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Sonny and Leo: Holiday Omegas Volume One

Page 11

by C. W. Gray

  Leo put another pancake on Sonny’s plate. “I want to know more about your traditions and heritage, Sonny. We’re mates, and you’re important to me. I wish I would have asked you questions months ago.”

  Sonny reached out and squeezed Leo’s hand. “Thank you.” He made a face. “We can do something for Valentine’s Day if you want. I guess if you’re willing to celebrate my holidays, I can celebrate a stupid, commercialized farce of a holiday.”

  Leo grinned. “Your willingness to compromise astounds me.”

  Chapter 18

  A few hours later, Sonny sat in a coffee shop with Rosemarie. They watched a pretty, dark-skinned barista work.

  Sonny sipped his latte, then sighed. “You know she’s your mate, so why won’t you even talk to her, Rosie?”

  Rosemarie shushed him, then smiled nervously when Kate looked over at them, eyebrows raised.

  As soon as Kate looked away, Rosemarie pinched Sonny’s arm. “Shifter hearing, dumbass.”

  “Oops.” Sonny tried to sound sorry, but he had a feeling she didn’t believe him. “Answer my question.”

  A couple of weeks ago, Rosemarie had brought him a lock of Kate’s hair so he could do a scrying for her. Rosemarie’s nose didn’t work like other shifters’, so she needed confirmation that Kate was her mate. It just so happened that Kate was Rosemarie’s mate.

  Rosemarie leaned forward and whispered directly against his ear. “She has to know she’s my mate, but she hasn’t even asked me out.”

  Sonny sat back and gave her a disbelieving look. “Seriously? You’re pining away because she hasn’t asked you out yet? What are you, a Victorian maiden worried about filling your dance card? Go talk to her, Rosie.”

  Kate snorted and shot them an amused look.

  “Sonny,” Rosemarie practically hissed. “Don’t embarrass me.”

  “You’re doing that all on your own.” He sipped his coffee. “Communication is important to any relationship. You need to be clear about what you want. Maybe she’s waiting on you to ask her out.”

  Rosemarie glared at him as she stood. “Alright already. I’m going up there.”

  Sonny struggled not to laugh as she stomped toward the bar.

  Kate set the espresso she had just made down and walked from behind the counter. She met Rosemarie halfway.

  The two women started at each other a moment, Rosemarie looking constipated and Kate looking on the verge of laughter. Finally, Kate snorted, then leaned forward and kissed Rosemarie.

  Sonny quickly snapped a picture and texted it to Leo and the rest of his family. “That’s my little Rosie,” he said, sniffling. “I told you communication was… Shit. Communication is important to a mating.”

  His shoulders slumped. He wanted a handfasting and all the trappings that went with it. There was no way around that. He wanted one, and he hadn’t said anything to Leo about it. Sonny had just waited and hoped that his honey bear would read his mind. It’s time to stop passively waiting for what I want.

  Sonny stood up quickly and grabbed his shoulder bag. Flufflepuff poked her head out. “Meow.”

  “Hush,” he whispered. “No pets or companions allowed in here, Fluff.”


  “Yes, I know I said I was going to spend time with you, then stuffed you in a bag. I’m a bad witch and I’m sorry.” He gave Rosemarie and Kate one last smile, then left the coffeeshop.

  An hour later, he sat in a small, warm Italian restaurant with Aaron, his best friend. They were a little early, so both Gemma and Leo weren’t there yet.

  Sonny refreshed his lip gloss. “Rosemarie texted me. She’s on her way to Kate’s apartment now.”

  Aaron grinned and pumped his fist in the air. “Finally! What was taking them so long?”

  Sonny made a face. “Kate recognized Rosemarie as her mate right off, but Rosemarie couldn’t tell for sure. She thought Kate was her mate but wanted to make sure. They both thought the other must not want them since they didn’t jump each other as soon as they sensed they were mates. Silly shifters.”

  Aaron stuck his tongue out at Sonny. “Silly witch.”

  Sonny put his lip gloss back in his bag. “I am silly, Aaron. I want a handfasting.”

  Aaron looked confused, prominent front teeth chewing his bottom lip. “Okay? Does Leo not want one? I can’t see him denying you anything you want. That bear worships the ground you walk on.”

  Sonny groaned. “I haven’t told him. I was so happy when he claimed me because I knew it was important to shifter culture, and I’ve been trying so hard not to think about a handfasting because I know you shifters don’t do anything like that for a mating. It just doesn’t feel right not to honor my traditions, but I didn’t say anything to him.”

  Aaron snickered. “You’re a dumbass.”

  “I am.” Sonny propped his head on his chin and slid an anchovy into his bag. A fluffy white paw grabbed it. “I should have just told him about it. Now, I’m going to have to broach the topic and hope he’ll at least consider it. Witches grow up knowing how involved mating is. What if it’s too much?”

  “He’ll do it for you.” Aaron’s shoulders slumped. “I’m going to have to dance the bunny boogie, aren’t I?”

  “The bunny boogie?” Leo’s deep voice came from behind them, and they both jumped. “What’s that?”

  Sonny smiled softly when Leo helped Gemma into her seat. Aaron’s mate was about seven months pregnant and moving quite a bit slower. My gentleman bear.

  Leo unzipped his coat and slipped Ravenpaw down and into Sonny’s bag. My covert gentleman bear. Sonny’s mind wandered as he envisioned Leo as a spy. No one would suspect him.

  “Sonny?” Leo’s voice was full of amusement. “What’s the bunny boogie?”

  “Yeah.” Gemma grabbed a breadstick. “I haven’t heard of it.”

  Aaron whimpered. “It’s nothing at all.”

  Sonny gave them a dreamy look. “It all started in preschool.”

  “Please, Sonny,” Aaron begged him. “Please don’t do this.”

  Gemma looked between them, curiosity growing. “Oh, please do tell us whatever my darling mate is hiding.”

  “It was my first day of preschool, and I didn’t know anyone.” Sonny sighed dramatically. “The other kids were ignoring me, so I was upset. I wanted to go home and play with my stuffies.”

  Leo got a faraway look in his eyes. “I bet you were a cute kid.”

  “He was all big eyes and floppy brown hair,” Aaron said, smiling. He gave Sonny a fond look. “He had one of his teddy bears with him and looked so alone.”

  “After no one sat with me at snack time, I got upset and started to cry.” Sonny pressed a hand to his heart. “There I was, all alone and devastated.”

  Gemma snickered. “Oh, the drama!”

  “Then, my knight came to my rescue.” Sonny blew a kiss to Aaron. “A young rabbit shifter gave me a hug and asked me why I was crying.”

  “He wouldn’t answer.” Aaron flushed. “He just kept giving me sad looks and hugging me.”

  Sonny nodded. “I couldn’t help it. So, to dry my tears, my beloved knight showed me his secret. He shifted into his rabbit form.”

  Gemma exchanged a confused look with Leo. “That was a secret?” she asked.

  “No.” Sonny shook his head and closed his eyes, picturing that day. “He stood up on his hind feet and started dancing the bunny boogie. He raised his paws and shook them right, then left. Then he shimmied and turned. Finally, his shook his cute little butt for a solid minute. Then he did it over and over again.”

  Leo grinned, then started laughing.

  Gemma shook with her giggles. “Oh damn, Aaron. Did you really do that?”

  Aaron buried his face in his arms. “It made him stop crying. He laughed and clapped instead.”

  Tears streamed down her face as she laughed. “I have to see it. I really, really have to see it.”

  “He danced it for me every time I was sad for years,” Sonny sai
d, smiling at Aaron. “You’ll always be my bunny knight.”

  Aaron shot him a dirty look. “We finally agreed to retire the dance when we were in middle school.”

  Gemma finally composed herself. “No. I need to see it.”

  Aaron gave Leo a sly look. “I agreed to dance it at Sonny’s handfasting.”

  “Handfasting?” Gemma looked thoughtful. “Wait! I forgot. Witches do a handfasting ceremony when they mate, right?”

  Sonny drew in a sharp breath and looked at Leo.

  Leo looked panicked, and Sonny’s stomach knotted. Maybe he does know about handfasting. Maybe he just doesn’t want to do it.

  Leo shook his head and stuffed a breadstick into Gemma’s mouth. “We can’t talk about that until Ostara.”

  Sonny sat still, processing Leo’s words as Aaron quickly changed the topic. He knows! Leo knows he’s supposed to propose at Ostara.

  Sonny’s grin was slow and wide, and his eyes watered. He knew he looked like a love-sick idiot, but he didn’t care. “I love you, Leopold Rocchi.”

  Gemma and Aaron made kissy faces, but Sonny didn’t mind at all. Leo was looking back at him, eyes full of an emotion Sonny was very familiar with – love. “Love you too, Sonny Thornton.”

  Later that night, Sonny watched from the lower balcony as Leo, in shifted form, sat on his butt in the snow. The large brown bear’s front paws clutched his back paws, and he rocked back and forth as he waited for Miles to get there.

  Flufflepuff curled around Ravenpaw, keeping the kitten warm. She licked his head and settled hers on top of his.

  “Look at him,” Sonny whispered, burrowing into his warm coat. “My mate is a pancake king and a covert gentleman bear.” He takes care of me and respects me, likes my friends, worships my body, and loves me just the way I am. “I’m one lucky witch.”

  Miles reached Leo, and Sonny could see his apprentice waving his hands as he talked animatedly.

  “I want my handfasting to be in the park here. I’m thinking a large honey cake, some oatmeal cookies, as many flowers as possible, and I want a May pole.” Sonny practically shook with happiness. “I’m getting my handfasting.”

  Chapter 19

  February 1st, Imbolc

  Leo arched his hips, struggling not to come as Sonny rode his dick. His witch’s hands were braced on Leo’s chest, and their eyes were locked. Sonny’s intense gaze made him shudder.

  He flipped them and raised Sonny’s hands above his head, pinning them to the mattress. Sonny whimpered, then clenched his ass around Leo’s dick, making him groan.

  Something had changed between them a week ago. It probably wouldn’t have been noticeable if Leo hadn’t been watching his mate closely as he prepared for Imbolc and Ostara. Sonny was happier.

  Sonny chuckled warmly. “My mate.” He leaned up and nibble Leo’s bottom lip before kissing him.

  Leo slowed his movements and angled his hips, focusing on driving Sonny wild. It didn’t take long.

  “Fuck,” Sonny groaned, splattering cum between them.

  Leo bit down on Sonny’s mating mark, and his witch shuddered again. Leo came hard, filling Sonny’s ass.

  A few moments passed as their breathing slowed. Leo nuzzled Sonny’s neck and breathed in his familiar honey scent. My witch, my mate.

  Sonny hummed and snuggled against him. “It feels strange not working the morning shift at the potion shop. It’s Imbolc, so I know they’re busy.”

  Leo hid his smile. Myrtle had been all too happy to give Sonny the day off. “We have plans.”

  Sonny blinked. “Huh? It’s Wednesday. Don’t you work?”

  “Nope.” Leo kissed his forehead. “I told you we were going to celebrate together.”

  Sonny bit his lip. “I thought you might have forgotten.”

  “I’ve made plans for us today and tomorrow.” Leo groaned as he sat up. “We really should get up.”

  Sonny jumped out of bed and wiggled in place. “What are we doing today? Can’t you feel the energy in the air? I love Imbolc; it’s so refreshing! It’s about self-care, the coming of spring, welcoming the sun, honoring our ancestors, and so much more.”

  Leo nodded, smiling. “I can’t wait to share it with you. Now, to start, I thought we’d have a nice and relaxing morning. Why don’t we light some of your candles to start purifying the house? Then, I’ll run you a nice bath.”

  Sonny barely stifled his squeal. “You’ll take it with me, right?”

  Leo grinned, utterly charmed by his mate’s happiness. “I’d love to.”

  “The crone goddess sleeps and the maiden goddess awakens!” Sonny wiggled his ass, closed his eyes, and snapped his fingers. The white candles around the room were lit. “White candles for peace, self-enlightenment, purity, cleansing, rest, and joy.” He snapped his fingers again and all the black candles in the room lit up. “Black candles for protection and to banish all negativity.” One more finger snap lit the red candles. “Red candles for energy, vigor, and passion.”

  Leo shivered at the last word, his dick already starting to harden again. Damn, that’s some potent magic.

  Sonny sang out an incantation, and the words summoned a small gust of air that ran around the room, stirring the curtains and bedclothes. It swept the bedroom door open and disappeared down the hall.

  Flufflepuff purred loudly and ran around Sonny, tail in the air and a spring in her step.

  Ravenpaw looked a little scared, so Leo scooped him up. “This is new to you and me, right, little fella?”

  Sonny’s eyes popped open. “I need to bake some bread. I’ll get it started while you run our bath.” He grinned and hugged Leo and Ravenpaw. “We’re going to have so much fun today!”

  Leo grinned as he watched Sonny and Flufflepuff run out the door. “I think I love Imbolc too, Rav.”

  He went to his nightstand and dug out his cheat notes. “Okay, so we need to light some frankincense incense and pour this purifying potion of Myrtle’s in our bath.”

  Ravenpaw’s tiny meow made Leo smile. They went to the large master bathroom and started running a hot bath in the claw foot tub. He added Myrtle’s potion and lit the incense.

  Sonny ran in, Flufflepuff in his arms. “The dough is rising. I’m making Italian white bean soup and Rosemary bread. Later tonight, I think I’ll make some cinnamon bread too.”

  “Anything you want.” Leo waved toward the bath. “You ready to relax? Do we need to do something to the bread first?”

  Sonny wiggled, still naked from their earlier fun. “Nope.” He sniffed. “That’s frankincense. How did you know to burn it?”

  Leo felt his cheeks flush. “Uh, looked some stuff up and talked with Myrtle. Let’s relax, huh?”

  They climbed in, and Sonny settled his back against Leo’s chest. He sighed and sunk into the water. “This is going to be the best Imbolc ever. I can already tell.”

  Leo kissed the top of his head. “This year is going to be the best year. What are our plans, sunshine?”

  Sonny chuckled. “Are we setting our intentions, honey bear? How do you know we do that on Imbolc?”

  “Myrtle said so.” Leo leaned back. “We have the house the way we like it. What about the shop? Do you all need to expand any?”

  “We need to hire more help. Myrtle’s shop has gotten popular in the neighborhood, and Gertie’s place a few blocks away closed down when she retired so we picked up her business too.” Sonny rolled his head over Leo’s shoulder. “I think I’d like to plant more this year and expand my baked goods in the shop. You know Tilisha is a hedge witch too, right? She can help Myrtle with the potions, and I can focus on my yummy spelled goods.”

  “I think you’ll like that.”

  “What about you?” Sonny asked.

  Leo leaned his head back and stared at the white ceiling. “I want to be a good mate.”

  “You’re already the best mate.” He leaned back and gave Leo an exasperated look. “What else?”

  Leo smiled. “Since I met you,
I’ve gotten more comfortable in my skin. My weight doesn’t bother me, and I don’t think about my gut.”

  Sonny scowled. “You’re a beautiful man, Leo.”

  Leo felt a piece of himself settle. “I am. I want to keep being beautiful this year. I want to spend more time in my bear form too.”

  “Those are good intentions.”

  Leo smiled. “They are.”

  They stayed in the bath until the water got cold.

  Leo took his time drying Sonny. “Now, there should be a surprise downstairs for you, and you want to start on that soup too, right?”

  “Yeah, I’m hungry. We forgot breakfast.”

  Leo winced. “I’m sorry, sunshine. For once, food wasn’t the first thing on my mind.”

  Sonny rolled his eyes. “It’s okay, Leo. I was more interested in our bath. Now, what’s my surprise?”

  “Let’s get dressed and we’ll go see.”

  They dressed and went downstairs. Leo could hear them all before they were even halfway down.

  Sonny’s eyes lit up. “Is that Janine?”

  “It’s everyone,” Leo said dryly, unsurprised that his grandma was the one Sonny focused on.

  Gathered in the large living room were Leo’s grandparents, parents, and siblings. Aaron and Gemma cuddled on the loveseat. Myrtle fed a treat to her Toddlebug, and Miles and Cookie played with Flufflepuff and Ravenpaw in front of the fire.

  Candles were lit around the room, and the dining table and coffee table were both covered in flowers and straw. Rosemarie and Niels did well.

  “What’s everyone doing here?” Sonny asked, grinning.

  “We’re here to celebrate Imbolc with you, sweetie.” Janine pulled Sonny away from Leo and hugged him. “Myrtle and Miles have told us all about it, and it’s a wonderful holiday.”

  Sonny leaned back and looked around the room, eyes watering. “The whole family? Just for Imbolc?”

  “It’s one of your favorite holidays,” Myrtle said, shaking her head. “As many as witch society has and you love this one.”


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