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Let's Scrooge

Page 29

by R. L. Caulder

  "Hale! How do you expect us to wait until tomorrow to find out? We're going to wilt away and die from the anticipation!" Luke exclaims, falling across Leo and Zedd's laps in the back seat.

  "Seat belt on, Luke," I admonish him.

  Heavy breathing comes from the back. I look in the rearview mirror and see him covering his mouth with a hand. "Luke, I am your father."

  Zedd cackles at the Star Wars reference and high fives Tweedle Dum. "Holy cow, that was perfect."

  They’re all excitedly discussing how we should do a Star Wars marathon tonight when we pull into the driveway a few minutes later. I let them have their fun as we get out of the car before shooting their hopes down.

  With a scoff, I say, "You guys do know that Lana will fight for a Transformers marathon, right?"

  They all pause and exchange glances before collectively groaning as the realization hits them. They grab their bags from the trunk and head inside the house, grumbling. She’s always gotten her way. We’ve never been able to deny her and tonight will be no different.

  I slip my boots off as Beth pops her head around the wall from the kitchen. "Boys! You're back earlier than I’d expected."

  She eyes our bags with a twinkle in her eyes and I walk over to drop a kiss onto her forehead. "We couldn't admit to Lana that we waited until the day before Christmas to shop. She'd hang it over our heads for at least a month."

  She pats my back with a laugh. "Yes, yes, she would. Now go hide your presents before she comes down. She's in her room working on a paper right now but she’ll be down in a few minutes."

  As I head upstairs, I hear Beth scold the others for trying to eat cookies this close to dinner and smile at the familiar scene.

  The day she brought us home was the luckiest day of our lives.

  Chapter 3


  I close the lid of my MacBook Air and roll my head to each side, relishing in the cracks that follow and loosen my muscles. As I remove an earbud from my ear, the twins' voices carry through the house and my eyes flick to the alarm clock next to my bed in a panic.

  Did I lose track of time?

  When I see that it's five o'clock, I jolt from my chair. Will this affect my cookie rations? Over my dead fucking body.

  There are very few things in life that I take extremely seriously and my snacks are one of them. My snacks rank just below my family. Totally joking. Maybe.

  I fling my bedroom door open, bolt down the hallway, and bound down the stairs. My teal bunny slippers are almost the cause of my death as the bottoms have zero traction. My foot slips and I flail around for a fraction of a second, desperately trying to catch my balance before I lose the battle and fall. My ass smacks into the steps with a loud thud and I'm sent sliding down the stairs like a slip-n-slide from hell.

  A creative string of curse words falls from my lips as my ass bounces against the steps, "Fuck a duck, mother trucking son of a—SHIT FUCK!"

  With the last words, I come to the blissful end of my joy ride to the sensation of being watched. I look to the right, where the kitchen is, and find two identical sets of blue eyes staring down at me.

  "Love Muffin, you could have just asked for a ride if you didn't want to walk down the steps!" Luke playfully teases as they walk over to me.

  I'd like to ride—ugh, no, Lana. Down, girl, down.

  Leo bends to scoop me into his arms. I can't help the moan that comes from me at the feeling of being this close to him and he stiffens immediately at the sound.

  He clears his throat twice before he can find his words. With a bit of a rasp to his usually smooth voice, he asks, "You okay, buttercup?"

  I can't bear to look into his eyes with my heart beating so rapidly. My traitorous body wants to mold itself to his hard one until we can’t tell where one of us starts and the other one ends.

  Both Luke and Leo have slender but muscular physiques—swimmers’ bodies—and boy do I love how frequently they walk around with their shirts off. All of my guys, I mean, the guys, have scrumptious bodies.

  A finger pokes the left side of my head and I nuzzle into Leo's chest to get away from it, not enjoying the disturbance to my enjoyment of the current situation.

  "Earth to Love Muffin? Anyone home?" Luke inquires in his usual joking tone, but I detect a bit of concern as well.

  I guess I haven’t talked since I fell but that’s probably for the best. Who knows what I’ll blurt out if my tongue starts wagging right now?

  Inhaling Leo's smoky scent, I sigh in bliss before realizing that I probably look insane right now.

  Forcing my brain to kick into gear, I open my mouth to tell them my tailbone hurts and I need ice but instead, when I look over to Luke, my breath catches at the sight of his grin. His face is inches from mine, his lips deliciously close, before he lifts them to kiss my forehead. "Ahh, there you are. Seriously, are you okay?"

  Short-circuiting, I mutter without any forethought, "Butt. Broken."

  Silence greets the words for a few seconds before they erupt into laughter. Leo's rumbling chest jostles me and a jolt of pain shoots up my spine.

  When I hiss out a pained breath between clenched teeth, the laughter stops immediately and they leap into action. Luke runs into the kitchen as Leo marches us over to the couch in the living room. I assume he's going to set me onto the cushions but instead, he sits down with me, continuing to hold me in his embrace.

  I’m not complaining one bit.

  I sneak a glance up at him to find him peering down at me, a strand of his wavy blonde hair in front of his eye. Without second guessing it, I reach up and brush it away.

  His lips part and I can't help but fixate on them, wonder how they'd feel against my own. A warmth spreads between my legs and I clench my thighs in response. The action has another stab of pain travelling through my body and snaps me out of the moment, making me shift in his arms to get comfortable.

  Damn traitorous vagina. We’ve had this talk. They’re off-limits. Cooperate with me, would you?

  He coughs lightly before chiding me, "Stop wiggling, Lana."

  Something hard is against my ass when I still at his command.

  Is that his dick?

  Don't be ridiculous, Lana. It's probably his phone. Lots of people carry those in their pockets.

  Beth rushes over with a bag of ice, interrupting my scandalous thoughts. “Lana! Here, put this ice under you.”

  She stops in front of us and puts the ice down on the other side of the couch, motioning for Leo to set me down on it. The warmth of his body abruptly leaves me and my ass makes contact with the bag of ice as I’m lowered onto the cushion.

  I want to whimper but I bite my tongue. Though the harsh bite of the ice is disconcerting, Leo’s sudden distance feels worse.

  Luke walks up next to his twin and holds a cookie out to me. “Do you want one of the cookies from my portion?”

  Giving him my best puppy dog eyes, I hold my hand out to accept it while on the inside giggling like a maniac.

  Beth chuckles softly, shaking her head. “You’ve got us all wrapped around your finger, Lana.”

  I grin sheepishly at her before biting into the cookie. As I inhale the treat, she asks the twins to get the rest of the boys down to help with dinner.

  Leo offers to grab them and runs off as Luke raises my feet up, sits down where my legs had just been, and places my feet back on top of him gently. He grabs the TV remote and clicks it on before quickly navigating to a Christmas romcom on the Hallmark channel.

  I fake barf at the selection but smile immediately as Beth squeals from the kitchen. “Oh, my favorite! I just love when they fall in love and she becomes the queen of the kingdom. It’s so magical.”

  As the opening credits play, Luke begins to rub my feet and I practically orgasm on the spot. I swear there are nerves in my foot that connect directly to my clit. It’s the only explanation. Or maybe it’s the guys?

  I drop my head back and close my eyes, envisioning myself as the queen of
a kingdom and a small laugh bubbles out of me at the idea.

  What a disaster that would be.

  Chapter 4


  I’m sitting at my computer chair when a body sidles up to me from behind, heat emanating from its presence.

  A sultry voice whispers in my ear, causing goosebumps to erupt along my skin at the soft caress of her breath. "Zedd, have you been naughty or nice this year?"

  "Lana, you know I'm always good. I’m always good for you. There’s no other girl for me. You're it."

  She nips at the curve of my ear before licking the same spot as she runs her hands down my bare chest. Her fingers trail down my pecs and over my abdomen, straying dangerously close to my jeans.

  "Yes. And for that, you'll be getting a very special present."

  Her hands leave my body. The click of her shoes is the only sound I hear as she stalks around to stand in front of me. My mouth drops at the sight. She's in a three-piece, white, lacy lingerie set. The contrast of her lightly tanned skin makes it seem like she’s glowing as her copper locks fall in loose waves, framing her face.

  Her teal eyes are simmering with unveiled lust and I almost cum on the spot.

  She has a Santa hat on and four-inch stilettos to complete the look. Her long legs, narrow waist, and perfect curse would tempt a saint and I’m far from it.

  An angel on Earth.

  Once I’ve taken my fill of the tempting sight, she comes even closer, her hips swaying with the movement, and drops to her knees, glancing up at me from beneath her thick eyelashes, a devious smirk on her plush, red-painted lips.

  "Have you ever had your cock sucked, baby?"

  My brain short circuits. All I can do is shake my head.

  She hums in appreciation as she wraps her hands around my ankles and squeezes. My vision blackens for a breath before she releases the grip and her fingers inch upwards to my calves, my knees, my upper thighs before finally, finally, finding the zipper of my jeans. She frees my thick cock from the confines of my clothes and on instinct, I stand to get the material off entirely. I stay standing and grab a fistful of her hair in my right hand, tilting her head up to me.

  A wicked grin greets me before she slowly runs her tongue along her top lip. "Let me taste you."

  Her mouth drops open as I guide her to my throbbing erection. She snakes her hand up to fist me and closes her velvet mouth around my tip. As she works her hand up and down my shaft, she swirls her tongue around me and sucks.

  I swear she sucks the soul from my body.

  The sensitivity of my tip and her assault on it drives me wild so I shove my hips forward, sheathing my full length in her mouth and throat. Her tongue licks the underside of my cock while she grabs my balls lightly in her hand, caressing them gently.

  She begins to bob her head back and forth in earnest as she plays my dick like an instrument she's deeply in tune with.

  She owns me and my cock and she knows it. The fire in her eyes is burning, brimming with lust and possession.

  "Fuck, Lana. I'm almost there."

  As I groan in ecstasy at the sensation, she slips a finger to the tight ring of muscle in my ass, swirling her finger along the outside of it, teasing the sensations there, drawing desperate pleas from me.

  "Baby, please make me cum."

  A loud banging jolts me from my sleep as I shoot up in bed, eyes wide and heart beating frantically.

  Holy shit. Ho-o-oly fuck.

  My dreams of Lana have slowly been getting more X-rated and I’m perpetually turned on now. No amount of porn in the world can satisfy me, though I’ve never tested to see if it could; I refuse to seek release any other way. No one else has ever captivated me the way she does and the intensity of my desire for her is yet to wane. I’ve been fighting this feeling for quite some time.

  But isn’t that so wrong? We grew up together.

  Leo's voice sounds from the other side of my door, followed by another series of deafening knocks. "Zedd, come on, dude. Beth wants you downstairs to help finish cooking dinner."

  With a heavy sigh, I run my hands down my face to rub away the cobwebs of that dream from my mind. Throwing on a pair of grey basketball shorts and a black t-shirt, I adjust my still erect cock into the waistband of my briefs.

  As I head downstairs, I hear an abundance of laughter and smile at the sound. In the living room, Lana’s on the couch with her bunny slippers on Luke's lap as they chat quietly. Beth and the rest of the guys are in the kitchen, each working on something for dinner.

  "Ah, there you are, dear. Can you pull the ham out of the oven and begin carving it? We're finishing up the side dishes now."

  I drop a kiss on Beth’s head. It's a habit that we all share with how short she is—and we do it even more frequently, relishing in how she preens from the small display of affection. "Absolutely."

  We make quick work of preparing dinner and we’re almost done when Luke joins us to set the table up.

  "You okay over there, honey?" Beth calls out to Lana.

  Wait. What's wrong with her?

  "I'm broken. Trade my body in for a new model with better parts," she calls back, making us all laugh.

  "You're only twenty years old, Lana. Let's hope you have many years to go until you need any parts replaced. Do you think you'll be able to sit in the dining room for dinner?"

  I bring the glass tray, loaded with the carved ham, over to the table as they continue their back-and-forth. I gather that she hurt herself somehow but since it doesn’t sound very serious, I don’t hover over her.

  Dodging the various Christmas decorations, I slide the tray to the center of the table.

  Lana calls out to me, "Zedd, can you give me a hand to the table?"

  All I can think about is my dream as I make my way over to her, my cock twitching in my shorts.

  She pushes herself to a sitting position with a slight grimace and pulls a bag of ice from under her ass. I give her a questioning look as I help her stand up and place an arm around her waist.

  She leans into me for support as we make our way to the table. "The stairs and I had a disagreement. It's okay; I totally won."

  My eyebrows furrow. "Are you so sure about that?"

  She giggles as she beams up at me. "I'm getting all the love now, so I'd call that a win."

  You've always had my love.

  Chapter 5


  As Beth and I load our plates with the many offerings on the table, the guys watch greedily but hold fire, letting us claim what we want before going wild. Once we’re done, they make quick work of the food, going for seconds and thirds in quick succession.

  While we all eat, Beth chats about the toy drive that DCF has been working on for the past month and how excited she is to drop the gifts off to their respective homes tomorrow.

  Per tradition, we’ve always started our Christmas mornings early with a breakfast buffet, followed by opening presents. After that, Beth heads out while we all fall into food comas and take a quick nap. Once she’s home, she wakes up all up before resting herself. Half the gang then prepares hot chocolate, while the other half sets up the boardgames and the TV for the movies.

  Once the plates are clear, Luke and Leo announce that they'll take care of the dishes and shoo us away to get comfy in the living room. It’s extremely suspicious and by the looks on the others' faces, they share my concerns.

  "What're you guys up to?" I question the duo.

  Angelic smiles spread across their handsome faces, making me half-swoon on the spot as they chirp back, "We just want to take care of our family. Go relax."

  Beth smiles gratefully at them, hopelessly naïve. "I think I'm going to go soak in the tub. These old bones hurt a bit from the cold weather. Thank you, boys."

  “I should go work on the homework that’s due when we get back from winter break,” Zedd, ever the diligent student, announces.

  Beth and Zedd head to their rooms, leaving Ash, Hale, and I to look at the twins with eyes n
arrowed in suspicion. They’re the resident pranksters and my Spidey senses are tingling.

  They make a motion over their hearts in unison, creepily in sync. "Cross my heart, hope to die—"

  "Stick a penis in my eye," I finish for them with a fit of laughter.

  I said that a few years back and it’s stuck ever since. It’s much better hearing the guys say it as it always brings to mind the image of a penis stabbing them in the eye.

  Hale shrugs and scrapes his chair back against the wood floor before heading to the couch.

  Ash glances my way, his emerald eyes piercing me. "Need a ride to the couch?"

  When he winks, my heart flutters. I swear if they keep asking me if I want to ride anything, I'm going to combust into a pile of need.

  Reluctantly, I decline the tantalizing offer. "I should probably try to walk it off since the pain has lessened a bit. But could you grab me a new bag of ice?"

  Maybe the ice will make my vagina chill out. She’s being a hussy.

  He nods and goes off to do my bidding as I slowly get up and amble over to the couch.

  Once I’m there, Hale pats the spot next to him on the couch. "Come here, Little One."

  "You know I'm not little anymore, right?" I can't help but tease, though I love the nickname.

  His face turns serious, shocking the hell out of me. "You'll always be my Little One. No matter what."

  Well, shit.

  The passion in his words robs me of any attempt at a witty comeback so I gingerly sit next to him. Apparently, that’s not good enough for him because his hand shoots out and pulls my head down and onto the pillow on his lap, careful of my broken body.

  Ash appears moments later with a bag of ice and tucks it between my ass and the couch cushion, his fingers trailing lightly over my hip as he pulls his hand away. He takes a seat on the other end of the couch while I reposition the bag to my tailbone, feeling like my skin is on fire from his touch.


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