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The Evil Queen

Page 47

by Showalter, Gena

  My precious sister had exited to save me. Which meant she’d come to Enchantia to die. Which meant she would still be alive if I’d decided to stay home.

  Oh, yes. This was my fault. But I could make it right.

  My spine like steel, I drew back to peer at Roth. “I’m going to kill your sister,” I stated baldly.

  He evinced no surprise. He’d known I would want this. “You know the fairy tale. If you go after her, she will defeat you.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Our choices decide which character we play. In this, we are both the Evil Queen. Only one of us has to die, and it’s her.” I had to be crowned the victor. “But even if you’re right, even if I am the only Evil Queen in this scenario, I will not alter my course. I will punish her, whatever the cost, and at the moment I don’t care if that makes me exactly like Nicolas. She killed Hartly. My sweet sister is just...gone. Saxon wielded the blade, but Farrah pulled his strings.”


  “She betrayed you, too. Don’t you dare defend her.”

  “I cannot defend her. What she did today... It’s inexcusable. But that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped loving her.”

  I admired his loyalty; I did, but I also resented it. He would do everything in his power to protect her...even betray me.

  No. He loved me.

  But he loved her more.

  Did I understand his dilemma? Yes. Farrah was family, and I was the girl he’d banged a couple times last night. A former stepmother to boot. It was time to face facts. We were doomed from the start.

  “If you try to prevent a showdown... Do not try to prevent a showdown, Roth.” The iciness of my tone rivaled Farrah’s magic, the need to hurt her seething inside me. I extracted from his embrace, saying, “Free Queen Violet. The animals and insects, as well.”

  “I will do this, and we will figure out our next move together.” He picked up a sword, moved to Violet and chipped at her prison.

  I remained in place, dividing into two different Everlys again. Half Evil Queen, half Snow White. My EQ side wanted to plow full steam ahead and murder Farrah as planned. My SW side wanted to comfort Roth the way he’d comforted me. After everything that had happened, he was hurting, too.

  My conscience, instinct and ambition voted, and shockingly enough, EQ won.

  Something was broken inside me now. My heart, yes. My trust, definitely. I had nothing left to give the king or anyone, no matter my desire to the contrary.

  Thor remained seated in the shadows of Hartly’s tree—a tree I both resented and treasured.

  I returned to Truly. A rosy glow had returned to her cheeks.

  “Hey, sis,” I said, and kissed her brow.

  Moaning, she blinked open her eyelids and eased up. I knew the exact moment memories invaded. Horror darkened her expression. With a sob, she threw her arms around me. “I’m sorry, so sorry. I wish... I wish... I’m so sorry.”

  You did nothing wrong. But Farrah... I’m going to make it right,” I said.

  She drew back, the horror intensifying. “What are you planning, Everly?”

  Free at last, Violet dashed to Truly’s side, saving me from having to admit the truth. To my surprise, she didn’t rip the girl away from me.

  As mother and daughter embraced, Violet’s wide-eyed gaze remained glued to me. “I am sorry, Everly. You weren’t—aren’t—the Evil Queen. You saved Truly. You didn’t hurt her.” How shocked she sounded. “I never meant for this to happen. It wasn’t supposed to end like this.”

  “What, you want to kiss and make up?” I sneered at her. “No, thanks. I’d rather eat my own entrails.”

  She flinched. Good! I hoped her regrets haunted her the rest of her life. “No, I just... I don’t...”

  “Everly.” My name drifted on the wind, spoken in a voice I’d never heard before.

  Frowning, I scanned the area until I spotted someone I could not possibly be seeing. But...

  In Enchantia, nothing was impossible.

  Air hissed between my teeth, my chest constricting. A shimmering version of Hartly stood beside the apple tree, crooking her finger in my direction. Was she real? An illusion? She had to be an illusion.

  I didn’t care. I would take her any way I could get her.

  Almost in a trance, I straightened and walked, no, ran to her. I thought I heard Roth call my name, but I didn’t slow.

  Just before I reached her, the world around me changed. The forest disappeared, only Hartly and her tree remaining, a wealth of clouds surrounding us.

  I threw my arms around—

  Nothing. I ghosted through her mist-like body, my chest constricting with more force. I turned, gasping as her face changed again and again. From Aubrey, to Warick, to Reese, to Hartly again.

  Though sadness glinted in her eyes, she smiled at me. “Hello, Everly.”

  “Who are you?” I demanded. “What are you?”

  “I am Allura, and I have a proposition for you.”

  The nymph had decided to introduce herself today? Why? Had she watched Farrah’s invasion? Could she have saved Hartly?

  “Wear a different face. Now.” Before I started screaming again.

  In a blink, she morphed into a beautiful black woman with a shaved head, clad in a dress made of ivy.

  “Why are you here?” I asked. “Why now?” Why not ten minutes earlier, when I’d desperately needed help?

  The sad smile returned. “I can do many things, but I cannot override another’s free will, or rewrite fate.”

  “This battle, these deaths, had nothing to do with fate and everything to do with an emotionally bankrupt princess.” My rage boiled hotter.

  “Would you like to pay her back?”

  “Yes,” I hissed.

  “Become my replacement, and you can.”

  Her replacement? “I don’t understand. Why do you need one? How does this help me?”

  “For centuries, I have mined power from the dead, both good and evil. I have hoarded treasures, spied, loved and hated, aided and hurt. I am tired, so very tired, but I cannot rest. War is coming—to the kingdoms and to the forest, the beating heart of Enchantia. But I am not the one to weather it.”

  And I was? I gave another bitter laugh. When I recollected the endless well of power I’d sensed the two times I’d syphoned from Allura, I quieted. To have unlimited access to it...

  I would have all the strength, power and security I’d ever wanted.

  Oh, the temptation. And really, I’d always planned to open my own business. Why not Forest Inc.? “Why me?”

  She smiled again, this one merry. “I have observed you. Every time you’ve made a mistake, you have learned from it. Every time you’ve fallen, you have fought to rise. When you love, you love hard. Like me, you are intimately acquainted with both good and evil.”

  “So are others.” A lot of others. “What would be required of me?”

  All elegance and grace, she glided a circle around me, saying, “Everything. Where much is given, much is required.”

  “That’s a big ask.”

  “I know. Perhaps you need a taste of what you will receive in return.”

  In an instant, with no effort on my part, I linked to the forest. Undiluted power swamped me. Suddenly I had a keen awareness of every nook and cranny, secret hiding place, speck of dirt and every person and creature within the woodland border—including Hartly. I could feel her love for me emanating from her tree.

  Who I could not feel? Nicolas. He seemed to have vanished without a trace. But I easily found Farrah, Vikander and Saxon, perched atop horses, galloping home.

  Farrah sobbed for Truly, thinking the girl was dead. Saxon’s wings were broken and hanging at odd angles. Vikander sat behind him, facing in the opposite direction. Holding a bag of metal shards, he created and threw spears, making barr
icades, slowing the trolls even now in pursuit.

  I gnashed my teeth. My sister’s blood splattered Saxon’s face and chest—and Farrah’s soul. If they reached Sevón, they could hole up, forever unscathed by today’s events.

  I couldn’t let them reach Sevón.

  “There is more,” Allura said, waving her hand. A few feet away, a full-length mirror appeared.

  Peering at me, Foreverly said, “Look. See.”

  Violet’s image materialized. She wore a pink gown—the same gown she’d worn yesterday. She led a contingent of her army through a full-length mirror of her own, using the ability she’d stolen from King Stephan. Then, she and those soldiers surrounded my camp.

  My heart raced. I was seeing into the recent past?

  The scene switched, the sun rising on the horizon, beams of light filtering through the treetops. Violet stood at the door of her tent, using her magic to create a tornado, gather Ty, Noel and Ophelia into the vortex, then blow the threesome into a quagmire of writhing vines, where they remained, trapped.

  “There,” she said to her companion. “It’s done. I did it without harming Everly, circumventing the boy’s compulsion.”

  Nicolas stepped from the shadows, entering a beam of golden sunlight. “Everly will not survive the coming battle. You know this, yes?”

  “Know it?” Violet laughed. “I’m counting on it.”

  “My hatred for her makes sense,” Nicolas said. “Yours does not.”

  I cringed.

  The queen lifted her head, haughty and indignant. “All those years ago, you came to me. Do you remember? You said you would convince Stephan to let Truly live if I vowed to open Airaria’s gates to the sorcerian upon the king’s death.”

  Her “deal with a devil,” no doubt. I should have known she’d meant Nicolas. What was his endgame?

  “When I learned of your familial connection to Stephan, that you had journeyed to the mortal world and married Princess Aubrey, that you were raising Stephan’s sorcerian daughter, I knew you would try to seize my crown upon your return. You played us both. You played us all.”

  “True.” He shrugged, not the least repentant. “But that doesn’t explain your feelings for Everly. She is your daughter as much as Stephan’s.”

  Violet said, “The second I absorbed his magic, I got to see what he had seen, the reason he’d killed the witch and oracle, and wanted to kill the children. One of them—Everly—doesn’t just herald our doom. She is our doom.”

  How could they not see the truth? They’d doomed themselves.

  Tears burned my eyes. The worst of their crimes had happened while I’d been busy coming apart in Roth’s arms. Violet had acted as the Evil Queen and Snow White’s protector. Not because she liked Farrah, but because she hated me. Nicolas had acted as a protector and the Evil Queen, as well. The evilest of us all.

  Violet had to be Petal. Nicolas had to be Viper.

  I’d suspected Roth was Crusty. Now I knew. He was.

  Whatever. I didn’t need or want any of them. “Can you free Noel, Ophelia and Ty from the muck?” I asked Allura.

  “I can and I will. For you,” she replied. “Let me show you what else I can do.”

  My clothes...just...dissolved, gone in a blink. A gown made of raven feathers appeared, molding to my curves. Fragments of crystal and glass began to grow over my arms, twined around my wrists, branching over the back of my hands, along every finger, and ending in detachable metal claws.

  The better to cut you with, my dear.

  Bloodred crystals grew from atop my head, forming a jagged crown, and Cuddles materialized, coiled around my neck. Phobia and Webster materialized next, hanging from my earlobes, the perfect accessory to any outfit.

  “Accept your place, and you will never again go without power,” Allura said, as tempting as Eve with the original apple. “Vengeance will be yours...if you still wish to have it?”

  Did I? I craved vengeance, but I knew Aubrey would not approve. Hartly might not approve, either, if she had lived.

  If I did this, I would be making the same mistakes as Farrah and Violet. I would be killing in cold blood. I would lose Roth.

  Hadn’t I lost him anyway?

  If I did this, I would wear the face of true evil, like Nicolas. Because I knew what was right—I knew fighting hate with hate never worked. But what else could I do? Farrah had forced me to wed her father, had flayed the skin from my back, had begged Roth to wed another girl, to forget me as I languished in the tower, had arranged Hartly’s murder, tried to kill me and nearly killed Truly.

  “What I offer is not vengeance against one,” Allura said, “but all who wronged you.”

  All—like Violet, who had ordered her guards to kill me, had watched as they’d stabbed me, had sent centaurs after me, had betrayed me, helping Farrah, offering me like a lamb for slaughter.

  Determination scorched my nerve endings until I felt numbed to the consequences. I would strike at Farrah as prophecy dictated. I would hurt her, no matter the cost to myself. I would make sure Violet had a front row seat.

  “You can feel the forest’s power,” Allura said, still giving me the hard sell. “You can control the forest, and the curtains between dimensions. You can even revitalize this part of the forest, cleaning away the damage caused by today’s war.”

  Could I? Let’s find out. I waved my hands to unleash magic. Tree limbs swept the dead bodies away. New foliage matured, char vanishing. Flowers and fruit bloomed in seconds. I watched the miraculous transformation through the mist, flabbergasted.

  “You are a natural at this,” Allura praised.

  I grinned and twirled a finger, saying, “Bring me Truly and Thor.”

  Outside the fog, limbs collected the pair, whisking them into my dimension. And yeah, okay, I could get used to this.

  My twin picked up the melancholy dog and looked me over, her eyes widening with astonishment. “Everly? Where are we? Why do you look like...that?”

  “You will stay here, where you are safe,” I told her, ignoring her questions. No way I’d give her a chance to dissuade me from my current path. “I will return shortly.”

  “You’re frightening me,” she rasped.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be better in a bit.” After I’d delivered my brand of vengeance.

  Another twirl of a finger sent vines shooting out far, far away in the forest, capturing Farrah, Vikander and Saxon. Still no sign of Nicolas. Another twirl, and the trees carried the trio through interdimensional doorways, bringing them back to the clearing in a matter of minutes.

  Mythological creatures followed the group, curious.

  Another twirl. Vines caught Roth and Violet. I would give the king a chance to side with me. If he didn’t...

  He would join his sister.

  “What’s happening, Everly?” Truly asked, a tremor in her voice. “What are you planning?”

  “I’m forging a better future for us,” I said, my tone even colder than before and beyond creepy. Excellent. “And I’m having fun in the process.”

  Leaving the other realm and Truly behind, I stepped forward to confront my foes.


  Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

  Who will perish when I call?

  “Well, well, well.” Overcome by dark delight, I unveiled my coldest, wickedest smile. “Hello, my darklings.”

  Standing before me, bound by thorny vines, were my greatest enemies—Farrah, Roth and three of the seven dwarfs, or protectors, Saxon, Vikander and Violet. Above us, golden sunlight filtered through a canopy made of ivory leaves. Around us, majestic trees teemed with fruit and flowers.

  The loveliest war zone I’d ever seen.

  Radiating her patented mix of shock and fury, Farrah bucked and strained for freedom. I didn’t want to brag, but I was the one who introduced her to that fur
y. Before me, she’d been all sunshine and roses. You’re welcome.

  One by one, the protectors bowed their heads, ashamed. Too little, too late. All the while, Roth held my gaze, unafraid of my wrath. But then, he was a warrior to his core, forged in fire, then honed and sharpened like a blade, one strike at a time.

  Shivers careened down my spine as I breathed in the sugar and spice of his scent. Focus. “Dear, sweet Prince Charming. Mere hours ago, you wished to prove your love for me.” Would he prevail at long last, or let me down once again? “Behold. This is your chance. Side with me, and lose her. Or, side with her, and lose me. What you cannot do? Side with us both.”

  Farrah had wounded me so deeply, so profoundly, I would never recover. But I could be comforted by him and only him—if he did as I asked.

  The fact that he didn’t respond right away...

  I bit my tongue until I tasted blood. Calm. Steady. Whatever his decision, I would survive.

  Finally, he said, “I love you, Everly, and I choose you.” His ragged voice teased my ears. “I will always choose you.”

  Joy began to stir to life. I’d actually won?

  Then he added, “But I will not let you kill her.”

  My lungs deflated, leaving me breathless and dizzy. “You love me, so you protect her? Good one. For your next trick, pull a rabbit out of your invisible hat.”

  He lifted his chin. “I will be your sword, and I will be your shield. I will protect you until I take my last breath...even when you are your own worst adversary.”

  A lie! No adversary was worse than his precious sister.

  I longed to shout curses at him. But I couldn’t reveal my true feelings without also revealing my vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities could be exploited. So I blanked my expression. Or tried to. My muscles refused to obey my mind, my pain simply too great.

  Very well. My illusion magic wasn’t second nature, but I could wield it when needed, as long as I remained linked to someone else and syphoned enough of their power.

  Since I had tapped into an amazing power source only minutes ago, I had this in the bag.

  Streams of heat and energy flowed into my every cell, and I moaned. Had strength ever been this intoxicating? I wanted more, more, more. More strength meant I could safeguard who and what I loved.


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