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Page 7

by Shey Stahl

  “He could have been, but no.” Josh glanced over his shoulder to see Jeb was ready to go on the wake board and started the boat up. “He had a scholarship for baseball, got into some trouble and dropped out.”

  I wonder what made him drop out of college.

  Before taking off again, Josh flipped the button for the stereo and turned on the top 40 mix that usually played on a Saturday night. The lake was alive with about twenty or more boats, all doing the same thing, forgetting about the hustle of the week and relaxing. Throwing back beers with friends and basking in the warmth of the day. The sun reflected off the water. My shoulders warmed from the later afternoon heat and it was nice. I could definitely get used to this kind of lifestyle.

  I was definitely impressed by Jeb’s wake boarding skills and it made me wonder what Brevin was like wake boarding if he was apparently better than Jeb. Holy hell, the boy must have been damn near pro level.

  There was a small island on the lake that divided a section. With trees and thick shrubs, boats anchored near it and explored. From what I heard, it was a usual party spot for teens looking to get rowdy away from the prying eyes of their parents.

  “I slept on there once.” Jeb noted, sitting next to me, one wet arm draped over my shoulder.

  “On purpose?” I laughed, feeling slightly weird that Jeb had his arm around me, but strangely comfortable around him. He had these warm honey brown eyes that looked like syrup and the sweetest grin.

  Pushing his dripping wet hair from his forehead, he grinned, his eyes watching my face closely as he spoke. “No.” He gestured with a nod to Josh, his eyes never leaving my face. “That asshole left me. Couldn’t swim back so I camped out.”

  “I bet you survived.” I wasn’t exactly sure what to say. I was always a tad awkward when I was around new people and though Jeb had a way of making me relaxed, I was still drawing a blank when it came to interacting.

  Fuck, Logan, just relax!

  “I sure did.” Removing his arm, he reached for Addison who was bent over retrieving another beer and pulled her down on his lap.

  We spent the majority of the evening on the lake before we headed back for barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs. I handed out the rest of those cupcakes I didn’t give Brevin earlier and they were gone immediately.

  “Damn girl,” Jeb gleamed, hauling me into a tight hug after eating his third cupcake. “You know how to win my heart.”

  It was clear Jeb was tanked and working on passing out if he kept drinking, but I quickly learned if anyone could hold liquor, it was both Jeb and Josh.

  Part of me thought I would feel uncomfortable having Jeb hug me, and keep his arm around me as we talked in the kitchen, but I didn’t.

  AS THE NIGHT settled down, Josh held me close when we I straddled him on the edge of the dock, his feet dipped in the water. His arms wrapped around my back and shoulders and he kissed my bare skin with a teasing edge. I had to smile because I knew immediately where this was heading. It was new. Of course we wanted it all the time.

  With anything, when it was new, you craved it.

  I once made these coffee cake cupcakes and topped them with a cream cheese frosting. They were delicious warm. Every day for a week Stevie and I had them for breakfast.

  That was until I discovered by the end of the week my jeans wouldn’t button.

  Despite craving something, it wasn’t always good for you.

  I rocked into Josh when the need stirred deep in my belly, unsure if anyone could see us and pressing my hips more firmly against him, but he stopped me, spinning me around so I was facing away from him but still straddling him.

  “You are fucking sexy in this bikini. God…” He let out a growl, one that vibrated my chest. “You don’t know how hard it was not to fuck you in front of them every time you bent over to get a beer,” he said, the contours of his body pressed against mine.

  “The feeling was mutual,” I added, wondering what he’d say next, twisting my head to find his jaw and kissing up the side of his scruff. “You’re sexy.”

  When I ground down on him, letting his straining erection against his board shorts slide down the crack of my ass, his breath caught. “Why pretty little Logan, are you looking to get fucked in public again?” he teased, shaking his head as his jaw ran over my shoulder blades, his mouth tenderly kissing as he did so. His arm wrapped around me more tightly, squeezing me to his chest.

  “I think you’re hoping that I do.” Moving my hands from my thighs, I arched back, this time making more direct contact with his hips. His palm met my breast over my bikini. His thumb grazed my nipple, his other hand brushing over my warm skin until it was wrapped around my neck. I loved his display of dominance, his force you knew he was capable of.

  My lashes fluttered closed. His lips were so soft and tender against exposed skin, pouring emotion and sweet desperation into his touch…something you wouldn’t think someone like Josh would be capable of.

  Leaning away, he reached inside the pocket of his board shorts for a condom.

  “You have a condom in your board shorts?” I asked, ready to roll my eyes.

  “Hey,”—he lifted his brow when I looked back at him—“I gotta be prepared around a girl like you.”

  He winked, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss that was somewhat awkward from this angle. For a moment, I thought maybe he wasn’t going to do anything with the condom. Until his hands that were once on the dock, moved to my inner thighs and stretched my legs out. His hand dipped between my legs, his hips rising slightly, firmly grind himself into my ass.

  I rolled my hips, giving in, letting go, feeling the sensations as they gripped every part of me. I needed him so badly.

  He handed me the condom, reaching around the front of me and I took it, taking charge of the situation.

  I was rather proud of myself. Not only were there people twenty feet away, but I was going to fuck him on the dock. It was pitch dark and no lights were on but still, if people on the patio had squinted enough, they would have known exactly what we were doing.

  Josh let me do all the work, while I kept my position on his lap, facing the water. The position did wonders for me because I was able to get a good angle to show him how well I could move for him.

  “Get yourself off,” he whispered in my ear, moving my right hand that was placed on my thigh to my center. “I want to see you make yourself come for me.”

  I did exactly as he said, my fingers slipping between my slick folds under my bikini bottom I’d pushed aside. Bouncing around on his cock in slow steady movements, I worked myself into an orgasm, all the while leaned back against his chest so he could hear every tiny moan that escaped my lips.

  Josh threw his head back, his muscles straining as he moved with me.

  The sensations were heightened even further when I knew how much pleasure I was giving him. The idea, the naughtiness of this came crashing down around him, which sparked both of our releases at the same time. He grunted in release, groaning long and low into the curve of my neck, his body shuddering around me as his hands gripped my hips harder as he came. I could feel him then, the pulsing inside me as he swelled.

  Taking in a deep breath, I relaxed back into his chest, attempting to calm my rapid breathing. I looked up at the sky, closing my eyes.

  Just then, Jeb ran past, shaking the dock as his feet pounded into the planks and dove head first into the water.

  I freaked out and sat up, pulling Josh out of me and tried to get off his lap.

  Josh was relaxed, chuckling as if it was no big deal that his erection was there for his friend to see when he popped up out of the water, smiling at us. “Oh, man, I missed the show.”

  Only then I realized how relaxed this crowd was and Josh not only removed the condom, he took his shorts off and jumped into the water on the other side, away from Jeb.

  Addison, screeching like a girl, came running down the dock, stark-ass naked herself and jumped in near Jeb.

  They were skinny dipping

  All of them.

  “Come on,” Josh said, giving me a nod. Even in the dark of the night, I could see the flush of his cheeks and the brightness in his eyes. “Get in here with me.”

  I didn’t know what it was about Josh but I jumped in there with him and went skinny dipping for the first time in my life.

  I had no idea living on a lake could be so much fun, but when you had a lifestyle like Josh Daniel, it was fun.

  Sunday morning, I woke up in Josh’s arms, snuggled up in a sea of pillows and coffee beside me.

  Yep. He made me coffee, brought it up to the room and then snuggled.

  A man who snuggled on Sunday mornings.

  I enjoyed what Josh and I had. It was fun and exciting and new, and up until then, I had nothing in my life but the shop.

  Yeah, if I was honest, I was infatuated with him but I loved the feeling I got every time I saw him and that sensation that warmed me. And I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to be around him in any way I could.

  I was willing to do anything that made me continue to feel this. I was being spontaneous and living the way I should have. There was nothing that said I couldn’t have a business and a social life too.

  Josh’s lips ghosted over my shoulder, a touch I was getting used to and wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  “Will you come to dinner at my mom’s house with me tonight?”

  I could feel his smile against my shoulder, his response immediate as he rolled me over to face him. “I’d love to.”

  Holy shit, he is about to meet my family.

  MY SISTER KINSLEY was pregnant and due in three months. Though she had a baby shower planned, Mom wanted to have dinner with me and my sisters. Only I knew Travis, Kinsley’s husband, and Tyler, Charley’s husband would be there.

  So I invited Josh.

  I panicked.

  Josh was okay with it and welcomed the idea. Which made me a little nervous. It was always a little nerve racking when you were in the early stages of dating and not sure whether or not your weirdness might scare them away. Or worse, your family.

  I thought for sure after he met my family there wasn’t enough invested in the relationship to prevent him from running the other direction.

  On Sunday night, I was a nervous wreck. It was like getting a puppy, a cute adorable brand new puppy and then setting it free in cougar country.

  He’d never survive those meddling bitches.

  I had to warn him, a few times, that he didn’t have to go.

  On the way to Mom’s, driving in his Lexus that I was taking a liking to, we stopped off at Total Wine in the mall and picked up a bottle of wine. “You’re mom drinks wine, right?”

  “Yeah, like a bottle a night.” I snorted, searching for her favorite. I didn’t remember the name, just what the label looked like.

  “I have a good one.” He held up a wine and then reached for my hand. “Trust me, she’ll love it.”


  Once at the register, I nearly shit my pants when that bottle of wine was $150.00.

  “Does it have diamonds in it?” I stared at Josh, unsure what to do next when he tossed $200.00 at the cashier.

  “It’s worth it.”

  I never intended to let him pay, but I sure as shit wasn’t buying my mother a $150.00 bottle of wine.

  Back in the car, I was still in disbelief. “You didn’t have to pay for that.”

  “I wanted to.” He smiled, shifting the car into drive. “Now where does she live?”

  “On Steamboat Island Road.”

  When we arrived at my mom’s house, I was fidgeting and ready to throw up when I saw both my sisters were there already.

  Kinsley and Charley were very different from one another. Looks wise, they could pass for twins. Personality, I was always impressed they didn’t kill each other growing up.

  Kinsley was the negotiator. Had an answer for everything and needed to convince you, her answer was right. If you didn’t agree with her, she’d find a roundabout way to make you. But then again, she wanted you to like her. She had a lot of friends and every one of them she held dear to her.

  I wasn’t one of her friends.

  Charley never liked to be told what to do and found a way to get what she wanted every single time. Hard headed, she was determined and controlling, there was also nothing I could do that she approved of.

  Now imagine growing up with those two.

  They didn’t like me much but compared to my mother, they were a walk in the fucking park.

  “Listen…” I felt the need to warn Josh once we were walking to the door. He needed to be prepared for what he’d witness in there. “…my sisters and mother are a bit much. Their husbands and my mom’s boyfriend seem like the only normal ones. Hang out with them.”

  “Okay.” He chuckled. “Should we have a safe word?”

  “A what?”

  “You know, a word to let me know when it’s time to run away.”

  “I completely understand if you want to leave now.”

  Josh jerked my hand back that he was holding, the bottle of wine in the other. Letting go of my hand, his knuckles ran over my sunburned cheeks. “I meant with you. A safe word for when I need to get you out of here and back in my bed.”

  Rolling my eyes, I reached for his hand and pulled it back to me. “Just…I understand if you don’t like me anymore after today. I wouldn’t hold it against you.”

  “Oh, they can’t be that bad.”

  He was wrong.

  They were that bad.

  SOMETIMES I HATED being the youngest of three girls. It had very few perks if you asked me. Not only did I never get to wear brand new clothes, but I had to share everything. I was also considered by nearly everyone, the Gentry sisters’ youngest brat.

  I never had friends who weren’t friends with them, or boyfriends who hadn’t tried to date them already and failed.

  Even Caleb.

  He dated Kinsley before me.

  I’d been pushed aside, overlooked and pressured to follow in their footsteps.

  Kinsley, at twenty-eight, was an attorney and married a fucking district attorney. She had her shit together and was expecting a baby this fall.

  Charley, my oldest sister at thirty-one, was a doctor.

  With sisters like them, it was hard to live up to anything. When I opened the bakery, they said, “Jeez Logan, you could have at least applied your degree in something more stable.”

  As if running your own business wasn’t good enough. Apparently, I needed a damn law or doctorate degree to amount to anything.

  I didn’t have the greatest relationship with my mother or my sisters. For most of my life, I felt like I was an accident. And let’s face it, I was.

  What I didn’t understand was how they felt the need to involve themselves in my life, control it.

  It was if they needed to add their two cents into everything I did.

  Why? I couldn’t tell you. Maybe it was because I was the baby sister and they felt the need to guide the ugly duckling along. I may never know.

  My mom made frequent trips into the shop, mostly to either brag about my sisters or order cupcakes. I will say she was a huge supporter of my business.

  When I’d thank her, she smile and say, “Oh Logan, if I didn’t buy them, who would? Someone has to support your silly hobby.”

  She was a great mother.

  My sisters were worse, only they would control my dating life. Which was why I did not want Josh to meet them.

  No one was good enough. And it wasn't that I brought any of them to Christmas. It was just one of those things where they would subtlety say, “You should date someone like him.”

  Only they’d expect him to be a doctor; or lawyer.

  Needless to say, because of this, I was nervous about Josh meeting my sisters. It would be the ultimate test.

  STANDING AT THE door and practically shaking, I knocked on the door, because my mother was one of those people who lock
ed their door in the middle of the day, regardless of hosting a dinner party, and Josh reached down to grasp my hand.

  Fuck, he’s holding your hand!

  “You brought a date?” Kinsley said, opening the door, her hand on her swollen stomach and the glow radiating through her. Out of my two sisters, I looked the most like Kinsley but still, I could tell I had a different dad.

  I waved to him, letting go of his hand to reach forward and touch Kinsley’s belly. “He’s not…”

  Before I couldn’t tell them Josh was just a friend, he interrupted me. “I’m Josh Daniel. And yes, we’re dating.” As he spoke those words, he offered me a side glance, and a wink. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say my fucking heart fluttered.

  Kinsley and Charley’s eyes lit up when Josh began talking, fully engrossed in any conversation around him and giving my sisters and Mom his attention. He was nice, offering me smiles and winks throughout the dinner and listening intently to anything they had to say.

  And you know what? They loved him.

  Absolutely adored him.

  “How’d you two meet?” Charley asked as if this would be some story where I picked him up in the bar. Which, surprisingly, was how I met most men.

  “She needed a bid on a remodel for her shop. I showed up and the rest is history,” Josh replied for me, offering me a wink as he cut in to his steak.

  “A bid on what?” Kinsley asked, tucking a piece of her curly hair behind her ear, clearly not understanding when Josh mentioned remodel. I doubted she even remembered I owned my business because if it didn’t involve legal help, she couldn’t care less about anything I did.

  Never ever hire her to help you get out of a DUI. She was fucking useless. Stevie could attest to that.

  “My shop. I’m in the process of expanding the kitchen and adding—”

  “You’re in construction?” Mom asking, her eyes gleaming with joy.

  That’s okay mother, I wasn’t just in the middle of talking. By all means, interrupt me.

  As soon as Mom found out Josh owned his own construction business, she pulled him out back to the deck she’d been working on for over a year now. “What should I do with this?”


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