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The Storm

Page 4

by R. J. Prescott

  “I did bring him. We spent the day together and it was fucking great.”

  I stopped what I was doing and looked around to share confused looks with the other guys. The day might have been a little fuzzy, since I’d knocked back the pints after Marie’s rejection, but I was pretty sure I hadn’t been introduced to anyone.

  “I wasn’t drinking much that night, and I know full well that you spent the whole day with all of us, so what gives?”

  “Bunch of nosy little bitches, aren’t you?” Liam said. “You know I’m gay now. Can’t you just leave it at that?”

  “Um, no,” Tommy said. “If you’re giving some fucker the hot beef injection, we wanna know who it is.”

  Liam was one of the most placid, even-tempered people I’d ever met, but on the feckin’ rare occasion that he lost his shit, you needed to stand well back. He’d been doing sit ups and chucking a medicine ball back and forth with Tommy. When Tommy opened his big, fat trap, Liam gave a low growl and chucked the ball so hard that Tommy grunted and stumbled as he caught it.

  “I don’t give a shit how many meaningless one-night stands you have. Some of us ain’t cut from the same cloth. You’re talking about someone that I care about, so how about showing some fuckin’ respect,” Liam said.

  Sensing danger, Con jumped into the fray and stood between them both. “He didn’t mean anything by it, mate. You know he runs his mouth without thinking. He gives me shit all the time, but you know how he feels about Em.”

  “Don’t be so fuckin’ sensitive, mate. If I was only dippin’ my wick in one girl, you’d want to know who it was too,” Tommy replied. Con sighed, knowing that Tommy wasn’t helping the situation.

  “I don’t see it’s any of your fuckin’ business who I’m seeing. We’ll tell people in our own time, so why you gotta push?” Liam said, still looking like he was ready to throw down with someone.

  “Jesus, mate, at this rate, we’re all gonna be retired before you come all the way out that closest. Stop being a whiny little bitch and tell us already,” Tommy said.

  At that, I jumped into the fray with Con, ’cause Tommy really didn’t have any sense of self-preservation. He was a stone’s throw away from getting his arse beat, and at this point, I was on the fence about whether to protect him or point and laugh.

  “It’s me. Liam and I are together,” said a voice from behind us, quietly but firmly. We all turned to see who had spoken.

  “Holy. Fucking. Shit,” Tommy said, finally.

  Chapter Four


  I woke suddenly and sat bolt upright in bed, still breathing hard. Sleep was a cruel kind of torture. The beautiful blond-haired child of my dream with eyes of chocolate brown was the spitting image of Kieran. His cheeky grin, the exact replica of his father’s, broke my heart.

  “Bye, Ma,” he’d said, waving as he ran to catch up with his dad.

  When I woke, my eyes were wet with the knowledge that the adorable boy would never be mine.

  Chapter Five


  There was nothing to say after that. We all just kind of stood there, slack jawed, and stared.

  “Well, I didn’t see that one coming,” I said.

  “You didn’t need to say anything. I would have kept you secret,” Liam said, his eyes wet with unshed tears.

  “Yes, I did,” Albie said. “I’m not ashamed of who I am, or who you are. We do this, we do this together.”

  If I had a million guesses as to who Liam’s new boyfriend could be, Albie, the six-foot-three-inch, rugby playing genius would not be one of them.

  “Fair play, my friend. You’ve shocked the shit out of all of us, but coming out like that takes some big, brass balls. I can’t begin to imagine the shitstorm that you’re both gonna have to endure, and I can’t speak for all the lads, but, mate, I’ve got your fuckin’ back,” I said to Albie, offering him my hand. He swallowed hard before shaking it firmly.

  “Thanks, Kieran. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that,” he replied. He looked so relieved, I pulled him in for a hug and a back slap. All the lads followed my lead, crowding around Albie to shoot the shit and offer their support. A few of them teased him, but you couldn’t come out to a bunch of rowdy Irish boxers without expecting some ribbing. There was no doubt at all though that, here at least, Albie and Liam would be accepted without judgement. While Albie was holding court, Liam slipped off to the changing room, so I followed. He stood, head leant back against his locker and eyes closed.

  “You okay, my friend?” I asked him.

  “You know, Kier, I’m really fucking not,” he replied. “For months I’ve been worrying over this shit, scared that you lot wouldn’t want me training here, or that you’d start getting weird around me, or that you’d find out about Albie and scare him off. I was fucking prepared for everything, except what just happened. I didn’t dare to imagine that we’d be accepted or that he’d stand up for me like that. And now that I’ve gone through it, I’m twice as scared to tell my family, because I know for certain they won’t react the same way. They’ll be fucking devastated. Not one of ’em will see what a great guy I’m with.” Walking dejectedly, he sat down on the bench and picked at his wraps.

  Sitting down next to him, I gave the best advice I could. “That burden ain’t yours to carry, my friend. The best I figure it, you get one life. Worrying and wondering about ‘what if’ just wastes what precious little time we have on this rock. Live every day like it’s your last. Love the people you can’t help but love, and don’t apologise for it. Stop thinking about everything you could lose, and start thinking of everything you could gain. Let yourself be happy, and what happens, happens. You can’t control how your family will react, any more than you can help how you feel, mate.”

  “When did you get so fuckin’ wise?” he said with a chuckle.

  “Who the fuck knows,” I replied. “But do me a favour and don’t go tellin’ people. Next thing you know, they’ll be thinking I’m all mature and shit, and I can’t handle that sort of responsibility.”

  He discreetly wiped his eye with his palm while still chuckling. “Thank, Kier,” he said, and I could tell he meant it.

  “Anytime. Now, let’s go and rescue your man before Tommy scares him away.”

  We walked back into the gym to see a slightly red-cheeked Albie chatting with Con and Earnshaw. Tommy stood with them, frowning as though he was confused.

  “What you thinking so hard about, Tom?” I asked.

  “I’m tryin’ to figure out how it works?” he replied.

  “How what works?” I said, confused.

  “You know,” he answered, gesturing with his hands. Knowing that he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, I interpreted that to be stupid sign language for sex.

  “You want me to explain the mechanics of gay sex,” I said, choking back a laugh.

  “Nah,” he replied. “I figured out that they’re dancing the chocolate cha-cha. It’s just that… fuck, look at the size of ’em both. When their cocks clash, it must be like a fight scene from Highlander.” Liam, along with the rest of us, exploded with laughter. The man who barely cracked a smile caught Albie’s eye and looked happier than I’d ever seen him.

  “What are you fecker’s laughin’ at?” Danny asked, his customary cigarette hanging from his lips.

  “Liam is gay and Albie’s his boyfriend,” Tommy blurted out, pointing at Liam. Liam sobered up pretty quick at that. Danny was the nearest thing that most of us had for a father. Unlike my own, Liam’s Da was still alive, but the fecker was a waste of space. For him, Danny filled that role, and his approval meant a lot to him. To his credit, Danny’s expression didn’t change. He looked like he was thinking on something for a minute, before shaking a bony finger between Liam and Albie.

  “No shenanigans in my gym. And that goes for the lot of you feckers. Liam, your subs are late. Make sure you square up before you leave,” he said. Turning on his heel, he headed back to his office.

nbsp; “As long as I live, I will never get the measure of the way that man’s mind works,” Con said.

  “That’s for damn sure,” Liam replied.


  “Hey, Kier, what you up to tonight?” Con asked.

  “Drownin’ in a pool of my own self-pity I imagine,” I replied. Groaning, I eased my aching arse down on the bench and peeled off my sweaty black wraps. Stuffing one into my gym bag, I started on the other. Some of the boys stuck theirs in the gym laundry, but Con and I were superstitious. No one else got to wear our wraps, so we took them home to wash. I ached something fierce. Danny hadn’t been fucking about with the training. If I thought I was prepared for what he and Con were going to throw at me, I was wrong. It’d only been a week, but it felt like I’d been doing this for a year. Usually Friday nights would be all about bars and babes. Tonight, I wondered if I’d have enough energy to ride my sorry arse home. How Con ran home from the gym after a full day of training, I’d never know.

  “Fancy going to a movie? I’m off to see that new blockbuster with Em,” he said.

  “No offence, mate, but I don’t fancy playing third wheel while you cuddle up and indulge Sunshine’s inner geek,” I replied.

  “Mock all you like, but sci-fi makes her horny. If I have to sit through three hours of that shite to make her happy, so be it,” he said.

  “Yeah, you’re really selling me on this night out. Thanks for the offer though,” I replied sarcastically.

  “No worries. I’ll see what Tommy’s doing. Em asked Marie if she wanted to come, and I don’t want her feeling like the odd one out,” he said. He slung his gym bag over his

  shoulder and walked away.

  “Hold up there, boyo,” I called out as I leant back to catch him before he left. “Give me half an hour to go home and change, and I’ll be ready.”

  “Thought so,” he said with a smirk. “See you outside the cinema at 8.30.”

  “Fucker,” I mumbled to myself. Despite being slightly pissed that I’d been played by Con, I was reenergised. No matter how bad I hurt, I’d be spending at least three hours next to Irish tonight, and I couldn’t wait.


  I was so fucking eager to see her, I arrived ten minutes early. Being a Friday night, the car park was rammed. Luckily, there were still bays for bikes at the front, and I rode my Suzuki GSX-R600 into a space. Pulling off my helmet, I ran a hand through my buzz cut as I caught sight of her. Auburn hair, which shone in the lights above her, fell halfway down her back and curled at the ends. I couldn’t see her eyes from here, but I knew they were the brightest blue. Everything about her was pure and wholesome and too good for the likes of me. Man, she was fucking beautiful, and my heart beat harder for everything I couldn’t have.

  She shivered as I strolled towards her. Instinctively, I shrugged off my jacket to offer her.

  “Cold?” I asked.

  “No, I’m fine thank you,” she replied.

  “Probably would have swamped you anyway,” I said, pulling back the heavy leather coat.

  “I didn’t know you were coming tonight,” she said.

  “Would you have bailed if you’d known?” I asked.

  “Of course not,” she replied. “I like you, Kieran. I really do. I just… I’m just not in a place where I can offer anyone more than friendship at the moment.” The sad look on her face and the note of regret in her voice gave me hope.

  “I can do friendship,” I replied, giving her my best cocky grin.

  She sighed, but smiled. “You really have no intention of settling for friendship, do you?”

  “Absolutely none,” I replied. “But I’ll take what I can get, until you fall for me.”

  “You’re wasting your time with me, Kieran. There are a million girls out there who’d kill to go out with you,” she said.

  “Darlin’, a million girls just ain’t you,” I answered, making her blush. “Okay, I don’t want you over-dosing on all this charm too quickly. Let’s head in and get the tickets and snacks.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Em and Cormac?” she asked.

  “I’d be surprised if they make it before the film starts,” I replied.

  “Are they running late?” she said.

  “Con hasn’t seen Em all day. It’ll take her ages to peel him off long enough to drive here,” I replied.

  She laughed, cutting the tension between us.

  “Come on then. I’ve been dying to see this movie for ages, and I’m not missing the start. I’ll text Em and let her know where we are.”


  Sure enough, Em and Con rocked up with only minutes to spare. When they finally squeezed past a pissed-off row of people to reach us, I turned to Irish and shared a secret smile. As if Con’s ear-to-ear grin wasn’t a dead giveaway that that they’d been getting busy, Em’s bedhead sure was.

  “Sorry we’re late, guys. The car wouldn’t start,” Em said.

  “You having trouble with that brand new car of yours?” I asked, making her bury her face in Con’s shoulder with embarrassment.

  “She’s a terrible liar,” he said, helping himself to a handful of my popcorn.

  “Hungry, are you?” I asked him, eying his hot dogs and nachos with jealousy. Danny would pitch a bitch fit if I touched any of that stuff, and Con knew it. The popcorn was for Irish, though the greedy bastard next to me would hoover that too if I didn’t protect it for her. The lights dimmed, halting any more conversation. Con wrapped his arm around Em’s shoulders and threw me a wink, knowing I couldn’t do the same. I gave him the finger as subtly as I could and shifted my body towards my girl. She was looking straight ahead at the screen, hands folded demurely in her lap. Even above the sickly-sweet popcorn, I could still smell the clean apple scent of her shampoo. I adjusted my jeans slightly as my cock began to thicken. I must be in a bad way if the smell of fruit was getting me hard.

  An hour later and we’d both relaxed. I’d only given the movie half my attention, but it was pretty good. Irish was hooked though. Inch by inch, she’d eased back against me. She kept reaching over for the popcorn and looked surprised when she realised that she’d emptied it.

  Fuck it.

  I reached down to put the empty box on the floor. As I sat back, I used the opportunity to wrap my arm around the back of her chair. She looked at me with a smirk on her face.

  “Smooth, huh?” I said, wiggling my eyebrows comically. Rolling her eyes, she smiled as she went back to watching the film. As she did, she twisted slightly and leant back to cuddle into the crook of my arm.

  “Don’t take it personally,” she said softly. “You’re just a warm body.”

  “Whatever you say, baby,” I answered. My voice was a whisper against her ear, making her shiver.

  I’d done countless things with countless women, but in that moment, I couldn’t think of a single one of them. None of those experiences could hold a candle to what I was feeling with Irish pressed up against me. All of a sudden I was like a fuckin’ teenager again. It didn’t matter that, when the lights came on, we’d go back to being friends. The darkness let us steal enough magic to pretend that we were more.

  She excused herself a while later to go to the bathroom. I used the opportunity to lift the armrest between us. Con snorted with laughter as he caught me. This time I didn’t try and hide the double fingers I stuck up at him, making him and Em laugh. When Irish shuffled along the row to get back to me, she didn’t notice what I’d done. Or if she did, she didn’t comment. As soon as she sat, I reached for her hand. I willed the movie not to end as her slender fingers wove gently through mine, her soft skin mapping the terrain of my own hard and calloused hand. All too soon the lights came back on, and our free pass was over.

  As she moved away from me, I felt the loss of her warmth. I didn’t understand the reason for the sad look on her face. I knew from Em that she was single, and it wasn’t like she lived a million miles away. If she liked me and I liked her, I couldn’t see any reason why we shouldn’t be
together. In hindsight, I probably should have waited until I’d taken her home, or at least left the movie theatre, but I’m Kieran fuckin’ Doherty, I told myself as I stood up, held Irish’s face gently in my hands, and kissed the ever-loving shit out of her.

  The theatre could have exploded and I wouldn’t have known. That kiss had everything. Magic, fireworks, all that shite girls talk about, it had the lot, and I wanted more. It wasn’t a taste; it was a brand. She was mine now, and I wasn’t letting her go. Fuck playing it cool, Irish showed me what I never knew I wanted, and I wasn’t stopping until I had it for good. She pulled her lips reluctantly from mine, but I didn’t let her go.

  “The guys over there are cheering and whistling at us,” she said.

  “Jealousy’s a bitch,” I replied, giving her lips a quick peck before reaching for her hand to lead her to the exit. Em and Con stopped to applaud before following us out.

  “Quite the show you put on there, Kier,” Con said. “So, are you two going steady then?” Con was taking the piss, but Em was looking at us like we were the cutest thing she’d ever seen.

  “I’ll talk her into it as soon as I can get her alone for five minutes,” I said.

  “Um, I’m right here, guys,” Irish said. Her flushed cheeks were the prettiest shade of pink, and damn if I didn’t want another taste.

  “We’d better get home if you guys have to be up at five for training,” Em said, always the voice of reason.

  “How’d you get here, darlin’?” I asked.

  “Um, the bus,” she murmured. Em opened her mouth, I guessed to offer Irish a lift home, when I silenced her with a pleading look.

  “I’ll make sure she gets home safe,” I told her and Con.

  “Don’t I get a say?” Irish asked me, her laugh telling me that she was more amused than annoyed at my high-handedness.

  “Nope,” I replied. “I’m not giving you the opportunity to run off. You freak out too easily. Besides, you’ll love the bike.” She rolled her eyes at me, but squeezed my hand in response.


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