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Reality Check

Page 11

by Sophie Martin

  “Wow! Just wow.” Jason was rendered speechless. It was Ty who answered to Jim’s tirade.

  “So, you want us to teach Dominic self-control?”

  “Yeah,” Dom grumbled, “something like that.” He shot Ty an unfriendly look and Jim decided to intervene.

  “Listen Ty, Dominic’s grandparents live in Hawaii, so by the time his father contacts them and they come here, it might be already too late. You’re the only other shifter we know and can count on.” Tyler’s face sobered and he answered.

  “The thing is, I am not the best teacher. I tried tutoring once when I was younger and it didn’t go over so well. I don’t think I can teach him. Besides, I don’t really know about this self-control thingy. I and my tiger are usually in agreement. He likes to sleep a lot, so he is happy to only be let out once in a while. It was always like that for me. He has never been trying to take control from me.”

  “Yep, that’s one lazy beast,” added Toby. “I would know. Even when Ty lets him out, the damn thing just lies there and does nothing. The big bad kitty cat! Rrrawrrr!” He made claws with his fingers.

  “Hey!” Tyler’s voice was filled with fake indignation. “I am big and bad!”

  “Sure you are!” Toby winked at Jim and he had no choice but to smile. Jiminy was starting to really like the younger man. He was funny as hell once he got out of his shell.

  “Great.” Dominic’s grumble made Jim return his attention to the man. “So I’m fucked.”

  “Shit, no.” Tyler raked his hand through his hair “There has to be some way to help you. Maybe Jack…”

  “I can help,” sounded Eric’s voice suddenly. Everyone looked at him with expressions ranging from hopeful through suspicious to an open hostility on Tyler’s part.

  “I don’t want to be rude,” Dom started, “but you just said it yourself, you’re a god, not a shifter. How the hell do you want to help me?”

  “Well”—the man smirked and the expression seemed to piss Tyler off once again—“for starters, there is something you’re forgetting here.”

  “There is?” Jim couldn’t help but ask. He thought he covered all the most important facts pretty well.

  “Yep, if you’re right about his wolf being an alpha”—Eric turned to Jim and focused his eerily knowing eyes on him—“and I can tell that you are, then Tyler coaching him could do more damage than good.”

  “What do you mean?” Jason spoke for the first time in a while.

  “Well, what I mean is that when two strong shifters meet, they usually try and prove their dominance over each other. With Tyler being a big freaking tiger, Dominic’s wolf could feel threatened. He already is, as a matter of fact. I can feel the animal’s hostility toward your mate.” Eric tipped his head at Ty speaking to his son. “Tyler’s tiger is indeed one lazy beast, but it enjoys toying with Dom and pissing the wolf off. You could almost see the Cheshire Cat smile every time he managed to annoy Dominic. Just for this reason, every attempt these two would make at working on self-control together would fail. This Jack you speak about, I suppose he is a lesser shifter? What I mean is, he’s not an alpha or beta?”

  “Nope,” came a voice from the doorway, and everybody turned to see Jack entering the kitchen. “I’m just your everyday shifter. I didn’t have a rank. I placed somewhere along the middle of the pack hierarchy. What is this all about?” he asked, walking to the counter and putting the kettle on.

  “We’ll explain it all later,” said Jason and waved to his father. “Please continue with what you were saying.”

  “Right.” Eric didn’t look startled by the other man’s sudden appearance. “So the thing is, he can’t really teach Dominic either. Stronger shifters must be taught control by someone at least as strong as themselves. It usually isn’t an issue, since teenagers aren’t as powerful as adult shifters, so the lessons can be taught by someone lower in the ranks than the place the learning shifter will take once he grows up. Unfortunately, in Dominic’s case you need an actual alpha to teach him.” At these words, all eyes turned to Jason and he groaned.

  “Guys, I told you, it was an accident. I didn’t mean to turn myself into an alpha. I have no idea about shifters or paranormals in general. That’s why I need Jack’s advice on the whole pack thing, remember.”

  “That’s true.” Eric nodded. “That’s why right now, I am the only person who can help Dominic. I am more powerful than he is, and I’ve been around for a while, learning some tricks. I might be able to actually teach him self-control.” Eric ignored all the unfriendly gazes as he sat back in his chair, looking self-satisfied.

  “I don’t know if it’s such a good idea,” said Tyler. “I don’t trust him.”

  “I know, babe,” said Jason, patting his mate’s thigh, “and neither do I, but what other choice do we have?”

  “You can’t be serious, Jay-Jay! He comes to our house just like that, claims to be your father and a god, and you’ll just let him do whatever he likes? That’s insane.”

  It was Toby’s calm voice that managed to break the tiger-shifter’s angry tirade.

  “Um, guys, I think your whole argument is beside the point. After all, it is Dominic’s life on the line here. Don’t you think he should be the one to decide what he wants to do?”

  “You’re right.” Jiminy turned his worried face to the man he had started to actually care about. “What do you say, sweet? Do you want a stranger teaching you? Or would you prefer to wait for your grandparents’ arrival?”

  Dominic looked like neither option suited him, but he had no choice but to decide.

  “Let’s see, wait for some unknown werewolf grandparents and hope for the best, or give myself in the hands of a supposed god and hope for the same. Neither of whom I know shit about. What a splendid choice I’ve got here,” he grumbled to himself. “I’ll go with the divine stranger, as it is quicker option. If he doesn’t help me, I can always turn to Grannie Dearest as soon as she arrives.”

  “Wonderful!” Eric exclaimed, grinning wildly. “When do we start?”

  “How about tomorrow?” Jiminy rushed to say. “I think we have all had enough excitement for today.”

  “That’s a very good idea, my young fey. I’ll be on my way, then, and pop in tomorrow.” Eric turned to Jason and said, “If I may suggest, son, that you call your mother. Tell her I came to give her my blessing for her marriage. I know that Roman is a good guy and will make Elise happy. I’d love to see her sometime soon.” With these words, Eric disappeared from right before his eyes.

  “Huh, I guess you two are related. I’ve never seen anyone else do that,” said Jack. “Even when vampires teleport or disseminate or whatever it is they’re doing, it doesn’t happen like this. It’s not an instantaneous thing. There is a second of shimmering, like with a shifter changing, but with the two of you”—he tipped his head at Jason—“it’s different. One moment you’re there, and next one you’re not.”

  “I’ll start to regret that I showed you that,” mumbled Jason under his breath.

  “Well, it wasn’t like you made a show, especially for me.” Jack only laughed. “You were in such a hurry to get to your mates that you couldn’t be bothered to run up the stairs. You had to wish yourself into the bedroom.”

  “It was worth it!” Tyler had the same Cheshire Cat grin on his face he always got when thinking of sex with his two men.

  “Yeah, it was.” Toby and Jason joined him with silly, dreamy smiles of their own.

  “And on this accord, could you please show us to the guest room?” Dominic asked Jack. “I think those three need some time on their own.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. The short time I live with them, and I’m becoming as horny as a teenager again from all the pheromones in the air,” Jack said leading the way. “They never get enough of each other.”

  “Good for them,” said Jim quietly, gazing at Dominic, who walked next to him.

  “So, this is the spare bedroom.” Jack waved at one of the doors. “I
took the one furthest from their room. I couldn’t sleep otherwise, with all the noises they make each night.”

  “Riiight.” Dominic looked slightly uncomfortable. And was that a blush on the big bad wolf’s face? Jiminy felt a little mischievous. He could see a lot of teasing in their nearest future. Jack let them into the room and left, so Jim and Dominic were alone.

  “So…” said Jim, not really knowing what to say now that they weren’t dealing with any urgent or dangerous matters.

  “So…” Dominic copied him with the shadow of a smile on his lips.

  “There is only one bed.” Jiminy stated the obvious.


  “Which of us is going to take it?”

  “I don’t mind. I’m happy to sleep on the sofa in the living room. You can take the bed.” Dominic shrugged.

  “What if…” Jim licked his suddenly dry lips. “What if we shared? The bed, I mean. We’re adults, I’m sure we can share a bed without anything inappropriate happening,” he hurried to add. Dominic’s eyes twinkled with mirth.

  “Inappropriate, huh? Well, I guess we can. It’s no fun, but if you’re so worried about propriety…” He broke off.

  “It’s not that! I mean, we’re not...We haven’t…” Jiminy stammered before he noticed Dominic’s smirk. “You’re messing with me!” he accused, pointing his finger at the big wolf shifter.

  “I sure am. You’re cute when you’re all flustered.” The wolf grinned, well, wolfishly.

  “Am not!” Jiminy couldn’t stop his pout.

  “Oh, but you are.” Dom stalked toward him, feral light entering his eyes. “You’re cute when you’re pouting as well. I want to kiss those pink lips, suck and nibble on them. I want to take you in my arms and see how far we can go without blowing our load. From how hard I am, I would say not far.”

  “But, but…” Jim’s stutter was interrupted by Dominic taking him in his arms and kissing the ever-loving mind out of him. At first, Jim was too shocked to return the kiss, but as Dominic’s tongue continued to tease his and the wolf-shifter’s clever lips made his own tingle, he gave into it.

  The kiss was unlike any he had ever had. It was as if, instead of just his mouth, his whole body joined into it. His skin heated and become hypersensitive, while all of his other senses blocked out the environment and tuned to what was happening between him and Dominic. His hands, of their own accord, went around Dom’s neck and he tangled his fingers in the other man’s luscious, thick hair. His whole body thrummed with anticipation as their tongues tangled in a lazy dance.

  The kiss wasn’t forceful or rushed. It was filled with need, but at the same time, it was slow and erotic. It seemed to Jim like they had all the time in the world to slowly explore the attraction between them. At first, Dominic’s hands stayed around his waist, but then they started wandering, lazily stroking his back before sneaking into the waistband of his trousers to squeeze his ass cheeks. Jiminy could feel his body’s instinctual answer to what was happening between them. His cock hardened in his pants and the longer the kiss lasted, it started pulsating painfully with the need to come. Jim instinctually ground it against Dom and could feel a similar response in the other man. Dominic’s erection pressed against his and Jim felt he was on the verge of coming. He almost did just that, when Dominic pushed his finger between his cheeks and tapped lightly against his quivering hole.

  Jim withdrew from the kiss and clenched his jaw, squeezing his eyes shut to stop himself from coming in his pants. He took several deep breaths to calm himself, but it was of no use, as Dom started planting small, nibbling kisses on his neck. Holding his eyes still firmly shut, he tipped his head back and to the side to give the man better access. They would have probably gone even further if not for Dominic taking one of his hands out of his trousers and tracing the line of Jim’s spine with it. It was then that Jim suddenly felt his wings madly flutter beneath his shirt and remember the last time Dominic touched them.

  Chapter Twelve

  “No,” Jim said, “we can’t do it!”

  He pushed at Dominic’s chest, trying to separate them. Since Dom still had one hand in his pants, it wasn’t easy. Dominic lifted his half-lidded gaze to Jiminy’s face and noticed the barely concealed panic there. Nothing like his partner panicking to douse the fire of his ardor in a bucket of ice-cold water. He smirked inwardly at the flowery phrase that popped into his head.

  Dominic slowly withdrew his hand from the fey’s pants and let Jim put some space between their bodies. Not much, maybe an arm’s length, but it was still too much in his opinion. Seeing that his man still hasn’t calmed down, Dominic spoke in a low, soothing voice.

  “Calm down, baby, we don’t need to do anything you’re not ready for,” he said, feeling his erection deflating in response to the other man’s reaction. Jim frowned for a second before hurriedly answering.

  “You think I was…that I got scared? God, no! Sweet, that’s not it at all. Well, it is in a sense but, not…not of you. I wasn’t afraid of you!” he blurted out so fast that Dominic was struggling to make sense of what the man was saying. “I mean, your eyes did turn that strange wolfish yellow, now that you mention it, and your fingernails did seem a bit sharper than normal, but it’s normal, I guess. For a werewolf, that is. Heat of passion and all that…” Dominic took advantage of the man having to pause to take a breath to interrupt.

  “You’re rambling, Jimmy,” he said hoping to give the fey some time to compose himself and start making sense. Jim froze for a second before a pretty blush appeared on his face and he laughed nervously.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just…I’m not used to all of this.” He waved his hand making Dominic look around and frown.

  “To what?” he asked, not understanding. Jim looked him in the eye for a moment before sighing and sliding one of his hands to take Dominic’s in his own. He then pulled Dom to sit on the bed. He shot Dom a quick glance and then fell back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Dominic turned so that he could look at the pretty man when he started talking.

  “I’m sorry, Dominic,” Jiminy said, and he really did seem sorry. “I did get scared, but not of you. I felt your hand wandering up my back, and my wings were fluttering wildly. I remembered the last time you touched them and, well, I panicked.”

  “But you know the spell now, don’t you?” Dominic asked, still confused. “The one that would make the whole heat go away?” Jim spared him a quick glance before turning his eyes to the ceiling once again.

  “Yeah, I asked Tim to remind me, and he did.”

  “So what’s the problem, then?” Dominic was lost. Jiminy gave another heartfelt sigh and closed his eyes before answering quietly.

  “The problem is once the spell is spoken, it is final. It makes it impossible for that person to ever become that pixie’s true mate. And I wish to have that option with you. Of you becoming my mate,” he clarified.

  “Oh, baby.” Dominic felt his heart swelling in his chest. He lay on his back next to Jim and turned the fey’s face toward him when he spoke, trying to convey how sincere his words were with the tone of his voice. “I didn’t know that. I thought it was just to stop the aftereffects, not to stop people from mating forever. I would never want that. I want to have this option with you as well.”

  “Y–you do?” Jim’s surprise was almost comical.

  “Of course I do. Haven’t we decided to give a relationship between us a chance? I meant what I said. And since mating is the ultimate commitment for you fey, as well as apparently for shifters, which I am now, then I want a chance at mating with you.”

  “Oh,” was all Jiminy said.

  “Yes, oh!” Dominic laughed.

  “B–but it means…” Jim blushed and looked away.

  “What? What is it now, baby?” Dominic rushed to ask. Jim glanced at him and averted his eyes before mumbling something that Dom didn’t understand.

  “What was it?” This time, Jim turned his face toward him and there was a mix of emotio
ns, with happiness, embarrassment, disappointment, and few others Dominic couldn’t discern.

  “It means no sex until you’re sure. I can’t help it, my wings get away from me during sex. I can’t control them in the least. They could turn you into a crazed sex machine without me meaning to!”

  “Hmmm.” Dominic couldn’t help but joke, “Crazed sex machine doesn’t sound all that bad.”

  “Dominic!” Jim exclaimed. “Be serious! You could become addicted if you were exposed to the mating dust again without actual mating. And if you then decided you didn’t want to mate with me, it would be almost impossible to beat that addiction. It’s very dangerous.

  “Huh.” Dominic turned thoughtful. “I didn’t think about it that way.”

  “Yeah.” This time Jim was clearly pouting. “So, no sex until you decide if you want to mate me or not.” He was clearly not happy about it.

  “Oh, but sweetheart…” Dominic felt a little mischievous “There are so many other things we can do without actually having sex. As long as you keep your wings covered and my hands don’t wander anywhere near them, we should be good, right?”

  “Yeah.” Jiminy gulped, staring at him with a renewed hunger in his eyes. “What is it that you had in mind?” Dominic grinned wolfishly again and crooked his finger at the fey.

  “Why don’t you come here and find out?”

  * * * *

  The next day when they came down for breakfast, Jim wore a satisfied expression on his face, while Dominic was sure he looked like a cat that ate the canary. True, they couldn’t have full-out sex before Dominic decided if he wanted to enter into an eternal mating with the fey, but they made the best they could of the situation. Dominic felt like a teenager once again after their make-out session on the bed when they cuddled and fell asleep afterwards.

  Jim decided to go out and buy a tightest T-shirt he could find so that his wings were well and thoroughly restrained. They could do much more than mutual hand-jobs once Jim stopped to be so self-conscious about his wings, and that was why Dom suggested a tight shirt. It would make it impossible for Dominic to put his hand underneath it in the heat of the moment like he did the previous evening. It would also make Jim feel safer. A win-win situation, if you asked Dom.


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