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Henry and Sophie

Page 14

by Grant Eagar

  Henry went out and took Michelle and led her to some material and asked her to pick out the pattern she liked then he walked back to the line of half a dozen girls and said, “Pardon me ladies, but my friend Geoffrey has a dinner engagement with a young lady tomorrow and he's scared to death of girls. I wonder if a few of you could go speak with him to give him a bit of confidence.”

  Michelle said with a twinkle in her eye, “If truth be told he's never even been kissed by a girl. I feel lovely ladies such as yourselves would work wonders for his confidence. I’m sure some kissing is in order.”

  Henry pushed Michelle back towards the fabric. “You little trouble maker, you’re not helping matters.”

  A red headed girl winked at Henry, “Don't worry I know what he needs; after we're done with him he'll be right as pudding.”

  “Please be patient with him, he’s not had much associations with women before.”

  Several girls sniggered, “We'll be more than patient; we'll fix what's ailing him,” said a blonde haired girl. The two girls left the group and went behind the partition with Sophie.

  Henry turned his attention back to the girl at hand. Michelle whispered, “What is this all about? You never make me squeal like that.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist some tickling. Now since you asked for it.” He then tickled her until she shrieked. “And regarding the girls I sent behind the partition, I thought some practice was in order. What do you think of my idea?”

  She stopped giggling and put on a straight face. “Very wise, but what will she do if the girls want to kiss her?”

  Henry raised his eyebrows and pulled out some new material and placed it against her skin. “I think this would look lovely on you.” He then glanced at the partition and there seemed to be a bit of a ruckus behind it. “Actually, I thought if I sent several girls they'd be a bit” there was a little scream, and the sound of some giggling, “Inhibited. I'm sure she can manage affairs.”

  Later Sophie approached Henry with a pained expression. He was busy tightening a girl’s corset. “Suck it up a bit and arch your back and I'll make it tighter.” She sucked in her breath and he tightened the corset. “That is much better.”

  After the girl had left Sophie asked, “What possessed you to tell them I'd never been kissed? They felt it was their duty to perform some community service by mauling me. How is that going to help me feel comfortable with a woman that I’ve never met? She isn’t going to expect kissing on our first meeting.”

  “That was Michelle’s idea. I'm sorry; obviously I didn’t give the situation the proper thought and consideration. I just felt a bit of practice would be in order.”

  She let out an irritated grunt. “Some help you are, it’s just a ball for one night, so I doubt there’ll be kissing. Don’t you have any control over these girls? I will be sure to give Michelle her just deserts, the little scalawag.”

  He then glanced at the girls who had returned to the bench. One of them smiled at Sophie and waved. The girl had smudged her lipstick. Henry turned to Sophie and noticed lipstick on her mouth, on her cheek and on her neck. “Sophie, it appears you’re irresistible. You should do quite well with the wooing thing.” He then handed her a handkerchief to wipe away the lipstick.

  Sophie wiped the lipstick off and handed the handkerchief back to Henry. She narrowed her eyes at him then glanced at the girls sitting on the bench and offered a forced smile and a wave. “I feel like I've been beset upon by a pack of overzealous puppies.”

  Later when Henry left for home Sophie accompanied him. After they had walked for a ways Sophie regarded him thoughtfully. “Honestly, I don't think I'm cut out for this woman in a man's clothing thing.” She then rubbed some lipstick off her cheek which she had missed. “I noticed Henry that the ladies are quite interested in you. Would you consider working with me on this project?”

  Henry glanced back at the shop and said, “I thought you did quite well back there. You have that certain vulnerable charm which makes girls melt.”

  “Well if that was my natural inclination, but the kissing felt icky and awkward to me.”

  Henry walked for a ways deep in thought, “I would think they would have men who work for the service which could do a much better job than I can and there is also our friendship to consider and how this would affect it.”

  “We’re just friends, not lovers. If you don't want to help out, I guess I can soldier on and do it myself.”

  “Well is the lady in question tolerable looking?”

  “Why do you ask? This is just a job, I'm not asking you to marry her. She is tolerable enough. She is actually quite lovely.”

  “So when are you going to tell me what the point of this exercise is?”

  She glanced at him and they walked for a ways, finally she said, “No, I'm sorry I can't tell you. I want to minimize your involvement in this mess. Will you be willing to do it anyway?”

  “I trust you, just tell me what you want and I'll take it from there.”


  The Ball

  Sophie’s carriage dropped her and Henry off at the Toulouse Castle. Henry and Sophie stood in line waiting an introduction. Henry whispered to Sophie, “So who are we pretending to be?”

  Her eyebrows rose, “You are Henry, a tailor and an inventor. I am Sophie Thomas, daughter of Sir Thomas.”

  “I know I'm Henry the inventor? I thought my new name would be something interesting like Clive the Knife, Granger the Gangster or Melvin the Menace?”

  She laughed and poked him in the side. “Do you see anyone dressed up for a costume ball, though you are a menace for sure? To be honest I felt it would be safest to come as ourselves. The people whom we’re dealing with have access to quite a bit of public information. They can smell a rat soon enough; also I’ve ascertained you don’t have the ability to lie gracefully so everything I’ll tell you this evening will be truthful ... well mostly truthful.”

  Henry scowled. “What fun is in that? You underestimate me; I always felt I could stretch the facts as well as the next fellow.”

  She grinned. “So I’ll test you. I’ll ask you a question and you have to answer with a complete sentence, no yes or no answers.”

  “I'm game for this so go ahead and ask away. I'll show you what a calm head I have.” He then raised an eyebrow and gave her his most cold calculating look.

  She gave him a mischievous smile. “So Henry, at your shop how often do you glance into the changing booth as you walk by to see if the girls are changing?”

  He reddened. “This question assumes I’m guilty, it’s beneath you. The affairs of me and my customers are of a personal, professional nature.” She continued to stare at him without saying a word. He continued, “I-I have never-” Her eyes brightened in triumph and he continued, “m-made a point to spy on a lady who is dressing, but in a tailor shop inadvertent viewing occasionally happens.”

  “Liar! Liar! Liar! I watched you while that busty Susan dressed and you walked past the partition seven times in the space of ten minutes.”

  “I told the truth, I said on purpose. Those trips for pins, cloth, scissors and thread were to restock my desk. It was all subliminal efforts. I am a male after all, part of me did things I was ... unaware of. Anyway walking past a bare chested beauty is hard to resist.”

  She considered him. “I'm impressed by your candor. So I’ll ask you another question. How many times have you seen me naked?”

  “You're right, I’m a terrible liar. So where do we go from here. Just tell me what you want me to do next?”

  She pinched him. “You coward, so you have seen me naked. And when was this?”

  “We’ve already concluded I’m a terrible liar. There is no need to ask any more questions.”

  She punched him in the shoulder. “I’ll quiz you on this later and you’d better be forthcoming, but in the mean time we have important matters at hand.” She gestured at a blond woman in her early thirties wearing a black gown. “That is L
ady Toulouse; she’s the widow of the former Count Toulouse.”

  Henry said, “Even though she is wearing black, she doesn’t appear to be in mourning. Wasn’t he assassinated?”

  “That’s all I’m going to tell you about her right now. I don't want to prejudice you against her. I want you to act natural. You'll need to dance with her tonight; your job is simply to get familiar with her. Is that simple enough? I suggest first attempting to dance with another lady in her party. I know the nature of your charms; she'll be drawn to you.”

  “And you? What will you be doing?”

  “Dancing of course, this is not the only game at play tonight.”

  It was finally their turn and they entered the great hall and handed their cards of introduction to Lady Toulouse. Sophie curtsied and said, “Your castle is fabulous, thank you for the invitation.”

  Lady Toulouse smiled at her and said, “It’s a pleasure to have you join us, having Sir Thomas’s daughter here with us is an honor.” She gestured at Henry and asked, “And who may this young man be?”

  Henry took her offered hand and kissed it. “Henry David at your service; I’m the Grandson of Colonel Scott. I’m here to provide Miss Thomas some company. Thank you for having me. If your dance card is not too full please reserve a dance for me this evening, thank you.”

  Lady Toulouse winked at Henry and said, “Perhaps I can find time for you, we’ll see. I’m never too busy to enjoy the company of a handsome young man.”

  Henry and Sophie entered the hall and began dancing a waltz. Sophie said, “We'll separate and spend the majority of the evening apart. You'll occasionally come and speak with me when I’m not with a gentleman and I'll give you additional instructions at that time.”

  After the dance was over they parted, she approached some old friends and he made his way to the punchbowl. A large crystal swan full of some unknown brew. He drank a cup full and realized the high alcohol level and felt he needed to keep his wits about him. He concentrated on the cake. He glanced at Sophie who danced with a middle aged gentleman.

  She winked at him and gestured towards lady Toulouse. He offered a wan smile. She then looked away.

  Henry joined several gentlemen who smoked cigars by an open window. He knew several of them, they being customers of his. One of them clapped his hand on Henry’s shoulder and asked him, “Are you that feller who created a magic box to duplicate young ladies. I think it’s a brilliant invention. I’d like to have one of my own.”

  Henry raised an eyebrow. “Do you want the machine or a copy of the young lady who came out of the machine?” This was accompanied by widespread laughter.

  “Both!” retorted the man.

  “Wasn’t that just a trick?” Asked another man holding a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other.

  They all looked at Henry expectantly for an answer. “Sir that was a variety show, what do you expect? You don’t suppose I’d share my secrets do you?”

  Just then Sophie danced by and narrowed her eyes and gestured towards the countess with her head again. “Gentlemen my courage has been peaked, wish me luck with the female beasties.”

  There was laughter, a pat on the back and a “That’s the spirit lad.”

  Henry walked over to the countess's party and approached a sandy haired girl in a cream-colored lace dress. He bowed and said, “Henry David at your service; would you care to join me for the next dance?”

  She sneered at him. “I know who you are, a tailor and inventor whose inventions are a bit of a farce. I’m sorry but a mere tailor would not entice me to dance. I’m here for gentlemen and officers if you must know; you’ll have no luck with me. So move along tailor boy.”

  He suspected she was rather full of herself. He glanced at Sophie and she shrugged. “Tailor boy, that’s a good one. If your intent is to insult me I must warn you that you’ll be highly embarrassed, I cry like a baby.”

  “I can vouch for that,” said a familiar voice. Henry turned and there stood Angelica. “Come along and dance with me.” She then turned to the girl. Pardon me if I take him from you. Trust me he is much more trouble than you can handle.” She took his hand and dragged him into the dance.

  The red headed girl looked at them with surprise and some irritation. “Don’t take him away; I wasn’t done putting him in his place.”

  “His place is with me and not with you; which is my pleasure, you’ll have to wait for another,” said Angelica. She led Henry to the center of the dance floor and they danced.

  After they had danced a bit Angelica said, “So Henry, you’re on the outs with Sophie? How melodramatic. If I didn't know better I'd think you two were up to something.”

  He glanced at her earnest face. “It's tough when someone knows you so well. It’s hard to get away with anything. Sophie mentioned I’m a bad liar so I'll attempt to stay with the truth. You’re correct; we’re in fact up to something if you must know, so what of it?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “You admit you’re up to something? Pray tell what it is, it sounds interesting.”

  “I'm sorry I can't divulge that information, since I'm not certain what we’re up to myself... yet. I'm just playing along.”

  “Now I know you’re lying. You would never admit to something like that.”

  He thought of something which would not be lying. “I thought I was on the outs with you as well, so why would you want to dance with me?”

  She gave him a mischievous smile. “Why would I dance with you? My curiosity was peaked and I continue to regard you as a friend. Do you regard me as one as well?”

  Henry who had been glancing about focused again on her. “Angelica, I must ask why are you wasting your time on me? You’re gorgeous. Many wealthy, handsome men pursue you, but you have a place in your heart for me?”

  She smirked. “Henry, I think the booze is getting to you. You’re a full of yourself tonight. You're not all that. I can just be friends.” After a while she added. “You intrigue me though; papa has a long line of men for me to marry, but part of me wants to rebel against what is expected of me. In some ways you are extremely safe and in other ways you are rather dangerous.”

  They danced near the countess who was dancing with a distinguished gentleman. Henry inadvertently on purpose bumped into her. “Excuse me,” he said. The countess gave him a severe look and the other two danced away without a word.

  “You are making friends right and left,” said Angelica. “Do you realize who that lady was?”

  “I’ve never had the pleasure of speaking with her in depth, just a greeting at the door, but I'm sure you’ll enlighten me.”

  “She’s the widow Countess of Toulouse. They say she is loyal to Count Von Frederick. You’re fortunate she doesn't have you horse whipped on the spot.”

  “Thank you for the heads up. You’re right; I feel the alcohol is getting to me. My judgment is unusually poor tonight.”

  “Well, avoid knocking unsuspecting people over and I think you'll be alright. I'll warn you if we approach any unwary victims.”

  The dance ended and she turned to go. Henry kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her hand. “Good bye Angelica.”

  She gave him an alarmed look. “So this is the end? Why say it with such finality?”

  He nodded. “I've caused you enough pain, you deserve a bit of happiness.” He then turned and walked away. He approached Sophie who waved a hand at him. “Why don't you go dance with the countess or someone? I'm having plenty of fun without you.”

  He noticed she was more than acting, she was nettled. The dancing with Angelica had annoyed her. “I'm sorry.”

  “Just move along and leave me alone.”

  He walked back to the countess's group and was going to ask a different girl to dance when the countess approached him. “Young man, where did you learn how to dance like that? You’re a disaster out there, you nearly knocked us over.”

  Henry bowed. “I deeply apologize for my reckless dancing and am quite willing to recei
ve a proper lesson in dancing if you’re willing to offer one.”

  She smirked and said, “I may offer a lesson you’ll never forget.” He took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. After they had danced for a ways she asked, “So what do you want?”

  He looked at her in surprise. “Why do you think I want something?”

  “I'm a countess, everyone wants something from me.”

  He spun her several times then said, “I just wanted to dance with you and get to know you. You’re intriguing, if you didn't notice half the men in the hall are looking at you. Patience my dear and let’s do our love making slow and gentle, there is no need to rush this.” He then pulled her close.

  She blushed then raised her hand to slap him, as if it was a habit, but instead she ran her hand through his hair then felt his cheek.

  “Pardon my impudence, miss.”

  “Miss? I’m the widow of a count, I'm hardly a miss.”

  “Mistress then, I felt you were much too young to be referred to as madam. That term didn't seem to suit you.”

  She pulled him close. “I appreciate that, but you don’t need to be kind; though I probably would never have forgiven a ‘Madam.” She then nibbled on his neck.

  He glanced at Sophie who wrinkled her nose and gave him an encouraging smile. She made the motion of rubbing the countess’s back then danced away.

  Henry did as Sophie suggested and gently ran his hand down the countess's bare back. He could sense the countess responding to him. He knew he was far out of his neighborhood. A countess? He was a little confused. Sophie was encouraging him to be intimate with this woman while Angelica annoyed her. As things heated up he spun her around several times to clear his head.

  “So you’re the inventor who duplicated the girl at the theatre? How marvelous.”

  He smiled and said, “Yes, after a manner of speaking.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “After what manner of speaking? Could you make a duplicate of me?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I would love to have one of you for myself. I think you would make life quite interesting, but alas you have no soul; the machine requires a person with a soul to be duplicated. I heard you’re loyal to Count Von Friedrich. Is that not true?”


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