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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

Page 12

by Maggie Ryan

  “Good girl, Becca, that’s my good little girl. It will help you sleep.” He pushed the pacifier deeper into her sweet little mouth and immediately thought about her lips closing around his cock instead. He watched as she shut her eyes and unconsciously began to suck on the large pacifier, obviously trying to adjust to having it in her mouth. He reached down and buckled it around her head ensuring it wouldn’t be possible for her to dislodge it.

  Rebecca didn’t even notice, sleep already claiming her, allowing her to escape her life for at least a little while.

  The two watched her as she fell asleep, her face tear stained, her mouth working on the binkie and her arms cradling the stuffed rabbit. Patrick patted her diapered bottom once again before drawing a light blanket up over her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, “Sleep well, Becca.”

  Eleanor saw the love in his eyes as he turned to lead her out of the nursery that would now be Becca’s new home. Both were grinning like fools as they returned to the kitchen to talk.


  It was several hours later before Patrick entered the nursery again. He had spent his time well. Eleanor had given him several tips and was delighted at how he was progressing with his own little one. He had played with several of her wards but it wasn’t until she saw him with Rebecca that she knew he had found the one true person meant for him and him alone. Wedding her was a bonus that Rebecca didn’t yet realize. Eleanor knew several gentlemen who simply took their own girls home, installing them in their own nurseries without the benefit of marriage and the protection of what that piece of paper provided. She had been surprised when Patrick told her of allowing Rebecca to make the decision to stay. Surprised but, she realized, not truly. Rebecca showed every sign of being a natural submissive.

  Eleanor had helped Patrick unpack and though they had been in and out of the nursery several times, Becca had barely stirred. They both knew she was not only exhausted but that sleep was her escape from her new life. Patrick allowed her the escape for the moment but had no intention of allowing her to deny what her life was to become.

  As he watched Eleanor hang the last little dress in the wardrobe, he looked around the room. Several items had been added including stacks of nappies, a pot of lubricant as well as several thermometers. Eleanor had placed the heavy hairbrush on top of the dresser and hung both a thick and thin strap on hooks he had installed inside the wardrobe door. Another hairbrush was also in full view on his bed side table though Eleanor encouraged him to use the room only for his own pleasure. Allowing Rebecca to spend much time in the room would risk allowing her to elevate her status.

  Patrick finished attaching the soft fur lined restraints around the posts of the bed and assured her that while he had no intention of allowing the little one to consider she was nothing more than his little child wife, she’d sleep in his bed every night unless he decided otherwise. He saw no reason to deny himself the use of her body and wanted her close at hand.

  Eleanor sighed knowing that most of her clients felt the same way. However, having seen him put her to bed in her crib on a well roasted bottom, she knew he would make sure his little one experienced far more than just pleasure.

  Additional implements to be used on her little bottom as well as other intimate areas were placed around the house. A heavy wooden spoon as well as a rather large paddle had been placed on top of the kitchen counters, within easy reach when needed. A deep stoneware crock had been filled with a mixture of vinegar and water was placed beside the back door. Eleanor had explained that it would always be ready to have a nice thick birch rod immersed in the liquid. Once well brined, the rod would cause intense stinging and pain when used to birch a naughty little bottom.

  Patrick had groaned, his pants tight around his erection as he remembered seeing a young woman restrained over the school’s birching bench, her screams of pain bouncing around the room as the birch was bounced all over her uplifted bottom. Eleanor had smiled, able to read his thoughts and wondered how long it would be before the poor little woman upstairs was introduced to the pain of the birch. Patrick finally balked a bit Eleanor placed a very large enema bag inside the bathroom cabinet but she just smiled.

  “Don’t worry so Patrick. I guarantee you’ll find you will love seeing your Becca’s bottom spread wide around a nozzle with a long tube poking out of her little bottom hole. She won’t enjoy it but you most certainly will. It will serve as a good punishment for a naughty wife as well as ensuring she stays well cleaned. Most of my clients insist on their little ones suffering very thorough enemas as least weekly.”

  He had doubts about that but allowed her to unpack additional items into the cabinet. He was especially interested in the box of what she called stoppers. He hefted one in his hand and wondered if it would ever fit inside his little one.

  Eleanor had laughed and said, “They will fit… maybe not immediately but she’ll learn to accept whatever you choose to put inside her, wherever you put them. The stoppers will gradually dilate her little bottom hole and allow it to adjust before you take her in her bottom. You will need to properly prepare her, Patrick. There is no sense in physically causing her harm. Not only would it possibly damage her, it would prevent your usage of her back passage until she healed. They will also serve to remind her to ‘stop’ being naughty.”

  Patrick laughed thinking of the physical harm her bottom must currently be feeling but he understood Eleanor’s meaning. He saw her smiling as they both recognized he now had a very uncomfortable erection.

  They had finished unpacking and returned to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

  “Tell me what your plans are for when you must leave town, Patrick.” Eleanor sipped her tea and waited until he had settled in his own chair. She saw him frown.

  “Just the thought of leaving her for even a day makes me uneasy. It probably is too soon to leave her yet. This is all so new to her and must be quite a shock.”

  Eleanor understood his concern. “I understand Patrick. Most of the girls at the school have been in training for quite some time and are somewhat prepared for their new lifestyle when they are placed. However, I believe Rebecca is a natural. She might be an innocent but, oh Lord, her sweet little kitty just creams and creams even when she is wailing under the brush.”

  Patrick grinned remembering how slick she always seemed to be. “I do think you have lucked out and found a true submissive and from the looks of it, pain seems to only increase her desire. She was soaked when I put her in her nappy. I do agree she shouldn’t be allowed time to truly think about her position. If you leave her, she will forget how much she needs you to keep her in line. I’d suggest that you either find a way to travel with her or hire someone to stay with her while you are gone. You are also welcome to bring her to the school if you’d like.”

  Patrick seemed to consider her words carefully. “Taking her might prove difficult, at least this trip. I really do have business to attend to and leaving her in some hotel room would be just as unpleasant as leaving her here. I’ll probably have to bring her to you at the school though I’d much rather she remain in this house at least until she is more deeply entrenched in her new lifestyle. I’m not sure I could find anyone that I would trust to understand Becca’s needs or, more importantly, my desires for her.”

  Eleanor leaned forward and patted his hand, “Nonsense, Patrick. I can provide you with any number of nannies for your little one. After all, unless you are planning to retire and spend every waking hour with her, she cannot be allowed to forget for even a moment that she is your little girl and lives to serve your needs. This simply will not work if she shares your bed and is treated as your wife at night and then be left to her own devices while you are gone for the day. She won’t fulfill the role of your little one if she is only treated as one in the evenings when you return home. If I understand your desires, you aren’t looking for a wife who will play at being your little one. I believe you truly are looking for a little one who just happens to also be your wife.

  Patrick could not have put it better himself and he nodded.

  Eleanor smiled. “Yes, what you require is a full-time nanny.”

  Patrick hadn’t thought about the amount of time that would be required to assure Becca’s training continued without interruption. He remembered how much work it had taken just to get her fed and then put down to nap. While he enjoyed both activities immensely, he also understood that he needed to continue working. He had enough funds to ensure their very comfortable existence but he enjoyed his work and was too young at forty to even consider retirement. He mulled her words over and then smiled. “A nanny? Hmmm, I admit I hadn’t thought of hiring someone full-time but the idea seems to be a perfect solution. I certainly have the room for a live in. Do you have someone in mind?”

  Eleanor grinned, she had just the person. “Mrs. Andrews would certainly be my first choice. She has worked for me for several years and is an excellent nanny. She can not only teach your little one in various subjects, you saw she didn’t hesitate to redden Becca’s bottom last night. You will find she definitely doesn’t spare the rod and doesn’t believe in spoiling the little ones. The girls certainly are quick to learn not to push her too far. She is absolutely wicked with a cane or switch.”

  Patrick almost groaned at the thought of Becca bent over, her bottom being welted and striped by either implement.

  Eleanor smiled and continued. “She lost her husband a few years ago and has been at the school since. The little ones that graduate under her care are some of my most sought after girls. By the time they leave us, they are very well behaved little ones anxious to please their new Papas.”

  Patrick thought about the competent way in which the woman had handled Rebecca and nodded. “She certainly seemed proficient at her job and hiring her would cut down on having to explain my needs. I know that Becca won’t particularly appreciate the fact that she is to have Mrs. Andrews as her nanny but, then again, I don’t think Becca is going to appreciate much of what she is to learn. I doubt it matters one way or the other whom the teacher is. Yes, I think you’ve found the perfect solution Eleanor. I am so grateful for you and your ability to solve these little problems. When do you think she can start?”

  Eleanor smiled knowing that Catherine Andrews would be thrilled at the news. “She can come this evening if that isn’t too early for you?”

  Patrick nodded and they spent the next hour cleaning out the third bedroom and Eleanor made the bed and dusted the furniture after Patrick moved the pieces into a more pleasant arrangement.

  “She will be very comfortable here Patrick. The room you added to the house will make it easy to heat the water for Becca’s baths and the enclosed potty will come in handy when the little one’s bottom is full of her medicine. Catherine is an expert at filling a little one’s bottom with all sorts of concoctions. While Becca certainly won’t appreciate having her little bottom filled, she will appreciate not having to run outside to relieve herself of them.”

  Patrick felt his cock twitch yet again at the image her words were causing.

  Eleanor just smiled knowing he would soon forget his initial response about enemas. Between the two of them, the house was soon ready for Catherine’s arrival. Eleanor took a final look around and smiled, “Just think, two days ago you were a bachelor and now your household is complete.”

  Patrick felt his face split into a huge smile. The possibilities now seemed endless. It was late by the time he escorted Eleanor to the door. She assured him that Catherine would arrive in time to prepare Becca for bed, gave him a kiss and then instructed her driver to hurry back to the school.

  Eleanor smiled the entire drive home as she thought about all the marvelous and naughty things that Patrick could learn under Catherine’s tutelage. She might be teaching Becca many painful lessons but Patrick would also be a student.

  Patrick stood over the crib watching Becca sleep. He patted her diapered bottom and she began to stir, unconsciously wiggling away from his touch. God, he loved her lips pursed around her pacifier. He moved his hand up and slipped it under her nightgown, rubbing her naked back. She moaned and slowly opened her eyes. They went wide immediately as she remembered both where she was and who was looming over her.

  Patrick ignored her distress and smiled. “Hello sleepy head. It’s time to get up otherwise you won’t be sleepy tonight.”

  Rebecca blushed but didn’t protest as he helped her to sit up. He reached around to the back of her head and unbuckled the pacifier. She immediately spit it out and scrubbed at her mouth with her hand. Patrick frowned but said nothing. He picked her up causing her to once again wrap her limbs around him. He carried her to the changing table and laid her down. She was still clutching her stuffed rabbit which he thought was adorable. He bent down and kissed the tip of her nose causing her to flush. “Did you go potty in your nappy, Becca?”

  Her flush turned to a full blush, the color rivaling the color of her red tresses. She shook her head, refusing to look at him. She had no plans of ever using a nappy regardless of being forced to wear one.

  Patrick watched her squirm and knew almost exactly what she was thinking. He didn’t chastise her. Instead, he unpinned the fabric and quickly had her stripped naked. She lay shivering on the table, her nipples puckered. Patrick lifted her off the table and began choosing clothing for her to wear.

  She was appalled at the choices. He helped her step into a new pair of even more embarrassing bloomers. These weren’t even as age appropriate as the last pair. These were far shorter which would expose a great deal of her thighs and had silly ruffles in rows across the back. He patted her bottom under the ruffles and she blushed even hotter. He pulled a short navy blue dress over her head again not allowing her any further undergarments. She stood still when he turned her to tie the bow just above the curve of her bottom. She obediently stepped into two different petticoats, horrified as their bulk pushed the fabric of the dress out making it even shorter. Her knees were bare and her modesty ignored as he put her feet into another pair of stockings and tied the little bows just above her knees.

  He finally slipped the shoes back onto her feet. He turned her around and admitted she looked just like a perfect little doll. He frowned seeing her tangled hair and reached out to pick up the hairbrush. He stopped the brush in mid air when he heard her whimper. He looked down to see her clutching her rabbit, her eyes glued to the brush. He immediately understood. “No sweetie. You were very good while Papa got you dressed. I’m not going to spank you, I am going to brush your hair.”

  Her relief was evident in the release of her pent up breath. He led her to the rocker and settled her between his spread knees, her back to him. He began drawing the brush through her thick tresses, loving the feel of them over his hands. He played with her hair for a long time until she was practically purring in pleasure. He grinned and reached around to capture a breast. She squeaked and bolted upright when his fingers found a nipple. He rolled it between his fingers until she moaned. He released it only to torment her other breast. He rolled and played with it as well and finally gave it a pinch. Her bottom lifted off the seat as the pain flared through her. He kept his fingers tight around the aching bud. “I love your little titties, Becca. I love playing and pinching and suckling your sweet nipples. I love the way you pant and moan when I pinch and bite them.”

  She whimpered as he pressed even harder.

  “You were a naughty girl for not using your nappy, Becca. The next time you are diapered I suggest you make sure to use it or you’ll find that your little nipples can ache far more than they are right now. Your little bottom isn’t the only part of your body that can be spanked. Do you understand what I’m saying, Rebecca McGavin?”

  She felt her heart pounding as his free hand captured her other breast and pinched that nipple as well. She moaned and arched away which only increased the pull. She leaned forward in an attempt to alleviate the pain but he only increased the pressure.

  “Not answerin
g your Papa will only earn you a spanking little one.”

  She moaned but finally whimpered, “Y… yes Pa… Papa, I understand.”

  He nodded, released her nipples and then grabbed her hands as she immediately lifted them to comfort her aching breasts.

  “Remember the rules Rebecca. You aren’t allowed to rub anywhere I spank or pinch or punish. You just let those little nips burn and remember my words.”

  She nodded and felt yet more tears run down her cheek. It seemed she’d be spending most of her time crying from the awful things he did to her body.

  Patrick tied a blue velvet bow around her hair and then set her onto her feet. She felt her bunny being taken from her and immediately wanted it back. Patrick shook his head and placed the stuffed animal into a corner of her crib. She looked at it yearningly but allowed him to pull her from the room, unable to find the strength to protest. Her nipples were burning under her dress and that horrid tingling was burning between her legs.

  Rebecca spent the afternoon sitting on the floor in front of Patrick’s office desk. He had placed a few toys on a quilt and then sat her down in the middle of it. She was appalled to think she was expected to play with the toys just like a little child.

  Patrick did some paperwork and watched his wife.

  She was definitely not happy. Her face was drawn, her lips pouting. She totally ignored him and then tossed a block across the room enjoying the satisfying thunk it made as it hit the wall. Her satisfaction didn’t last long.

  Patrick was up immediately. He simply lifted her, placed his foot on a low stool and draped her over his raised knee. She felt her dress and petticoats lifted and began to squirm and fight, desperate to get away. Patrick easily pulled her bloomers down and still without a word, began to spank her bottom.


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