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Forbidden Call (New Breed Novels, Book 1)

Page 18

by Martha Bourke

  Back in the bedroom, Pax held the dress up in the daylight. Ana gasped. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  “Would you like to try it?” Adriana asked.

  Pax handed Ana the dress. “Well, she won’t have a length issue with her height. I can’t believe it’s jersey. That’s fucking genius.”

  Ana took the gown into the bathroom and slid it on. For some ridiculous reason, she felt a little shy about going back out to the sitting room in it. Swallowing hard, she opened the door and walked out.

  “Oh, Ana, you look incredible,” Adriana said. “Go look in the mirror.”

  Ana stood in front of the full-length mirror. She was stunned. It was like she was in some kind of dream. The wide straps took up most of her shoulders, but left her newly shaped arms uncovered. The front panel was exquisite. She looked so elegant, so grown up.

  Pax took a step closer. “It’s really amazing with your bright green eyes and dark hair. You look like an Egyptian queen. Give us a turn, Ana,” Pax instructed. “Look at the way the jersey falls on that body of hers. And all the different textures on the bodice. The detail blows my mind.”

  “The front panel is lovely,” Adriana agreed, “and her shape is perfect for that slightly lower cut front. What do you think, Ana?”

  Tears came to Ana’s eyes. “I think…all I can think is thank you, Adriana.”

  Adriana laughed and handed her a Kleenex. “Then we have a dress! Don’t thank me yet, though. You still need shoes, and my guess by your height is that you’re a good two sizes larger than I am.”

  Just then, Richard walked in the room. “Holy—”

  Adriana leaned up and clapped her hand over her mate’s eyes. “Drool later, buster. We’re busy in here.”

  Richard headed to the back to the sitting room. “Sorry!”


  There was a knock at the door. Soaring Eagle looked up. “It’s open.”

  “Hey,” Richard said, “Ready to get dressed?”

  “Yeah, I’m done with the meditation. I have to admit, I was hoping to sneak down and see Ana before you got here.”

  “She’s fine. She just finished, too. Adri’s helping her get ready. You’ll see her soon enough. Hit the shower, my brother.”

  By the time he got out, SE noticed that his Armani suit, shirt, and white robe with its red tasseled belt were laid out on the bed. He suddenly started to feel a little nervous, though he wasn’t sure exactly why.

  “So, you should be all set. Dimitri’s ruby cuff links are on the dresser. You’ve got half an hour before you meet Ana at the top of the stairs. Adri and I will tie your belts for you there. They need to be done a certain way.”

  “Okay. Hey, Richard? Were you nervous?”

  “No, not too bad. Then again, I wasn’t going through the ceremony with my new mate either. You’ll be fine, SE. Twenty minutes and you’ll be dancing with your female. You two have come through a lot to get this far. This’ll be a cakewalk.”

  “Yeah, I guess we have,” SE mumbled to himself.

  “So I’ll see you in a bit.” Richard closed the door behind him.

  As Soaring Eagle began getting dressed, he thought about what Richard had said. It had been mere weeks since he’d been in Eagle form, trying to evade life and all of its trials and blessings. He wasn’t sure if it was the meditation or not, but he suddenly realized he owed pretty much his entire life to the Goddess. If she hadn’t called on him to serve when she did, he would have missed out on Ana and their new life in the Order completely. At the same time, he felt in his heart that he would never have been ready before now. He fastened the second ruby link to his cuff. Everything in his life up to this point had come together to bring him to this moment. Putting on his jacket, he turned and walked out of the room, heading toward his mate at the top of the stairs, and all that awaited them beyond.

  Ana took one last look in the full length mirror, then Adriana draped her white robe over her shoulders.

  “You look incredible,” Adriana said. “We’ll be lucky if your mate doesn’t pass out when this robe comes off.”

  Ana looked at her reflection. The dress was perfect. Adriana had fixed her short dark hair so that it was brushed back in elegant waves. Her make-up was spare. At least that was what Adriana said, but Ana had never worn any before, so she couldn’t stop looking at it.

  “Let’s go, females,” Richard said from the doorway. “Time’s a wastin’.” As Ana stepped into the hall, he flashed a huge grin. “Ana, you look gorgeous. May I?”

  He extended his arm and she took it, slowly walking beside him while trying not to trip on the dress or the robe, never mind the heels. Adriana had given her a lesson in walking in heels, and she’d practiced, but still… As her mate came into view up ahead, she realized she was trembling. And it wasn’t from nerves. She’d never been so excited to see anyone in her whole life. Judging by the energy coming off him, he was feeling very much the same.

  As Ana drew closer, SE’s heart started to pound like it wanted out of his chest. The sight of her took his breath away. He started to speak, but he had to clear his throat before anything would come out. He opened his mouth to tell her how ravishing she was, but instead he said, “How did I ever live without you?”

  Not exactly what he was going for, but it worked. Her smile was radiant.

  SE offered her his arm, and Richard handed her off. They both stood still while their red belts were tied, and then it was time to go. They somehow made it safely down the stairs, although he wasn’t sure how. It wasn’t because they were looking where they were going, that was for damn sure. All they could do was stare at one another and smile.

  Luckily, he still kept enough presence about him to remember to stop at the first door to the drawing room.

  Adriana and Richard stopped behind them.

  “Remember,” Richard said in a low voice, “just follow Reyn’s lead. He’ll take you right through it. Okay? Anytime you’re ready.”

  Soaring Eagle stepped forward and his mate matched his stride.

  Ana entered the drawing room with her mate at her side. It was early evening, but the room was bright as day thanks to the fire in the fireplace and all the pillar candles that appeared to be at least three feet tall. There were red, white, yellow, and purple candles to symbolize the cardinal points. The fragrance of the flowers that ringed the candles was lush, and the copal incense burning on the altar at the opposite side of the room added an earthy smell to the mix. The long table had been removed from the room and replaced by a red runner along the floor. She was aware of the brothers standing tall and silent on either side, each wearing his own white robe. Reyn awaited them by the altar.

  As they reached him, they continued to hold hands. Richard stood next to SE, and Adriana flanked Ana on the right.

  Reyn placed his fist over his heart. “In lak'ech.”

  “Ala k'in,” they all responded as they returned his gesture.

  “This evening we are here to initiate Soaring Eagle and Ana into the Order,” Reyn began. “We wear our white robes to symbolize the purity of our intentions. The red cords represent the rebirth they have undertaken. Please take a moment of silence to call on your naguals to bless this initiation, and ask that they protect these two warriors.”

  Ana bowed her head and called on her nagual. As she was just about to open her eyes she felt what she knew was SE’s guiding spirit rush through her and then return to her mate. She opened her eyes and looked up into her mate’s gorgeous face.

  He winked.

  She couldn’t help but smile.

  “Who sponsors this male?” Reyn asked.

  “I do,” Richard said.

  “And who sponsors this female?”

  “I do,” Adriana said.

  “Very well. The sacred obsidian blade is used in blood offerings to the Goddess. Blood signifies life and the renewal of k’ul, the divine energy in all things.”

  Reyn handed the blade to SE, who
sliced his palm and squeezed his fist to encourage his blood to fall onto a piece of white paper that rested in a carved wooden dish.

  Reyn wiped the blade, and passed the knife to Ana, and it was her turn to feel the blade’s sweet sting.

  Then Adriana handed them a small white cloth so they wouldn’t stain their robes. Ana noticed that her cut healed almost instantly.

  “The paper is now lit,” Reyn continued, “sending the warriors’ sacrifice to the Goddess through its smoke.” He turned to pick up the engraved wooden cup that held the ritual drink of balché, but as Richard lit the paper and placed the bowl on the altar, a strong wind hit the room, almost extinguishing the candles.

  There was a collective gasp around the room, and Ana quickly followed everyone’s eyes back to the altar. There stood a female who was almost totally transparent. She had long dark hair and eyes that reminded Ana of the sea in Mexico. She was young, tall and strong like Ana herself. Her entire being was serene.

  The female spoke. “I will administer the sacred drink, warrior.”

  “Yes, my Goddess,” Reyn answered stepping back and kneeling before the Goddess Akina.

  Everyone else in the room knelt before her.

  “You may rise,” she said. “The ritual drink of balché will now be offered to these warriors. May it sanctify and protect you both.”

  The Goddess offered the cup to SE, who lifted it to his lips, drank, and handed it back. She then held it out to Ana, but stopped abruptly.

  “What troubles you, child? Your heart is heavy with questioning. Today is a day to rejoice. I would have you be happy. Ask it of me, and I will help you if I can.”

  Ana looked down at the floor for a moment, and then up into the Goddess’s kind face. She could feel the heat behind her eyes and they clouded with tears. She cleared her throat, but could not keep the tremble from her voice. “I…I was wondering why it took so long for me to receive the call. Is it…were you not sure of me, my Goddess?”

  The Goddess smiled. “On the contrary, warrior, I was very sure of you, but I needed you to be sure.”

  Ana suddenly found herself smiling. Taking the balché from the Goddess’s hands, she polished it off in one gulp.

  The Goddess laughed at this and handed the cup back to Reyn.

  Adriana stepped forward and removed Ana’s robe. SE couldn’t have held back his gasp if he’d tried. His mate was wearing the most incredible dress he’d ever seen, but it couldn’t possibly compete with the smile on her face or the shining gold around her bright green eyes. She was resplendent.

  “Warrior,” said the Goddess, “I believe you wanted to give something to your mate?”

  Holy shit, he’d gotten so wrapped up in how amazing Ana looked, he’d almost totally forgotten. He slipped his hand inside his jacket, and took out an antique diamond ring.

  When Ana saw it she put her hand to her chest. A tear rolled down her cheek. SE was so touched by her reaction, he could barely speak. He took her left hand in his.

  “This was my mother’s ring,” he said. “I found it with my things here in the attic. I thought about buying you a ring, but I wanted to give you something that came from my family. I knew it would mean more to you, and I know if she were here, she’d want you to have it. I love you so much, ihkweea.”

  He slipped the ring on his mate’s finger. It fit perfectly.

  There were more than a few sniffles coming from behind them.

  “Warrior,” the Goddess said, “It is quite obvious that you wish to kiss her.”

  SE smiled. “I would, my Goddess.”

  “We will wait.”

  He reached for her and gently brought her lips to his own. He would have preferred to do a little more, actually, a lot more. For a moment his mind went to holding his mate in the darkness, her eyes shining that bright gold color just for him. Okay, mind out of gutter.

  The Goddess raised her hands. “Our first New Breed mating.”

  Everyone started to cheer and clap. The Goddess waited patiently for things to calm down again.

  “It is clear that neither of you would have arrived at this place without the other,” she said, “and so it must be with all of you. You are a family with all of the blessings and challenges that come with that special bond. No matter what happens between you, you must be a united front against the enemy. Beware of the female Victrixa, for she serves an enemy far more fearsome than any you have faced. He is an immortal, as I once was. I believe he seeks the second souls of shapeshifters to return to the Otherworld where he would exact his revenge on those who banished him. Enjoy your evening, my children, but remember that this war has but begun. Take strength in one another and know that I will aid you wherever I can.”

  She turned to go, but suddenly she paused and looked back. Her gaze fell on Adriana and she smiled.

  “Please do kiss our first New Breed offspring for me in the morning.”

  And with that, she turned and vanished.

  Everyone in the room glanced around at one another.

  “What?” Richard finally said. “What just happened?”

  “Oh, God,” Adriana cried out, “my water just broke!”

  “Helen!” Diesel ran to Adriana.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs,” she called over her shoulder.

  “No, no, it’s five months early. It’s too early,” Adriana kept repeating.

  Diesel took her arms. “Easy, everything’s going to be okay. Helen will take care of you.”

  Soaring Eagle took Ana’s hand and kissed it, and together they followed their new family to the medical facility to await the birth of Baby New Breed.

  About the Author

  Martha Bourke grew up in Burlington, Vermont, often considered a hub of "free thinking." She was encouraged to write and be creative at a very young age. Martha also had her father's talent for languages, which later became her career. She spent fifteen years creating and teaching in foreign language programs for young children. She continued to write on the side, trying out a variety of fiction genres. Then she discovered paranormal romance. She was hooked!

  Martha and her husband of fourteen years have carved out their own little piece of Vermont in the Massachusetts countryside. When not writing, Martha loves spending time with her animals, listening to good music, thrifting, and adding to her Converse collection.

  For more information about the author, please visit

  Also By

  Jaguar Sun

  (Book 1 in the Jaguar Sun Series)

  Jaguar Moon

  (Book 2 in the Jaguar Sun Series)


  (A Prequel Novella to the Jaguar Sun Series & New Breed Novels)

  Don’t Miss

  Book 2 of the New Breed Novels (as yet untitled)

  Jaguar Hunter (Book 3 in the Jaguar Sun Series)

  BOTH OUT IN 2013!




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