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Summer Rain (Lightning Strikes Book 3)

Page 27

by Barbara Freethy

  "He's probably in his early thirties. He's attractive but aloof, kind of cold, hard to get to know. He seems intelligent and dedicated. That's pretty much all I know. I only had one conversation with him. Jake and Alicia talked to him several times. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to have another Monroe in the mix of all this."

  "According to your great-grandmother, it was only a matter of time."

  "Yes. Silly me, I thought I could escape the whole thing just by pretending it wasn't there. But ever since I put on this ring…" She held up her hand. "Not only can I not take it off, I also can't look away from the past anymore. I want to know the truth as much as Alicia and Jake do, as much as you do. And I don't want you to ever think that I've forgotten your mom in all this." It was very important for her to make sure he understood that. "She's the reason we're where we are right now. I'm just hoping that getting to the truth about my dad will help us get to the truth about her accident."

  "I'm confident it will."

  The cab stopped in front of Jake's apartment. Patrick paid the fare, and then they stepped onto the sidewalk.

  She gripped his hand as they walked into the building. Even though they were the ones who'd asked for the meeting, she felt nervous. She really hoped Agent Wolfe was one of the good guys. Otherwise, they were about to show all their cards.


  Agent Damon Wolfe was exactly as Dani had described, Patrick thought, as he shook hands with the tall, muscularly built, dark-haired man with the sharp blue eyes. He'd brought another agent with him, a brown-eyed brunette named Abby James. In addition to the agents, Jake and Katherine were present, as well as Alicia and Michael.

  He didn't feel like he'd gotten to know Michael as well as Jake, but it was clear that while he wasn't a big talker, Michael was very smart, and he was also good at keeping Alicia grounded. Katherine and Jake made a good team as well. He'd heard all about their reunion love story the day before, and he was happy they'd found their way back to each other, because clearly they were crazy in love.

  But he thought he had the best partner of all. Dani was everything he'd ever wanted in a woman; not just beautiful but smart, caring, imaginative, and generous...

  When this was all over, he intended to tell her that.

  "Are you two all right?" Alicia asked, worry in her eyes. "Jake just filled us in on the fire at your father's cabin, Patrick."

  "We're fine," he said. "The house was destroyed, but it can be rebuilt." He turned his attention to Damon Wolfe, as he and Dani sat next to Katherine on a couch in the living room. "Did Jake fill you in on the fire?"

  "Yes," he replied. "I spoke to the fire investigator this morning, as well as the chief of police. It looks like the fire was deliberately set and that an accelerant was sprayed around the house to intensify the blaze."

  "That would explain all the popping noises," Dani murmured.

  He nodded, thinking again how close they'd come to not making it out of the cabin alive.

  "Let's put the fire aside for the moment," Agent Wolfe suggested. "I'd like to see the file on Wyatt Monroe that you retrieved from Carmichael Ranch."

  "I have it right here," Dani said, pulling out the folder. "But I want it back. It's all we have left of our father."

  "We can make you a copy of the contents of the file, but we'll need it to build our case."

  "What case would that be?" Patrick asked. "It's my understanding you recently closed your investigation into the security problems at MDT. Yet, from what we understand there's a shadow company being run off the books by at least one of the top executives, most likely Reid Packer."

  "We found no evidence of that in our investigation, but I'll be honest with you, we had trouble getting anyone to talk beyond the party line," Agent Wolfe replied. "I never thought the case was closed, but my superiors did. The Packers have a lot of power in Washington, and everyone wanted the problems to go away, except myself and Agent James. Without proof, unfortunately, we had nothing to go on. I'm hoping you're going to change that."

  Dani handed him the file. "Basically, it says that my father saw evidence of gunfire from a test site the shadow company was running at Carmichael Ranch. He thought it was lightning, but they were probably testing a railgun, which, as you know, runs on electromagnetic energy."

  "Yes, I've become an expert on those guns in recent months," Agent Wolfe said, as he glanced through the file. "You said Tania Vaile sent you to the ranch. Why would she do that? Why give you this file?"

  "She said she was tired of the lies," Dani explained. "That what had started out small was getting more and more dangerous. She didn't like the direction things were going. She said something big was going to happen today."

  "Yes, that's what Jake told me," Agent Wolfe said grimly. "The terror alerts are already as high as they can go because it's the Fourth of July, but if we can get anything more specific, that would be helpful."

  "We don't have anything else," Patrick said. "Tania took whatever she knew to the grave."

  "How did you get to her in the first place?" Agent Wolfe asked.

  "We had a source," Patrick said. "This whole thing actually started out as an investigation into my mother's plane crash. I got the name of a reporter who said she'd hooked my mom up with an MDT whistleblower. After the plane went down, he went underground. When Dani and I started digging around, the reporter put me in contact with the whistleblower. I don't know his name or who he is, but I do have his number."

  "Why didn't the whistleblower give you the information he had?" Agent James asked, her gaze guarded but a little skeptical.

  "All the evidence he had was destroyed in the plane crash. He had nothing to back up his story. He gave us Tania's name. He thought she was directly involved in funneling money from MDT to the secret operation."

  "You need to call your source back," Agent Wolfe said. "Tell him we can protect him, but we need his information, even if it's only his recollection of events."

  "I will call him, but he doesn't trust the FBI. He thinks MDT owns you and other law enforcement."

  "Nobody owns me," Agent Wolfe said. "Or Agent James. We're going to get to the bottom of this."

  "I hope so," he said. "Dani's family has been waiting awhile for that to happen."

  Agent Wolfe acknowledged the jab with a nod. "Let's start at the beginning."

  They spent the next seven hours with the two agents, going over every fact, every assumption, every possible scenario. They talked about his mother's crash, Dani's father's friendship with Jerry Caldwell and his mysterious death. They went over Alicia's story from the time she'd found the missing ID tag of a JAG lawyer until she'd been almost killed. Then it was Jake and Katherine's turn to rehash the Mexico trip, what they'd seen at the ranch. TJ joined them on the phone for a good hour, reminding everyone of what he knew about the company and the weapons technology.

  They also called their source numerous times, but he didn't pick up, which didn't make Patrick feel too good about that connection. He really hoped the guy was all right and just in hiding. He'd probably seen the news reports on Tania Vaile and realized his lead had resulted in her death.

  In the middle of their session, they ordered in Chinese food, and ate their way through a dozen containers before continuing on with more questions.

  There were also calls back and forth with other agencies who were still watching key points around the country for any possible problems. So far, all was good. As the day passed without incident, he had to hope that Tania's information had been wrong, or that the plan had been called off.

  The intense and exhausting session finally came to an end around five o'clock. The agents left with a ton of notes and a promise to keep them in the loop going forward.

  He had a better feeling about Agents Wolfe and James after the day they'd spent together. They were smart and determined, and he thought they genuinely wanted to get to the bottom of the problems at MDT, which actually meant starting at the top. Damon Wolfe, in particular, seemed t
o have no fear of going after the Packers; he just hadn't had enough ammunition before. Hopefully, they'd given him something to run with.

  Dani stretched her arms over her head. "Now I know what you went through, Jake," she told her brother. "You said the FBI grilled you like a cheese sandwich after Mexico, and that's exactly how I feel today."

  "You did well," Jake said with a smile. "But you're not quite done."

  She groaned. "No, is it really that time?"

  "Yes, we need to talk about Mom."

  "Why don't we wait and do that tomorrow?" she suggested. "It's late. Mom has a Fourth of July party tonight. She's probably not even home."

  "She's not home," Alicia said quickly. "She was going to Marti's at four. She texted me earlier, asking me where I was. I told her I was showing Michael around town, and we'd meet her later. Let's talk to her about all this tomorrow."

  "Aren't you leaving tomorrow, Alicia?" Jake asked.

  "Not until afternoon. There's time in the morning."

  Jake sighed. "You two are ridiculous. You can't avoid this forever."

  "It's not going to be forever," Dani said. "We just want more answers."

  "We have the file on Dad, or at least a copy of it," Jake said. Agent James had run out and made them copies before she left.

  "That's not enough," Alicia said. "You know how stubborn Mom is. She's not going to believe any of this without hard proof. Sorry, Jake, but you're out-voted."

  Jake shot Dani a dark look. "I used to be able to count on you to be the rational one."

  "I know, but in this case I really don't think another day will hurt. And we're all a little talked out."

  Jake threw up his hands. "I give up. We'll do it tomorrow."

  "Valiant effort," Michael told Jake with a grin. "Did you ever win any battles with these two when you were kids?"

  "Not many. I was always outnumbered."

  Patrick smiled as the three siblings hugged out their discord. He'd always wished for a sibling to play with, to fight with, to share a lifetime with. At least, he'd had Marcus, but it wasn't quite the same.

  "Do you have any sisters, Patrick?" Jake asked him as they walked toward the door of his apartment.

  "Nope. Only child."

  "Lucky you."

  "You wouldn't trade them for anything," he said knowingly.

  "They can both be a pain in the ass. Stubborn as mules, those two are."

  He shook hands with Jake and then followed Dani outside. "I'll call for a cab." Before he could do that, Dani's phone rang.

  "It's Erica," she said, surprise in her voice. "This can't be good."

  "Hello? Erica?" she said as she put the phone on speaker.

  "Dani, what's going on?" Erica asked, an irritated tone in her voice.

  "What do you mean?" Dani countered.

  "You're in Corpus Christi. You almost lost your life in a fire last night."

  "How do you know that?"

  "I told you before—I have friends in the police department."

  "You seem to check in regularly with them."

  "They check in with me. What are you doing in town? You're not invited to the senator's party. It's Patrick Kane, right? It was his father's house that burned to the ground. What are you up to, Dani?"

  "We need to speak to Senator Dillon, Erica," Dani said, a firm note in her voice. "We need to talk to him now. It's really important. There are some things going on that he needs to know about."

  "Like what?"


  "That investigation was closed."

  "It's open now. I talked to the FBI today. Senator Dillon's name came up."

  "What did you say?"

  "It wasn't what I said; it's what's happening with MDT. The company is in trouble, and I want to warn the senator."

  "I can take care of that."

  "No, this needs to come from me. I have a long history with him. I think he can give me a few minutes. Just ask him."

  Silence followed Dani's request.

  "I don't need to ask him; I'll set it up," Erica said. "If you have information that's going to protect him, then you're right, he needs to hear it."

  "Good. I can come over to the house now. I know the party is probably already starting, but if I can just get a few minutes in a private room—"

  "I might be able to break him away," Erica said slowly, then paused for a moment. "I have an idea. The senator is taking his guests out on the yacht for the fireworks show. They'll be leaving at seven-thirty. Why don't you meet him at the yacht at seven? You'll have a few minutes before the other guests arrive. Do you know which boat it is?"

  "Yes, I've been on it before."

  "Of course you have. I sometimes forget how long you've been with the senator. I hope you understand how loyal he is to you, Dani. You might want to return the favor."

  "I'll see you soon." She disconnected the call and looked at Patrick. "What do you make of that?"

  "Erica is certainly tight with the cops here in town. But we've got a meeting, so that's a good thing." He glanced at his watch. "It won't take us but ten minutes to get to the harbor. We have two hours to kill."

  "There's a coffeehouse three blocks from here. Let's walk over there. We can plan out what exactly I should say to the senator. If he is innocent, I'd like to have a job at the end of this."

  He gave her a grim smile. "That's a big if, Dani."

  "I know. But he's a United States senator. Maybe he's turned a blind eye, but he's not completely involved."

  "That's probably your best hope."

  * * *

  The harbor was crowded with boats heading out to the water for the fireworks show that would take place around nine. It was strange to see normal people doing normal things, Dani thought. She'd been living in a world of dark intrigue the past week. But hopefully that was going to change.

  As Patrick had said, the more people who knew everything, the better. There was more danger to her when she was keeping secrets, which was why she wanted to clear her slate with the senator, too. Maybe he'd appreciate the information. Hell, he might even give her a promotion and a raise for alerting him to a situation that had the potential to blow up in his face.

  If he was innocent.

  If he wasn't…she and Patrick could be in more trouble, not less.

  After two cups of coffee, she felt energized and ready to tackle whatever was coming next. She was happy not to do it alone. Patrick had given her some good advice on how to approach the senator, and she was going to take it.

  "So Dillon likes to sail?" Patrick asked, as the taxi dropped them off at the harbor a few minutes before seven.

  "Yes, he likes to sail and he does it in luxury. His boat is actually a magnificent yacht. It has three or four staterooms, a gourmet kitchen, an elegant salon, a sun deck, and an office. It's amazing. I've only been on it once. He took the entire local staff out for his birthday one year."

  "Too bad we won't be going out on the water."

  Erica was waiting at the gate leading down to the private docks. She was on the phone when they arrived. She put up her hand, turning her back on them as she finished her conversation. Then she swung back around. "The senator is on his way. He'll be here in a few minutes."

  "I appreciate you giving us this time," Dani said.

  "I want what's best for the senator," Erica said smoothly. "It's nice to see you again, Patrick."

  "Is it?" he asked, a cynical note in his voice.

  Dani liked the fact that Patrick had never been charmed by Erica, a woman who thought she could control anyone and everyone.

  "I must admit I wish it were under different circumstances," Erica said, "but we all have a job to do. I respect that. Why don't we go on board and wait for the senator in the salon?"

  A steward greeted them as they got onto the boat. "Can I get you anything to drink?" the man asked as he led them downstairs into the salon, a luxurious living area with three comfortable couches, a fully stocked bar, a large-screen television, and a
poker table.

  "We're fine," Dani said, answering for both her and Patrick.

  As the man left, Erica said, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for your phones."

  "Why?" Patrick demanded.

  "I can't take the risk that you'll record or photograph anything. If you're not agreeable, you can leave, but this will be your last opportunity to speak to the senator," she said.

  Patrick didn't look happy, but he handed over his phone, and Dani did the same.

  "Thanks. I'm going to step outside; I need to make a call." She paused at the door. "I know I haven't made life easy for either of you, but I hope you can understand that I'm just looking out for my boss. Anyway, the senator will be here soon. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."

  Erica left the salon, closing the door behind her.

  "That was—different," Dani said, a suspicious gleam in her eyes. "Erica and apologies don't usually go hand-in-hand."

  "Maybe she's finally figured out that working with you is better than working against you."

  "Maybe." She wasn't entirely convinced.

  "You were right about this yacht. It's spectacular," Patrick said. He walked over to the enormous ten-foot-long, guitar-shaped coffee table in front of the couches. "What the hell is this?"

  "A gift from Randy Palmer," Dani said, naming the latest Texas star in country music. "Senator Dillon has a passion for music, and Palmer had this made especially for the senator. He signed it like it was a real guitar," she added as Patrick took a closer look at the signature.

  "It's quite impressive," he admitted. "The senator does have friends in high places."

  "I know you don't have the best impression of Senator Dillon, but he's very well-liked. He's charming, funny, friendly and not just when he's trying to win votes. There's no doubt that he has a ruthless, ambitious side, but I've also seen a man who is a loving father and a caring friend. I'm just trying to say he's more than one thing."

  "If I ever get to talk to him in person, I'll keep that in mind," Patrick said dryly. "I actually didn't realize you liked him that much."

  "I liked him more before Erica came on board. Once she became his guard dog, I've had little contact with him."


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