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Dragon Bonded: A Bumblespells Novel

Page 19

by Kath Boyd Marsh

  “There’s nothing on the calendar for another three days,” Hazel said. “Perfect time for Cl’rnce to rest and recover. Great and Mighty, you might do some more research on the Fang. Make sure there’s nothing we should know but don’t.”

  “Oh, like something that could … explode!” Great and Mighty clapped her hands making a loud bang.

  “Exactly,” Gaelyn said.

  Ian was the first to notice Gaelyn and Hazel when they transported back to Elm Hall. “Welcome back, Highness,” he said, bowing. “And Jinn.” His eyebrows rose as if he was unsure what having two Sister Jinn-cats might mean.

  Summer stood up from the new large chair that had not been beside the Throne of Trees before.

  “Thank you. How is Monad?” Gaelyn asked Sulkkie now since she hadn’t had a chance back in Hazel’s rooms. She was also trying to ignore Summer while wondering why she was there.

  “Nicely taken care of,” Summer said. “Now about the Fang. You need a secure place for it.”

  Hazel snorted. “I’ll bet you have a really safe place you’d like to volunteer.”

  Summer shrugged and smiled.

  Growling, Hazel breathed out the smell of a Dr’gon Fire stomach firing up. Gaelyn ordered, almost laughing. “I agree with my Dr’gon Partner. The Dr’gon Fang will remain in the Dr’gon Realms under the watchful eyes of Hazel and myself. And lest you worry I do not take my Fae duties seriously enough, I will split my time in the Dr’gon Realms and here in my Court equally. I’m sure you understand that I have full confidence in First Minister Ian. You may always consult with him and know I will be part of all decisions. I might add that I have added a ward to notify me if anything happens in Elm or to Ian. “

  Summer bowed. “I will inform Winter. She will be very interested.”

  “I’ll bet she will,” Hazel said.

  “I am glad to talk with you now, Summer Queen,” Gaelyn said. “But I do need to work with Ian.” She turned to him. “I have ideas on how you can help me rule Elm.”

  Ian bowed, but said nothing.

  “I fear I am needed in my Court,” Summer said. “I am happy you are putting everything in order, Elm.” She bowed and was gone.

  Gaelyn took a deep breath. She’d expected a quarrel with the Queens. For now it seemed she and Ian had time to plan. Turning to Hazel she said, “I think you already have a good place to secure the Fang.” She raised her eyebrows hoping Hazel would know she meant the secret room.

  Hazel nodded and smiled.

  “I’ll be here for a little while, but I’ll join you in three days.” Gaelyn said.

  And then the two did something that was very unlike them. They hugged.

  Silkkie said, “Oh for pity’s sake, they’re being sloppy friends. Arggh!”

  Sulkkie wrapped her paw around her Sister’s. “Yeah. Sentimental creatures, who needs them.” She rested her head against her sister.

  Hazel paced Gaelyn’s chamber. Four paces, turn, four paces turn. “It’s been four days. She promised to return in three. Doesn’t she know she has to come back? Is she all right? I don’t trust Summer Queen and definitely not Winter. Do I need to go to Elm Court and bring her back?” She faced Great and Mighty who sat as close as she could get to one wall.

  When Hazel was anxious, she sometimes felt herself getting bigger. Like now. Gaelyn’s chamber was beginning to feel uncomfortably tight. “Maybe we should wait for her in my chamber?” she asked Great and Mighty Wizard.

  “Sounds good,” Great and Mighty said, and began to slide along the wall headed for the door.

  “Wait!” Hazel said. “I hear something.”

  Great and Mighty held still, her head cocked to one side. At first her face was blank, and then she smiled. “You’re right. I hear the hum when one crosses the planes! She’s coming.”

  Hazel turned to the windows, then to the door, then to the window-slit again. “Which way?”

  “Here,” Gaelyn said. A smile broadened her face. “You missed me?”

  Cocking her head to one side, Hazel did her best not to sound too elated at Gaelyn’s return. “You’re here. Good.” She took a breath deciding she needed to calm down before she approached the latest problem. “How is everything in Elm Court?”

  “Very good. Though I’m sure you won’t be insulted to know the Summer and Winter Queens do not miss you.” She laughed.

  “They’re still hanging around?” Hazel frowned.

  “Just Summer. Oddly or not so oddly, Summer shows a real interest in her son. Visits almost every day.”

  “Be careful. She’s up to something,” Hazel warned.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I know. How is everything here?” She glanced over at Great and Mighty. “What’s wrong?” She pointed at Great and Mighty’s clamped together lips and big-eyed look.

  “Okay. No lies. No stalling. I’ll tell you,” Hazel said. “Bad news. The Dr’gon Clans met, and they have demanded that you return permanently from Elm Court. They’re concerned about the Fang’s power. Unless you and I are in the same place and ready to control it, they don’t think it’s safe.”

  “Ah.” Gaelyn pursed her lips, closed her eyes, and put her hands together her thumbs and pointer fingers making a circle. “Let me think.”

  Hazel said, “Well, think fast. They want an answer in two days.”

  “Or?” Gaelyn asked.

  “Well, they didn’t quite say,” Hazel admitted.

  “Shouldn’t we find out what the ‘or’ is?” Gaelyn asked

  “You really sound like an Elm Queen!” Hazel said. “I just got—”

  “Upset,” Gaelyn and Great and Mighty said together.

  “Can I meet with the Dr’gon Clans? There has to be a compromise. I can’t leave Elm Court for good.” Gaelyn said.

  From Gaelyn’s doorway, Cl’rnce cleared his throat. “That’s a good idea. As Co-Primus, Great and Mighty and I can demand such a meeting.”

  Great and Mighty said, “We can circumvent the Dr’gon prohibition of no one but Dr’gons at such a meeting. Right?”

  Gaelyn and Hazel looked at each other, both smiling. Hazel’s heart was full. Her little brother and his Wizard Partner sounded like a real Co-Primus. “Of course, you can.”

  Cl’rnce added. “You should bring the Fang. And one more thing. Before the meeting, figure out a way to convince the Dr’gons that you two do not need to be always on the same plane to keep the Fang safe or even to use it when necessary.”

  “Right,” Hazel said in awe of her suddenly grown up brother.

  “And we’ll need snacks. Lots of snacks. Jeschen can provide those. But I’ll carry them in. And taste them first,” Cl’rnce added.

  Gaelyn and Hazel laughed. Cl’rnce was still Cl’rnce, just like Gaelyn was still Gaelyn even though she was a Fae Queen. Sometimes things changed but stayed a little the same. Hazel knew down through her Dr’gon scales to her Dr’gon Fire that this time it was all good. Complicated, but good.

  “Okay. Any ideas on how to convince the Dr’gon Clans?” she asked her Wizard Partner.

  “If I’m not mistaken, the Heart Oath we took should be enough. Do the Clans know?” Gaelyn asked. Her face went pale. “Do you feel that?”

  Hazel swallowed and looked around. “It’s Winter isn’t it? She’s found a way across the Dr’gon planes, and she’s marching on Wiz-Tech. Cl’rnce and Great and Mighty, gather the Clans. Gaelyn …”

  “I know. We go get the Fang.”

  The 2017 Third, Fourth, and Fifth grades at White Hall Elementary in Richmond, KY for asking about a sequel to The Lazy Dragon. Here it is!

  Madeline: I’m dead on sure the Greeks meant ‘miraculous inspiring editor who brings out the best story’ when they made up the word Muse. Thank you!!!

  Jan: How lucky that NANO month brought me your friendship. Without you reading, critiquing, and encouraging, I’d never have submitted the first book!

  Jim: Beloved First Husband and best family chef. Thank you for holding dinner while I type away.<
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  Jessecae: For believing in your mom and actually making one of my Bumblespells t-shirts a door prize for your Book club! I’m sure the pie that went with it had nothing to do with how happy the winner was.

  Pat: Thank you, Little Sis, for buying my books for I don’t know how many of the Frisco, TX schools! It means the world to me.

  Alex: Thank you, dear niece, for sharing my book with your students!

  Annette and Rex: Thank you for your loving support and your Labrador Angie’s work reading The Lazy Dragon to children at that San Diego library.

  Marguerite: Sissy, thank you for all the copies of my books you buy! Your support is a light to my writing.

  Joan and Ann: You two care so much for others! Thank you for your unstinting help with all facets of writing. ALL!

  Thanks to my cats for … no wait, they aren’t sitting by my desk in support; it’s dinner time.

  Kath Boyd Marsh writes about dragons and wizards and the occasional witch. As a teaching assistant, Kath loved the wonderfully funny imagination of her third grade students. She lives in Richmond, Kentucky. The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard is her debut novel.

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  Find Kath online at




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