Book Read Free

Hollywood Princess

Page 27

by Dana Aynn Levin

  I tried to cheer her up. “I can picture you in the bikini you wore in Aspen. Just the thought of it drives me crazy.”

  “I’m sure there are lots of girls in bikinis in Florida.”

  Shit! I hope I wasn’t busted already.

  “Baby, none of them are as sexy as you.” And I meant it.

  As if on cue, Reggie returned with our drinks. I took a large sip of the fruity rum concoction. I was on vacation in Florida, after all, and I placed it on the table. I motioned Reggie that I would be a moment.

  “Danny, I love you. You always know what to say.”

  “E, I should let you go. I don’t want to anger Randi.”

  Reggie perched herself on the lounge chair facing me. She smiled prettily trying to act as though she didn’t hear the intimate conversation I was engaged in. I didn’t really care. Reggie needed to accept that she would at most be a vacation fling. If not, c’est la vie. Either way, I was going home to Elizabeth.

  “Okay. I can’t strand Mom in the middle of Rodeo Drive.”

  “With Zac!” I added, and we both laughed. I love Eli’s musical laugh.

  “Poor Mom!” Eli laughed some more.

  “I’ll call you tonight. It’ll be late. I’m going to a party with the guys.”

  “What should I wear?”

  “Surprise me, darlin’.”

  “I’ll buy something new.” Eli was excited and that pleased me.

  “For a phone call?”

  “Danny, you’ll see,” she said seductively.

  “Babe, what are you planning? Am I in trouble?”

  “I sure hope so, Daniel.”

  “Baby, I’d better go. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  “I can imagine,” she giggled. “I love you, Danny.”

  “I love you too, baby,” And I pushed the off button.

  I reached for my drink, taking a long sip of its frosty goodness. Reggie leaned forward exposing what her bikini top hid. In contrast to Eli, she had little to hide.

  “Who was that?” she purred.

  “My girlfriend,” I answered.

  It certainly wasn’t my mother. When you end a call by saying, “I love you too, baby” it’s pretty obvious you’re talking to your girl. Reggie’s smile dropped a fraction, taken aback by my frankness.

  I saw the wheels spinning in her head as she rapidly processed this information. Perched by my side, Reggie had less than thirty seconds to reach a decision. Finally she smiled again.

  “Dan, I appreciate your honesty. Most guys here for spring break don’t tell you they have girlfriends at home.”

  “Reggie, I didn’t come for fun. If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well. If you don’t like my status, my friends are unencumbered.”

  Reggie squinted her face, confused by my vocabulary. She didn’t know, but had I been available, Reggie had failed the first test. A girl who couldn’t keep up with me intellectually could never be more than a temporary diversion, no matter how beautiful they were.

  “Whatever. It doesn’t matter,” she said.

  “I’m glad that’s clear.” I smiled at Reggie. The girl might have peanuts rattling inside, but she was breathtaking to look at. My hand rested on Reggie’s thigh leading her to smile in what she believed was triumph. I raised my glass to her.

  “Here’s to some fun in the sun,” I toasted and we tapped our drinks together.


  They certainly can party in Miami. What a wild scene! The DJ was first rate, the drinks flowed feely, and the girls were hotter than hot.

  True to her word, Reggie brought a few friends to keep Shane and Cam occupied. Later, she and I slipped out to spend quality time at her condo. A glossy, ultra-modern one-bedroom with walls of glass leading to a wide ocean-view balcony, Reggie had been eager to show me her home. It hadn’t disappointed.

  I left Reggie at around one, content, sleeping under the covers, and returned to the party. It was going strong with wall-to-wall attractive, tanned young people.

  After one more beer and a couple of dances, I was drained and needed my sleep. Cam, Shane and I staggered back to the condo.

  “I’ll be in soon,” I told Shane. Shane and I were sharing a bedroom. Cam had his own. The master, belonged to his parents. “I told Eli I’d call her.”

  Shane stopped in his tracks. “Aren’t you on the outs?” he asked.

  Shane’s question surprised me. “Of course not. Everything’s great with Eli.”

  “Then what’s with the blonde? Or do you enjoy living dangerously?”

  “Reggie’s a charming amusement for the week,” I answered.

  “Danny, you already have the hottest girlfriend. Why risk it?”

  “There’s no risk. You and Cam won’t say anything. What happens in Florida stays in Florida.” I was being arrogant.

  “And if someone sees you?”

  “I’m being careful. I won’t do anything to hurt Eli. I love her too much.”

  “Do you have any idea how insane that sounds?” Shane exclaimed. “I love my girlfriend. I won’t do anything to hurt her,” he mimicked. “Except I’m screwing a gorgeous model which of course would most definitely hurt Elizabeth if she found out. Why are you doing this?”

  “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with?” I flippantly quoted the old song.

  “This isn’t funny, Danny. Elizabeth would be devastated.”

  “Eli will never find out. Besides, I never promised to be a good boy.”

  “I give up!”

  Shane threw up his hands in frustration and went off to bed. I took out my Mac and set it on the dining table. Tonight I felt like Skyping.


  “Ring. Ring! Ring!” I willed my phone to ring.

  I didn’t expect the phone to ring. Danny was at a party. He certainly wasn’t going to glance at his watch and tell the guys, “Gotta go. Eli’s expecting me.”

  The evening had been deadly quiet. Since about ten I had been reclining on my bed channel surfing. Nothing kept my attention.

  My favorite singer! Danny! At the concert, Shane had recorded Danny’s love song, and I had made it my ringtone. Now my phone was singing.

  Tossing aside the remote, I snatched the phone. My love!

  “Hey, you!” I answered cheerfully.

  “Hi, baby,” came Danny’s beautiful voice. “Let’s Skype.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Afraid you’ll forget what I look like?”

  “Sure. Like that’s ever going to happen. No. I have a surprise to show you.”

  “Can’t wait, darlin.’ So get off the phone and get over to your laptop.”

  I crawled across the bed at warp speed and tore across to my desk. The laptop was waiting. All I had to do was access Skype, and I did so with alacrity.

  “Much better,” Danny said as I settled into my desk chair. “Eli, you’re what’s been missing from my day.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  Holy shit! I tried not to visibly react to Danny’s appearance. But his eyes! They were puffy, and dark circles made them appear almost sunken. Had I not known, I would never have guessed at their usual brilliant blue. Danny looked exhausted, too.

  “Oh, honey! What have you been doing?”

  “It’s two in the morning, Eli.” Danny showed his annoyance.

  “Danny, I’ve seen you at two in the morning.” The haggard face on the screen was disturbing. What had he been doing?

  “That’s because when I’m with you at two in the morning, I’m snug in our bed cuddled up with you, dreaming of the fun we’ve just had.”

  “Danny, what’s going on?” I demanded.

  “Eli, they have wicked parties here. I was out misbehaving.”

  “Daniel!” I groaned, disappointed. When would he grow up and stop thinking it was cool to get blitzed?

  “Please don’t get angry, Eli. I love you, baby.”

p; “I know you do. And I love you, which is why this worries me.”

  “I don’t want you worrying.”

  “Please be careful, Daniel. You don’t know the people down there. I don’t want you getting into trouble.”

  “I won’t. I miss you terribly, honey.”

  Danny sounded so sad. “Are you okay, Danny?”

  “Elizabeth, I’m scared,” he said forlornly.

  “Scared? About what?”

  “I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid and you’ll be disappointed.”

  “Danny, you could never disappoint me. I love you.”

  “Eli, every day since you left, I wake up feeling lost. I have to psyche myself up to believe I can be the man you want even though we’re apart. I don’t feel worthy.”

  “Danny, get it through your thick skull. I love you. There is no man for me but you.”

  “I have a hard time accepting that. Eli, you’re too good.”

  “Are you drunk?” I asked.

  “Somewhat, babe. But I really miss you.”

  That explained his melancholy.

  “I miss you too.”

  “Are you angry?” Danny asked in a little boy voice.

  “I never stay angry for long. Honestly, you’re like an overgrown child at times.”

  Then Danny grinned, knowing I could never resist his smile.

  “Eli, you’re so beautiful tonight. That’s a great color.”

  I was wearing a new deep orange polo shirt.

  “Thank you, honey. I wanted to be beautiful for you.”

  “Baby, you never disappoint. What else are you wearing?”

  I giggled, knowing what he would see. The hem of the cropped polo hung just above my naval. All I had on below was the navy thong bikini I wore in Aspen.

  “Eli, you’re not wearing anything!”

  “Yes, I am.” I laughed. “I’ll show you.” And I slowly turned, knowing he would be seeing mostly skin.

  “Eli!” Danny gasped. I grinned. “Can I touch?”

  “I wish,” I answered. “Oh god, how I wish.” My pulse quickened.

  “Is anything on under your shirt?”

  “Maybe,” I giggled.

  “Maybe not? Okay, Eli. I’m completely sober now.”

  I laughed. “You’re such a man.”

  I pulled my shirt over my head revealing bare breasts.

  “E, you’re killing me.”

  I wanted him so badly.

  “Glad you approve, Daniel,” I purred.

  “God, I wish I was with you.”

  “You’re surrounded by girls in bikinis all day. I wanted you to see the one girl you’re missing.”

  “Point made. I haven’t seen any girl who can compete with you. Oh, babe! You’re gorgeous.” Danny’s eyes glowed. “You know what I’m thinking about?”

  “That night in Aspen?”

  “You, me and the hot tub, our fantasies about to be fulfilled,” he sighed.

  “Until Steve showed up.”

  Danny laughed. “I need you, babe. I’m lonely here without you.”


  After a light rain had fallen, it had turned into another perfect south Florida day. It was so perfect, even my hangover was gone. The only damper was Cam and Shane’s obvious displeasure that I was hooking up with Reggie for the day.

  Cam and Shane had hit it off with a couple of Reggie’s friends and were enjoying themselves. Why wasn’t I allowed to have any fun?

  The streets of South Beach were crowded with a mixture of colorful locals, flamboyant wannabees, and vacationing tourists. An occasional out-of-place businessman added a humorous touch.

  Every inch of Reggie was evenly tanned making her long, blonde hair appear even paler. Her short blue shorts emphasized slender legs that went on forever. She had tied her crisp white cotton blouse above her waist revealing a flat torso. At 5’10” she didn’t need heels to approach eye-level with me. I didn’t necessarily like that.

  After lunch at a patio bistro, I held Reggie close, my arm draped around her shoulder as we made our way to a bicycle rental kiosk. Heads turned. Reggie always attracted attention.

  Then my phone vibrated in my shirt pocket. I quickly removed it. Eli was calling. Feeling guilty, I dropped my arm from Reggie’s shoulder.

  “I’ve got to take this,” I said. Reggie nodded. “Hey, baby,” I said into the phone. “You’re up early.”

  “It’s almost eleven, Danny.”

  “Right. So what’s up?”

  “I’m checking on you. Danny, you sounded awful last night.”

  “I did, didn’t I, babe.”

  “Feeling better?”

  I glanced at Reggie smiling so beautifully.

  “Much better, Eli,” I answered, but I smiled at Reggie.

  “Danny, I hate when you’re drunk. I couldn’t fall asleep.”

  “Why didn’t you call?”

  “I wanted you to sleep it off.”

  “And I did. Baby, you worry too much.”

  “Can’t help it. I love you, Danny.”

  Reggie had to be uncomfortable with the words she was hearing.

  “E, I should get going. I’m on the street and it’s noisy here.”

  “Okay. Remember. I’ll be at Zac’s later. Reaching me will be difficult.”

  I nodded. “Eli, have fun at the party. Take the Porsche.”

  “Seriously?” I loved the glee in her voice. “Danny, you’re the best!”

  I laughed, picturing the shock her arrival would cause.

  “I love you, baby. Text me when you get home. I want to know you’re safe.”

  I hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket before turning to Reggie. Shit! If she didn’t stomp off in a huff after listening to my end of this conversation I would rate her as the most tolerant woman I had ever met.

  “Girlfriend?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yeah.” What else was there to say? It was so painfully obvious.

  “Her name is Eli?” Reggie appraised my seemingly neutral reaction.

  I had avoided revealing anything personal to Reggie, so I answered carefully.

  “It’s a nickname.”

  Reggie looked directly at me. “She must be very pretty to be your girlfriend.”

  “Reggie, don’t ask me these questions. But yes, she’s very pretty.”

  I made an immediate decision; today would be my last spent with Reggie.

  If she were asking about Eli, her fishing expedition wouldn’t end there. Reggie, knew little about me, which was just the way I wanted it. The last thing I wanted was for a fling to discover I was Steven Newman’s son.

  “Don’t trust girls,” was Dad’s mantra. At times it seemed extreme, but I listened. Dad’s implied warning was not to unintentionally father any babies. Too many girls had the goal of landing a wealthy baby daddy. Even if you wouldn’t marry them, when the DNA tests came back positive, they’d be set for life.


  What a night! It promised to be one of those rare moments where you get revenge on your entire high school circle all at once. How often did that happen? Almost never, I assumed.

  I might be flying solo, but I wanted everyone to see that the shy, geeky Elizabeth they remembered was dead. I was the vivacious woman Danny Newman proudly called his girlfriend.

  But first I was meeting Steff and Emma for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Marina del Rey.

  “Oh my god!” Emma exclaimed when the valet brought the Porsche up after our meal. “Danny gave you his car!”

  “I can’t believe it!” Steff echoed. “You’re like married?”

  “I’ve been telling you,” I complained. “I don’t know why it takes a car for you to believe we’re serious.”

  “Because it’s Danny,” Steff answered. “He’s only LA’s most notorious playboy.”

  The Hartman’s lived in Santa Monica Canyon, one of those small, rustic enclaves that only locals know about. />
  The roar of the turbo-charged engine preceded me to the valet stand in front of Zac’s tree-house styled home on a curvy, narrow road. Several recent arrivals stopped in anticipation. Even in this crowd, few owned a Porsche.

  “Must be Newman,” someone said as I stopped the car. The “DMN” vanity plates made identification obvious. Wouldn’t they be surprised when I stepped out of the driver’s side? Already I was having fun.

  Dean was standing in the driveway, smoking a cigarette, a bad habit I had hoped he’d have dropped by now.

  “Elizabeth?” Dean greeted me warmly.

  “Dean!” I answered, and we exchanged air kisses. I wouldn’t get any closer. Ugh, the stench of tobacco. He reeked. Did Dean realize what a turn-off that was?

  “Isn’t that Newman’s most-prized possession?”

  “No,” I answered and a playful smile lit my face.

  “But that’s his Carerra,” Dean said with authority.

  “It’s Danny’s car, but Dean, it’s not Danny’s most-prized possession.”

  “Did his parents buy him a Cessna?”

  “Are you kidding? Danny’s blind as a bat,” I laughed. “He could never get a pilot’s license.”

  “Then what’s more important to Newman than that car? It’s all he talks about.”

  I looked at Dean directly. “The girl driving the car,” I answered.

  “So it’s true? You and Newman. It’s like an arranged marriage. There’s something almost incestuous about it. It’s like you’re sleeping with your brother, Elizabeth.”

  “That is so gross, Dean! Disgusting, actually.”

  “So, Miss Prized Possession, where is he?”

  “Danny’s in Miami with his roommates.”

  “He trusts you to be here alone?”

  “Of course he does,” I laughed.

  “Maybe we can change that.” And Dean winked.

  “Huh?” I was stunned. Was Dean coming on to me? That would be a first. He’d never even looked twice at me before.

  I patted Dean’s shoulder. “In your dreams,” I said, and I skated past him.

  What a raucous scene! Unlike Ali’s party, this was my crowd, not Danny’s. There was close to one hundred people, most of whom I’d grown up with; a fantastic reunion of the Westside’s most elite youth.


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