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Sonny and Leo: Holiday Omegas Volume One

Page 9

by C. W. Gray

  He went downstairs and found Leo making pancakes. The bear wasn’t the best cook, but he could make pancakes with the best of them.

  Leo looked up and grinned. “Can you share the kitchen?”

  “I’ll try.” Sonny bit his lip to hide his smile. “It’s so cold outside. How does chili sound for lunch?”


  Sonny hummed and gathered his ingredients. “Chili powder to enhance the spell, cumin and salt to purify the garage from all negativity, bay leaves for protection, oregano for happiness and luck, garlic to give a health boost, and a little cayenne pepper for extra strength to get you through the day.”

  Leo eyed him. “I thought oregano went into our special love spaghetti.”

  Sonny laughed. “It does, but every herb and spice has multiple uses. It’s the intention of the witch that gives them their job in the spell.”

  “Okay.” Leo shifted his feet. “I just don’t want Mom and Dad to have quickies all day. It’s traumatizing.”

  Sonny smiled slyly as he started chopping an onion. “Katrin requested a pot of spaghetti for her anniversary next month.”

  Leo shuddered. “Please don’t tell me things like that.”

  “You’re ridiculous,” Sonny said, exasperated. “Sex is an established and natural part of their relationship. Katrin and Jesse have very active sex drives, kinda like us.”

  Leo shook his head and covered his ears. “No, no, no, no.”

  “You’re going to burn the pancakes.” Sonny tried to hide his amusement but didn’t think he was too successful.

  “I love you and hate you right now.” Leo shook his head and turned back to the pancakes. “My love for pancakes will save breakfast.”

  Sonny laughed and started heating the olive oil. “Changing the topic now because I really do love you too. February through May is especially busy at the shop with Ostara and Beltane.” Please, please ask me why.

  “Okay.” Leo shrugged. “Let me know if you have to work late, and I’ll bring you dinner. Is Miles going to start training at the shop?”

  Sonny held back a disappointed sigh. “Yeah. He’ll be training there with me starting next week.”

  Leo gave him an oblivious smile. “I’ll have to bring you both dinner.”

  Chapter 14

  By mid-morning, Sonny wished he would have kept some of the chili for himself. The shop had been busy as soon as the doors opened. Tilisha was glued to the register. Her dark eyes kept shooting him desperate looks, but he couldn’t find a second to help her.

  “You’re sure this fairy sugar milk will work?” Mrs. O’Dell asked doubtfully.

  Sonny smiled widely, wishing he could throw something. He was so tired of people already. “Yes. All you need to do is pour it into a bowl. Set an oatmeal cookie drizzled with honey next to it, then light a white candle. You know the incantation.”

  “It’s just that I haven’t seen a fairy in a long time, not since I was girl.” Mrs. O’Dell gave him a rueful look. “I don’t mean to be difficult, but it gets awful lonely now that the kids are all out of the house. I’m hoping to entice a fairy to come stay with me. Bert already made a little fairy house for one just in case.”

  Sonny’s smile felt more genuine this time. “I understand. Fairies are pretty illusive though. Usually, they’ll come and bless your home while you aren’t looking, then leave with their cookie and sugar milk.”

  “Well, I can always hope.” Mrs. O’Dell patted his arm. “You’re busy today, so I’ll leave you be.” She watched Ravenpaw for a moment. The kitten was curled on Sonny’s shoulder. “I thought your familiar was a white fluffy cat.”

  “Flufflepuff is currently with my mate,” Sonny said dryly. “Ravenpaw here is filling in for her while she’s gone.”

  Mrs. O’Dell’s eyes brightened. “Oh my! A mate? Who’s the lucky witch?”

  Sonny flushed. “He’s a bear shifter actually. Leo Rocchi.”

  The older woman’s mouth fell open. “A bear? That’s preposterous. Witches mate witches. Are you sure you’re mated? Did you do a proper Ostara scrying?”

  Sonny tapped down his anger. Myrtle won’t like it if you turn a customer’s head into a pecan pie. “We haven’t spent an Ostara together. We began dating in October.”

  Mrs. O’Dell shook her head and tsked. “Your father is one of the best hedge witches this side of town. He’ll do your Ostara scrying, won’t he? I wouldn’t go around saying you’re mated without at least doing the scrying. Then what about your Beltane binding? Shifters don’t know our traditions. Would this bear even be willing to put in all the work to get to a handfasting?”

  Myrtle bustled over with a box of potions. “Shirley, all that nonsense is just formality. You know that. Anyway, Sonny did his own scrying and doesn’t need that useless bag of beetle eggs to tell him anything. Our catbear already claimed him too. Look at his neck. Obviously, Leo likes the mark to stay fresh.”

  Sonny slapped a hand over his mating mark. “Myrtle!”

  Mrs. O’Dell gave them an uncertain smile. “I better go check out.”

  After she had left, Myrtle glared at him. “Something’s been itching you, Sonny. What’s wrong?”

  Sonny rolled his eyes and took the box of potions. “Now isn’t the time for a heart to heart.”

  Myrtle watched him in silence as he started shelving the potions. “You’re happy with Leo, aren’t you?”

  He spun around, hand holding Ravenpaw in place. “Yes! He’s literally my favorite person in the world. Even more favorite than you and Aaron.”

  Myrtle chuckled, face softening. “Now I know you love the man. What’s the problem then?”

  Sonny turned back to the shelf. “Ostara is in March.”


  “Shifters don’t do scryings, bindings, or handfastings. Once you’re claimed, you’re considered married. We filled out paperwork and everything.” Sonny smiled softly when he thought about how Leo’s grandma had already had the paperwork ready for them.

  “That doesn’t mean you can’t have a proper Ostara scrying and a Beltane binding before your handfasting.” Myrtle scowled and started helping him with the potions. “I know you’ve been planning your handfasting since you were six or seven. Hell, you made Aaron promise to do the bunny boogie at it. What’s the problem?”

  Sonny let a breath out slowly. “Leo hasn’t mentioned it. At all. I don’t think he’ll want to do a handfasting, little less all the rest of it.”

  Myrtle blinked. “He hasn’t mentioned it at all? Don’t you two talk about anything important or do the two of you just fuck?”

  Sonny winced. “We talk about stuff.”

  “Stuff.” Myrtle shook her head. “Thank the goddess I’m past the young and dumb stage of life.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means you should just tell Leo about our traditions. How else is he supposed to figure it out? Ostara’s in March, damn it. If you miss it, you’ll have to wait until next year for the scrying and binding. Then you’ll have to wait another year for the actual handfasting. The timing is important, butternut. Witches take their time for a reason, and clearly, you and Leo need that time to pull you heads out of your asses. Besides, do you really want to go two years without being fully mated to your bear?”

  Sonny shook his head. “I can’t just blurt that out. I don’t want to make Leo feel like he has to do something to keep me. You said it yourself. All those things are just formalities. I should be happy with what I have.”

  Myrtle sighed. “They’re traditions, Sonny. They aren’t necessary, but they sure are nice.”

  Sonny swallowed back his tears. “I can live without a handfasting.”

  Myrtle shook her head and walked away, muttering under her breath.

  By the afternoon, the shop had only slowed down a little bit. “The afterwork crowd will be here in a couple of hours.” Sonny texted Miles’s mother. “Tilisha do you want a break? I’ll have my apprentice meet me her
e for our lesson. I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  Tilisha’s smile was grateful. “That would be wonderful. I’ll pick you up a coffee too. Your baked goods are all already gone. Do you want me to pick anything up while I’m out?”

  “I have ingredients in the back, and Miles will help me get some things going for the late crowd.” Sonny patted her shoulder. “Go get some fresh air.”

  They both looked outside at the snow and ice.

  Tilisha arched a brow. “Yes, I’ll enjoy that.”

  Sonny pushed back his exhaustion and smiled for the next customer. Maybe I should have taken those two hours of sleep instead of getting up early this morning. Ravenpaw was already napping on the back of one of the comfortable chairs by the front windows. Smart kitten.

  An hour later, Tilisha was back from her break, and Miles was shrugging out of his winter coat.

  Sonny’s apprentice grinned, eyes bright with happiness. “Sonny, guess what?”

  Sonny smiled softly. “You’ve decided to becoming a traveling musician and are going to start practicing the harmonica?”

  Miles rolled his eyes. “No. If I became a traveling musician, I would learn how to play the banjo.”

  Sonny nodded, keeping his expression grave. “Of course. So sorry.”

  Miles smiled again. “I’m in love. Her name is Tilly, and she’s in my class.”

  Sonny gasped, hand to his chest. “When is the Ostara scrying?”

  Miles laughed. “I can’t get handfasted yet. Mom won’t let me.” A shy look crossed his face. “She’s an owl shifter.”

  Sonny steered Miles toward the back, waving at Tilisha as they passed her. “That’s neat. Owls are beautiful creatures. Does she like Cookie?”

  Miles’s familiar was currently curled up in the seat of Ravenpaw’s armchair, yawning.

  Miles nodded enthusiastically. “She does. I need your help with something.”


  “Valentine’s Day is coming up.”

  Sonny hissed. “You dare mention that horrid commercialized holiday in my presence?”

  Miles snickered. “I dare. I want to make her some spelled candy hearts.”

  Sonny groaned. “I don’t know if I can participate in anything related to that dreadful day.”

  “Please?” Miles’s eyes widened, and he gave Sonny a beseeching look. “For me?”

  “Cookie taught you that look, didn’t he?”

  “Maybe.” Miles fluttered his lashes. “Please, Sonny? You’re my only hope.”

  Sonny chuckled. “Fine. What kind of spell are we talking about here? Love spells are out.”

  Miles shuddered. “No love spells. I told you I was done with those. I just want to make her happy and maybe give her a boost for school. She’s struggling with a book report.”

  Sonny tapped his chin. “Okay. Peppermint, vanilla, and sugar. Peppermint is my favorite herb, you know.”

  Miles grinned. “I know. It’s good for boosting happiness and optimism. You use it a lot.”

  Sonny nodded, feeling an abnormal amount of pride for his apprentice. “Yes. It’s also good for focused studying and writing.”

  “Really?” Miles’s looked happy. “What about vanilla? It’s good for happiness and energy.”

  “It’s also good for your self-esteem.” Sonny nodded and started gathering ingredients. “Imbolc is next week, you know. That’s far more important than stupid Valentine’s Day. Giving your Tilly a boost of self-confidence is much better than roses or chocolates.”

  Miles nodded, eyes watching Sonny’s every move. “You’re right. Then there’s sugar. It attracts.”

  “Yes.” Sonny eyed Miles curiously. “What do you want to attract for her?”

  Miles’s face twisted in concentration as he thought. “Joy. I want to give her joy.”

  Sonny’s eyes watered. Damn, I love this kid. “You know what? Let’s make a bunch of candy hearts. We should sell them in the store, and I want to give some to Leo.”

  Miles’s eyes widened. “My idea is good?”

  “Very good.”

  Chapter 15

  Leo carried Flufflepuff tucked into his jacket and the pot of chili tucked under his arm as he walked from his truck to Rocchi’s Garage. “It’s too damn cold for you, sweetheart.”

  “Meow.” Flufflepuff curled against him, sounding pitiful. Do cats need sweaters? I need to ask Sonny. I bet Grandma would make Fluff some sweaters.

  The door to the garage had barely closed behind him when his sister Coleen ran toward him, waving a magazine over her head. “Leo, you’ve fucked up. Big time!”

  “Huh?” Leo set the pot of chili down and unzipped his jacket to let Flufflepuff hop onto the front desk. “Did I screw up the SUV from yesterday? It was running well when I gave it back to Charlie.”

  Coleen smacked him with the magazine. “No. You’ve fucked up with Sonny.”

  Leo’s eyes widened, and he froze. Sonny was his world, and the thought that he had messed something up made his gut churn. “What are you talking about?”

  “I was reading The Modern Witch.” Coleen waved the magazine in front of him. “I was such a jerk last month, so I’ve been trying to learn more about witches so I can connect with Sonny like Rosemarie and Niels do.”

  Leo smiled softly. “That’s sweet, Coleen. You know he really does like you. I just think you two don’t have a lot in common.”

  She flushed and looked away. “Yeah, I know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be good friends. Anyway, so I was reading the magazine, and there’s all this stuff about handfasting. Apparently, it’s a big deal in witch society. There’s like a whole formal process, and it involves Ostara and Beltane. That’s not that far away, and I know you haven’t even asked him yet. There’s a lot to do, and you’re dragging your ass, Leo. It’s kinda like a wedding, but all witchy, so you need to think of a venue, reception, who’s going to officiate, the wedding party, and clothes –”

  Leo shook his head. “What are you talking about? Sonny and I are mated. It’s done.”

  She gave him a disbelieving look. “He’s not a shifter, Leo. Claiming your mate works for shifter society, but witches are different.”

  Witches are different. Leo felt a little lightheaded and sat down behind the desk. “Oh, fuck. I didn’t even think about that. What do witches do for their mates? He said he did a scrying after we met to confirm I was his. Is that not all?”

  Coleen shook her head, looking panicked. “No, not even a little. They’re all about rituals and ceremonies. Hasn’t he said anything?”

  Leo felt his bottom lip tremble. “No. Do you think… Do you think he doesn’t want to be mated to me? Otherwise he would have said something, right?”

  Coleen hugged him. “As confident and sassy as Sonny appears, he’s still really self-conscious. You didn’t see his face when Mom and I told him you weren’t his mate at Winter Solstice. He was devastated, Leo. Maybe he’s afraid to bother you with all the stuff that goes with handfasting. There’s a scrying and something called a binding.”

  Flufflepuff jumped into his lap, and Leo stroked her ears and head. “Did you know about this, Fluff?”

  “Meow.” Sonny’s familiar watched him with sad eyes.

  “You should have said something.” Leo sighed. “I have to fix this.”

  Coleen let him go and opened her magazine. “Okay, so the first step in courting a witch is to show your understanding and appreciation of their family traditions and heritage.”

  “Well, I’ve fucked that up already.” Leo made a face. “I didn’t even think about what Sonny expected from a mating.”

  “Imbolc is coming up.” Coleen grabbed a notepad and started writing. “You need to show him you appreciate the tradition.”

  Leo groaned. “I laughed at him this morning when he was talking about Imbolc and some other holiday. He was cursing Valentine’s Day.”

  Coleen winced. “Nice work, little brother. Imbolc is February first, and they have al
l types of traditions that go with it. We’ll talk to Myrtle and figure out a game plan for you.” She looked up from her notepad. “What about his heritage? Witch heritage is supposed to be significant. What witch family does he descend from?”

  “His last name is Thornton?” Leo gave her a puzzled look. “Is that what you mean?”

  Coleen rolled her eyes. “No, Leo. A lot of witches can trace their bloodline back to one of the powerful council families.”

  He eyed Coleen suspiciously. “You read all that in a magazine?”

  She made a face. “No. I’ve been researching. I told you that.”

  Leo’s shoulders slumped. “I don’t know anything more than his last name and that he’s estranged from his blood family who live a few blocks from here. Myrtle and Aaron are his family.”

  She propped her hands on her hips. “Well, you need to find out before Imbolc so that you can show your respect. After that, you need to prepare for Ostara. That’s when the scrying happens. I don’t know what it’s for, but that’s when it occurs.”

  Leo straightened up and nodded. “I’ll do whatever I have to.”

  Coleen waved him away. “Go to your station. I’ll keep taking notes, and we’ll talk at lunch.”

  Leo stood and set Flufflpuff on the floor. He picked Coleen up and hugged her tightly. “You’re the best, Coleen. Thank you for helping.”

  Coleen smacked his chest. “It’s what family does. You might not want to thank me after I talk to Mom about this.”

  “Do you have to?” Leo was a little ashamed of the whine in his voice.

  Coleen arched a brow. “We’re going to need all the help we can get. I don’t think you understand the severity of the situation.”

  By the time lunch arrived, all Leo could think about was what a shitty mate he was. He had known Sonny was his for months, but he hadn’t thought to look up witch mating traditions. What kind of mate did that? A bad mate, he thought sourly. A very bad mate.

  “Come on, Leo.” His brother Burkhart thumped him on the back. “We need to figure this shitstorm of yours out.”


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