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Rockstars, Babies & Happily Ever Afters

Page 17

by Quinn, Cari

  His fingers on her clit sped up in time with his pumps into her body. She moaned softly, clearly trying not to make too much noise. He could’ve come from that sound alone. Fuck, the pressure in his balls was too much. It had been weeks since he’d had her, and he was desperate to watch her go over.

  To follow as she quaked in his arms.

  “Are you still on the pill?” he asked, ceasing his ministrations just long enough for her to respond.

  “No.” She released an uneven breath. “I finally just stopped this week. I was going to tell you before we did anything, make sure you still wanted—”

  “Oh, I want. I fucking want.” Letting out a groan, he drove into her that much harder. She tossed back her hair, her nails digging into his shoulders as she gave him back just as good as she was getting. Tiny pulses fluttered around his dick, her thighs flexing as she worked him from inside. Her grip through cotton into flesh created welts he’d treasure like fucking gifts. Hell, his shoulders might even be bleeding.

  The best kind of war wounds.

  “Nicholas.” His name on an exhale of her breath was his very favorite music. He leaned up and caught her lips, kissing her as he gripped her hips and brought her up and down, shifting the angle until he ground against her just right to send her soaring. Her moan spilled onto his tongue as her pussy fisted him, dragging him with her into a pleasure so dark and deep he could do nothing but growl and hang on.

  She clung to him, panting, her damp forehead pressed to his. He couldn’t think. Could barely breathe.

  Yet one thought still sliced through the drugging satisfaction.

  “I could’ve just…” He paused, sucking oxygen into his starved lungs. “Knocked you up in Lord Lewis’s chair.”

  Weakly, she giggled and tweaked his ear. “You know it’s usually not that quick. Especially with me.”

  He cocked his head and thumbed a dangling strand of hair out of her eyes. “Wanna go for best two out of three?”

  They finally stumbled out of there a while later like a pair of teenagers after a weekend-long bender. He’d had her again in the chair, this time with her legs over the arms and him sort of kneeling between them. Then once bent over the desk for good measure, though that time he’d just used his mouth and fingers.

  A guy had to build up for that kind of sexual Olympics. He intended to ramp up his training schedule big time while they were overseas.

  He rode home with her and would have his car sent home the following day with one of Ripper’s many assistants. They’d just pulled up the drive of their home and parked beside Gray and Jazz’s car when Li gestured to the phone he’d just taken out of his pocket. “About time you look at that.”

  “You texted me? When?”

  “When you were in the bathroom of Donovan’s thoroughly debauched office.”

  “Hmm. What did you send?”

  She grabbed his hand and stilled him when he would’ve opened the message. “Look at it later, okay?” She released his hand and flicked her fingers through her hair as she studied her reflection in the pull-down mirror. “I don’t look too fucked, do I?”

  “If I say no, that means I need to pull you into this backseat and finish the job right.” He gave her a hard kiss. “Not a half-bad idea, by the way.”

  “We have perfectly good beds inside. Besides, Gray and Jazz and the kids are right inside.”

  Nick glanced at the backseat. “All the more reason to go for it now. The kids have sitters.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Hello, I have a job to do.”

  “And what is that, exactly?” When he would’ve replied, she laid a finger over his lips. “I do appreciate your zeal in impregnating me, but it can be a process. It may involve charts and timing and who knows what else. So don’t get your hopes up too high.”

  He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his already interested dick. “Hopes are high. Dick is higher. Let’s put the kids to bed and make more.”

  The joy in her eyes was worth everything. Even in the near darkness, only relieved by the motion sensor light that shone weakly over them, her excitement was a palpable thing.

  He’d give his life to make sure she always stayed exactly that way.

  Happy. Fulfilled. His.

  She flashed him a quick grin. “Did I mention incorrigible?”

  “Yes.” He leaned in and nuzzled her jaw. “By the way, tomorrow is Valentine’s day, in case you think I forgot.”

  “You didn’t?” Her surprise had her drawing back. “You did last year.”

  “I wrote it on the calendar.” He couldn’t keep the pride out of his voice.

  “Um, it’s already on the calendar. Preprinted.”

  “Like I read that little crap. I did a text alert with repeating reminders.” He scrolled to the calendar app in his phone and showed her the event he’d created. “Hope you aren’t working late tomorrow night, because we have big plans, baby.”

  She lifted a brow and glanced at his groin. “Penis reference, I’m guessing?”

  “I can do romance without sex, thank you very much.” With an exaggerated sniff that made her laugh, he climbed out of the car and shut the door.

  In no time, he was surrounded by children—not only his own two, but Gray and Jazz’s son, Dylan, and their daughter, Brianna. They finally all left, and he gave Avery his phone to play with as he always did while he tried to coax Charlie into drinking the last of her apple juice before bath time. And bedtime, because it was late and he wasn’t kidding about getting Li naked for some recreational activities of a babymaking nature.

  She was upstairs taking a quick shower, and he really wanted to join her. Really.

  “Da, cat?”

  He shifted toward Avery. “I pulled up a cat video for you already. Did you hit the wrong button again?” He took back the phone, frowning at the screen. She’d pulled up his text messages, and the one from Li from earlier was there, containing a video with a still image that looked suspiciously like Donovan’s office.

  Without thinking, he pressed play, his eyes going wide as his wife’s very memorable moans filled the air. Before he could hit the off button, Lila sailed through the air like an angel of mercy wrapped in terrycloth and seized the phone, holding it behind her back as if she expected him to leap up and demand it back.

  Which he almost did, because holy shit, he’d already sprung an erection just from hearing her moan and his hand was still covered in apple juice.

  Wrong. So much wrong.

  “Cat?” Avery repeated, making Lila’s eyes go comically round.

  If he hadn’t been in pain below the waist, he probably would’ve fell over laughing.

  “A kind of kitty for sure, sweetie.” He snorted at Li’s sound of distress as she jerked him to his feet and pulled him into the hallway.

  The second they were out of the kids’ view, he pinned her to the wall and took a long breath of her freshly shampooed hair. “You made me a sex tape. In Donovan’s office.”


  “Maybe?” He pulled back and framed her smirking face in his hands. “Tell the truth, Dragon Lady.”

  His old nickname for her pre-falling in love made her grin. “I so did. I turned off the external camera and sound feed and instead sent it to tape on my own personal drive.”

  “You devious, insanely hot woman. Won’t Donovan be suspicious?”

  She gave a dainty shrug. “I’ll just say the equipment went briefly offline due to a crucial system update. He trusts me.”

  “Trusts you not to fuck in his office?” Nick tugged on her damp hair. “Obviously, he doesn’t know you as well as he thinks.”

  “I’m a woman of many surprises.”

  “That you are. God, I fucking love you.” He kissed her hard, dragging her against him so he could feel the outline of her full breasts through the towel that barely contained them. “Marry me again. Twice.”

  She laughed and nipped his lower lip. “I love you too. Happy Valentine’
s day, Nicholas.”

  If you’d like to read more of Nick and Lila’s hijinks, or their full stories—Shattered and Fused—in our Lost in Oblivion series, please visit for more details.

  Molly, Ethan, and Luc: Workout

  A Found in Oblivion Extra

  The details of this bonus story come AFTER Raw Rhythm, Found in Oblivion #5. So, if you are not fully caught up with the Found in Oblivion series we are warning you now. SPOILERS!

  “Just one more set. You can do it.”

  “I hate you.”

  “That’s not what you said this morning.”

  “This morning, I was screaming for a whole different reason.” Molly blew out a breath to get her hair out of her face. “Sadist.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  She glanced over at the other man in her life. Ethan was on the weight bench with his arms dangling at his sides. Ridiculously huge dumbbells lay on either side of him on the floor. A huge heart-shaped wet spot stained the center of his chest and his dark hair was curling from exertion.

  “I plan on keeping both of you around for a good long time. Working out and eating healthy is only part of my plan.” Luc crossed to her and straightened her shoulders. “Again.”

  She flexed her fingers around the weird bar with the bends for her hands and slowly did curls as he’d showed her. It was better than tossing the bar at his head. It had been a mild fantasy for the last five minutes.

  Unfortunately, she had promised him she’d make time for the gym in the mornings with them. Promised under duress—well, if duress meant orgasm denial. As far as she was concerned, that was another version of sadism. But at the time she’d thought it was way worse than this.

  Now…yeah, she was definitely revising her ideas on that.

  Then again this was only one of many new things in her life. Luc had been uber protective since…well, since that night. The health kick was a new addition to his insanity. And she knew it was the way he was coping.

  Why she was standing here in his smelly gym without complaint.


  He’d even bought her an entire outfit to entice her into going. Including skintight pink yoga pants that had see-thru panels along the thighs, matching gloves to do his stupid curls, and the tightest black and pink sports bra she’d ever worn.

  Evidently, she was the eye-candy for them.

  Too bad the work-out clothes for her guys weren’t exactly sexy.

  Luc pulled off his long sleeve shirt, leaving him in a ridiculous tank thing that showed off the extreme breadth of his shoulders, chest, and lean line of his abs. Then he gathered his glorious mane of hair up into the man-bun he wore for working out.

  Her eyes widened. Okay, maybe there was some sexy. And she definitely had an unnatural attraction to the man-bun. She should hate it. Mostly hipster douches wore them, but sweet mama, he made it look good.

  A wide hand slid around her waist. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you in pants like this.” Ethan nipped her ear. “Or pants period all that often. Which I have no problem with.”

  She sucked back a laugh. “Excuse me, sir. I’m doing my reps.”

  “Terribly sorry.” Ethan pulled her flush against his sweaty front and tucked his thumbs into the front of her pants. “Carry on.”

  “And this is helpful how?”

  “I’m making sure your form is correct.”

  “Uh huh.”

  The clang of weights dragged her attention away to where Luc was doing some overhead lift thing with a pulley and handle. They both sighed as his biceps bulged thanks to an ungodly amount of weight stacked behind him.

  There was a reason he was the size he was. She’d just never been up close and personal with his workout situation. She wasn’t entirely sure her sweat was worth it, but the view was damn inspiring.

  Her eyes widened. Evidently, Ethan liked the scenery as well. She brushed her ass against him. “Is that a dumbbell behind me?”

  He drew up his hand to cup her breast, the other still at the waistband of her pants. “I beg your pardon?” He found her nipple and tugged mercilessly.

  She ground her ass against him harder. “I can’t imagine any of what’s going on in front of us would cause a problem, Professor. I mean, those are just muscles. A bit of biology is all. The way his chest arrows down to that flat stomach isn’t at all interesting.”

  Ethan growled in her ear.

  “And those biceps and triceps and other things. Totally boring. Especially that vein in his neck that’s popping out with each pull. Then again, I have some ideas about what to do to keep his arms above his head like that.”

  “Is that right?”

  “For science, of course.”

  “Of course.” Ethan nuzzled her neck. His thumb dragged her pants a little lower. He trailed his fingers over the skin he revealed. “Tell me more.”


  “That is not working out, Bluebird. And the professor is an instigator.” Luc’s face was serious, but there was something else in his eyes. Even from where she was, with machines between them, she could see the interest in his gaze. Along with the flare of his nostrils and a stirring in those oversized sweats he’d chopped off at the knee.

  Luc might have a one-track mind about keeping them safe in all ways, but he still was a man. A very sexual one who she loved to distraction. And as far as she was concerned, a little distraction was what they all needed.

  Things had been very tense and upside down since that night. Eggshells, anger, sadness, and ultimately, all the amazing that had come out of the band becoming a unit had been blown to pieces in a mere moment.

  She couldn’t fix that right now. But she could start mending her boys back together. Preferably with her in the middle.

  Or maybe Luc in the middle.

  She wasn’t picky.

  “I don’t think you finished your set.” Luc hissed out even breaths as he powered through another half dozen pulls.

  She rolled her eyes and did the curls as Luc had directed. With each matching exhale with Luc, Ethan’s stroking fingers dipped lower.

  Luc’s eyes went hooded as he followed each inch of skin that Ethan revealed. Her arms shook a little as she got to the tenth curl.

  She wasn’t sure if it was because of her underused muscles or the fact that Ethan was teasing her without any damn follow through.

  The weights snapped together behind Luc.

  “You can do more than that, Rockstar,” Ethan said behind her.

  “Which one are you talking to?” she asked.

  “Both of you.”

  “Well, you didn’t use a plural in that statement, Professor.”

  His fingers dipped lower and teased over the top of her slit. “I’ll do better if you do.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “I think she needs to do some lunges, how about you, Luc?” Ethan raised his voice to carry to Luc. “Actually, both of you could use some.”

  Luc’s jaw tightened, but he nodded.

  Ethan took the long bar away from her and came back with two dumbbells. He handed them to her, then went around behind her and held her hips as he shifted her leg forward. “Down on your knee.”

  She looked over her shoulder. “Just one? You usually like me on both.”

  He straightened her shoulders. “Focus, love.”

  She shivered. Ethan threw that word around so easily, and she certainly adored getting used to it.

  He lined up his body with hers and dipped down with her. His cock dug into her ass as he held them tightly together. She tried to keep her breathing even as they’d both shown her, but it was hard to concentrate with Ethan behind her and Luc in front of her, mirroring her moves.

  Only Luc’s legs were rippling with muscle and his cock was tenting his shorts. Her legs felt more like unruly Jell-O molds, but she concentrated on finding her rhythm.

  When Ethan had her change legs, he added a little something extra to each downward move. He slipped his fingers bel
ow the elastic and deep between her thighs. Not just his fingers, his whole hand until she was completely invaded.

  Not inside her. Well, not all his fingers. Just the middle two as the rest cupped her pussy. When she came back up, his hand returned to her belly.

  “Feel how your middle tightens with each dip?”

  “Um, no.” How was she supposed to pay attention to anything else but his damn hands?

  Ethan nipped her ear. “Watch Luc.”

  She did and she had to admit his form was rather lovely. His thighs bunched and his abs rippled and tightened. At least what she could see. “Take off your shirt. I can’t see all the good stuff.”

  Ethan laughed in her ear. “We can’t see the good stuff.”

  She shrugged. “Good point. Strip, Moreau.”

  Luc dropped his dumbbells—far larger than her own—and came up from his lunge. His chest heaved with exertion for a second, his eyes almost remote. Then he reached behind his shoulders and dragged his shirt up and off.

  Blasted man knew that it made her crazy when he did that. And today was no exception. In fact, it may have increased her level of sweat. She couldn’t really tell, since her body was overheated in too many ways.

  She knew it affected them both, because Ethan’s groan echoed hers.

  “Think you can keep up with me, Bluebird.”


  She was fairly certain she could not, but pride goeth and all that bullshit. She cracked her neck a little. “Bring it.”

  Luc lifted his hand weights and got back into formation. “Twenty. Two sets of ten to be exact.”

  “Fuck,” she whispered.

  Ethan snorted. “You sure about this?”


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