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My Best Friend's Dad

Page 67

by Bella Winters

  “I’m just happy he didn’t laugh in my face,” I said, glancing down at my huge curvy body. “I thought for sure he was going to reject me.”

  “I’m not surprised he said yes,” Rebecca said firmly. “You’re beautiful, Molly.”

  I frowned. “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, fake it until you make it,” Rebecca said. “Just act confident, and eventually you really will be!”

  I groaned as I flopped into a chair and threw my schoolbag on the floor. “I don’t know,” I said. “I wish I believed that. I feel like I’m just going to be this fat awkward loser for the rest of my life.”

  “Mol, you have got to stop calling yourself fat! And a loser, for that matter,” Rebecca said. “You’re only a loser if you act like a loser, and you never do!”

  I shrugged. “I guess. It’s something, at least.”

  “It’s huge,” Rebecca said kindly. “And this way, I don’t know, it’ll be good. Good for you, I mean. Like, even if things don’t work out…you’ll still have the practice of having talked to this guy, right?”

  “I guess,” I said. “You’re probably right.”

  Rebecca nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “I’m sure everything will work out, boo.”

  “Can I have some wine?”

  Rebecca laughed. “You’re being naughty,” she said. “It’s Monday!”

  “I know, but I feel like I need it,” I said. “Professor Albert gave us fifty pages of reading before Wednesday, can you believe that? This is harder than I thought it would be,” I added. “Part of me wonders if I’m cut out for library school.”

  “You are,” Rebecca said. “Although I’ve had the same thought.”

  Suddenly, the bathroom door in the hallway swung open. Alex strode out, his chest puffed in the air. When I saw him, I gasped. My cheeks went flaming red and I bit my lip, blushing furiously.

  “Well, well, well, Molly’s home!” Alex said in a mocking tone. He walked closer and pouted. “And she doesn’t think she’s cut out for library school, what a shame!”

  “Shut up, idiot,” Rebecca said, throwing the words like daggers across the room. To me, she gave me an apologetic look and shrugged. “I had no idea he was coming over, he said he had something to tell me about Mom.”

  All I could do was nod. My brief, newfound happiness sailed out the window as I watched Alex pick his way around the kitchen like a cat. He opened the pantry and searched through, humming under his breath as he flipped through our boxes of healthy cereal and granola and snacks.

  “You’re so healthy,” Alex said in amazement. “The guys at the fire station would shit themselves if I showed up with this shit!”

  “I like to watch what I eat,” I said modestly, looking down at my hands in my lap. They were sweater than ever and I wiped them on my damp skirt.

  Alex looked at me for a long time. He let his blue eyes travel the length of my pudgy face, neck, breasts, and the rest of my body.

  “What?” I asked. I could feel the blood rising back to my cheeks.

  “Oh, nothing,” Alex said. “You just seem like a girl who doesn’t like to diet, that’s all.”

  I was too stunned to respond.

  “Shut up, Alex!” Rebecca said. She put her hands on her hips. “If you’re going to keep acting like such a jerk, go home!”

  “Oh, sis,” Alex said, pouting. “I haven’t even told you why I’m here!”

  “I don’t give a fuck if you can’t be here without being rude,” Rebecca said, sassing him back and glaring. I had to admit, I was happy my best friend was standing up for me. But I deserved to be made fun of – I was a huge whale. There was no way a guy like Alex would ever be interested in me.

  I should just be happy that Dan said yes, I thought, trying to bring back the fun and excitement of my upcoming date. It doesn’t matter what Alex thinks – he’s a jerk!

  “Sorry, Molly,” Alex said. He sniffed. “You’re a big, beautiful woman.”

  Even though I knew he probably didn’t mean it, I blushed anyway.

  Alex stepped closer and I caught a whiff of his woodsy, spicy cologne.

  "Besides,” Alex said in a snide voice. “You must be doing something right! Unless I heard wrong, I think there was something about a date…”

  “Shut up,” Rebecca said. “Alex, leave her alone!”

  “Do you have plans with someone, Molly?” Alex asked, fluttering his lashes like a girl. I had to admit, he had better eyelashes than any girls I’d ever seen. “A date, with a boy from school?”

  “He’s not a boy,” Rebecca thundered angrily. “He’s a man, and he wants to date Molly!”

  “Wow, sis, you really need to dial back the lesbo stuff,” Alex said, snickering. “I can practically smell the fish sauce coming out of your panties from here!”

  “That’s it!” Rebecca yelled. She grabbed Alex by the arm and dragged him out of the kitchen. Alex didn’t even resist, although I knew he could’ve thrown off his sister’s grip in a second.

  “Bye, lovely Molly!” Alex called gaily over his shoulder, shouting to be heard over Rebecca’s angry cries.

  I flushed hotly. A mix of anger and something new – something strange and warm and slippery – was building inside of my chest. What was it? Why could Alex always provoke me like that, like I was nothing to him?

  It’s because I am nothing to him, I realized sadly. Tears welled up in my eyes and by the time Rebecca had slammed the door and thrown Alex out of our apartment with a loud curse, I was sobbing with my face buried in my hands.

  “Oh, no,” Rebecca said. She sank into a chair and put her hand on my shoulder. “Mol, I’m so sorry – look, in the future, this place is an Alex-free zone, okay?”

  “It’s not that,” I said, sniffling loudly as I sucked my liquid snot back inside my nose. “It’s just…he’s right, Rebecca. I’m fat, and any guy who would want to date me is obviously some kind of freak!”

  “Molly, no! You can’t think like that,” Rebecca said. “Look, you’re going to go out with Dan and have a great time, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said sadly. “I’ll try.”

  “I’ll kill that asshole if he ever speaks to you again in that same way,” Rebecca said. “Hell, I’m actually just kind of tempted to kill him anyway. Would you mind?”

  I sighed. “Don’t bother,” I said. “Maybe he’s right – maybe I should be trying harder to lose weight. Maybe I could join Weight Watchers?”

  “Molly, don’t,” Rebecca said in a warning tone. “Don’t do this – you’re better than he is! You know that!”

  I sighed, frowning. “I guess,” I mumbled. “Why does it feel so bad?”

  “Because he’s a jerk and an asshole,” Rebecca said. “I’ve been putting up with his shit for twenty-two years, and I’m not gonna take it anymore. He’s gonna be sorry for this!”

  I nodded in agreement, but secretly, part of me was just wishing to see Alex again.

  Chapter Three


  I get it.

  I know.

  I’m difficult.

  That’s just it, though – my whole life has practically been a cakewalk. As soon as I realized that my parents could never say no to me – and believe me, I got that pretty fucking quick – I stopped caring about what I said. I stopped caring about what I did, or how I acted. Knowing I could get away with anything made my life fun…for a while.

  But sometime, it all changed. I don’t want to be a cynic, but I think it was somewhere around the end of high school. By the time I was eighteen, I’d been laid hundreds of times with dozens of different girls. Being a popular football player didn’t hurt my case, either. And when I started volunteering with the local fire team…well, basically I always had my dick wet. I never had to work for it. Girls came onto me like gangbusters, each one of them more eager to prove herself than the last. Getting laid was easier than snapping my fingers.

  It got old.

  Of course, I never told anyone that. I never tol
d anyone how bored I was becoming with my life, how badly I wanted some excitement.

  But then I met a girl who I knew would ever have me. My sister’s best friend, Molly Peters. She was fat, shy, and awkward…yet, there was something undeniably hot about her. Even from the first time I saw her, I knew she would be my greatest triumph.

  But after gently teasing and negging her for years, nothing worked. She remained aloof and shy.

  That’s okay, I told myself as I straightened the knot in my tie. I hated wearing a tie. The best thing about being a firefighter was never having to worry about looking good for the job: it was more about staying alive. But sometimes, women liked to see me get all cleaned up.

  I was feeling hornier than ever before as I pulled on a blazer and brushed my blonde hair away from my forehead with a little gel. I had a date with Sara Johnson. She was hot with bright green eyes, red hair, and a huge ass that I wanted to spank until she couldn’t walk. She was also a single mom – and rumored around town to be more than a little slutty.

  Good, I thought. Giving my wrists a dab of cologne, I grabbed my wallet and shoved it in my pants. My cock was semi-hard already, just thinking about the way Sara’s tits would bounce when she rode me. I desperately wanted to get my dick wet, and I knew sweet little Sara was a good start.

  When I picked her up, I climbed out of the car and smirked. Sara was standing in front of her house, looking nervous. She was wearing a tight black dress and her tits were on full display, proudly standing up and looking perkier than ever.

  “Babe, you look so hot,” I said, looking over my sunglasses and making a show of trailing my eyes over Sara’s tight little body.

  To my surprise, Sara grimaced. “I hate being called babe,” she said in a stiff way.

  “Oh, well, sorry,” I said. I shrugged. “Most women like that.”

  Sara’s green eyes flashed with anger. “I’m not like most women,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Feisty,” I muttered under my breath. Feisty’s good, I added in my head. She’ll be a real hellcat in the sack later.

  I opened the door for Sara, then reached across her curvy tits and buckled her in. She stiffened when my arm brushed against her chest.

  “Hey,” she said. “Don’t be fresh with me, Alex. We barely know each other!”

  I smirked. “I know quite a lot about you,” I said as I shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side. And you’re going to suck my cock damn well later, I can tell just from looking at those fat lips of yours.

  Thinking of lips made my cock swell with desire. I tried to think about what Sara’s other lips would look like. Pink, brown? Loose from having that kid or still tight and luscious? I imagined her soaked slit, visible through the white panties I wasn’t even sure if she was wearing under her dress.

  She’s one hot bitch, I thought, glancing sideways at her as I pulled onto the highway. And tonight, she’s mine.

  “So,” Sara said, clearing her throat and shifting in the seat. I couldn’t help but stare at the curve of her breasts. “Have you ever been to La Casa Miso before?”

  I shook my head. “No, but a buddy told me it was good.”

  “Oh, someone you work with?”

  I nodded. He was the same one who told me about how easy you are, I thought as I gracefully steered my Mustang across two lanes without slowing down. And he told me your trick – all I have to do is tickle the back of your knee, and I’m in.

  “How long have you been fighting fires?”

  “Years. Uh, ten, I think,” I said. “I started volunteering back when I was seventeen, and I knew it was the only thing I wanted to do.”


  “Excuse me?” I turned and looked at her, surprised. Most women loved hearing that I was a firefighter. It was like they got wet instantly, just from thinking about my brawny self-rushing into a burning building and coming back with three children tucked under my arms, their chubby cheeks smeared with ashes.

  “I just have no idea why anyone would want to willingly put their life in danger like that,” Sara said, frowning. She sighed and stretched, pushing her breasts out even further. “I mean, it’s scary.” She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. “When I was eleven, my parents’ house caught fire. We were all okay – I mean, even the cats survived. But it was so scary, I still remember how hot it felt to be trapped in that house before the firetrucks showed up.”

  I laughed dryly. “Well, without people like me, you wouldn’t have been okay,” I said.

  “So that’s why you do it, then? To help people?”

  I shrugged. In truth, that wasn’t the reason at all. I did it because it was like being in fraternity, even in my late twenties. I did it because chicks dug it, because I couldn’t go anywhere in the tri-county area without getting free drinks or pizza…or snatch, for that matter. I still remembered one time, years ago, when I’d gone to a strip club for a buddy’s bachelor party. The girls had been all over me, just because I’d still been wearing my shirt from work. They’d given me free lap dances (and more) all night long. If I closed my eyes, I could still remember the perfect pink lips of a stripper named Bunni wrapped around my hard cock, sucking like her life depended on it.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I said, after a long pause. “What do you do?”

  As I pulled into the parking lot of La Casa Miso, I shoved my car into park and climbed out, waiting impatiently for Sara and her tits to join me. She climbed out, almost stumbling in her platform high heels.

  “I’m a teacher,” Sara said. “Elementary school. When I first had Josiah, I dropped out of college, but then I went back to night school and finished up.” She looked at me, obviously proud of herself.

  “That’s nice,” I said.

  “Yeah,” Sara replied. Her voice took on a dreamy tone. “I just love the little kids, you know? They’re all so sweet and eager to learn. It’s like, who could possibly turn them down?”

  I snorted. “I’m not really a kid person,” I said.

  “Oh.” Sara sounded wounded. “I love them. I love being around kids.”

  “So I take it you want more, then?”

  Sara flushed, giving a delicious pink undertone to her pale skin. “I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe when Josiah is a little older…but I don’t know that I could go through the whole baby and toddler thing again.” She made a face. “I like kids, but really when they’re only old enough to take care of themselves.”

  I forced a laugh. God, she’s boring, I thought. A maître d appeared and showed us to our table, right in the middle of the room.

  “Look,” I said to Sara. “We’re on display.”

  Sara looked around, clearly embarrassed. She didn’t say anything, and I realized she was waiting for me to pull her chair out for her. Smirking, I slid into my seat and raised my eyebrows.

  “Waiting for something?” I asked snidely.

  Sara flushed again before sitting down and scooting closer to the table. “No,” she said. “Do you like wine?”

  “Wine is for chicks,” I said. “But I’ll get you a bottle if you want. You just have to promise to be good.” I leaned forward and raised an eyebrow.

  Sara shot me a confused look. “What does that even mean? And I don’t want a whole bottle,” she added. “God, I’m not some lush. I have to get home to my son!”

  Smirking, I reached for the wine list. “I think you deserve something nice,” I purred. “Just tell me what you like and I’ll get the most expensive bottle.”

  Sara flushed. “I like pinot noir,” she said. “Something about red wine always makes me feel sexy.” She gave me a look that set my balls aching with lust.

  Good, I thought. You’re going to be ripe for the taking by the time we’re through with the first course. And then I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked in your life.

  The sommelier appeared and I ordered a bottle of wine for Sara, plus a beer for me. When he returned with our drinks, I clinked my bottle aga
inst Sara’s thin glass.

  “To new friends,” I said, raising an eyebrow. “And promising beginnings.”

  Sara giggled. She closed her eyes as she took a sip of wine, making an ecstatic face. I smirked as I imagined what she would be like in the throes of an orgasm, riding my cock until I was soaked with the juices from her pussy.

  With that delicious image fresh in mind, I reached under the table until my fingers grazed Sara’s knee. Her eyes flew open and she gasped.

  “Alex! What are you doing?”

  I grinned and took a long swallow of beer, pushing my fingers higher and higher on her soft, creamy thighs.

  “I told you,” I said. “I think you deserve something nice. What, did you think I was talking about wine?”

  Sara’s mouth formed a small ‘o’ of surprise and she pushed my hand away, looking indignant.

  “I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am,” she said hotly. “But I would never sleep with someone on the first date! I don’t even kiss on the first date,” she said, standing up with such force that her chair fell to the ground behind her. “That’s just not decent,” she said, glaring at me.

  I shrugged. “Baby, you fucked Ernie Cousins and had his kid,” I said. “You’re a single mom, what the hell do you think guys think when they see that?”


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