent sure he'd never know what it felt like to have a mating bond.

  At eighteen he'd been young and dumb. Carter had thought he had his whole life to spend with Becky, which was why there hadn’t been a rush to claim her with a mating bite. It was the one thing still bothering him. In his haste to keep his freedom, he’d denied his true mate a bond, something he should've given her willing.

  Not many shifters suffered from cancer, but just like humans, cancer destroyed the body. It was a disease which acted the same no matter what species someone was. If he could go back, he'd do everything with her, even knowing she would eventually die a slow and agonizing death. His Becky had fought hard. Lasting longer than most. In the end, however, the disease took her from him.

  Carter was glad Grace couldn't feel how out of control he felt. He was barely holding himself together. All the excitement over his idea had turned into dread, sinking like lead to the bottom of his stomach. Thinking about Becky while looking at Grace's hopeful face felt...wrong, and he wasn't sure which part of it felt wrong.

  The fact he felt like he was betraying Becky because something swirled around his chest at the sight of Grace. Or feeling sorry for Grace because what he was about to tell her would break her heart? Goddess, is this how the others feel? Carter didn't think so, but fuck, if this is what he had to look forward to, then he especially didn't want a mate. Steeling himself against the onslaught of feelings he hopped out of his car.

  “Why do I have a feelin' whatever is about to come outta your mouth, I'm not gonna like?” Shit, she could read him like a fucking book, better than Becky ever could. To be fair, Carter had known Grace longer than Becky. And Carter had been busy learning to pleasure his mate, then later, taking care of her.

  “Because you're not.” How could he crush her dreams? He was a lot of things, but a monster wasn’t one of them. Carter tried not to hurt Grace most of the time, knowing she'd gone through the same thing as him, just without a deep and sexual bond. She’d been distraught and downright mute after her mate died. For her to turn out like the confident and sassy woman she had, was a miracle to him. His mate's death had changed him, and not for the better.

  “Well, just spit it out.” She cocked one curvy hip out and planted her hand there, drawing his eyes to the spot. No one could deny Grace had gone from a skinny girl to a voluptuous woman right in front of everyone's eyes. She was the most desirable woman in Redwater. All the unmated males were vying for her attention.

  Of course, Grace didn't seem to notice and ignored them all. Maybe that was the way to go. Show her there were plenty of other males who’d be better for her. “Grace, I want you to know this has nothing to do with you.” He paused, this sounded like the start of a breakup speech, and by the look in Grace's eyes, she already knew where he was heading.

  Her scent wafted towards him on the breeze. Sad. “Look, why don't we just give it some time-”

  “No.” He growled and immediately knew he made a mistake when she flinched. Shit, I'm fucking this up. “Time won't change my feelings. The quicker we get to work on undoing what's been-”

  “Undoing?” Her voice was just a whisper, a tear tracking down her face. Carter swallowed hard and stomped down the urge to comfort her. “Undo the bond?” She swiped at her face angrily. Thank fuck. The anger he could deal with, tears? Carter couldn't handle her crying over him. He wasn't worth it, in time she'd see that. “You can't undo a mating. It's unheard of.”

  “Just because we haven't heard about it doesn't mean it can't be done.”

  “Bullshit. It's a fucking magical bond. It. Can't. Be. Undone.” This was going worse than he imagined. Hell, he hadn't thought it would go over good, but first the tears and now the blinding hot rage? Carter hoped she didn’t shift.

  They'd sparred together more than once. He knew she could take him down if she really wanted to. Hopefully, in a few days, she'd cool down, come to her senses and see he wasn't the one for her. And if it doesn't work? Carter hated when his bear growled at him, usually about Grace. The damn animal didn't have any room to talk, it was half in love with her.

  If she didn't cool down, then Carter would just have to move forward without her. He could always figure this whole thing out by himself. He was used to doing things by himself anyway. He'd been fine for nine years by himself. Grace Dodson wasn't about to change that. Slowing stepping back, because he really didn't want to fight with her, Carter reached for the handle on his car. “Okay, I get that you're pissed, so I'm gonna head out.”

  Without waiting for a response, he hopped back in his car and sped out of the driveway. Carter couldn't help himself, he looked in his rear-view mirror to see Grace already stomping up the porch steps. Maybe some time apart would do them both some good, and the throbbing in his chest would go away.


  Grace could hardly hear over the pounding of her heart. He had to be in denial, it was the only reason for Carter’s crazy scheme. A mating couldn’t be undone, somewhere deep down he had to know that. Didn’t he? Carter wasn’t the type to act irrational, which made his declaration of getting them unmated plain crazy talk.

  What could be so wrong with her? If it weren't for her brother, Grace would’ve thought all men let you down eventually. Fuck, other than Gene, no guy stayed in her life for long. Out of the corner of her eye, her dad came down the steps. Guilt made a few more tears run down her cheeks.

  Her dad tried to be better, and for the most part, he was. He’d stopped drinking, was trying to get a job and wanted to spend time with her. But Grace had a hard time not feeling rejected again. She’d never been important enough for him to get sober. No, Gene, Lani and his grandson were the special ones.

  Apparently, her whole life wasn’t good enough. She clutched her shirt in her fist as another wave of pain hit. Her bear wanted out, now. Grace wanted to call Gene and cuddle on his lap like she’d done when she was little. Neither of them were going to get their way. “Grace honey, what’s the matter?” Jackson would have to be a substitute for her brother.

  “Nothin’, just seein’ those little cubs has me all twisted up.”

  “Do I need to call your brother?” Her dad looked panicked, although, he truly had no idea what to do to comfort her. Not only did she hate to cry, but he wasn’t around to raise her. Why would he have any clue on how to comfort her? Goddess, if she didn’t get herself in chec
k, she’d shift without control like a cub.

  “No dad, it’s fine.” Gene always had her drink a warm glass of milk when she’d have a panic attack, even if he wasn't there maybe the trick would still work.

  “I know you want a family of your own. It’ll happen, honey, just give it time.” Little did he know her chance for a family was fucked. Her mate, because that’s what Carter meant to her, didn’t even want to be her mate.

  “What’s it like?” She leaned on the counter with one hip, facing her dad as he sat down at their old, rickety table. The table was on its last life, but her mom, Isabella, had picked it out. It wasn’t going to leave their house until it literally fell apart.

  “Wonderful, complicated, miserable, the best thing to ever happen to you. I could go on and on, but I’m not sure that’s what you really want to know.” Okay, for someone who wasn’t involved in her life for seventeen years, he knew how to read her.

  “No.” Grace carried her hot mug to the table to sit across from Jackson. This felt like an important conversation to her. “Not really. I think I wanna know more about findin’ your mate. Did ya know right away? What about-”

  “Okay, slow down.” He chuckled, holding up his hands. “This is all from seeing some cubs?” Grace cursed her pale skin because the blushing gave her away. “So, this is about wanting cubs with someone?”

  “Damn it, Dad. That’s just weird.” His laugh boomed around the kitchen at the face she made. The sound made her smile. Maybe she’d been too hard on him, just because he wasn’t Gene didn’t mean he couldn’t comfort her in his own way. The guy was her dad after all.

  “Okay, I won’t bring up you and sex in the same sentence. To answer your question, both your mom and I knew right away, but we were true mates. It’ll be different for you honey. You get to choose.”

  “Do I?” Obviously, she didn’t have a choice anymore. She’d went and fucked herself there.

  “What do you mean?” The smile left his face.

  “I mean, I don’t think there’s a choice. If my bear chooses someone, then how does it give me a choice?” She’d felt that way for some time now. After breaking up with Jake in high school, her bear was dead set on Carter.

  “Does she see anyone else or just this mystery guy?” Jackson’s face had gone from confused to serious in a matter of seconds.

  “Dad…” Grace’s voice had taken on the same tone she used with Gene to get something she wanted.

  “Answer me, honey, it’s important.” Now she knew where she’d gotten her puppy dog eyes from. Not her mom as she’d thought all those years, but her dad.

  “Only him.” If she was completely honest with herself, her bear wasn’t one hundred percent sold on Jake at the time. Grace used to chalk it up to good instincts, but it had become glaringly clear, her bear only had eyes for Carter.

  “Well shit.” He dragged his hand down his face, grabbing her cup and taking a gulp.

  “What the hell does that mean?” She snatched the cup back when he finished, at least he hadn’t drank it all.

  “Watch your mouth, Grace Elaine.” Holy shit, Jackson took this whole dad thing to heart.

  “I’m twenty-one.” The fact seemed to be lost on every male in her family? Did she look like a cub? There had to be a reason.

  “And I’m your dad, so watch your mouth. I think you might be right. When I first laid eyes on your mother, my bear roared so loud I could barely think straight. From then on, she’s all I’ve ever thought about. Even now with her gone. Are you feeling something along those lines?”

  “Not in the beginning, but lately, yes.”

  “Does this guy feel the same way?”


  “Do you want me to call your brother now?”

  “No! This stays between us.” Grace probably didn’t need to shout, but she didn’t need or want her overprotective goon of a brother coming in and making things worse.

  “Alright, but if you come home crying again, all bets are off.” Oh, if only her father knew the truth. He wouldn’t be threating to call Gene. He’d have already called him, and they’d both be on their way to Carter’s house.

  “Fair enough. Do you think he’ll come around?”

  “Yes. I believe you're on to something with the whole not being able to choose thing. You said your feelings weren’t as strong in the beginning, maybe his feelings need time to grow. Since I’m up, you wanna watch some TV?”

  “Thanks, Dad, but I’m gonna head to bed. Night.” She leaned down and gave him a kiss on his stubbled cheek. As much as her feelings from childhood got in the way of her opinion of her dad, times like this made her realize he wasn’t as bad as she thought. He was just an older version of Gene, which even though it should’ve been obvious, surprised her.

  “Goodnight honey.” Since her bedroom shared a wall with the living room, the football game echoed through her room. It’s time for me to move out. She’d planned to move out last summer, but after everything had happened with Ella, Grace hadn’t felt comfortable leaving Jackson in the house alone. Now though, Gene and Lani visited often, Jackson was sober and taking care of himself. There wasn’t a reason for her to stay.

  Looking for a place would take her mind off Carter, mating, everything. Not to mention, they needed the time apart from each other. Maybe her dad was right. Carter just needed space to realize she meant something to him.

  Chapter Three

  Two days had passed since Carter had come and unloaded a bunch of fucking bullshit on Grace. There was no way in hell she’d ever agree to undo the bond they had. Over those two days, Grace had cried and then gotten pissed. The cycle had just stopped an hour ago, but only because she couldn’t control herself anymore. Now she lumbered through the forest as a bear, heading straight for Carter's house.

  Nothing could contain her bear this time. Not the warm milk, a long drive, a quick chat with Lani where Gene grumbled in the background, nothing. She’d shifted like an out of control cub. Grace never had that particular problem. As if things weren’t bad enough, bear wouldn’t give her back her human skin.

  Grace was stuck in bear form for the foreseeable future. Usually, it wouldn’t bother her, she loved being a bear more than a person most days. However, she always had control over where she was going or what she was doing. This was different, and not in a good way. She wasn’t even sure when she’d get back her own free will.

  Carter had her all out of sorts. As soon as she saw him, she’d give him a piece of her mind. Not to mention, tell him hell to the no about the whole mating thing. He’d have to get over his stupid plan. He couldn’t say or do anything to change her mind. The sooner he realized that, the better.

  His house was one of the more upgraded ones in Redwater. Where Mason liked to live off the grid and Gene had a large traditional family home. Carter had a ranch style home, a bachelor pad with the works. She hadn’t been inside the house since she was sixteen but remembered how cool everything looked to her. The girl who had a drunk for a dad, a brother who acted as her father, and a rundown house.

  Carter’s cherry red Ford Mustang wasn’t in the paved driveway, but apparently, her bear was staying until she got a glimpse of him. Grace wanted to turn around and go home, or at least, go for a run in the other direction. She wanted to stay as far away from Carter as she could. Time bear, he needs time.

  Her growl made the birds fly out of the trees around her. Obviously, bear didn’t think he needed time. Grace had no one to blame for this whole scenario except herself. If she could’ve just kept her bear in check, none of this would be happening. Instead of pacing outside of Carter’s house like a stalker, she’d be visiting with her best friend and her new twins.

  Hadn’t she given Gene a hard time over doing exactly the same thing she was doing now? Being overly possessive must run in the family. It was the only reason Grace could come up with. After what felt like an hour of pacing, bear finally gave in and laid down. Okay, her bear didn’t really give in, she just go
t tired.

  If he didn’t show up, what would happen then? Would her bear really keep her there all night? Goddess, Grace hoped not. It’d be embarrassing as all hell if someone caught her, let alone Carter himself. He’d never let her live it down, and it’d be after a lecture on privacy. Including a phone call to Gene, because she needed her big brother to watch her like a child, at twenty-one.

  Thankfully, his car came speeding down the dirt road and skidded to a stop in his driveway. Grace quickly got to her feet, almost falling over in the process. Okay, we’ve seen him. Let’s go. Her paws stayed right where they were.

  What more did her bear want? Movement inside the car caught her attention. She crouched down, slowly making her way to the edge of the forest. Her reddish-brown fur shined in the spring sun, so she tried to stay in the shade. A Grizzly bear casually staring would give her away.

  It wasn’t only her bear pushing her forward. Grace wanted, no needed, to know what was happening inside the car. Blonde hair made her stop short, one paw dangling in the air. Carter didn’t have long, curly, blonde hair. Since she could only see the passenger side, she couldn’t see Carter or the woman’s face, but it didn’t hurt any less.

  Here she sat, pinning over him, giving him space and he had the nerve to go out and find a woman. Before, they weren’t mated. He didn’t have any reason to think about her feelings. Now, though, he knew what he meant to her. Fucking bastard.

  Grace slinked back into the darkness of the trees as the woman opened her door. Oh, she knew the woman alright. It was the same person who’d made her high school existence a nightmare. Elizabeth Dailey, the beautiful, blonde cheerleader from school. That bitch.

  She’d told Jake about Grace being a bear shifter. Why bear held back from tearing her claws across the bitch’s face, she didn’t know, but it was probably for the best. Carter, the jackass, walked around the front of the car and kissed her. Her heart literately felt like it was tearing into tiny pieces. Grace stumbled backward and tripped over some sticks, breaking all of them.


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