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Stolen Fate

Page 2

by S. Nelson

  After he checks us in and we’re nestled inside the vast elevator, he makes his move. He reaches out with both hands and cradles my face, pulling me in so he can have a taste. His lips are warm and captivating. He’s gentle at first but when he decides he has to have more of me, he increases his tempo. His tongue is dancing with mine, exploring the warmth of my mouth and the sweetness of my lips. His kiss is demanding and bruising, passionate and tantalizing. He’s definitely taking control, and I’m only too happy to concede.

  Reaching down, he puts his hand on my lower back and pulls me even closer to him, bunching my shirt in his hand. He gets lost in the moment of our entanglement and bites my lip, causing me to cry out. He jerks back with a cautious look in his eye.

  “Sorry about that. I think you must have me in some sort of trance because all I want to do is devour you.” He half-smirks, not quite sure yet what my reaction is going to be.

  I bring my fingers up and gently caress my lip, still feeling his mark. I decide to put him out of his misery before this goes in the opposite direction.

  “That’s quite all right. I actually like it rough.” I’m assessing his reaction, hoping my admission won’t push him too far the other way.

  Before he can respond, the elevator dings and the door opens, allowing us to step out into the hallway, toward a night neither one of us will ever be able to forget.

  He reaches back and catches my hand, leading us to our room.

  Once inside, he gets comfortable and makes us a drink. I’ve had my share at the bar, but one more won’t hurt.

  When he hands me a glass of wine, I make sure to restrain myself so I don’t gulp it down in one shot. Looking over at him, I’m struck with how casual he is in the moment. He’s now sitting on the edge of the bed, one leg bent over the other, his ankle resting on the opposing knee. Once my eyes eventually meet his, he pats the bed next to him, silently asking me to come and sit down.

  Without reserve, I make my move, slowly walking toward him as if I’m about to devour my prey. His eyes lit with desire, he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, making it even more inviting than before. Damn, he knows what to do to make me want his touch.

  The mattress dips slightly with my weight, my bare leg brushing against his jean-clad thigh. I take one more sip of my liquid courage and place it down on the end table.

  Before I can even think to say anything, his mouth opens, and he starts speaking. “So, I think we should talk about a couple things before we get into anything. First, this is just sex, nothing more. This is about two people enjoying each other, bringing untold pleasure to one another. There are no emotions involved here.” He slowly peruses my face, trying to see if I’m taking any offense to anything he’s saying. When he sees I’m okay with it so far, he continues. “I don’t mean to be so blunt, but I want to make sure you’re okay with this being a one-time encounter. No feelings. Well, none other than lust and sexual desire, of course.”

  I nod, but apparently that isn’t good enough.

  “Essie, I need to hear you say it. Out loud. I need to know you fully realize what you’re getting into here, with me.”

  “Yes. Yes, I understand, Drayden. I get this is only about sex. And I’m fully okay with that.”

  “Good.” He stands and makes his way toward the mini-bar, pouring himself a drink. Wow! The view from the back is almost as good as the one from the front. He definitely takes care of his body. He fills out his clothes rather nicely, but I can’t wait to feast on a full view of his naked form. Turning around, he catches me ogling him. I flush from the images I’m able to conjure in my head. “Wait till you see me out of these clothes.”

  “What?” Caught red-handed, he’s loving every minute of it. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.”

  “Stare away, please. I don’t spend my time at the gym not to be noticed. Plus, I plan on not only staring at your gorgeous naked body, but tasting every inch of it, too.”

  Wow again!

  “Drayden?” He steps closer to me. “I thought maybe we could act out a fantasy of mine. I’ll never have the nerve to do this with someone I’m seeing, so I thought it would be perfect, you know, us being strangers and all. Plus, the fact we’ll never see each other again makes it all that much more exciting.

  His curiosity is piqued, and he advances a few more steps. “What, pray tell, did you have in mind? I’m game for anything.”

  Thank God that’s his answer. But let’s see if he still feels that way when I reveal it to him. He can go either way, really.

  Looking down toward the ground, I’m trying to muster the courage to blurt it out. And after what feels like forever, I quickly swing my head up, meet his eyes and spill what it is I want him to do to me tonight.

  “I would like for you to force yourself on me.”

  The look on his face is priceless. He’s confused and a bit intimidated. It’s weird to see this cocky man knocked off his pedestal, but I love that I’m the woman who does it.

  “What?” he says in confusion.

  “Sorry, I don’t mean for real. I’ve just had this fantasy my entire adult life, and I’d love it if you would act it out with me.” When I sense his hesitation, I prod further. “I thought you said you’re game for anything.”

  “Yeah, that’s before you vomited that out to me. I….I don’t know, Essie. I’m not a violent guy. I’ve never been aggressive with a woman in my life. I’ve never laid my hands on a female like that.”

  I rise from the bed and walk to meet him. Reaching out, I run my fingers gently down his body, feeling his heart beating rapidly inside his strong chest. I lick my lips and fixate my eyes on his mouth. “It’s just pretend. What you and I do together, here tonight, will be totally consensual.”

  His stare is mesmerizing, but before I can fall under his trance, he looks away for a brief moment. Then he brings his eyes back to mine. “I’m not saying yes right now but, for clarity’s sake, what exactly do you want me to do? I won’t hit you, so if that’s the sort of thing you’re looking for then I can tell you right now I’m not the guy for you.”

  “No, nothing that extreme. Maybe a little domination over me, holding me down, ripping my clothes, possibly light choking. Nothing too crazy.” I stop talking for a second and give him time to take everything in. When he doesn’t run screaming from the room, I continue. “I’ll be trying to get away from you, saying “No” but I want you to restrain me and take what you want.” I can almost see the cogs turning over and over in his brain. There is a fleeting look of desire and possibilities, which flashes through his eyes, but it disappears as quickly as it registers. When he doesn’t say anything, I probe him again. “So, what do you think? Just some light aggression?”

  He laughs out loud. “Light aggression? That’s not light aggression. That’s full-on rape, Essie.” When I attempt to interrupt him, he cuts me off. “I know it’s not really rape, but it’s going to feel like it. To me, anyway. I have to think about this for a second, okay?”

  “Sure, take as much time as you need. I’m going to freshen up real quick. Be right back.” I grab my purse and head toward the bathroom. Closing the door and locking it, I provide not only Drayden with some privacy but myself, as well. Gazing into the mirror at my own reflection, I let out a pent-up sigh and hope for the best.

  I pull my cell phone from my purse and hit record before I head back into the room where he’s currently pacing back and forth. He’s contemplating my offer. This is a good sign. A very good sign. I think he might actually do it.

  Please, let him do it. I need him to do it.

  Once he sees me, he stalks toward me, grips my arms and forces me as close to him as possible. He’s peering into my eyes, almost as if he’s trying to see something in my soul, which just isn’t there. When he has his fill, he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. At first, I think this is his way of denying my request but as he moves back a few steps, all the while still staring at me, I know I’ve rushed to the wrong conclusion. I
can see curiosity in his stance and I know I have him when he says, “Yes, I will act out this fantasy with you but on one condition.”

  Internally, I’m jumping up and down. “Anything.”

  “If I feel it’s getting too out of hand, I will stop immediately. Deal?”


  For a split-second, I almost feel bad for him. He has no idea what he just agreed to, and there is a small piece of me which wants to back out, to grab my things and run far from this room. But the greater part of me is nudging me to forge ahead.

  And I do.

  “So, how does this work exactly? When does it start? The fantasy, I mean.” He appears a little apprehensive, and I can’t blame him. I’d feel the same exact way if I was in his shoes.

  “It can start now,” I whisper. “And to be cautious, we can have a safe word if it gets to be too much, for either one of us. How about red? Will that work?’

  “Yeah, sounds good. Red,” he repeats out loud.

  His eyes roam all over my face, down my body, then make their way back up to my impassive gaze. He leans in closer to me, trailing a line of sweet kisses up the side of my neck. He whispers into my ear, “I want to fuck you so bad, Essie. I don’t care what it takes to get there.”

  His words alone are enough to send a spark straight to my core, making me throb at the very thought of his touch. My head falls back, thrusting my neck forward so he can mark me as his. His small nips and bites are enticing, pushing me further into my desire for him.

  Grabbing my purse and phone from my hands, he places them gently on the bedside table before reaching around to the back of my dress to grab hold of the zipper. He’s trying to drag it down when I swat his hands away. He looks at me in confusion before a light bulb goes off.

  I smile quickly then set my features back to expressionless. I lean forward and kiss him sweetly. He’s the one who turns it into more, grabbing the back of my neck and lightly squeezing, forcing my mouth open with his tongue. I play along, kissing him back with as much fervor as he is showing me.

  But it isn’t until he starts walking me backward toward the bed that I start to show a little bit of resistance. I bring my hands up and push on his chest, breaking our kiss. I’m trying to stop him from getting me on the bed.

  “Why are you trying to stop this?” he asks as he continues to move toward the bed. “I want you sprawled across that bed, naked and waiting for me to bury my cock inside you.” He doesn’t break character. “Don’t stop me again,” he growls.

  “I’m fine with making out, Drayden, but I’m not ready to take it any further than that tonight. I just met you.”

  He proceeds to force us backward until the backs of my knees hit the edge of the mattress. “You knew exactly what you were doing when you came up to my room with me, sweetheart. There’s no going back now.” He kisses me one more time, biting my lip in the process, then pushes me until my back hits the soft surface.

  I scramble across the bed, making sure to get onto my knees so I’m not in such a vulnerable position. And again, he doesn’t break character; he just stands there, staring at me with a burning heat in his eyes. He’s enjoying this as much as I am. He won’t enjoy it later, when he finds out what I have planned, but for now, he’s having a good time.

  He leisurely starts undressing. He kicks off his shoes and socks before grabbing his sweater by the cuff of the neck and pulling it over his head. Casually tossing it on the chair, he proceeds to unbutton his jeans, slowing dragging the zipper down until he is able to push them down his strong, muscular thighs. Fuck me, he is a sight. His body is perfect in every aspect. He’s toned, muscular and simply yummy. He is standing in front of me in nothing but a pair of white boxer briefs. The contrast of them against his golden skin is amazing.

  When my greedy eyes finally make their way back up to his face, he just smirks then winks at me. He knows he’s quite the specimen, and I don’t blame him one bit for flaunting it. His thumbs are positioned inside the waistband of his last piece of clothing and he wastes no time in yanking them down until they rest at his feet, his thick arousal on full display.

  He’s stark naked and oh-so-breathtaking. I’m the one who almost breaks the role play. I’m the one who almost gets off the bed and goes to him, wanting to lick and suck every part of his hard, sinewy flesh. Maybe I should have gotten a look at the package before I decided to take this route. Oh, well, there’s no going back now.

  Advancing toward the bed, he reaches out and grabs my upper arms, pulling me to stand in front of him. The light from above hits his body just so, and I’m able to see something I didn’t a few minutes ago. Actually, there are two things I didn’t see. Scars. He has more scars on his perfect body. There is one long, curved scar running up over his left shoulder, stopping near his underarm. Then when I lower my eyes, I see the other one. This one is an angrier, welted scar which sits directly above his right hipbone. Without thinking, I reach out to touch it, like a woman in a trance, and my hand is pushed away. My eyes instantly shoot up to his face and he shakes his head at me, a sad look taking up residence in his eyes for a split-second. Then his mood switches back, and I follow suit.

  “How about we get rid of this dress, Essie? I want to see that body you’re hiding underneath.”

  “I don’t think it’s such a good idea. I already told you I don’t want anything to happen tonight.” I start to squirm in his intensity. “You need to get dressed and take me home, Drayden.”

  “But we’re just getting started. Come on, take the dress off. I swear I just want to see you. I won’t touch you, I promise.” His eyes are heavy with desire as he tries to convince me to comply with his demands.

  I try to back up, shaking my head in the process because I don’t want to say anything at that moment. Just react. He squeezes me tightly, making me cry out. His eyes are searching my face. He’s waiting for me to give any indication he’s being too rough, but he never gets it from me.

  With more force in his words this time, he says, “Take it off now, or I’ll take it off for you. And I won’t be gentle about it either, Essie.” When I shake my head again, he says, “Fine, have it your way.” He whips me around so fast, I have to grab onto the column by the bed so as not to face-plant on the floor. He’s able to undo my zipper in lightning-fast speed, never allowing me the opportunity to fight him. Once my dress falls to the floor, he drags me back in front of him, gazing upon my near-naked form with the headiest need.

  “Drayden, please don’t do this. I just want to go home. Please.” I know I’m coming off as meek and unsure, playing the part of the damsel in distress.

  “I told you, you should have thought about that before you came up to my room with me. Willingly, I might add. So don’t make this into anything more than it is. We’re going to have sex, and the time for going back is long gone. Just accept it, Essie. I know you want this, but for whatever reason you feel you should fight me. But just know, I always get what I want, no matter the cost.”

  Since he’s still holding on to my upper arms, I find my hands free. I take the opportunity to try and hit him, trying to get him to let go of me. But he just laughs. Apparently he knows I’m no match for him, and the chances of me actually hurting him are slim to none.

  “You want to fight?” He winks at me. “Fine, let’s fight.” His hold on me falls away only to be replaced by a firm grip to the back of my hair. He pulls tight, causing my head to jerk back before dragging me back over to the bed. I try to struggle but the pain he’s causing me is greater than I thought it would be, and there is only so much fight I’m willing to give him.

  Without further delay, he tosses me back onto the bed, but this time he makes sure to straddle my waist so I can’t get back up. He reaches down to my feet and removes my heels. “Don’t want you to use those as a weapon on me.” He chuckles as he tosses them across the room. But when he leans down to kiss me, I find my opportunity. Before he can move any further, I lash out at him, connecting my hand with h
is unsuspecting face.

  He looks stunned, his eyes getting big. As the red mark starts to form on his skin, his eyes take on a different look. One of anger? He has to know this is part of the game, doesn’t he? Shit! Maybe I pushed him a little bit more than I should have. Oh, well, I’m in it now. I’m going to have to deal with the consequences as they come.

  “Don’t fucking hit me, Essie. I won’t stand for that!” he yells at me.

  “What are you going to do? Rape me? I think you’re already on your way to doing that.” My breathing comes in faster, shorter spurts. He’s actually able to surprise me with this little twist of fate. I think I’ll go as far as saying he’s scaring me a little bit. But I have to make this as real as possible, so I do the unthinkable.

  I strike him again.

  This time, he doesn’t wait to react. His clenched jaw and flared nostrils are all I need to see to know he’s going to do something to me; I just don’t know what. But from the looks of him, I have to wait only mere seconds to find out.

  He grabs my throat, restricting my breathing slightly. “Don’t fucking hit me, Goddammit!” he yells again. I instantly still, not wanting to spur his anger more than is necessary. Is this part of the game we’re playing, or is he serious? I can’t tell right now.

  I hold my hands out to the sides, almost like a sign of surrender. Once he sees that, he lets go of my throat and sits back up. I think he’s going to retreat, but instead he goes in full-force. Reaching forward, he takes my lace bra and tears it from my chest. My hands instantly fly up to cover my exposed flesh but he physically stops me, gripping both my hands in his and holding them above my head.

  His outburst from seconds ago dissipates as he takes in the sight beneath him. He bends down and whispers in my ear, “You’re breathtaking, Essie. I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.” Then he bites my earlobe. I try to buck him off me but he doesn’t budge, not an inch. He laughs at my feeble attempt to overthrow him, and I can’t blame him. I’m simply no match for his sheer strength.


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