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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

Page 19

by Maggie Ryan

  Rebecca didn’t speak but just watched her nanny as she worked around the room.

  When Catherine was prepared, she stood over the crib and gently rolled Rebecca onto her back. She untied the strings at Rebecca’s feet and began to push the heavy cloth up until Rebecca’s legs were free. Rebecca sighed in relief, the cool air very welcome against her sweaty legs. Her relief didn’t last long as she felt her nanny pushing her legs apart. Rebecca blushed as she felt her nappy unpinned and pulled open.

  Catherine didn’t comment on the fact that the cloth was still bone dry though she was surprised. Rebecca had not been put on the potty for hours and Catherine knew the girl’s bladder must be close to exploding. She shook her head in silent disapproval but continued to work to remove the sleep sack. Once the bag had been drawn over Rebecca’s head, Catherine gently massaged each of the stiff arms.

  Rebecca closed her eyes as the massage continued. It felt very good and relaxed some cramping muscles. Suddenly, she realized that she had another problem. Her bladder was cramping, demanding to be emptied. Rebecca gritted her teeth, her mind refusing to do as she had been instructed.

  Catherine saw the girl squirm and heard the barest of whimpers. She ignored Becca’s discomfort. The girl might think she was in control but Catherine knew that nature would soon take the choice away from her stubborn charge. Rebecca was helped from her crib and led to the changing table. Though she was sweaty and needed a bath, Catherine simply put her on the table and soon had her diapered. She didn’t bother dressing her for the day as yet. Instead, she slipped a short nightshirt over her head and then helped her off the table.

  Rebecca clenched her thighs as tightly together as she could though the bulk of her nappy made it impossible to completely close her legs. She still hadn’t spoken, too ashamed at what had been witnessed to find any words. Rebecca was expecting to be taken into the kitchen for her breakfast but found herself led to the rocker and pulled onto her nanny’s lap. Her nanny pressed the hated bottle to her lips. Rebecca turned her head away, the thought of any liquid causing her bladder to clench.

  “Aren’t you hungry sweetie?” Catherine asked as she began Rebecca’s first lesson. Rebecca shook her head and was shocked when the bottle wasn’t forced into her mouth.

  Catherine simply slipped it into her pocket, helped Rebecca off her lap and led her downstairs into the bathroom.

  Oh, thank you God, thank you. Rebecca practically bounced and her hands unconsciously cupped herself between her legs, the pressure increasing at the thought of being allowed relief.

  Catherine smiled and didn’t reprimand her though she would usually get a very hard spanking for touching herself. Instead of opening the door to the water closet, Catherine opened a cabinet and pulled out two items. Rebecca’s eyes grew wide at the sight of a very large thermometer and some type of jar. She began to whimper and pull away from her nanny’s hold.

  “You must be coming down with something Becca, it isn’t normal for you not to be hungry. I’m going to take your temperature and don’t want you to fuss.”

  Rebecca was pulled down across her nanny’s knees and felt her nappy being pulled down until it rested just under the curve of her bottom. She didn’t dare move, terrified that she would wet herself any moment.

  Catherine removed something from her pocket and then held her tightly against her waist with one arm as she put the thermometer into the jar of lubricant. She knew the first battle was about to begin. “Becca, reach back and open your bottom for me.”

  Rebecca’s face burned at the instruction and she began to wiggle, struggling to get off her nanny’s lap.

  Catherine just tightened her hold. “Are you going to start your day with a spanking Rebecca?”

  Rebecca didn’t answer, just began to struggle even harder, whining in desperation, her eyes locked on the door to her potty chair.

  Sighing, Catherine picked up the small paddle she had removed from her pocket and without another word, slapped it onto Rebecca’s bottom.

  Rebecca was soon wailing and fighting for a new reason, her bottom burning as the paddle continued to connect with her already bruised nates.

  “Your spanking will stop when you reach back to open your naughty bottom so I can take your temperature.”

  Rebecca heard the warning and as the paddle continued to punish her, she knew she would be spanked until the end of her life until she obeyed her nanny’s order. After several more intense spanks, she found her hands fluttering back behind her.

  Catherine stopped the spanking and smiled.

  Sobbing, Rebecca forced herself to touch her very hot bottom and pull herself slightly open.

  “That’s my good girl. Spread your bottom open really wide until I have your thermometer seated.”

  Rebecca’s face blazed almost as red as her newly spanked bottom. She lay still draped over her nanny’s lap, her sobs ragged as she forced her hands to willingly open her cheeks.

  Catherine removed the thermometer from the jar and placed it at the puckered opening to Rebecca’s bottom. She slid it slowly inside and listened as Rebecca screamed as if she was being murdered. “Hush, I know this doesn’t hurt Rebecca. Little girls have had their temperatures taken up their bottoms forever and not one has died from it. Settle down and be still. You don’t want to lose it inside your bottom. You may remove your hands now.”

  Rebecca had gone stock still at the possibility of losing the awful invader inside her. She barely breathed as she felt the thermometer being pushed deeper inside her. Catherine settled the thermometer keeping her fingers around it, her hand resting lightly against Rebecca’s hot spanked bottom. She listened to Rebecca cry but smiled when she realized the girl was lying still, no longer fighting having her temperature taken.

  Rebecca only wanted it to be over, the thermometer removed from her body. Instead, she felt it being moved around inside her bottom. Not a muscle twitched as she felt strange sensations moving within her. She felt it being removed and held her breath. She then moaned unconsciously as it was returned deep within her.

  Catherine continued to withdraw and reseat the thermometer until she felt Rebecca begin to squirm over her legs. Smiling, she finally withdrew it completely in one quick pull.

  Rebecca gasped, covering her face with her hands, not knowing how to cope with the sensations. “Well, your temperature is just fine Rebecca. You aren’t sick so I suppose you are just being naughty.”

  “Noooo,” Rebecca moaned. She knew what happened to naughty girls and her bottom was already hurting.

  “No? Good girls drink their milk Rebecca and we both know you didn’t want your bottle. If you aren’t sick and aren’t being naughty, then tell me why you didn’t want your bottle?”

  Rebecca squirmed, her bladder reminding her of its desperate need. She sobbed, “I… I need to pot… potty. Please, I need to go potty!”

  Catherine smiled, this battle was almost done. She pulled Rebecca’s nappy back into position and helped her off her lap.

  Rebecca looked desperately towards the potty but was pulled from the bathroom. “Oh please, please, Nanny, please!”

  Catherine led the girl back to her nursery and back to the rocker.

  Catherine sat and after pulling a large piece of rubber matting from her pocket and spreading it over her knees, she pulled Rebecca onto her lap.

  Rebecca’s face was burning at seeing the sheet. “Plea… please, Nanny, don’t make… make me do this. I… I just can’t. I’ll die of sh… shame!”

  Catherine pulled the girl against her chest and began to gently rock. “Rebecca, stop fighting it sweetheart. If you didn’t expire last night when your Papa fucked you over his desk while I watched, and you didn’t die of shame opening your bottom to have your temperature taken in your little bottom hole, you most certainly will not die with the shame of going potty.”

  Rebecca wailed even louder.

  “You need to potty and you are wearing your nappy. That is what it is for. You won’t win t
his, Rebecca Louise McGavin. As stubborn as you are, even you can’t fight nature forever. Haven’t you learned by now that you will never win when you are naughty? Do what your Papa instructed and go potty.”

  Rebecca shook her head against her nanny’s breast, her mind fighting her body’s need.

  Catherine sighed, stopped rocking and forced Rebecca to look into her eyes. “Do it now Rebecca. Look at me and go potty so you can be changed and get on with your day.”

  Rebecca tried to pull away but her nanny kept a firm hold on her chin. “Use your nappy, Becca.”

  Rebecca’s eyes fluttered shut as tears rolled down her cheeks. She buried her face against her nanny’s breast.

  Catherine allowed the girl her attempt at privacy. They were both well aware of who would win the battle.

  Rebecca cried, her shame almost as intense as the immediate relief she felt as she finally obeyed her Papa’s order.

  Catherine didn’t praise the girl. After all, she had simply done as she had been told to do weeks ago. After a few moments, she helped Rebecca off her lap and removed the rubber sheeting.

  Rebecca’s face flamed. The awful heavy weight of her sodden nappy evidence of what she had done.

  Catherine quickly had her stripped naked and helped her up onto her table. She was quickly cleaned and given a quick sponge bath with cool water from the pitcher.

  When Rebecca saw her nanny preparing another nappy, she begged, “Please… I don’t want a nap… nappy! I did what he wanted!”

  Catherine shook her head, her hands busy fastening a thick layer of cloth between the girls legs. “It doesn’t matter what little girls want young lady. Your Papa wants you diapered until he returns and diapered you shall be. Now, no more fussing unless you want another spanking.”

  Rebecca sobbed, her heart aching. Her nanny’s words informed her that her husband intended to truly punish her regardless of the fact she had been strapped and severely humiliated the night before.

  She tried to assimilate her new routine as Catherine dressed her, pulling on her petticoats and her dress. When she was instructed to step into a pair of rubber pants to cover her nappy, she whined even as she obeyed. When Rebecca was set onto her feet, she realized the nappy between her legs was so thick she couldn’t even walk properly. She almost waddled as she was taken to the chair. Her mind spinning, she found herself back on her nanny’s lap, the bottle in her mouth. She obediently drank it down without a fuss, the fight having gone out of her.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur. She was given her lessons and when she began to squirm on her chair, she was asked if she needed to be changed. The question caused her to use her nappy and she wailed as she was led back to the changing table. Rebecca barely ate any of her lunch and was put down for her nap. Catherine asked if she wanted her toys and Rebecca nodded, the binkie firmly in her mouth.

  “Sleep well, Becca.” Catherine said and gave her a kiss. Rebecca turned onto her side, hugging her bunny and drew her knees up. She heard the rubber pants rub against the mattress and once again cried herself to sleep.

  Dinner was a very quiet affair. Rebecca had been allowed to play on her blanket but when she asked for her book she was informed that books were only for good little girls. She cried, having wanted to escape into Alice’s world and forget her own.

  Instead, she was forced to think about the nappy between her legs and understood that her wants were of no concern. By the time she was told to put away her toys, she was more than ready for bed. At least she could escape into sleep.

  Catherine undressed her and Rebecca found that escape was not yet possible. She was led back to the rocking chair and saw her hairbrush lying on the arm. She began to pull away but was soon back over her nanny’s knees.

  “Present yourself properly Rebecca. You will be receiving bedtime spankings until your Papa returns. He wants you to have a hot little bottom every night to remind you that you need to be a good girl.”

  Rebecca sobbed but obediently spread her legs apart, going up on her tiptoes as she lifted her bare bottom. She was soon wailing and struggling to maintain her punishment position as she was spanked. The brush rose and fell with its horrid smacking sound against her poor bottom until she was begging for her spanking to stop, her bottom wagging up and down in an attempt to cool her burning cheeks.

  Catherine ignored her pleas, roasting the little bottom until it was swollen and beet red and then moving down to give each of the pale thighs a very thorough dose as well. By the time she set the brush aside, Rebecca was exhausted, her voice almost broken from her pleas and cries for mercy. Catherine lifted the sobbing woman from off her lap and, without offering any comfort, put the girl down into her crib on her stomach.

  Rebecca was barely aware of the fact until she was guided to lift herself up on her knees, legs spread as wide as possible within the confines of the crib. She didn’t realize her nanny’s intentions until she felt the straps being put around her thighs and she was tied to the crib’s bars.

  Catherine handed the girl her rabbit and smiled when Rebecca hugged it to her chest. She buckled the binkie around her head loving the look of Rebecca’s tears and confusion. She stepped to the side of the crib and said, “I’m going to begin training your bottom for your Papa, Becca. You just try to relax. Fighting will only cause you unnecessary discomfort.”

  Not understanding, Rebecca just sobbed, her bottom burning and shame flooding her at this very exposed position. She gasped as she felt something cold and slimy against her bottom hole. As she felt pressure, she tensed, expecting the thermometer. Instead, she felt something far thicker being pressed into her bottom. She began to squirm away but the tight restraints kept her in place. She looked at her nanny and saw her smiling.

  “Shhh, just relax sweetie. It’s only my finger. It isn’t much bigger than your thermometer.”

  Rebecca moaned as she felt the digit slide deeper into her, her heart pounding, her face flaming.

  Catherine pressed the girls head onto the mattress until she was lying with her cheek against the sheet, her shoulders and tummy flat against the mattress, her knees well spread and her bottom well up, a position the young woman would soon come to associate with having her bottom hole penetrated. As Catherine continued to press her finger in and out of Rebecca’s bottom, she reached under the girl. She began to play with her breasts, fondling them softly and then gently rolling and pinching the taunt nipples.

  Rebecca’s breathing quickened and she shut her eyes tightly. She worked the pacifier in her mouth not aware she was moaning.

  Catherine kept her hands busy as she watched Rebecca’s sex grow slick and moist, her sweet cream gathering in her pussy. Smiling, she withdrew her finger from the very tight passage and loved the sound of the girl’s whimper. She continued to roll the nipple between her fingers as she dipped two of her fingers into the jar of lube. She returned them to the small bottom hole that had quickly closed tight. As she began to press them into the virgin channel, Rebecca reared up, her body going taught as she cried out at the pressure. “Shhh, Rebecca. Lay back down. Relax your little hole for my fingers.”

  Rebecca was burning all over. Her spanking had reawakened the pain from her earlier spankings. The constant fondling of her breasts caused them to feel heavy and her nipples tingled. The attention to her bottom was horrid and she was consumed with shame when she realized that her body was responding to the embarrassing attention. She whined in distress as Catherine attempted to insert her fingers, her bottom jerking from side to side.

  Catherine found the passage too tight and sighed. The little one was so obviously frightened and unable to relax. She still forced her to accept one finger and worked it deep into Rebecca’s bottom. She didn’t just slip her finger in and out of the passage. She worked it in as deep as she could and then twirled and stroked it against the velvet walls of the forbidden channel. She felt the young woman trying to expel the invader but also heard the sound of her breathing change as the penetration conti
nued. By the time Catherine withdrew her finger, Rebecca was desperate for release.

  Catherine smiled knowing exactly how the young woman felt. She cleaned her hands of the lube and then released Rebecca’s restraints. She turned her onto her back and ignored her whines as she quickly diapered her, leaving both the sticky lube between her red cheeks and the cream that had oozed out of her sex.

  Rebecca found the horrible sack replaced and was too ashamed of what had just happened to look her nanny in her face.

  Catherine just smiled, stroked the hair away from her little girl’s face and placed a kiss on her cheek. “That was just the beginning, little one. Your bottom has so many lessons to learn.” With that, she blew out the lamp and left the nursery.

  Rebecca was soon sobbing and aching all over as she was once again left alone in her crib.

  The next several days passed with the same routine. Rebecca found her temperature taken every single morning. She blushed and whined softly each time she wet herself and didn’t realize that her nanny used that to know exactly when her little one needed to be changed.

  Rebecca was laid down one morning to be shaved and didn’t even so much as make a single protest. She played with her rubber duck as Catherine shorn her of pubic hair. When she felt her nanny’s fingers begin to play between her legs, Rebecca opened her legs wider and lifted her hips, desperately hoping that she was to be allowed release. She should have known better. She was taken to the edge again and again only to be denied.

  Rebecca was moaning by the time she was diapered and dressed. Her frustration was all consuming and though she tried to rub her thighs together to find some sort of relief, the thick diaper defied her efforts. She was fussy and had earned two spankings by bedtime.

  Catherine ignored the fact that her bottom had been spanked twice already. Rebecca fought going over her nanny’s lap for the bedtime spanking her husband had decreed she would endure. Catherine simply held her more tightly and told the young woman that she had earned the paddle.


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