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Rockstars, Babies & Happily Ever Afters

Page 26

by Quinn, Cari

  Laurie flipped out her sword and grinned demonically. “No one says no to Wonder Woman.”

  “True enough.”

  “Where’s Sage?” I demanded.



  “She flounced. Rather dramatically. She probably left, as she couldn’t handle my obvious skill with the neighborhood kiddos. She was feeling a little left out.”

  “Left out. Is that what we’re calling it now?” Sage came down the hallway, her bright yellow feathers fluttering.

  They distracted me enough that it took me a second to look up and see her cupping an icepack to her cheek.

  I gasped and rushed forward before casting an accusing glance at Oliver. “What did he do?”

  “Me?” Oliver’s completely angelic voice fooled absolutely no one. “I feel maligned.”

  “Oliver,” Seth warned. “You better start talking.”

  “Why don’t you ask Ms. Evans what occurred?” Oliver sounded lazily superior, as if he didn’t even have to work at being better than everyone in his midst.

  In the old days, his condescending attitude might’ve rankled. Now it amused me more than anything else. Under that crusty shell, he was a stand-up guy. And since Sage appeared okay—mostly—I was back to fixating on ice cream.

  Hey, pregnancy cravings stopped for no mere flesh wound.

  Sage exhaled and lowered her ice pack. The skin along her cheekbone was puffy and pink, but I didn’t see any bruising, thank God. “It was just an accident.”

  Oliver arched a brow while I calculated exactly how much was left in that tub of Silky Chocolate Royale Seth had bought me during a middle of the night craving last week.

  “Mike came by with his niece. You know, Mr. London? He teaches over at the high school.”

  “Mike is her crush, but she keeps calling him Mr. London. Very odd, if you ask me.”

  I ignored Oliver. “Okay, and what happened?”

  “I tripped. There was a candy issue, and I flailed, and I tried to reclaim my balance by grabbing Mike,” she glared at Oliver, “but I hit my face on the doorjamb because Hamilton moved.”

  Seth reclaimed Laurie’s treat bucket from Oliver. “Hey, kiddo, what do you say if we get you changed for bed so you can watch your show?”

  “Okay.” Laurie frowned, looking between Sage and her uncle. “Stay?”

  “Not sure that’s a great idea, pumpkin.” Oliver brushed her hair away from her face. “But I’ll see you next—”

  “But it’s Halloween,” she protested, yanking on the jack o’lantern her father held. A Snickers bar fell out and I dove on that sucker like a crow on a field mouse.

  Everyone laughed, even Sage while she settled her ice pack back into place.

  “Mommy, you can have that one,” Laurie said benevolently, but I was still stuck on her calling me Mommy. It was still a rare, treasured thing, and I couldn’t breathe around the lump in my throat.

  So I nodded and hurriedly peeled open the candy to give myself something to do. “Thanks, honey.”

  “I’ll just go get her ready then. Keep the bloodshed to a minimum, please.” Seth gave his brother some serious side-eye before nudging Laurie up the stairs.

  Oliver shrugged and unrolled his sleeves, pulling them back into place. “I feel my work here is done.”

  “You’re done insulting me, you mean? After you let me hit the wall instead of saving me?”

  “You swooned into Mike’s arms. What did you expect me to do? Push the other man out of the way?”

  “I did not swoon, and yes, maybe. That might’ve been nice. At least Mike was kind enough to get me this ice pack while you stood around smirking.”

  “I don’t smirk. And he got you the ice pack and left, while I’ve been listening to you whine for the last half hour. So who’s the better man, hmm?”

  I took a bite of my Snickers, chewed, and swallowed. So glorious. “The better man in this scenario is upstairs getting his child ready for bed. You, sir, are behaving like an ass.” Oliver merely shrugged. “So did Mike if he rushed out of here after you got hurt, Sage,” I added.

  She flushed. “His niece had to go. He was being responsible.”

  “Yeah, yeah. He probably had a woman at home in his bed to get to. Speaking of,” Oliver glanced at his watch, “I’m late.” Before I could say another word, he gripped my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. “Be well. I’ll see you soon.”

  He glanced back at Sage. “Baby that cheek. Good luck inviting Mr. London to Vegas. I’m sure he’ll be overjoyed.”

  He was gone before I could say so much as “peace out.”

  Not that I would have said that, but sometimes Oliver’s overly stilted mannerisms made me want to use phrases my inner high school student would’ve been proud of. Though I didn’t have a clue how today’s kids spoke to each other.

  Lord, I was so woefully unprepared to have a little one of my own.

  “Can you believe him?” Sage adjusted the ice in her pack and slapped it back on her cheek. “He’s so condescending.”

  “You’re not actually going to invite Mike to Vegas, right?” When Sage didn’t answer, I moved forward, brandishing my candy bar like my forgotten staff. “You barely know the man. That’s a big trip to go on with a virtual stranger.”

  “We haven’t all known our soul mates since high school, Al. Some of us have to wade into the dating pool to see what kind of fish we get.” She sashayed past me, holding the ice pack above her head. “I’ll bring this back soon. Happy freaking Halloween.”

  She closed the door behind her, and I took me and my Snickers to the family room couch that would be my lover for the rest of the evening.

  I seriously did not have the energy to contend with Sage’s romantic problems. Maybe tomorrow I might. Or after I gave birth.

  Or after she gets herself into trouble in Vegas and you have to send Seth to go bail her out.

  Or worse, Oliver. Hmm, now wouldn’t that be something? Oliver being forced to be the white knight to save Sage from a horrible dating experience in the city of secrets and strippers and slot machines.

  Nah, he’d never go.

  Would he?

  When Seth came back downstairs a few minutes later sans Laurie, I was half asleep and pondering Oliver chasing after Sage. Why, I didn’t know. I’d blame indigestion from the candy bar, but apparently, three bites had been enough before I set it aside.

  “Fell asleep the minute I turned my back to get her pajamas out of the drawer.” Seth grinned and plopped down beside me on the couch. “She’s exhausted. Snoring like a puppy.”

  “Aww. We still need to get her one of those.”

  “After the baby is born,” Seth said as he always did.

  “Mmm-hmm. Until you decide you want another one, and then it’s after that one’s born too.”

  His dark eyes flared wide. “You’d be open to that?”

  “No. Go fish. One space invader per half decade, pal.”

  “We’ll see.” Chuckling, he tugged me close and spanned his hand over my belly. “I’m perfectly happy with the one we’re cooking right now.”

  “Me too.” I snuggled against him. “Poor baby, she really wanted to watch the show.”

  “I bought it on Amazon, so she can watch it whenever she likes.”

  “You’re such a good daddy.”

  “And you’re so almost asleep.” He reached for the throw tossed over the back of the couch and spread it over my legs before tugging me against his chest. “Want me to sing you a lullaby?”

  “God, no. I want to actually rest, not have nightmares.” I stroked the patch of his chest revealed by his V-neck T-shirt, enjoying the prickle of the short hairs there against my skin. “Do you think Oliver would go with Sage to Vegas? You know, just to make sure she’s safe.”

  “You did see how they were fighting tonight, right? What makes you think she’d be safer from him than the general population?”

  “He’s a decent guy under the gr
owl. He wouldn’t let her get into trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble are we talking about? Like trip over a dick trouble or something more serious?”

  I had to laugh. “She’s new to the sex stuff, and she doesn’t have a lot of experience with men. Vegas is a big, scary place for a small-town girl.”

  “But somehow you think Oliver being there will help.” Seth brushed his hand over my hair, lulling me into that fuzzy place just before sleep. “He’s more dangerous than half the guys she’d meet. Maybe two-thirds. He doesn’t do second dates.”

  “So? I didn’t say he’d have to date her. Just…watch her. Make sure she makes good choices. That’s my job, but I don’t want to miss a moment of Christmas with my guy and my little girl. Maybe I could get a temporary stand-in bestie.” I tucked my face into the crook between Seth’s neck and shoulder, savoring his familiar toasted sugar scent. “Jean at work might be willing to fill in if you really think Oliver wouldn’t take one for the team.”

  “Oh, he’d definitely take one for the team. Only problem is he wouldn’t call her afterward.”


  “Go to sleep, Al. Just trust me that Oliver going to Vegas with Sage would be the worst possible thing that could happen.”

  “The words ‘trust me’ never lead to good things,” I mumbled.

  His deep laughter chased me into sleep.

  The next time I opened my eyes, the room was dark except for the warm light from the fireplace and the glowing jack o’lantern on the side table. I rubbed my eyes and lifted my head, realizing Seth’s warm body was no longer my pillow. At some point, he’d stretched me out length-wise on the couch and covered me up. He’d probably gone up to bed or to check on Laurie.

  Then I noticed the shadowy figure tucked into the chair in the corner. He held his tablet and was reading intently, the light from the screen reflecting over his face.

  Like a creeper, I watched him for a few minutes, my skin heating and my pulse speeding up. I was so new to sex. So new to being intimate with him in this whole different way.

  God, I couldn’t look at him and not want him. My breasts grew heavier, swelling against my bra. And my panties went damp.

  “Stop staring and come over here.” He set aside his iPad.

  Damn, caught again. It wasn’t the first time either.

  Flushing, I set aside the throw and crossed the room to him. But I didn’t climb on his lap or say a word. I just kneeled in front of his legs—a little more unsteadily than I once had, due to the belly—and undid his zipper, registering his hiss of breath with a sense of triumph. He was mine, all mine. I knew how to unspool him. To make him putty in my hands.

  Or in my mouth.

  I reached in for his cock and drew him out of his boxers, beyond satisfied that he was already halfway to hard. He hissed again at the swipe of my tongue, the careful scrape of my teeth. Already, I understood what he liked, just as he did with me.

  Dipping my head, I took him inside, farther and farther until I couldn’t take anymore. My eyes watered as I hollowed my cheeks, sucking hard. He laced his hands into my hair, gently pulling me down toward his groin. I could tell he was holding himself back, not wanting to harm me even accidentally. He was so careful with me and the baby. Even when his dick was filling my mouth and his balls were like knots under my wandering fingers.

  I didn’t want to stop. Didn’t intend to. But he soon drew me to my feet in front of him and tugged on the laces of my surprisingly roomy costume, undoing the bodice and pulling down the long billowy skirt. He slid his hands up my legs, caressing my thighs, using his thumbs to tease the edges of my panties. They were plain white cotton, not the least bit sexy, but he still gazed at me as if he couldn’t wait to have me. His eyes were as dark as the night that pressed against the windows as he drew the fabric down and leaned forward to lap at me, his tongue teasing out my wetness again and again.

  From behind, his thumb traced the crack of my ass, and I let out a long sigh as he slowly inched inside. One of these days—after I’d had the baby, thank you very much—he was going to take me there too. But for now, that seductive pressure as he licked my clit was enough to nudge me toward the boundaries of my control.

  And then over it, shuddering, my hands gripping his hair for purchase. He gave me a minute to absorb the waves pulsing through me before drawing me forward so I could straddle his lap. His hands framed my belly as I settled into place, sinking onto his shaft with a long, low sigh. Every time he filled me, it was like the first time all over again. That instant of connection that spread out into all-consuming warmth.

  This was my home. He was. Forever.

  His fingers brushed my swollen belly on the way down to my clit, and I swear, I melted. Just softened around him until he groaned and nipped my tight nipple through my bra, then under it, nudging the material out of the way.

  “Ride me,” he whispered, and I couldn’t do anything else. It was as if I’d been built for this one task.

  I dug my nails into his shoulders, rising above him, throwing my head back so that my long hair brushed his legs. His thumb found my clit, and he worked it gently until I couldn’t hold back a shiver. His mouth grew frantic on my breast while his touches became rougher and more uncoordinated. I could feel him thickening with every thrust. No matter how hard I clenched around him, trying to delay the inevitable, there was no stopping it.

  He reached up with fingers wet from me and slowly caressed my lower lip. “I love you so much.”

  The words made my eyes go damp and my throat to close. Even hovering on the edge of orgasm, he could unwind me with a look or a few words.

  “Both of you.” Then he stroked my belly and I was utterly, completely lost.

  I drew back and lowered one more time, tightening around him as I gasped at the delicious pressure. He kissed me so sweetly, his lips molding to mine as I gave him everything. He groaned and followed me, his hips jerking, his breath hitching against my mouth. Filling me with all that incredible warmth.

  Nothing could compare with sharing these moments with the man I loved.

  The man I’d always loved.

  He cleaned us both up and then we cuddled together in the big chair, half dressed in case we needed to see to Laurie and half undressed because I took every opportunity to be naked in his arms. Even if that nudity was only a missing top this time. His skin against mine was more decadent than the richest chocolate, and I savored every second.

  Dropping my forehead to his, I traced his jaw with my thumb. And took the leap. “I love you too.”

  His exhale ruffled my hair. “Good. Keep waiting for you to change your mind.”

  It was so easy to smile and wrap my arms around him. “Pretty sure if it hasn’t happened in all these years, it’s not going to.”

  “Yeah, but loving someone and being in love are two different things.”

  “I’ve been in love with you since I knew what it meant.” I cupped his cheek. “You are the only man I’ve ever truly wanted.”

  He didn’t reply, but his lips trembled before he firmed them, and God, that brief show of vulnerability was worth more than a thousand declarations.

  “I’m so fucking lucky,” he murmured. “I didn’t deserve for you to wait all those years for me to get my act together, but I’m so grateful you did.”

  “Yeah, well, feel free to repay me with copious hours of oral sex for the rest of our lives.”

  His laughter made me respond in kind until another need arose. An urgent one.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “No.” I sighed and wiggled my ass on his lap, which made him groan for a whole different reason other than love and romance. “Your son is dancing on my bladder and I gotta pee.”

  He laughed and helped me to my feet. I’d pulled my top back on and taken two steps when he snagged my hand and tugged me back for a quick, hot kiss. “Happy Halloween, Ally Cat.”

  I grinned. “Happy Halloween, Seth.”

  If you mis
sed Seth and Ally’s story, please check out HAVE MY BABY part of our DIRTY DILFs series. Check our website,, for more details.

  Carly and Gio: Body Shot

  A Tapped Out Novella


  He was everything I wasn’t supposed to have.

  Tattooed and muscular, with eyes that said he wanted to fuck me. And I wanted to let him.

  No, I wanted to make him.

  Watching Giovanni Costas strut into the octagon at some random abandoned warehouse in Brooklyn didn’t deter me either. Finding out the location of tonight’s super secret fight hadn’t been easy, but I’d taken to hanging out at The Cage, the gym where Giovanni trained, and that allowed me to overhear stuff. Especially when I flirted with the right guys and wormed my way into the right conversations.

  Tonight Giovanni was fighting a guy named X. Just X. The smoke machines were pumping, the rap music was blaring, and the crowd was cheering and stomping their feet even before the two men in the ring tapped gloves as a show of respect before the match.

  Then it was on.

  I didn’t claim to understand what drove people to fight. I was the kind of girl who waged domestic wars in the kitchen. My battleground was trying to perfectly julienne vegetables or attempting to get my gravy to be the correct thickness. My life’s ambition was to prepare food for appreciative guests.

  Apparently Giovanni’s was to disfigure faces and maim bodies.

  As was his style, Giovanni struck first. He didn’t waste time in dancing around his opponent, just started in on him straightaway. I didn’t know all the technical terms for the jabs and kicks and combinations—my older sister, Mia, and her boyfriend, Fox, were the former fighters and current trainers at The Cage, not me—but even an untrained eye couldn’t miss how dangerous Giovanni seemed.


  Hot as hell.

  Normally these matches went for a couple rounds, but considering Giovanni was systematically battering X’s face, I didn’t think the other guy would last that long. The sooner he was put out of his misery, the better. For both him and me, because I was more than a little squeamish about blood.


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