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Timeless (Transcend Time, #2)

Page 14

by Madow, Michelle

  Unlike earlier, when I had used the same excuse for my reason of not drinking wine, now it was the truth. I wondered if the headache could be from the wine, although I doubted it, since I’d only had a sip. I was probably just stressed from everything that had happened recently.

  “I hope you’re not coming down with anything,” she said. “You had quite a scare last night. I’m sure we’re all glad that’s been cleared up.”

  “Yes, very much so,” I said, although the mention of the almost-accident put me on edge once more. “So much has happened in the past day. I’m sure I’ll feel better in the morning.”

  “I do hope so, dear,” she said before taking another sip of her wine.

  Luckily, that ended the conversation about the wedding. But unluckily, it seemed like it was going to be impossible to get time alone with Chelsea and Drew. This meal felt like it was lasting forever. I was glad when the main course ended and dessert was served, and while I was full from the meal, I ate some fruit to be polite.

  “Now that the weather is better, we can attach the side seat to the chaise so Elizabeth can come home tonight,” my mother said once we finished dessert. Then she turned to Lady Givens. “Thank you again for lending it to us. I hope it won’t be long until our coach is repaired.”

  “It was no trouble,” Lady Givens assured her. “Your coach should be ready within a few days. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience.”

  “Oh, but it’s not your fault,” my mother said. “I’m just glad my coachman inspected the carriage before taking us home. Imagine what could have happened if we hadn’t known it needed a repair!”

  “Yes,” Lady Givens said. “It would have been quite grave, indeed.”

  When dinner ended, Lady Givens led the women to the drawing room, while the men stayed behind in the dining room to continue drinking and talking. The mothers walked ahead, leaving Chelsea and I to follow.

  “When are we going to get time to talk to Drew?” Chelsea whined, quietly enough so only I could hear. “I feel like I’m being baby-sat all the time here.”

  “I’m getting annoyed, too,” I said. “All this protocol is making it impossible for us to do what we have to.”

  “I just want to fix this mess and go home,” she said.

  “We had no way of knowing everyone would stop by tonight,” I said. “It made everything a million times more difficult. It might be best to wait for tomorrow. We can meet up in the yard behind my house and talk there.”

  “I guess we don’t have another choice,” Chelsea said in defeat. “We’ll have to get word to Drew.”

  Which was exactly what we did when everyone was saying goodnight.

  I hoped we would come to a solid plan tomorrow, because as fascinating as this experience was, I was more than ready to go home.


  As planned, Drew and Chelsea met up with me in the yard behind my house the following afternoon. Chelsea and I briefed Drew on our list of possible suspects, and asked for his opinion.

  “I was thinking along those same lines,” he said. “And my mom told me something interesting before I left today.”

  “What?” I asked, anxious for him to continue.

  “She ran into Mrs. Williams this morning while shopping in town, and Mrs. Williams said that Mr. Williams had been terribly ill all night. He blamed it on the food at dinner, but no one else got sick.”

  “Sounds like he got a bug,” I said. “Or maybe …”

  “Maybe what?” Chelsea asked.

  “I only took a small sip of my wine, but I wasn’t feeling one hundred percent last night,” I said. “I thought it was nerves because of the pressure of what we have to do here. But Mr. Williams drank my entire glass when I said I wasn’t feeling up to drinking.”

  “So you think someone put something in your wine?” Chelsea’s eyes widened. “That’s absurd!”

  “Is it?” I asked. “I’m not an expert on poisons, but I would guess that the amount needed to kill me wouldn’t be lethal to Mr. Williams, who must be triple my size. It would only make him ill.”

  “Possibly,” Chelsea said. “But I don’t think we have enough evidence to assume anything.”

  “It is something to think about, though,” I said.

  “And you’re not going to like the second part of what she said,” Drew continued.

  I looked at him in dread. “There’s more?”

  “My mom convinced Mrs. Williams that she should host an engagement party for you and James on Saturday night.”

  “But that’s not even a week away!” I said, horrified. “I was hoping the engagement would be broken by then—not that we would be celebrating.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t like it,” Drew said.

  “We’ll have to make sure this party doesn’t happen,” I concluded. “It’s only going to make things harder and more embarrassing for everyone involved when the truth comes out.”

  “Or we could use the party as a way to get the answers we need,” Chelsea suggested.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Everyone involved will be there,” she said. “We’ll just have to corner the suspects, and get one of them to admit to what they’re trying to do.”

  “I doubt it will be that easy,” I said.

  “But we have to try,” she insisted. “Unless either of you has a better idea?”

  I didn’t, and I looked at Drew to see his reaction.

  “I have an idea,” he said. “But it’s going to cause quite the commotion.”

  I leaned forward, intrigued. “And what is this idea?”

  He shared his plan with Chelsea and me. At first I was shocked, but then I realized it was so crazy it might work.

  “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this, but if we want to do this right, it needs to be dramatic,” I said. “Saturday night we’re getting to the bottom of this. And then we’re going home.”


  The days leading up to the celebration were rather dull. The family would awaken around eight, and we would read books and write letters until breakfast at ten. I learned that the “morning hours” were defined differently from what I was accustomed to in modern times. In the Regency Era, “morning” was the time until dinner, which was served around five.

  Dinner was the longest meal of the day, consisting of two to three courses. It could last for two to three hours. We would always dress for the meal, even though we were only dining with family.

  I spent most of my free time reading, sketching, doing needlework, and practicing the pianoforte. The most exciting thing that happened was going into town with my mother to shop for ribbons to update my dresses.

  Country living was peaceful, but I felt disconnected from the world. I missed the convenience of my computer and cell phone. It was also hard to relax knowing that on Saturday night I would have to work with Drew and Chelsea to figure out who was after me once and for all.

  The repairs on the family coach were finished on Friday, so my parents returned the chaise to the Givens’ and got the coach back in our possession. The Givens’ invited us to dinner, and while my parents went, I refused the invitation, claiming I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to make sure I was in peak condition for the ball tomorrow night. In truth, I was so stressed over what I had to do at the ball that I doubted I would be agreeable company.

  Finally, Saturday arrived. It took longer than usual for my maid to get me ready, since I was the guest of honor. I wore my nicest white dress, and Taylor did my hair in a braided, elaborate up-do, adding a headpiece of interspersed pearls.

  I wished I could recreate the look once I got home, but I doubted I could do it justice.

  “You’re going to have a marvelous time tonight,” Taylor said once she finished getting me ready. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

  My hands shook, and I wished she was right—that tonight would be the kind of wonderful that happened in fairy tales. My life recently had felt like a fairy tale, but a
t the same time, it also felt like the opposite. How was I supposed to stop someone who wanted me out of the picture? How did I get in so over my head?

  “Are you all right, Miss Elizabeth?” Taylor asked.

  “I’m fine,” I said, regaining my composure. “I suppose the excitement is getting to me.”

  I wanted to confide in her about my secret engagement to Drew and breaking the engagement with James, but I knew better than that. The maids gossiped, especially Taylor, even though she was a sweetheart. Sharing a big secret with her would ensure that everyone in Hampshire County knew the news within a week.

  “You’re going to be the most beautiful lady there,” she said. “No one will be able to take their eyes off you all night.”

  “Thank you,” I said, although there was only one person there who I hoped to impress, and his name was Andrew Carmichael.

  * * *

  My parents complimented me on my choice of dress for the evening (although Taylor was the one who decided it was perfect for the event), and we boarded the coach. It was eerie being inside of there, knowing that if we hadn’t succeeded in going back in time, the coach would be shattered beyond repair, and instead of going to a party tonight, everyone would have been attending my funeral.

  I tried to stay positive, though. Being here was proof that I had the power to control my destiny. I could make it so my past self lived out the life she deserved, and then go back home and live the life I deserved, too.

  Maybe I would get my fairy tale ending, after all.


  The ball was a splendid affair. The Williams’ home wasn’t as extravagant as the Givens’, but they had a large ballroom, and they went all out with getting an orchestra and hiring extra staff to make sure the attendees had a drink in their hand whenever they weren’t on the dance floor.

  As expected, James and I began the starting dance. It was a lively country dance, as most of them were, and we had fun, in a friends way. That was how my relationship with James felt—like we were friends, and nothing more.

  Just as Jeremy was able to get over our relationship quickly, I had a feeling that James would be the same way once I broke the engagement. At least I hoped so, knowing what was about to happen tonight.

  The dance ended, and I thanked James, telling him I would be right back. Really, I searched the crowd for Drew and Chelsea. My heart was beating so fast that if I didn’t know any better, I would think everyone in the room could hear it. They would all know I was about to do something crazy that went against the social rules of Regency Era, England.

  But while I had a past life here, I was from the twenty-first century. If my past self needed some modernity to make her life the way it should be, then that was exactly what was going to happen.

  I was going to get that happily ever after—in both my past life and my present.

  I found Drew and Chelsea standing by the interior wall of the ballroom, where they had promised they would be waiting.

  “Are you ready?” Drew asked, holding his arm out for me to take.

  I put my arm through his, trying to stop from shaking. “As I’ll ever be.”

  “Relax.” He leaned closer so his lips touched my ear. “I love you, always and forever. This will work, and you’ll be safe once and for all. Then we’ll go back home, and our lives can return to normal.”

  “Normal.” I laughed. “I feel like I don’t know what that is anymore.”

  “It’ll be the two of us, together,” he said. “Like it was meant to be.”

  “I love you,” I said, soft enough so only he could hear. “Always and forever.” I surveyed the crowd once more, and my confidence grew. It was now or never. “Okay. I’m ready.”


  The first step of the plan was easily completed—Drew and I danced four dances together, in a row. It was wonderful dancing with him, but by the end of the third dance, when we started the fourth, the whispers began.

  People were wondering what we were doing, spending the amount of time together that one should only spend with the person they are engaged to marry. I caught looks of disapproval from the corner of my eye, but I didn’t care. Drew was the one I loved and wanted to be with. Who I would be with.

  This wasn’t the most proper way to announce it, but it was certainly getting the attention we desired.

  By the end of the fourth dance, my mother approached us. She looked regal and stoic, but a storm brewed in her eyes. Clearly she was not about to allow Drew and I to spend a fifth dance together.

  I hoped that four dances gave Chelsea enough time to complete her part of the plan.

  “What are the two of you doing?” my mother sternly asked Drew and me.

  By this point, nearly everyone who had been on the dance floor was staring at us, and the dancing had come to a halt.

  “I would like to make an announcement,” Drew said, since he had the attention of nearly everyone attending the party. Those who were not watching before turned to listen. “As many of you are aware, I recently broke my engagement with the Lady Catherine Givens.” The crowd gave a collective gasp, and he continued, “I did not break the engagement because of anything done wrong on her behalf—Lady Catherine is a lovely person—but I could not marry her because I do not love her. I could not marry her because I am in love with Miss Elizabeth Davenport.”

  This declaration was met with dropped jaws and complete silence. Now he really had the crowd’s attention.

  I met their eyes with confidence, prepared for what Drew was going to say next, but he was interrupted before he had a chance.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Mrs. Williams’ asked, stomping onto the dance floor. She held her dress in her hands, her expression twisted into horror. “You know very well that Miss Davenport is promised to my son, Mr. James Williams. This party is to honor their engagement, for Heavens sake!”

  James rushed to my side, although the defeated look in his eyes showed me that he knew this battle was lost. But that didn’t stop him from trying.

  “Mr. Carmichael, you need to leave this party at once,” James commanded.

  “But they have already danced four dances together!” Mrs. Williams cried. “This is disastrous.” Then she turned to me. “Miss Davenport, you do intend to marry my son, correct?”

  I wished things could be different and I could say what she wanted to hear to put her at ease, but I had my future happiness to consider.

  “I’m sorry, but I cannot,” I said, turning to James. “I hope you understand that I value your friendship greatly, but I do not love you. I’ve loved Mr. Carmichael since the night I met him, and for that reason, I fear I cannot marry you.” I stepped away from James, and closer to Drew. “Please believe me when I tell you that I trust this will make us both happier in the end,” I told James. Hopefully he would forgive me in time. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t—I hated that it had to come to this, and especially that we had to do this so publicly.

  It had to be done, though. We didn’t have endless time on our hands, and a dramatic revealing of my relationship with Drew seemed the best bet to evoke strong emotions from whoever wanted me dead. And it seemed like we had succeeded. Everyone was speechless—clearly this wasn’t the sort of entertainment they saw every day.

  James didn’t look too upset, however, and Mrs. Williams ushered him away.

  My father pushed to the front of the crowd before this could continue. I hadn’t searched for him until now, because I was terrified of his reaction. I feared he would be livid. But to my surprise, I didn’t find anger on his aging features. Instead, he seemed amused by the situation.

  “Mr. Carmichael,” my father said with a hint of a smile. “Before this proceeds any further, I believe there’s something you would like to ask me?”

  “Of course.” Drew stood straighter and cleared his throat. Then he looked my father in the eyes and said, “I’ve loved your daughter since the moment I saw her, and the love I feel for her has only grown si
nce. There’s no one else I could foresee spending the rest of my life with, and for that reason, I would like to respectfully ask for your consent in my requesting her hand in marriage.”

  “Very well.” My father nodded, and turned to me. “Do you love Mr. Carmichael?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t have to think about my answer. “I do. Very much so.”

  “Well, I do wish this had been done more discreetly,” my father began. “Although I must say, I haven’t had such an entertaining evening in years. Since it seems obvious that the two of you love each other, I suppose I don’t have much of a choice but to grant my permission.”

  “You’re not mad?” I couldn’t believe my luck. Even though this man was Elizabeth Davenport of the past’s father and I didn’t know him as well as my own, I was glad he wasn’t furious at the turn of events of the evening. In fact, he seemed pleased that marrying Drew would make me happy.

  “I do wish you had explained your feelings sooner, and more privately,” he said. “Perhaps this could have been resolved in a cleaner manner. But I do believe Mr. Carmichael loves you, and if you promise that this is truly what you want, then I am most definitely happy for you.”

  “As I am, as well,” my mother chimed in.

  Then Drew did something that was unheard of for this time period—he kissed me in public, for everyone to see. The kiss was short, but it took my breath away just the same.

  “We’ve really changed the past, haven’t we?” I asked once the kiss ended.

  “We have,” Drew said. “But it’s not over yet.”

  “No,” I said, not wanting to put a damper on the moment, but knowing I had to. I lowered my voice before continuing, “Whoever’s after me is probably a hundred times angrier after witnessing what just happened.”

  This was where things were going to get tricky. The entire party had been arranged to celebrate my and James’ engagement, and we had to ensure the party continued now that the engagement was cancelled and everyone knew I was engaged to Drew.


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