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Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014

Page 8

by Lisa Worrall

  Aiden almost sobbed as the dirty talk and the feel of Finn’s hard, thick shaft rubbing against his, had Aiden’s orgasm hitting him like a freight train. “Finn, oh fuck, Finn,” he gasped, desperately trying to regain some semblance of control but failing dismally and coming his pants like a fourteen year old having his first wet dream. Hot spurts pulsed from him and all he could do was grab Finn’s shoulders and hang on until—

  “Hey boys, good mov—oh my.”

  This time, Aiden did push Finn off him and onto the floor as he shot upright and grabbed a cushion to cover his lap.“Patti,” he gasped, feeling the flush of embarrassment fill his cheeks. His Aunt wasn’t supposed to be home from her Bridge club for another hour. “We weren’t expecting you so soon.”

  “Clearly,” Patti replied with a grin, peering over the sofa to where Finn kneeled on the floor, another sofa cushion strategically placed, Aiden noted, which only compounded his mortification. “Hi, Finn.”

  “Hey, Patti,” Finn said brightly. “Can I get you a coffee?”

  Patti chuckled heartily and shook her head. “I’ll get it. You boys make yourselves decent while I’m gone. Iris Goldstein brought her new boyfriend to be our fourth tonight. My God, the man’s so old he could well be God. Daphne Murray and I were running a pool on whether or not he’d croak over the first course or the last.”

  Aiden clasped his hands over his face as Patti giggled her way down the hall to the kitchen. “It’s a fucking conspiracy,” he muttered, trying to resist Finn’s attempts to make him remove his hands. How could he possibly look him in the eye with cum sticking his boxers to his balls?

  “Aiden,” Finn instructed firmly. “Look at me.” Reluctantly, Aiden dropped his hands and gazed into Finn’s eyes. “If you dare say sorry, I will kick your ass into next week. Like I said, a little planning is all we need and that little whine you made when you lost it was fucking hot. I wanna hear it again—soon.”

  Aiden tried to compose himself and blink away the images Finn’s words created in his mind as Finn pulled himself off the floor to sit sedately beside him on the sofa. His heart beating in his cock, Aiden tried to think of anything but the man next to him as Patti strolled in carrying a tray laden with drinks and slices of cheesecake from the fridge. In his peripheral vision he could see Finn sliding him teasing glances with the teeniest of smug smiles playing around his lips and he sighed heavily, deciding his best option was to leave the cushion where it was… just in case.


  Finn failed dismally in his attempt to get more cotton candy on the stick than on himself, much to the amusement of the little boy he was serving, the little boy’s parents and the rest of the customers in the line behind them. Sundays were supposed to be his one day off a week but he’d been asked to do some extra hours on the concourse and, Finn being Finn, he’d readily agreed—besides, he needed the money.

  “Do you know what to do, mister?” his customer enquired with a frown on his little face.

  “Honestly? No,” Finn replied with a grin. “I’m helping out today.” He presented the cotton candy with a flourish. “But I think I’m getting the hang of it, don’t you?” He tipped an imaginary hat as he handed the wide-eyed kid what was now a huge ball of cotton candy in exchange for the two bucks he clutched in his sticky fingers.

  “Wow! Thanks, mister!”

  Finn laughed out loud at the expression on the boy’s face, and even louder at the one on his parents’ as they obviously mentally cursed him for the sugar rush they would have to deal with. He took another stick from the bucket beside the spinner and smiled at the next customer, just as the booth door opened and Jack squeezed inside to relieve him. “Sorry, guys,” Finn handed the stick to Jack with an apologetic shrug. “I shall leave you in the capable hands of Jack, our champion sugar spinner, and bid you adieu. Enjoy the rest of your day at Marshall’s Park.” Finn bit back a chuckle as he left the booth to shouts of dismay at the thought the other kids weren’t going to get as big a helping of cotton candy now he was no longer doing the spinning.

  Finn strolled across the concourse. The sun beat down on the back of his neck, sticking his hair to his skin. As he walked, the scent of burgers, hot dogs and freshly cooking donuts filled his nostrils, eliciting a rumbling complaint from his belly. He patted his stomach, attempting to silence the beast. Thankful he was now on his lunch break, he pointed his feet in the direction of the staff canteen.

  Finn chuckled to himself as he walked, last night at Aiden’s playing over in his mind. Cock-blocked by a monster and a bridge-playing tornado, he shook his head in wry remembrance. Of course, he’d meant what he said; Aiden didn’t have anything to apologize for. Finn kind of already knew what he and Aiden had going wasn’t a short term thing, and he didn’t want their relationship consummated in a heated rush with one ear on the door for interruptions. He wanted to explore Aiden all night long, fall asleep in his arms and wake up wrapped around him. When Aiden had come in his pants last night simply from rutting against each other, the sound of Finn’s name falling from his lips in that breathy gasp—Finn cleared his throat, deciding it was better not to finish that particular train of thought, or his stomach wouldn’t be the only part of his body complaining.

  On the drive home last night he’d come up with a plan for some uninterrupted alone time, but he was going to have to employ some assistance to pull it off. First on his list was Chris, and he knew exactly where he’d be and who he’d be with. Grinning, he picked up the pace and jogged the rest of the way to the staff canteen, his gaze zeroing in on Chris as soon as he pushed through the double doors. Seated beside him was Katie, Finn’s friend and, as of three months ago, Chris’ girlfriend. Of course, Finn had wanted to take Katie to a clinic for some electro-shock therapy when they’d announced their relationship, convinced that Katie was obviously nuts. That suggestion had earned him a slap upside the head from Katie and itching powder in his shorts from Chris, so he’d tried to keep the sarcastic comments to a minimum, but it was torture.

  Finn skidded to a halt beside the empty chair at their table and flopped into it, planting a kiss on Katie’s cheek and stealing a handful of Chris’ fries. “Miss me?” He shoved the fries into his mouth and grinned around them at Chris’ disgusted look.

  “Like poison ivy,” Chris drawled, tossing Finn a napkin. “You’re a pig.”

  “This from the guy who turns his shorts inside out.”

  “What?” Katie glared at Chris in astonishment. “You better be having clean shorts on when you’re with me or the only thing getting blown’ll be your money.”

  “Katie,” Finn drew out her name in a muffled mumble around his fries. “I’m eatin’ here.”

  “Speaking of here,” Chris said conversationally. “Why are you?”

  “Funny you should ask that,” Finn said, grabbing Katie’s coke and taking a healthy swig to wash down his, well Chris’, fries down. “I need you to cover Friday and Saturday for me next weekend.” He ignored the narrowing of Katie’s gaze as she studied him.

  “Why the hell would I do that?” Chris spluttered, spraying the table with half-chewed burger.

  Katie pulled a face and threw a handful of paper napkins at him. “Because he wants to get laid, asshole.”

  Finn’s jaw dropped at her response. “How the hell do you know?”

  “Please,” Katie replied with a toss of her long blonde hair. “You’ve got your ‘Mission Impossible’ face on. Your body’s practically humming the theme tune.”

  “I have a Mission Impossible face?” Finn echoed incredulously. “What, like Tom Cruise?”

  Katie shook her head. “Ace Ventura. It’s the I’m gonna pee my pants I’m so excited look the five year olds get when they meet Monty for the first time.”

  “Mission Impossible, Ace Ventura, yeah,” Chris guffawed loudly. “I’ve been trying to put a name to that look forever.”

  Finn picked up another handful of fries, yanking his hand back before Chris’s fork could hit its ta
rget. “If the two of you have quite finished,” he drawled, “will you cover for me? Please, please, pretty please. If Katie won’t blow you, I will.”

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Chris complained as Finn gave him his best wounded puppy look. “For God’s sake, alright, I’ll cover for you. But you better make it worth my while.”

  “I’m not really gonna blow you, dude.”

  “Asshat, I wouldn’t let you blow me if you were the last lips on earth,” Chris shot back. “Don’t worry, I’ll think of something. Payback’s a bitch.”

  Katie nudged Finn with her elbow. “So, things are getting serious between you two?”

  “Me and Chris?” Finn shook his head. “Nah, it was just that one time—”

  “Shut up.” Katie nudged him again. “I’m serious. You really like Aiden, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I think he might be the one,” Finn said softly, feeling the warmth of the flush that filled his cheeks. For once neither of his friends came back with any caustic quips or laughs at his expense, which somehow made everything even more real.

  Finn grinned when Katie wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy for you, baby. After some of the dipshits you’ve been out with, I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy. Which reminds me,” she mock-glared at him. “How come shit for brains has met him and I haven’t?”

  “Baby, you know it gets me hot when you say such sweet things about me,” Chris said sarcastically.

  Finn couldn’t help but chuckle. The attraction between Chris and Katie had been instant, any fool could see that, except the two fools in question. They’d spent three years fighting the inevitable and hiding behind sarcastic banter and thinly veiled insults. He’d actually done the Snoopy dance around the apartment when they’d informed him they were going to ‘give in to peer pressure’ and make a go of it. If there were two people who should be together it was definitely the ones seated opposite each other now.

  Katie ignored Chris and kept her attention firmly on Finn, much to his discomfort. “So what are you planning?”

  “Well.” Finn folded his leg beneath him on the chair. “That’s where I need another favor.”

  “Jesus, what now?” Chris bemoaned. “You’re not having my stash, man.”

  “Your brother’s still head chef at Amber Sands along the coast, isn’t he?” Finn leaned across the table, sure he was wearing his Mission Impossible face again as talking about his plans for the weekend amped up his excitement. At Chris’s nod he continued. “Could he get me a deal on one of their beachfront rooms?”

  Chris thought for a moment and nodded, much to Finn’s relief. “Yeah, he owes me for hooking him up with my supplier. I’ll call him later.”

  “You hooked your brother up with weed?” Katie ground out through her teeth, staring at him completely aghast. “Does your mother know?”

  “Fish supplier, sweet cheeks. You think I’d hook up my Momma’s baby boy with the good stuff? She’d have my balls for earrings,” Chris scoffed. “You’ve met my Momma. I’m an idiot, I’m not stupid.”

  “I’d rather reserve judgment on that statement,” Katie countered and turned her attention back to Finn. “Amber Sands? Wow, you really are going all out. Things getting that desperate?”

  “No,” Finn shook his head vehemently. “It’s not that at all. There’s not only me and Aiden to consider in this. Aiden’s main priority is Kaylee and I love that about him. He’s a great dad and I adore Kaylee, how could I not? She’s a part of him, and so is Patti, they’re a set and I respect that. But he never thinks of himself, he’s always so busy thinking of everyone else he gets kind of lost in the shuffle. I guess I wanted to have some real alone time together where I could spoil him, and for a couple of days he doesn’t have to think of anything but him.”

  “And you wanna get laid.”

  Finn rolled his eyes and flicked a fry at Chris’ head. “Why do you always have to take it down to the basest level?”

  “Are you saying you don’t wanna get laid?”

  “Yes, of course I wanna get laid—asshole.” Finn grabbed more fries and threw one at Chris’ smug smile. “Shut up.” Finn settled back in his chair and hugged his excitement to him. Phase one complete, now it was time for phase two—after he’d spent the afternoon in the pool with the sea lions.


  “What is that smell?”

  “I’m happy to see you, too,” Finn drawled from where he stood on Aiden’s doorstep, still in his work clothes. He’d been running late and hadn’t wanted to go home first, so he had to admit, he did smell a little less than fresh. But then so would anyone who’d spent the afternoon helping out with two sea lion shows and fed them after.

  “Sorry,” Aiden replied with an apologetic smile. “Of course I’m happy to see you.” Finn took a step forward and Aiden stopped him with a flattened palm to chest. “But not happy enough to let you anywhere near me until you’ve had a shower.”

  “You want me to go home?”

  “No, idiot.” Aiden shook his head and chuckled. “You can shower here. I’ve got some things you can wear.”

  Finn grinned widely as he was pulled into the hall and ushered immediately up the stairs with instructions not to touch anything along the way. “I’m not contagious,” he protested as he was pushed into Aiden’s en suite, not even having a chance to check out Aiden’s bedroom.

  “I’m not taking any chances,” Aiden replied, motioning toward the shower cubicle. “Go, wash that God awful stench off. Towels are under the sink and I’ll leave some clothes on the bed.” Aiden paused in the doorway and grinned at him. “And don’t come downstairs until you smell more like Finn and less like Flipper!”

  “I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem,” Finn replied dryly eyeing the shower gel. “Pomegranate and strawberry—seriously?”

  “It’s better than the eau de herring you’re wearing now,” Aiden shot back loftily and closed the door behind him.

  Underneath the cascading water, Finn sighed contentedly as the heat soothed his aching muscles. He wrinkled his nose as he tipped his head back under the flow, the stink of Coco, Petie and Ava’s fish supper filling his senses. Maybe Aiden had a point. Grabbing the bottle of shampoo from the tiled window sill he smiled to himself. Pomegranate and strawberry again? Who’d have thought Aiden Reid liked his products fruity and pink. Not that he was adverse to a little sensory pampering himself on occasion, except he was more of a soap and water guy. He quickly lathered up his hair and scrubbed at it until he was sure the unruly mass was fish free, then rinsed it until it squeaked. Tipping some more pink sludge into his palm he did the same with his body then turned off the shower.

  Finn rubbed his hair with a large towel before wrapping the damp fabric around his waist and securing it firmly. He hunkered down onto his haunches and searched through the cupboard for something to put his soiled clothes in. Oddly enough, he had a feeling Aiden wouldn’t be too impressed if his bathroom smelled like sea lion. After tearing a waste paper bin liner from a roll on the top shelf, Finn put it back, closed the doors then stuffed his work clothes into it and tied a knot to seal the offensive smell inside.

  Finn yawned as he opened the door and stepped into the bedroom, this time perusing his surroundings at leisure. He’d only been in the room once before, the morning after their disastrous first date, and he wasn’t really interested in the decor at the time, more the man snoring in the bed. The dimensions were expansive to say the least. Finn narrowed his gaze and decided he could have fit his entire apartment in here with some to spare. The colors were exactly how he’d imagined Aiden’s inner sanctuary to be—cool, calm and understated. The walls were painted in a soft duck egg blue and dotted here and there were photographs of Kaylee, Patti and a couple of three of them together, but it wasn’t overly done. Not like his own family home where the walls were covered with so many Kodak moments Finn had long forgotten what color they were. But then, th
at was Aiden, cool, calm and understated. Well, cool and understated. Calm was not a word he would associate with Aiden, who sometimes let his nerves get the better of him, at least where Finn was concerned.

  “I’ve got your—”

  Finn met Aiden’s wide-eyed gaze as he walked into the bedroom, clothes in hand, the words stilling in his throat, seemingly transfixed on Finn’s naked chest. Never one to miss an opportunity, Finn’s dick took a definite interest in the proceedings. “Got my?” He raised an eyebrow in question. Knowing it was mean, but unable to stop himself, he let his gaze travel insolently over Aiden from head to toe, leaving the man in no doubt what was going through his mind.

  “Clo… clothes,” Aiden stammered, much to Finn’s delight. The knowledge that he was responsible for that hitch in Aiden’s voice sending a surge of age old power through him. “Some sweats… um and a um…,” he seemed to flounder for the word.

  “T-shirt?” Finn suggested, biting back the urge to grin like an idiot.

  “Yes,” Aiden replied, tossing the items onto the bed and backing toward the door “Dinner’s almost ready.” He spun on his heel and was almost out the door when something wicked unfolded in Finn’s belly and he called out Aiden’s name.

  Finn knew he was going to hell but it was too delicious an opportunity to let pass by, and he just couldn’t help it, or at least that’s what he’d tell a judge and jury. When Aiden turned around, Finn watched his jaw drop open in stunned amazement to see him nonchalantly rubbing at his hair, having removed the towel from his waist. “I’ll be right down,” he said conversationally, tossing the towel to the floor and casually resting his hands on his hips. Now this was definitely a Kodak moment, because Aiden’s face was an absolute picture. “Is there something wrong?” he asked innocently. Aiden’s response was short and not so sweet as he all but ran from the room, slamming the door behind him.


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