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Slave Gold 2: Cardinal Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  Riek wobbled over to the wall and pressed her back against the cool gray metal and kissed her. She dueled her tongue with his, nipping and sucking as if she, too, couldn’t get enough of his taste. He ate at her mouth with a voracious hunger and hoped he wasn’t being too rough.

  He pressed into her until he bottomed out and then withdrew to the tip. His natural secretions made it easy to slide in and out of her tight, wet warmth, and he began to pump his hips faster.

  Riek lifted his head to see her face, just in case he was hurting her, but her face was slack with pleasure and her eyes were glittering at him hungrily.

  “Yes,” she panted. “You feel so good.”

  “You are all pleasure rolled into one, baby,” Riek rasped. He had been exploring the archives while his brothers made love to and claimed their mate. It had been the only way to keep from fighting his male kin for his bonded and when he’d come across the word “baby,” had decided it was the endearment he would use with his female.

  “I want it all, Riek. Give me everything.”

  “I don’t wish to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. I trust you.”

  Riek began to shove in and out of her hard, fast, and deep. Each of his brothers had made sure Annie peaked at least once before claiming her, and his aim was the same. When his pelvis connected with hers, he twisted his hips, making sure he pressed onto her pleasure button. She moaned and gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders. Each time he surged forward, he could feel her insides rippling around him, and she got wetter.

  It was heaven and hell. Heaven because it was the most wondrous bliss he’d ever experienced, and hell because he was already close to peaking.

  She made a soft mewling sound in her throat, and her insides become tauter and tauter. Then she tipped her had back and connected with the wall, making a thunking sound. The color in her cheeks became a deeper pink, and she opened her mouth to cry out loudly.

  Her insides undulated around his cock, and he was racing toward his release. Riek bent down licked the skin of her shoulder next to Mott’s mark and sank his fangs into her flesh, and again, she screamed. Her whole body shook and shivered, her cunt quaking and quivering around his dick. A blaze formed at his lower spine before moving around to encompass his balls and cock, then shot up his shaft and out the tip.

  He twitched and jerked as he filled her with his essence, and to his utter surprise, his legs wouldn’t hold him anymore. He slumped down to the floor, but made sure that Annie landed on top of him so she wouldn’t get hurt. Their bodies continued to pulsate with aftershocks until finally the euphoria that had wrapped around them both waned.

  Riek cuddled her close, licking at the wound he’d made while making her his bonded as he tried to regain his breath. He felt tethered to his mate like no other, not even his male kin. She was in his heart, mind, and soul, and he felt complete for the first time in his life.

  Annie was precious to them all, and it was his right to make sure she never had any reason to regret joining with them.

  “Are you well, Annie?” Riek felt her go completely lax on top of him, and he was becoming concerned. Although she was still breathing, she hadn’t moved since he taken her to the floor with him.

  He lifted his head off the floor and gently pushed her tresses off of her face. Her eyes were closed, and although she was breathing regularly, deeply, he felt sick to his stomach. He had done something to hurt their mate. She was unconscious. “Get the medi-scanner. Call for our most respected healer.”

  Shar, Baro, and Mott came down on the floor beside him.

  “What have you done?” Baro snarled the question.

  “I don’t know. I must have hurt her somehow.”

  “Healer Must is on his way to medical,” Mott said as he ran a finger down Annie’s cheek. “I don’t think she is injured. I think maybe she is just exhausted. Annie has just mated with all four of us. It takes a lot of energy when the mating bond is formed, but we will have Must examine her just to be sure.”

  “Let me take her,” Shar said and then lifted Annie up into his arms before heading toward the door.

  “Wait!” Riek said. “We have no clothes on and neither does our bonded. There is no way I want another warrior seeing our mate unclothed. Let’s get her cleaned up and covered before going to medical.”

  Shar nodded and did an about-face, heading to the cleansing room. Riek sat up and then followed his older brother. He needed to make sure that Annie was all right. He didn’t want her out of his sight until she had been proclaimed well. If he had done something to injure her, he would never forgive himself.

  Shar sidled sideways into the cleansing unit and nodded to him to close the door. He watched as the lights flowed over Shar and Annie, cleaning their bodies and smoothing out their hair. When the lasers stopped, he opened the door and Shar stepped out.

  Riek led the way back to the bedroom and looked about for the clothes Annie had been wearing. He didn’t want to have to put them back on her since they probably needed to be cleaned, so he hurried out to the eating area and over to the replicator. He hoped his size guess was right, but he would worry about that later. At least she wouldn’t have to be carried along the hallways bare for all to see.

  Once the small uniform was complete, he opened the panel door and retrieved the black cloth and walked back to Shar’s sleeping quarters. Then, with Shar’s help, they dressed Annie. He was happy to see that the warrior uniform he had created for her was a perfect fit. Later he would fashion some lightweight boots for her, but for now they needed to get to medical.

  Riek needed to know that his mate was okay.

  Chapter Seven

  Annie could hear a weird beeping sound and wondered where she was. She was so tired, and although she was surfacing to consciousness, she didn’t want to. The temptation to roll over and snuggle into the pillow and keep sleeping was too good to ignore. With a sigh she went to shift onto her side, but hands on her hips stopped any movement. Her eyelids lifted, and she blinked to clear her sleep-hazy vision.

  She nearly screamed when she saw five pairs of eyes staring down at her, but turned it into a gasp at the last second. Shar, Baro, Mott, and Riek, plus another man she’d never seen before were hovering around the bed looking at her with frowns on their faces.

  As she became more aware, she began to get worried, and her heart felt like it was aching. Plus, she had this feeling of guilt. She couldn’t work out why she was feeling the way she was, because as far as she knew, she had nothing to be concerned over or feel guilty about. She was about to ask what was going on, but remembered the men saying they would be joined in mind, body, and soul. Did that mean she was feeling what they were?

  She met each of the men’s eyes and realized that was exactly what was happening. When Riek wouldn’t hold her gaze, she knew the guilt was coming from him. Annie lifted her hand, but the strange man pushed her arm back down to her side.

  Four angry men began growling as they glared at him.

  He held his hands up in supplication before saying, “Your bound needs to stay still until the scan in complete. My apologies, Rulers Tammock, no offense was intended.”

  “Do not touch our mate again,” Shar ordered in a hard voice.

  The man nodded before looking back at the small cylindrical stick in his hand. Annie remembered Shar holding that thing over her when she’d first awoken on the spaceship.

  “My lady, I am Must Tarram, the highest healer of Cardinal. Your bound were worried you had been injured or become ill after joining with them.” Tarram looked at Shar. “You mate is well, if a little tired. She will be fine after resting.”

  Annie felt her cheeks heat. She couldn’t believe her men had been discussing having sex with them with this man, but after a moment, logic reared its ugly head. She supposed she must have passed out. The last thing she remembered was screaming the house down as she came while Riek was fucking her.

  She’d had goodness knew how many orgasms and mad
e love to four men one after the other. Of course she’d passed out. What did they expect? She wasn’t an Energizer Bunny, and she’d never had sex before.

  When Must moved away from the bed, she sat up and moved her legs to the side. She couldn’t help but wince at the pain between her legs. Her pussy was feeling a little tender and raw. She also found muscles she’d never used before. Her legs were stiff, and her hips had tight knots of muscles. What she wouldn’t give to have a massage right about now.

  “I am sorry, Annie,” Riek said as he clasped one of her hands in his. “I was too rough with you. I should have been gentler.”

  “You didn’t hurt me, Riek. What you did was mind blowing.” Annie squeezed his hand.

  “I promise to take better care with you next time.”

  “I hope not. I loved every second with each of you.”

  “Must, Annie is hurting,” Baro yelled.

  Must came back, already looking at the scanner thing in his hand.

  “I’m fine, Baro.”

  “No you are not.” Shar looked at Must. “Her legs and hips are sore and she is hurting inside her sex.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Annie groaned and covered her face. Her face was probably as red as a beetroot since it felt hot enough to boil water. She couldn’t believe Shar had just said that.

  “Um…I have some cream that will help.” Annie heard Must scurry away again.

  She had envisioned him wanting her to strip off and shoving that scanner up her pussy. She sighed with relief that that wasn’t about to happen.

  “Did he call you Rulers?” Annie asked, shifting to a safer topic of conversation.

  “Yes. We are the leaders of Cardinal.”

  “So I am married to four kings?”


  “Wow.” Annie remembered them telling her earlier that they were the lead warriors, but she had thought they were the commanders of their military and spaceship, not the damn kings of their world. She wondered what made her so special. She was just a plain, ordinary woman. “Are you sure I’m the right woman for you? I mean, I’m no one special.”

  “Don’t say such things, cosmose,” Shar said. “To us you are the universe.”

  Annie blinked when tears burned the backs of her eyes. No one had ever said anything nice about her except her mom. When the tears spilled over, she couldn’t stop them from flowing. So many things had happened in the last twenty-four hours, and the emotions just wouldn’t be contained anymore. She once more buried her face in her hands, and started sobbing.

  “Must, our bound is crying,” Mott commanded. “Make her stop.”

  Annie’s crying changed to laughter. Poor Must must have been beside himself. Once she started laughing, more tears rolled down her face, but this time from humor. When she peeked up at her men, they were all frowning and looking troubled. She waved her hand at Must when he once more stopped beside the bed with his small scanner.

  “I’m fine.” She was glad her face didn’t go red again when Must handed her a container of what was probably the cream he’d told them about and sighed with relief when he walked back across the room and into his office. She could see him muttering to himself as he entered something into what had to be a computer of some sort. There was no screen, and all the data seemed to be floating in the air in front of him. It was an amazing thing to see. Of course she’d seen stuff like that on TV or in the movies, but everyone knew it was special effects and a load of crap.

  This race appeared to be so much more technologically advanced than theirs. How the hell they could tell what was wrong with her by using that small cylinder was beyond her. She pushed her thoughts aside when Riek scooped her up into his arms and began walking.

  “Where are we going? I can walk. You can put me down.”

  “No,” Riek said and kept going.

  Annie averted her face when warriors passed them in the corridors. All of them looked at her as if she were a bug under a microscope, and it was very disconcerting. She couldn’t understand why she would be such an anomaly if they had information about humans in their computers. This race had been to Earth a long time ago. Maybe that was it. None of the current living Cardinals would have seen a human before, plus she was female.

  If what her men told her was true, then women were scarce on their planet. Did that mean she was going to be in danger if they took her back to their home? Goose bumps broke out over her skin and shivered up her spine, but this time it wasn’t a good feeling. All of a sudden, she felt like she was being watched by hunters and she was their prey.

  Shit! What have I gotten myself into?

  Annie sighed with respite when Riek carried her into her mates’ suite of rooms and the door swished closed behind them. She could relax now that they were away from prying eyes.

  Riek set her down on her feet before ordering, “Remove your clothes.”

  “Uh…really. I’m not sure I could handle another bout of sex.”

  “We need to tend to your pussy,” Shar said as he moved in behind her.

  Annie cursed under her breath when her cheeks heated again. Damn, she hated that she could go red at the drop of a hat. These men didn’t seem to have boundaries of any kind. At least not where she was concerned.

  “I can do that myself.”

  “You are our bonded,” Baro said. “You are ours to take care of.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m not a damned pet.”

  “No, you are not. You are our mate and we need to make sure you are well. We don’t like to feel that you are hurting, little one.”

  Annie sighed. She would have to get used to feeling their emotions. She’d somehow managed to ignore them, for a while. But this time, she could feel their determination to make her feel better and how sorry they were that she was sore to begin with. She fumbled with the uniform she was wearing, looking for a way to open it, but she couldn’t find a zipper or button.

  Mott was standing in front of her, so he took her fingers into his and rubbed her fingertips over a slight indent in the fabric. “Pull from there.”

  Annie tugged and blinked in surprised awe as the soft, slinky material parted all the way down to her crotch. She removed her arms from the short sleeves and pushed it down over her legs. She was totally naked beneath. She would have to ask them later about underwear.

  “Get on the bed.” Riek clasped her hand and guided her to it.

  Annie crawled up onto the bed and was about to turn over onto her back, but a hand on her ass stopped her.

  “Lie down on your stomach,” Shar said as he got up onto the bed near her feet.

  If she hadn’t heard or felt movement nearby, she wouldn’t have noticed Baro, Mott, and Riek gain the bed, too. Whatever the mattress was made out of was so comfortable. It was firm yet soft and seemed to mold around her body yet still support where it needed it, but movement from others on it didn’t disturb or jostle her in anyway.

  A wonderful citrusy smell assailed her nostrils, and when she turned her head, she saw that Shar had opened the large container Must had handed over. He scooped the ointment—or maybe it was just plain cream, she wasn’t sure which—and then he handed the container to Baro.

  “Just relax, Annie,” Shar said as he pushed gently on her back between her shoulder blades.

  Annie placed her head on the bed, sideways so she could breathe comfortably. And then she groaned, her eyes closing as Shar’s hands landed on her ass. He massaged the taut muscles above her hips and worked his way down over her butt cheeks and down her legs. Baro, Mott, and Riek joined in. She sighed and groaned as they kneaded her whole body, and even though the cream they used on her heated her skin until it tingled, it also relaxed her.

  How long they worked on her she had no clue, not that she really cared. It was bliss to just lie there with them administering to all her aches and pains. But the more they touched her, the more her desire amped up. By the time she’d thought they’d finished, she was a pile of goo but also tense with desire. If she h
adn’t been sore, she would have been begging them to take her. Juices were leaking from her pussy, wetting the inside of upper thighs, and she wondered if she was leaving a wet spot on the sheets.

  “Turn her over,” Shar demanded.

  “I can—ˮ She didn’t get to finish what she’d been going to say, because three sets of hands gently lifted her from the bed and placed her back down on the conforming mattress on her back.

  “Spread your legs, Annie.”

  She met Shar’s eyes and blushed, but she kept her legs together. She was embarrassed enough of her reaction to them and a simple massage without them seeing the evidence of her lust.

  “Do not be ashamed of the way you react to us, mate.” Shar stroked a hand down one of her thighs. “It is natural for you to desire our touch and bodies. The heat will not dissipate for many moon risings.”

  Great! So now I’m turning into a nymphomaniac. Who would have thought it? Me having been a virgin and all.

  Annie squeaked when her legs were spread and her cheeks heated even more. Shar was staring at her wet pussy, and she jumped when he made a growling sound. He raised his head and met her gaze.

  “You smell like the sweetest cream. I could lap at your honey for hours.”

  Annie moaned, her cunt clenched, and more liquid was expelled from her pussy.

  “I will ease your need, bonded.”

  That was all the warning she got. She groaned when Shar gently inserted two fingers into her sheath. When she felt the tingling heat, she realized he had some of that ointment on them. He was thorough. The tips of his fingers massaged every internal inch of her pussy. She nearly shot off the bed when they glided over her G-spot. She almost mewled with frustration when he withdrew his fingers, but bit her lip so she wouldn’t beg him to put them back. All the while as he fingered her, Baro, Mott, and Riek had spread that stuff over every inch of her front. Her whole body was prickling in a pleasant way, but she was so damn horny now, she felt a little raw. As if all her nerves were exposed. Every touch was electric, sending shards of pleasure down to her pussy.


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