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Daring Play (Dangerous Book 3)

Page 6

by Romi Hart

  “That could be interesting. Riding in a big truck.”

  “It is. Oh, but I think you’re laughing at me again. You wouldn’t get into a big rig, would you?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You must feel like the king of the road out there, perched so high.”

  “Now I know you’re laughing at me.” I watched her finish her meal and wipe her face with her napkin. She was dainty, but efficient, cleaning around her nails with it afterward and crumpling the napkin next to her plate.

  “Could I give you a ride home?” I asked.

  She contemplated it as though it was a difficult decision. I almost thought she would say no, but in the end, she smiled and cocked her head to one side.

  “That would be nice, thank you.”

  * * *

  I didn’t know how she did it. Instead of me doing her a favor, she made me feel like she was doing ME a favor by accepting the ride.

  I felt gangly and thick-headed. I even drove more carefully than I usually did and picked through my words more carefully. Truth is, I hadn’t felt this ill at ease since the time I once dated a church girl. I was only fifteen then and didn’t know what I was getting into. But I found out quickly, you had to be careful with church girls. They had rules. If you broke them, you would never get away. They hunted you down to make you feel guilty.

  Diana wasn’t like that, exactly, but damn she sure did have rules to dating her. That’s what I was quickly finding out. And if a fellow broke those rules, what she would do was far worse than a church girl! She would cut you out of her life, pretend you didn’t exist.

  And hell…I wasn’t sure I was ready for that. She seemed almost…too sensitive. Like Keri.

  So when I pulled into her driveway…I leaned forward, wondering if I should dare to kiss her again or if I had lost my place in line. Or maybe struck out entirely because of that fiasco with her friends.

  But then, she answered my unspoken question for me. She placed her small, graceful hands on each side of my face and kissed me briefly, yet warmly on the lips. I felt a sudden, hot flush and realized my ears were burning!

  They would be bright red to her gaze. Thinking about it made me flush harder.

  “I enjoyed your company tonight,” she said, still cradling my face. “Call me sometime. Show me how you drive a big rig. Tell me more about woodland spirits.”

  She made every word sound like melting butter. I felt those words drip over me, soft and sweet until I found myself melting, too. She left behind a light trail of perfume that lingered for heavenly minutes before fading away. That was how she was, blue crystal and velvet shadows fading away just when you thought you had her.

  I shook my head and started the engine. She was messing with me. She was an actress just like the rest of her friends. I didn’t need her. I didn’t need these mind games anymore!

  * * *

  Nate wanted to know exactly how things had gone between me and Diana.

  “She apologized then?” he asked on cross-examination. “She said she was sorry? Did she get all weepy about it?”

  “Well…” I said, trying to play it cool. Nate was always an alpha and didn’t really talk about love or feelings. At least not with us guys in the locker room. “She didn’t cry but she DID apologize. She said something about offending our sensitivities.”

  “Sensitivities?” Nate said. “Oh now, we don’t have those. Men need feelings like we need a third ball. So then…I suppose my apology letter to the tranny was accepted?”

  “Yeah, he ain’t going to sue you. He’s a man, and real men don’t sue each other, you know. Just a misunderstanding.”

  “Cool. But still, my bro…something about this doesn’t feel right.”


  “I still think that woman is playing you. I don’t want to see you get hurt, you know?”

  “Are you saying you love me, bro?”

  “Shut up!” Nathan said. “Listen, a bit of friendly advice, okay?”

  “Oh no…I don’t know if I want any of your advice, Nate.”

  “Listen. If you want the upper hand with a lady, you’ll have to get her to cry.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  “You have to get her to cry. Otherwise, you have no hold on her and you wouldn’t want her anyway. She’s an ice queen. Listen…I’ve been trying to date this girl named Amanda, right?”

  “Another fling?”

  “Yeah probably. I mean…sort of. But here’s what I’ve figured out. Women just play with men’s emotions. Unless, you make her cry and discover that she has a soul, you’ll never really get through to her. Believe me, Amanda thinks she’s playing me but in reality, I’m playing her.”

  “Yeah right,” I laughed. “I’ll bet she tricks you into putting a ring on her finger in no time.”

  “No way! I’m Nate Jigger! I’m never getting married! Ever!”

  “Bet you a hundred grand you will,” I said in teasing.

  “You’re on, player. Hey though…remember what I said. Win this game against her and THEN she’ll fall in love with you.” Nate nodded, cocky as hell.

  * * *

  It would have been easier if I had just stayed away from the Lamplight after that. I had gotten my apology. I had reached an agreement with the rest of the team that my relationship with Diana was going nowhere and that it was entirely her fault.

  She didn’t respond to my charms and there was something wrong with her. Maybe she figured I didn’t have that much to offer her. Whatever.

  I fixed a whiskey sour and stood at the balcony of the apartment. It was a part of an exclusive complex that included five other large apartments run seamlessly together to curve around an immaculate patio and kidney-shaped swimming pool. The gated community was on one of the highest hills overlooking the city. From here, I could gaze down on half the bay area and the illuminated San Francisco-Oakland bridge.

  Inside the living room, half a dozen young girls giggled and snuggled close to my roommates, drinking champagne and smoking weed.

  I knew I could go in and slide down next to any of them, and they would kiss me and let my hands roam all over their breasts and down inside their brief panties without reservation. Without questions or conditions. That was the real way to do it. That was the way I and the boys had always done it.

  The lights below blinked unconcernedly, unaware or indifferent to the audience above whose eyes followed the wriggling lines of traffic and changing colors as the twinkling indicators of life. It always gave me a feeling of belonging when I looked at the city tumbling below. So many people hurrying along, going about their everyday business. So much of everything; buying and selling, laughter and tears, illusions described as entertainment. I hated the world of “theater” and its deceptions. I liked shit that was REAL, not fake.

  I turned and concentrated on the scene being acted out in the living room. Nothing complicated here, just a group of people gathered in one common purpose - feeling good together.

  Most of the girls were in various stages of undress, with my roommates encouraging even more exposure. One girl squeezed against the end of the couch. Her blouse was partially unbuttoned, her skirt raised, but she had been left alone now for easier targets. She was still fumbling over her buttons when I sat down beside her.

  I poured her a fresh drink and gazed at her with interest. Her hair was ginger but had been lightened to appear blonde. Curly wisps of hair shining brightly at her ears and neck gave away the true color. Her skin was very pale; like alabaster.

  “Your name is Betty, right?” I said, trying to remember the earlier conversation when they had picked her up at the Lamplight.

  “Bonnie,” she corrected. “But you were almost right.”

  “Names aren’t my strong point, but I try.” I gave her a long, lingering look as though truly noticing her for the first time. “You know, you’re as cute as an icing covered cupcake.”

  She giggled. “I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”

“Only the cute ones. Where are you from, Bonnie?”

  “Illinois, originally. I came here five years ago because I wanted to become a fashion designer, but it’s really a difficult industry to get into.”

  “Then what are you doing in the meantime?”

  “I’m a wedding planner. It’s the next best thing, I suppose. You still get to work with designs and themes, and it’s a lot of fun at times. I did the wedding plans for one of the district attorneys when she got married.”

  “You don’t say? That must have been a feather in your hat.”

  “I’m working my way up. I was the wedding planner for one of the forty-niners.”

  “No baseball stars yet?”

  She clicked her glass against his. “Still trying.”

  My arm went around her shoulders. “You’re not interested in marrying a baseball player? Just in planning their weddings?”

  “If the right player came along,” she said. She leaned rigidly against me, her hands clasped together, her legs crossed.

  “Are you shy about your body?” I asked, giving her a look of mild reproof. She blinked and smiled tightly.

  “Excuse me…” I said, out of the blue, and for no logical reason. “I have to go use the bathroom.”

  “Oh okay. Very sexy!” she joked.

  “Yeah right…”

  And lo and behold, I just left the party. I went outside, lay down on the first lounge couch I found in the hallway…and then passed out, drunk as shit.

  I didn’t remember much about the rest of the evening. I knew my buddies were having fun with a blur of bodies and sensations. I guess I should have joined in and felt sated. But for some reason, I just didn’t want it that night.

  * * *

  I woke up the next day and saw the room was littered with empty bottles, stale beer, food crumbs, scattered clothing and sleepers, some under blankets, some just flopped wherever they had fallen. It was a wildly successful party with four beautiful and very willing ladies. I should have gotten laid like crazy. Instead, I felt empty and unusually dissatisfied. Like I didn’t even want this life anymore.

  It had to be Diana’s fault. Women who played hard to get were obsessions in my mind. And I think she knew that.

  I decided that I had to settle things once and for all, so I could move on with my life. Against the advice of my friends, and Nate who was pissed I didn’t value his brilliant bachelor advice on love for once, I just did what felt right in my heart.

  I went back to the Lamplight again.

  I had no special plan in place this time. I wasn’t trying to make her jealous. I wasn’t trying to play mind games with her or get her to cry or any shit like that. And this time, I wasn’t trying to humble her.

  Yeah, she had laughed at me, but I really didn’t care anymore. There was nothing left to do except listen to her mesmerizing voice and wonder how I could break this spell she had over me.

  Our eyes met. This time, I welcomed her over…we stared at each other. Thinking so much but saying very little. And then she sang. She sang that same song, the one perfect song she knows I like, and made my blood boil.

  “Why don’t you do right…”

  I suffered through the song but all I could think of was how badly I wanted her. I resisted that other girl. Resisted Keri too. All because I wanted Diana, more than anything, I craved her. I needed her. And I let her know that with the way I looked at her, making love to her with my eyes.

  I tried to hold her…I even reached out and grabbed her dress, demanding that she stay with me and keep singing her heart to me. But she politely pushed my hand away and retreated to the dressing room.

  But I was seeing red. I was feeling nothing but glowing passion, the feelings of lust and hopeless infatuation bursting from my pores. I waited for her at the dressing room, but no one came. Then I decided to stalk her outside the building, maybe she would come outside. Maybe she would come outside and wait for me. Wait for me and let me take her, take what I want from her. What I’ve been waiting for so long…

  I waited in the alleyway behind the building of the club and heard the door shove open. I made eye contact with her. She almost went back inside, fearing me, fearing what might happen…but then she surrendered. She closed the door behind her and stood by idly, putting her hands behind her back and letting me look at that delicious package.

  I walked right over, peering into her eyes and letting the heat between us ignite. I grabbed her with my strong arms and brought her towards me.

  She cried out as I ripped her blue dress apart, so horny, teased to the point of a raging bull. I needed to see her tits. I needed to see her naked body and oh God, she finally let me! I tossed the rest of her dress off, disrobing her and finding a multi-colored orange bra waiting for me. Her tits were perfectly shaped, round and perky with her nipples so excited they pushed through the soft cups and were clearly seen.

  I reached out and pulled those straps off, exposing her beautiful bare tits, her nipples erect and waiting to be sucked by my hungry lips. I leaned my lovely Diana against the wall and started sucking on her titties, squeezing them, pinching her nipples, rubbing her most sensitive spots and grunting like a caveman at the sight of her raw passion. She moaned when I kissed a trail down to her tummy and then groaned more when I threw her skirt up and over, letting my hands find her matching panties.

  I followed a path from her knees to her thighs to her outer lips. Then I placed my hand on her panties, desiring to feel how warm and moist she was.

  “Ohhh God…” she sighed. I was moving too fast but she didn’t care. And I hardly cared, because I was consumed with my want for her. I wanted this conquest, I wanted to take the one woman I couldn’t have and feel and rub her forbidden pussy. Through the silky material of her panties, I could feel her muff. So warm and just starting to get moist. I rubbed her up and down just to hear her voice chortle and groan in surrender. She was so turned on she didn’t care what I was doing. She gave me permission to do anything, touch anywhere.

  So I bent down to my knees, gripped those wet panties and ripped them off. Her bush was beautiful. Colored like her hair, and even glistening in the moonlight. I touched her pussy and then inserted two fingers, burning with desire, as I yearned to know how wet she was for me.

  “Oh noo…we can’t. I’m a good girl. I don’t do that to men…ahhh…on the first or second date.”

  “Have we even been on a real date?” I teased her, gently touching her pussy lips, in and out, over and back, and then finding her shy clit. “Or maybe you just want me. Maybe you just want me to take you.”

  “Mmm-mmm!” she objected, though her pussy was starting to spasm up and down and drip all over me.

  “Spread your legs for me. Do it. I’m tired of your bullshit, Diana. I’m going to give you the fuck you deserve, the fuck you’ve been dreaming about but were too shy to ask.”

  “Mmmmmm…I’m not that type of girl!” she said, right before I spread her lips and found her clit popping out. I licked it hard and fast and made her squeal and clap her thighs together smacking my face. “Ohhhh Gawwd!”

  “Mmmmm?” I said, humming into her clit.

  “I don’t like oral sex,” she whispered, though she was still looking down at me, and still creaming me with pleasure. “I’m an old-fashioned girl…”

  “Old-fashioned?” I said, meeting her eyes and letting her fuck me with that intense stare. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “Ahhhh…” she replied, licking her lips. She tried to inch away from me but within seconds, her legs were spread, and she leaned up against the brick wall.

  I grabbed her ass and lifted her into the air, making sure her fuckhole was spread wide enough for me to fit inside. I held her against the wall for leverage and eased my hard, aching cock into her steamy wetness. Her pussy clenched me tight as soon as I entered her, which only made me fuck her harder and faster.

  Oh God, thank fuck she was a prude who disliked oral sex. Because her pussy
was so tight, I could barely manage to stay hard the more I thrusted. At first, I grunted, then gasped, but finally, I started chanting her name as I came closer to climax.

  “Oh, Diana…I wanted you so bad.”

  “Uhhhh uhhh huhhh…” she said, her legs lifted and hugging my waist.

  “I waited so long and now I have you right where I want you.”

  “Yeaaah?” she said, clenching my cock again and making me struggle to keep from exploding. I grabbed her by the hair and fucked her harder, with every last inch and every last spark of energy I had left. She was only getting wetter and I was close to coming.

  But as I stared into her eyes, fucking her deep, I only made it harder on myself. Because I couldn’t resist saying her name.


  “Yes! Yes! Mmmmm…” she replied staring back into my soul and letting me take her, win her, conquer her body like no man before ever could. “Cody…I can’t resist you.”

  “Then don’t. You’re just going to stand there and take it, aren’t you?”

  She didn’t reply but widened her eyes, creaming my cock another good drench. I didn’t even ask. I just assumed. I was arrogant, maybe. Brash, definitely. But unable to think of anything else…I just needed to cum in Diana’s pussy and feel myself empty my full load inside of her.

  She knew it was coming too and braced herself as I hard fucked her until my cock hit a home run. Her mouth dropped open and she wiggled that tight pussy in a dozen directions, spasming, writhing and cumming hard right along with me.

  We both grunted and screamed, me pulling on her hair and Diana sinking her fingernails into my back. I spurted cum deep inside her, feeling every last drop of myself go inside. Dangerous for sure. Reckless, hell yeah. Maybe even a piggish and brutish thing to do…but holy fuck, did it feel good to thunderfuck the woman who’s been teasing my cock for months now.

  We both unleashed another scream and slowly, broke the embrace. I pulled myself out slowly, but not before reaching for another kiss. We kissed thirstily, sucking in the afterglow and still rubbing each other’s bodies.


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