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Creating Characters

Page 23

by Lauther, Howard

  As the receiver of that which is kindly given, the words "thank you" rarely form on his lips; if they do, they are laden with insincerity. He will continue to accept whatever someone continues to give; there is no point when he says,

  "Enough!" Neither guilt nor gratitude can find a home in his heart. Easily forgets the benefits he has received.

  May also be called: bloodsucker, buccaneer, extortionist, ingrate, looter, pirate, plagiarizer, plunderer, poacher, privateer, profiteer, robber, thief, vulture.

  Adjectives: cutthroat, larcenous, light-fingered, plunderous, predatory, thievish, unappreciative, ungrateful, unthankful.


  Cannot be counted upon to stand by his promises. Mouths loyalty, but is not committed. Sells himself to the highest bidder. Able to withdraw from an allegiance with no compunction. When it is convenient for him to do so, disavows any warm association with those whom he once claimed to support. Switches religion, politics, principles, and friendships as easily as he might change shoes. Goes the way the wind blows.

  May also be called: apostate, backslider, betrayer, deserter, double-dealer, rat, renegade, scab, snake in the grass, turncoat, turntail. Adjectives: bolter, disloyal, false, faithless, traitorous, treacherous, treasonous, two-faced, unfaithful, untrue.


  Wavers between what he thinks he should do and not do. Lacks core convictions. Subject to frequent mind changes and attitude reversals, without ever being sure he is committed to the right course. Often does not know which way to turn. Highly persuadable. Usually attracted to the last argument he hears on a matter. Cursed by the fact that he often sees the merit regarding both sides of an argument. Blows hot and cold; hems and haws; flip-flops on any issue at almost any time. Once he makes up his mind to do something, immediately wonders if he is not making a mistake. Has as many phases as the moon. Grows dilemmas in his mind as if they were grass. Acts as though he had two minds, one being contrary to the other and causing his thoughts to teeter-totter. Tends to delay taking action until the very last minute.

  May also be called: chameleon, rolling stone, weather vane.

  Adjectives: capricious, desultory, elastic, erratic, fickle, flighty, fluctuating, hesitant, inconstant, indecisive, irresolute, pliable, shilly-shallying, uncertain, unconfident, unreliable, weak-willed, willy-nilly, wishy-washy.


  Life is marked by a distinct passivity and quite likely attended by daily monotony that does not seem pervasive. To quote a cliché: snug as a bug in a rug. More wealth, status, or achievement would not render greater satisfaction; ambition, therefore, is at a treading-water stage. Content with the way things are, barring perhaps a few minor irritations that the world always manages to impose upon the living. Healthy, worry-free, and not burdened with any meaningful regrets or pangs of conscience. Faces the future without reservations or anxiety. Entertains a rather casual optimism.

  Adjectives: blissful, comfortable, complacent, contented, cozy, happy, pleased, relaxed, satisfied, unbothered, undisturbed, untroubled.


  Highly experienced in a particular area. Seen as the "old hand"—the person who has been around, who has been through it all before, who has seen it all, who knows how to do it, who's aware of what all the little secrets are. Knows the ropes, the ins and outs, and the little shortcuts that make things easier. The one person to turn to when you get stuck. Not born yesterday. Knows where the bodies are buried. Able to find and solve the problem, cut through all the red tape. Nothing gets past him.

  May also be called: handyman, Jack-of-all-trades, old soldier, old timer. Adjectives: accomplished, adept, crackerjack, masterful, practiced, skillful, versatile.


  Sees those things that could be, but which may never be. Within that mountainous terrain of the mind, searches for some gossamer stones and an acre upon which to build. Loses all sense of time and place. Juggles wishes. Fabricates notions. Journeys into places that have never been seen outside the circumference of his mind. Has a round-trip ticket to Utopia. Sees the creation before it is created. Hears the sounds before there are words or music.

  May also be called: idealist, innovator, inventor, romantic.

  Adjectives: absent-minded, creative, dreamy-eyed, fanciful, imaginative, impractical, ingenious, inventive, museful, notional, oblivious, preoccupied, unrealistic, woolgathering.


  (See also the Authoritarian, the Intimidator) The Warrior does not try to make others fearful of him. While he is quick to fight, he does it to protect what is important to him. He is not, at heart, an aggressor; he is, for example, the athlete who must win, the debater who must prevail, the businessman who fends off a takeover of his company, the attorney who defends his client—a rival to be reckoned with in a specific area. Strong-willed, but doesn't flaunt it. Picks his quarrels carefully, and, when he does, fights tenaciously to achieve his desired end. At a moment's notice, and either for himself or on behalf of another, will utter a challenge and cross swords with anyone. Engages in a nonphysical assault upon those who wish to deny him entry, who use him as a target for mockery, or who see him as being unimportant.

  May also be called: advocate, combatant, competitor, defender, guard, knight-errant.

  Adjectives: combative, competitive, contentious, guarded, hostile, strong-willed.


  (See also the Luminary) Has achieved a recognizable level of success, which may be discerned by the amount of money, property, fame, or achievement that is attributed to him. Has made a so-called noise in the world or has, as they say, made the grade. Born under a lucky star or with a golden touch. Stands at the top of his profession. A voice to be reckoned with. One of the privileged few. Has the upper hand, the advantage, the best of all possible worlds. Has made a killing, won the day, brought home the bacon. Rich as Rockefeller. Has done all right for himself.

  May also be called: capitalist, champion, conquering hero, man of means, money-maker, mover and shaker, nabob, plutocrat, tycoon. Adjectives: accomplished, comfortable, famous, opulent, prosperous, rich, smug, solvent, triumphant, wealthy, well-fixed, well-heeled.


  (See also the Disregarder) Different from the Disregarder in that he lacks all curiosity regarding virtually everything. Yawns though life, for there is nothing that particularly interests him. Enthusiasm is so shallow as to be nonexistent. Dwells perpetually within indifference. Plods along like a horse pulling a milk wagon, not thinking about where he has been, where he is going, or what is taking place around him. Questions do not take shape within him.

  Adjectives: blasé, bored, indifferent, uninquisitive, uninterested, unquestioning.

  11. Does the Character Have a Nickname?

  There are literally thousands of nickname possibilities, and it would be far beyond the scope of this book to even begin to list them all. Instead, the emphasis here is placed on the kinds of nicknames available, thus allowing a writer to use his or her own imagination in determining what best suits the character in question.

  Giving a character a nickname sometimes allows the writer to specifically or implicitly explore another dimension of the story—namely, the attitude of the individual who first hung the nickname on the character, as well as the group that continues to employ it. It is unlikely, for example, that a fat person would call another fat person Fatso. Nor would one Mexican immigrant lay the nickname Mexie on one of his countrymen, even if he didn't like him. Thus, at the core of some nicknames, particularly those that pinpoint the physical appearance or nationality of another, there may exist a thinly veiled prejudice, or a lack of understanding, or perhaps a streak of cruelty. Possibly all three.

  On still another plane, some nicknames give the writer a good opportunity to quickly delve into the character's self-assessment. For example, if a character likes being called Ace, why is that? Is he a fighter pilot? A card shark? Does the name enhance the image that he has of hims
elf? But suppose the character hates being called Rooster or Bubbles. Does he accept the handle graciously and feel it's not worth fighting about, or do rivulets of anger run through him each time the name is spoken? In short, does the nickname create a glow inside the character because it fits the profile he has of himself, or does it crack against his ears like an ugly snake whip?

  Thus, in selecting a nickname, the writer may find it to his advantage to weigh the motives of the nickname-giver against the reaction of the nickname-wearer.


  Writers frequently use nicknames when they develop stories that take place in America's Wild West. Of course, there is no restriction against using a western-sounding name in a modern story. But in doing so, it is important for an author to keep in mind that readers and moviegoers have long since become conditioned to associate such names with a certain degree of recklessness and free-spiritedness—no matter who they belong to. For example:

  Places Abilene, Arizona, Cheyenne, Dakota, Durango, Yellowstone.

  Animals Bronco, Bucktail, Buffalo, Diamondback, Doggie, Grizzly.

  Indian Birdsong, Blue Fox, Crowfoot, Dark Wing, Eagle Wing, Lightfoot.

  Other Banjo, Buckskin, Cactus, Colt, Giddyup, Saddlebags.


  Nicknames that are taken from the names of animals can serve many descriptive purposes. Some examples:

  Appearance: Ape

  Voice: Frog

  Size: Chigger

  Color: Crow

  Greed: Buzzard

  Grace: Butterfly

  Awkwardness: Camel

  Quickness: Cobra

  Slowness: Snail

  Silence: Clam

  Neck: Goose

  Agility: Monkey

  Gait: Duck

  Danger: Fang

  Tenacity: Bulldog


  Nicknames related to the automobile need not always appear in stories where people own, drive, or fix cars, but it certainly helps. For example, it would make little sense to use the nickname "Greasepit" in a story about landed gentry in antebellum South Carolina. That said, here are just a few nickname possibilities that fall in this category:

  Type of Car Chevy, Hatchback, Hot Rod, Jeep.

  Noise Beep, Blowout, Honk, Screech.

  Parts Bumper, Hub Cap, Lugnut, Wheels.

  Other Oil Can, Roadrunner, Cabby, Lube.


  As with auto-related nicknames, those associated with the field of aviation need not always appear in stories where people fly airplanes. For instance, the nickname "Bomber" could be applied to a chief executive officer of a company who has a reputation for suddenly obliterating entire departments with the stroke of his pen. Here are just a few examples of nicknames that are related to the field of aviation:





  Sky King



  Tail Spin

  May Day





  Common nicknames have been used so often over the years that they have since lost any special meaning they might have once held—if in fact they ever had any—and, in terms of impact, they are closely related to those that are simply derivative of first names. Thus, a writer can usually attach such a nickname to a character without worrying about whether it will add anything positive or negative. Among the names that fit comfortably in this group are Babe, Buddy, Buster, Corky, Dixie, and Skip.


  A "cute" nickname is often given to a character who seems to have a bubbly nature and who lacks any great depth of intellect. Of all the different kinds of nicknames that can be given a character, those in the "cute" category are perhaps the most stereotypical; moreover, they are almost always applied to females, owing perhaps to male chauvinism. They are syrupy and convey the idea that the character has little substance. Possibilities include the following:






























  Sweet Pea












  Nicknames that are derived from first names are, of course, the most common. Charles becomes Chuck, for example, and Elizabeth becomes Lizzy. While such names impart an unmistakable informality and folksiness, they are incapable of adding anything special to a character. They are generic and can usually be adapted to fit hero and villain alike. Lizzy can be a wholesome, freckle-faced girl next door, or the mean-spirited daughter who uses an ax to chop up her parents.


  A nickname can be used to provide a one-or two-word physical description of the character. It may also describe a particular habit or an item with which the character becomes associated.

  Descriptive Feature Fatso, Little Bit, Knuckleface, Bones.

  Descriptive Habit Smoke, Toothpick, Whiskey, Blackjack.

  Descriptive Item Cap, Rings, G-String, Suitcase.


  When a character is given the nickname of a famous person, it always comes from the mouth of another character. More often than not, it will be used quite sparingly, or just once. Sometimes, though, the characters in a story will use the nickname often as a way of showing their respect for the admired traits of another. Here are three examples:

  Affection: "Whatcha readin' now, Shakespeare?"

  Respect: "Let's ask Socrates. He knows everything."

  Derision: "Heard some talk that you're gonna lead us to the Promised Land. That right, Moses?"


  A food-related nickname provides a writer with considerable flexibility in relation to the image he wants to convey. Someone who eats a lot could be nicknamed Burp, someone who prefers junk food might be called Snacks, and so on. Just a few of the possibilities include the following:



  Chili Dog






















  Rib Eye









  However, the food-related nickname may have absolutely nothing to do with what a particular character likes to eat. For example, a character with red hair could be nicknamed Carrots; someone from the Far East might be nicknamed Chopstick; a so-called hillbilly could be nicknamed Hambone. If associated with water, the nickname might be Crawfish. An overweight person could be nicknamed Lard.


  While it's not a hard and fast rule, nicknames associated with games and sports are generally reserved for charact
ers associated with those activities. There are certain terms in each game or sport that lend themselves well to nicknames, with baseball and football possibly leading the pack. (Nicknames pertaining to football often have a heavy connection to the military as well.) Here are some nicknames that could be used for fictional characters who are either interested in sports or participate in them.

  Baseball: Blooper, Dugout, Hummer, Lefty, LoBall, Pick-off, Pop-Up, Shutout, Slider, Slugger, Spitter, Fungo.

  Football: Blitz, Coach, Fumbles, Hut-Hut, Kicker, Touchdown.

  Basketball: Hoop, Swish.

  Other: Ace, Bunker, Homestretch, Jock, Jumper, K.G., Knuckles, Legs, PingPong, Racer, Ring Side, Rink, Shot-Put, Sidepockets, Skater, Spokes, Surfboard, Tee-Shot, Ten Pin, Trotter.


  (See also Nationalities) If a writer chooses a nickname that links a fictional character to a specific locale, it mayor may not have any significance to the story. For example, in the motion picture Raiders of the Lost Ark, audiences were not told why the adventurous main character was called Indiana Jones. The nickname simply had a lyrical ring to it and it was easy to remember. Some nations, cities, American states, regions, streets, and special areas lend themselves well to nicknames—though certainly not all of them. For instance:

  Country: Burma wore a pair of boots that everyone talked about, made from the hide of an alligator he had killed when it swallowed one of his chickens.


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