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Neighborhood Watch

Page 6

by Stylo Fantome


  “You can fuck whoever you want to, it's fine,” she kept going.

  “Good. I didn't fuck her, though.”

  “Oh. Or whatever you want to do, I guess.”

  “Thank you. Didn't do anything with her.”

  “Is that why you're sitting out here in the dark? Some blonde coed turned you down?” she teased. He snorted, then stood up and flicked his cigarette butt over the balcony railing.

  “Some blonde coed offered to suck my dick in the bathroom,” he countered.

  “And you turned her down? You're stupid,” Tori said, watching while he lit up another cigarette.

  “You're stupid,” he replied, blowing a stream of smoke down at her face.

  “Very mature, Dr. Edenhoff,” she grumbled, waving away the smoke.

  “Get up.”

  Tori didn't normally like being ordered around, but there was something about Landon. He had a weird sort of hold on her. His body language, his tone of voice, the way he spoke – it all brooked no-nonsense and sent shivers down her spine. She slowly stood up and stared directly at him. He squinted through the smoke as he took another drag.

  “What time is it?” she asked. He glanced down at his watch.

  “Just after three in the morning.”

  “Where have you been this whole time?”

  “With Velez.”

  “Did he suck your dick?”

  “No, but hey, the week's not over yet.”

  “Landon,” she said his name. He paused with his cigarette raised halfway to his lips. “Why are you out here alone in the middle of the night?”

  “I don't sleep well,” was all he said. She took a deep breath and finally addressed the elephant in the room. The same one that had been there for the whole trip.

  “Are you high right now?”

  He shrugged.

  “Not really. Not anymore.”

  “Why do you do drugs?” she decided to just ask. It caused him to pause again, and this time his eyes wandered up and down her body.

  “Because I don't sleep well. Come here.”

  “Why don't you just -”

  They were only standing maybe two feet apart, so he reached out and put his hand on her hip. He pulled her forward, forcing her to stumble up against him. With his free hand, he continued to smoke.

  “Why aren't you asleep?” he asked, his arm coiling around her waist.

  “Because someone left the balcony doors open and it's windy out,” she replied.

  “Should've stayed in bed,” he commented. “It's dangerous out here.”

  “You're not as scary as you like to think you are,” she replied.

  He deeply inhaled on his cigarette, then watched her while letting the smoke slowly escape from between his lips. There was something incredibly erotic about the imagery, she had to admit, and clearly he could tell she thought so, because before he'd finished exhaling, he was leaning down and kissing her.

  It shouldn't have been shocking that Landon was an aggressive kisser. After all, he was aggressive in virtually everything else he did. Yet every time, he stunned her a little. Took her breath away. It was like he wanted to devour her, and she was a very willing meal, indeed.

  Both his hands went flat against her waist and wandered all over her skin. While his free hand went down the back of her shorts, the hand with the cigarette curved around her hip. The burning tip grazed the bottom of her elbow and she hissed, yanking away from it.

  “Told you it was dangerous out here,” he chuckled, and she watched the cancer stick go sailing through the air.

  “You shouldn't smoke so much. Didn't anyone ever tell you it was bad for you?” she asked.

  He abruptly moved her backwards and shoved her against the wall.

  “I don't recall signing up for a fucking lecture. You're wearing too much clothing,” he snapped, pushing at the waistline of her shorts, causing them to fall to her feet, leaving her in only her bathing suit.

  “You know, you can't just be nasty to me and then expect me to fuck you,” she snapped right back.

  “Oh, yes I can,” he chuckled in an evil voice while his fingers trailed up the center of her chest. Then he roughly grabbed the center of her top and twisted the material in his fist, yanking at it. “Now take your fucking clothes off.”

  She wanted to tell him to fuck himself, but of course she didn't. Much to her chagrin, her body was back to autopilot and she was scrambling to pull down her bikini bottoms. She had just stepped out of them when he got his pants undone and then he was pressing against her, forcing her flat to the wall.

  “I don't get you,” she gasped as his fingers dug into her hips.

  “You don't have to,” he replied, sliding his hands back to her ass.

  “But I want to.”

  She wasn't sure who was more shocked by her statement – him, or herself. There was a brief pause in their movements. He had his head bowed, his lips against her shoulder. Her own arms were wrapped around his neck. She held her breath, wanting to hear his reaction. He didn't say anything, though, just squeezed her ass, then picked her up.

  “What's your real name?” he breathed, tucking one arm under her butt while she wrapped her leg around his waist.

  “What? You know my name, it's Tori, why would you think it wasn't?” she asked, starting to pant as he hiked her up. He used the movement to hook her other leg over his arm. She was impressed – she wasn't some tiny, size zero girl, yet he was handling her like she was one. She dropped her hand down between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around his hard on. She dragged his head up and down her wetness for moment, then got him into position so she could slide down his length.

  “Tori's a name for little girls and Sunday school teachers,” he chuckled, then he traced his tongue from her breast bone to the tip of her chin. “Not whores.”

  She stopped moving.

  “I am not a whore,” she snapped, but then it was quickly followed by a shriek when he thrust his hips hard against her, slamming his entire length into her body.

  “Really? How many Sunday school teachers do you know would be okay with being spread eagle on a balcony, getting fucked by someone they didn't even like?” he demanded, pumping in and out of her at a vicious pace.

  “None,” she managed to bleat. “No one. Just me.”

  “That's right, like a dirty fucking whore,” he grunted. “I told you we'd be doing this again.”

  “Yes, yes, you did.”

  “You fucking love it.”

  “I fucking do.”

  “What's your real name?”

  “Why do you keep asking me that?” she said, finally looking down at him. He bent his head forward and bit down on the top of her breast hard enough she was sure there'd be a bruise.

  “Why can't you answer my fucking question? Don't say shit back, I'm not talking just to hear your goddamn voice,” he growled. “Just fucking answer me.”

  She was pretty sure he was going to fuck her straight through the wall. Pain was mixing with pleasure at an insanity inducing rate.

  “Victoria,” she cried out. “My full name is Victoria, god, alright!?”

  He went completely still, his entire length buried inside her, and she was wracked by a full body shudder. She gulped in air, trying to remember how to breathe properly. He was so large, it made thought process a thing of the past.

  “Was that so difficult?” he whispered, trailing small kisses along her jaw line. Her entire body started to shake.

  “Please,” she whimpered, grinding her hips against his, trying to find space to breathe. Trying to feel some friction. He was driving her crazy. “Please.”

  “You want more?” he sighed, then he sucked on her earlobe. She groaned and raked her fingernails across his shoulders.

  “Yes, please.”

  “So pretty, so polite, but I'm not so sure I'm convinced you really want this,” his voice was barely above a breath as his lips moved down the side of her neck.
br />   “What do I have to do to convince you?”

  “What are you willing to do?”

  “Anything,” she responded boldly. She was rewarded by him drawing his hips back. She sucked in a deep breath of air, then let out a long, low moan as he slowly pushed back into her.

  “'Anything', she says,” he chuckled. “You better be willing to prove it.”

  “Try me. Anything. I'll do it,” she promised, begged, pleaded. Anything to get him to keep fucking her, keep touching her, keep wanting her.

  However, she was still shocked when he suddenly hoisted her up again. He took his arm out from under her leg and she quickly secured it around his waist. Both his hands were now on her ass and he held her close as he stepped away from the wall.

  Tori squealed and clung to him while he carried her across the balcony. She thought he was going to lay them out on one of the lounge chairs, but then he stepped past them. She turned to glance over her shoulder and gasped when she saw he was approaching the balcony railing.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded, finally struggling against his hold when she felt the edge of her ass coming into contact with the cement wall. A cold, metal railing pressed against the back of her hips, and then there was nothing. Just cold night air against her sweat slicked back.

  “You said anything,” he reminded her.

  “Anything except die!” she yelled. “Put me down, Landon.”

  “Shut up and stop moving.”

  “I'm not fucking joking! I could fall, you could drop me!”

  “I really don't think you want me to let go right now.”

  “If you don't fucking put me down, I'll scream so fucking -”

  She actually did give a small scream when she suddenly felt his hand in the back of her hair, jerking hard on her roots. She found herself staring straight up at the starry sky. Landon had booked them a suite on the top floor, so there was no one above them to obstruct their view.

  “Victoria,” he hissed her full name. The sound of it shocked her a little, no one called her Victoria. “Shut the fuck up. I will not let go of you. Not once, not ever. Okay? You said anything, and now you're going to fucking prove it.”

  “I'm scared,” she said in a quiet voice.

  “Trust me.”

  “Trust you!? I don't even -”

  The hand in her hair moved to her mouth, forcing her lips together. She stared at him wide eyed, suddenly realizing if his hand was on her mouth, then that meant he only had one arm around her waist. She unwrapped one of her arms from around his shoulders and used her hand to grip the metal railing next to her.

  “Keep your mouth shut,” Landon instructed her. “And only look at me.”

  He moved in slow motion, drawing his hips back, then pumping them forward excruciatingly slowly. Her entire body was shaking again, this time from equal parts desire and fear. He stared her dead in the eye as he kept up his slow tempo.

  She could scream, his hand couldn't completely silence her. She could struggle and fight, could push him off. And deep down, she knew he'd let her down if she really pushed the issue. Landon was a lot of things, but he wasn't a rapist. She didn't have to do this, didn't have to tolerate this kind of bullshit.

  Yet she didn't scream, and she didn't push him, and she didn't stop him. The whole situation was completely fucking terrifying, but ...

  This is so fucking exciting.

  Landon was big and he was strong – she really did feel safe in his arms. Secure. So secure, she let go of the railing next to her and grabbed onto his shoulders again. So safe, she eventually started pumping her hips back against his, gently urging him faster. When he complied, she moaned and let her head drop back, breaking the hold he had on her mouth.

  “I knew you'd fucking love this,” she heard his whisper, then she felt his forehead between her breasts.

  “I do,” she whispered back, once again staring at the stars. “God, this is incredible. Thank you, Landon.”

  After that, it was like fear didn't exist anymore. He kept one arm so tight around her, it was hard to breathe, and he fucked her as hard as he could. His free hand was holding onto the metal railing, using it as a grip so he could pound harder.

  Tori started shouting again, but not in fear. She yelled obscenities and made promises and cried out his name. Over and over again, his name. She even leaned back at one point, out into open space, her fingernails breaking skin from where she was gripping onto his biceps.

  “You are so fucking hot,” he grunted, pulling her back close and lowering his mouth to her chest.

  “So fucking hot,” she echoed. Her breasts were bouncing with each thrust, making it difficult for him to get a grip, but eventually she felt his teeth through the fabric of her bikini top. They'd been in such a hurry and things had gotten crazy so fast, she'd forgotten she was even wearing the small piece of fabric.

  “You came for me last time,” he breathed, running his tongue alone the seam of the suit top, brushing against the edge of her nipple.

  “I'm going to this time,” she assured him.

  “Then do it. Play with yourself, I wanna see this fucking happen again.”

  He'd issued an order, so of course she complied. Her hand was back between their bodies, fingers spearing through her heat. She slid them around his dick and they both moaned, then she moved back into her own wetness.

  “Oh my god, Landon,” she was groaning, her body starting to seize in fits and starts. “Fuck, this is too much.”

  “It is,” he agreed through clenched teeth. His hand let go of the railing and she felt his fingers gently against her throat.

  “Please,” she was back to whimpering. “Please, I'm so close. Fuck, I don't think I can ...”

  She couldn't remember, thoughts and vocabulary were being fucked clean away. His grip on her neck tightened and he drew her in for a kiss. His tongue was everywhere, filling her mouth and stealing her air. She was gasping by the time he pushed her back.

  “I want everyone in this goddamn hotel to know it when you come,” he instructed her, the grip on her throat moving to her jaw.

  “They will,” she assured him, her fingers moving double time as her orgasm started approaching like a freight train.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  His words surprised her, but he didn't give her a chance to dwell on them. He jerked her head to the side, forcing her to look down. Forcing her to see exactly what it was they were doing. Her entire body locked up and she let out a long cry as she stared down all those flights to the ground, which was so very far away.

  When she came, it was all consuming. Like an atomic bomb, it blinded her. He got his wish as she let loose with a long list of expletives – she was positive everyone on the fucking island knew she was coming. She shouted and shook and cried out his name, all the while jerking in his arms and dragging her nails down his back. He groaned as she left scars, but he didn't stop fucking her.

  “Please,” she cried as the orgasm shut down her entire system. “God, please, I can't anymore, please.”

  He didn't listen. Both her hands were on his back, so he let go of her jaw and it was his fingers between their bodies now. She sobbed as he prolonged the orgasm, rebuilt it and redesigned it. Wave after wave took her over, threatening to send her over the edge. Possibly in more ways than one.

  Finally, she was granted mercy when he came. The hand between them moved to her thigh and she got a pair of scratch marks to match the ones she'd put on his back. He growled and cursed, pumping once, twice, then locking in his hips against her after the third time. They both stayed still, struggling to breathe while his orgasm crested and hers finally let her go.

  “You,” he was still panting for air and his forehead was pressed to her shoulder. “You're fucking crazy, Victoria Bellows.”

  “I didn't know it,” she whispered back. “I didn't know I could do something like this.”

  “Good,” he growled, and she felt his teeth against her skin. “I'm
the only one you should be doing shit like this with.”

  He'd said it lightly and off the cuff, but it was a heavy statement. She didn't know how to decipher it, and she was too high on afterglow to even try to. She simply wrapped her arms around him tightly, holding him for as long as he'd let her.

  It lasted only a couple more moments. Then he pulled away. She groaned when he helped her down, her legs trembling from being forced wide for so long. He chuckled at her stiff movements while she moved around the balcony, then smacked her on the ass when she bent to grab her shorts.

  “I need a shower,” she grumbled as she tried to step into the material. She let out a shout of surprise, though, when Landon took the shorts away from her.

  “Why?” he asked, and as she watched, her favorite pajama bottoms went over the railing. “You're about to get a whole lot messier.”

  “Are you joking?” she laughed, then she glanced down his length and her eyes grew wide.

  “I don't joke,” he said, and when she looked back up, he was smirking. “Now be a good girl and go lay on the bed.”

  “How are you still ...” her voice trailed off as he pulled off his shirt. He was standing in front of her fully naked, the moonlight playing over his lines and muscles and the tattoo at his side.

  “Funny,” he said in a low voice as he closed the distance between them. “I don't remember asking a question.”

  “You didn't,” she whispered. His fingers tickled their way up her back, then undid her bikini top. The scrap of fabric fluttered to the ground.

  “No, I didn't. Now, are you going to do as you're told?”

  Again, Tori wasn't a wilting flower to be ordered around. She wasn't submissive by nature. But something about being in the moonlight in a tropical paradise with a naked Greek god standing in front of her, so hot and so hard it almost looked painful, she suddenly found the idea of submission very sexy.

  And over the next hour, Landon proved exactly how sexy it could be.

  He was right – it was very, very dangerous to be alone with him tonight.


  “Bro? Bro. Bro!”

  Landon suddenly clued into the fact someone was yelling at him.


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