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A.O.E.M.: 4 Play

Page 4

by Eve Vaughn

  She placed her hands on her hips. “Can I help you?”

  He lifted his head up, giving her a confused look. “How did you do that?” His voice was very deep and gravelly.

  “How did I do what?”

  “This.” He began to move his head in an erratic circular motion. She looked at him in stunned silence. He looked like a demented clucking chicken.

  Suddenly she realized he’d been mimicking her. Did she really look like that when she became agitated? She’d been told by her friends that she was queen of the sister girlfriend neck roll. Trina burst out laughing at the comedic sight.

  How could she possibly take this guy seriously? “Thank you. I needed that. I came to this island for a relaxing vacation, but it’s been everything but so far. The men around here run around like a bunch of horny school boys.”

  “Really?” A look of interest crossed his face as though the thought pleased him. What was up with this guy?

  “Yeah, really.”

  “Which way did they go?”

  “Why?” Was he for real? He acted as though he was eager to find other men, yet his eyes kept straying to her breasts.

  He bounced up and down with seeming impatience. Oddly, she didn’t feel threatened by him. Actually, she felt quite comfortable talking to this man. Trina took a step back as she noticed wings slowly sprouting from his back. They were the same mother-of-pearl shade as the tattoos on his body. “What the…”

  She didn’t hear a word he said as he began to answer her question, because she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his wings. It felt as though she were the one who’d been drinking. Trina was just waiting for the little pink elephants to start walking by.

  The wind gently brushed against the black tips of his feathers, making them ripple. Her eyes drifted lower as the already impressive bulge in his pants steadily grew larger with each passing second, threatening to push free of his already low-rise pants. The tip of his cock peeked out.

  Trina didn’t know whether to run or stare some more.

  “Not that I don’t find you attractive, but I have to be gay by the end of the week. I mean, I am gay, but I have to prove it or I’ll dishonor my family and lose them,” the winged man explained.

  He thought he was gay? With a boner like that? No way. “You’re no more gay than I am,” she said, pointing to his erection. “How can you be gay when you haven’t been able to take your eyes off my breasts throughout our entire conversation?”

  “Well, they are nice breasts. It’s just that I’m not supposed to notice.” He blushed, turning a deep purple. “How can I be gay when getting winged and hard over some woman’s breasts,” he muttered more to himself than to her.

  It took every ounce of Trina’s willpower not to laugh out loud at this situation. Why was he fighting so hard to be something he obviously was not? “Have you ever thought that maybe you’re not gay?”

  “No. I have to be gay. It’s tradition.”

  “Why are you letting tradition dictate who you screw?”

  He paused as though to think. His tongue ring clicked against his teeth. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  Trina felt sorry for this very confused man. In her experience, people who struggled with their sexuality tried to be straight, not the other way around. Regardless of what his sexual orientation was, he had to be true to himself. He couldn’t please everyone so he might as well please himself.

  She stepped closer to him to pat him on his dark shoulder with sympathy. “Who you choose to be with is your affair.”

  “Only in a perfect world.”

  “I know how you feel. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t be so stupid where men are concerned,” she said with more bitterness than she’d intended.

  “What man would harm such perfection, would mar the inner beauty which marks the outer beauty you downplay.”

  Her breath caught in her throat at his eloquent words, which touched a part of her soul she thought was dead. “Didn’t you know? I’m an asshole magnet. I came home to find my lover of two years in bed with my so-called best friend who happens to be male. He’s gay -- you’re not.”

  “He’s unworthy of you and clearly at fault. Honesty is all in a relationship and this male -- not a man -- deserves nothing but your contempt. How can your decision-making skills be at fault when you are the one who decided to end the relationship -- hopefully after you ran your foot up his well-used ass.”

  She giggled at the thought. “Well, I did nearly pull a Lorena Bobbitt.”


  “Uh, long story, but let’s just say her now ex-husband is not quite the man he used to be. We’ve made some advances in reattaching severed body parts, but I’m sure it doesn’t work half as well as it used to.”

  She couldn’t believe how much she was enjoying talking to this large, strange man. Trina casually glanced past him and groaned. The three men from the beach were fast approaching. She had to get away to save herself from them, but more so to save herself from her.

  “Oh Lord, not them again. Well, it was nice meeting you --”


  It sounded a lot like the redhead’s name. “Tal, I have to run. Do me a favor and say you never met me.”

  As she turned to go, he reached out to catch her hand. “What’s your name?”

  She felt she could be honest with him. “Trina. Trina Davis,” she said, yanking her hand away. “Sorry, I have to go.”

  Trina took off like a track star, and didn’t stop running until she reached her bungalow.

  Chapter Five

  Roar, Bayoh, and Talh saw Trina talking to a tall dark Fairy in front of the nightclub. Who the hell did he think he was to make moves on what was rightfully theirs? As they neared, she saw them coming and ran off. Because the Fairy’s wings were blocking the way, he didn’t see which direction she went.

  “Let’s get her,” Bayoh said.

  “There will be time for that. I want to let this Fairy know not to mess with what’s ours,” Talh argued.

  Roar was in agreement with Bayoh, but when Talh made up his mind to do something it was hard to deter him.

  Talh confronted the dark Fairy, his tail swishing in an angry motion behind him. “Stay away from our woman!” The Fairy reached up and plucked out a large cream-colored feather from his wings. The feather transformed into a glowing blade.

  Roar’s eyes narrowed. This Fairy thought he could intimidate them with this little toy? He had no idea who he was dealing with. “What woman is it you seek?” the Fairy asked with a knowing smirk on his ebony face.

  Roar knew very well the Fairy knew who Talh was referring to. “Don’t play games with us, Fairy.”

  “Why, thank you for recognizing both my heritage and my sexuality by human standards,” the Fairy answered.

  Roar was taken aback by the Fairy’s odd comment. He glanced at Bayoh and Talh who seemed equally stunned. He turned back to the Fairy. “You prefer men?”

  “Well, I feel comforted that a somewhat-male like you would draw my attention. Now be a good boy and let me speak to the real man, okay? If you’re good and quiet while the adults speak, I may give you a piece of candy, but not my lollipop. I doubt you could handle it.” The Fairy grinned indulgently as though he were talking to a child.

  “Somewhat male?” Roar’s usually even temper was at its breaking point. “I don’t have time to trifle with you, Fairy --”

  “You forget your place, cub, and the fact that I have no desire at all to trifle with an almost male.” The Fairy turned to Talh, obviously thinking he was the leader of the three of them. “Can’t you control your cubs? In my homeland, until a child is allowed to participate in adult conversations he is taught to keep his mouth shut.”

  That was it. The Fairy was dust. Uncaring that he was fully clothed, Roar shifted to his natural form. He wasn’t going to let this confused Fairy tell him he wasn’t a man, especially when the Fairy was experiencing some kind of sexual identity crisis.

  As he
was about to pounce, he found himself bound to the ground. He couldn’t move a muscle. Damn. Fairy magic. The Fairy laughed before addressing Talh again. “And I thought redheads were supposed to have the tempers. Can’t you control your pets?”

  I can’t break free, Roar communicated to his companions.

  “You --” Bayoh was about to charge forward, but Talh held him back. “Stand down, Bayoh. It seems there is more than meets the eye to this effeminate male. Release my friend, Fairy, and tell us where the woman went,” Talh growled.

  Roar continued to struggle against the invisible force holding him down. When he got free, he intended to rip that damn Fairy to shreds.

  “You should have more mature playmates, but I will give you what you need if it’s not necessarily what you want. She went that way,” the Fairy said, pointing to his left.

  “If you’ve lied to us, we’ll be back. By the way, you may call my friends nearly men, but they’re men enough to know who they really want to fuck. You’re no more gay than our Trina is a man.” Talh looked the Fairy up and down with contempt.

  “Well… shit,” the Fairy muttered as though he’d been knocked for six.

  Roar felt the Fairy release him and would have jumped on him, but Talh stopped him. “There is not time for that. Let’s go get her.”

  Roar gave the Fairy, who now had his back turned toward them, one last glare before following Bayoh and Talh in the direction the Fairy had pointed.

  Before we leave this island, I’m going to have it out with that bastard.

  “Do you think he gave us the right direction?” Talh frowned.

  Bayoh cursed. “I have a sneaking suspicion he didn’t. Damn. Already we’ve been all over this island looking for her. If only we could have marked her, we’d have no problem locking on to her scent.”

  Roar pointed out, I know what you mean, but my cock was too hard to think straight. Besides, marking her would have required us taking her back to her bungalow for a little privacy.

  Talh had a pensive look on his face. “Perhaps she’s back at her bungalow.”

  It’s possible, but she’s already given us a false name and bungalow number. She’s slippery. Where in the world did she come up with an awful name like Weezy? Since we now have her true name, it shouldn’t be too hard to find her bungalow number. We can ask around, Roar said, scanning the area, knowing Trina was long gone.

  There must be someone around here who’s seen her. Let’s split up and meet back here in an hour. In the meantime I’ll go back to our bungalow and put some new clothes on. These are ruined. I shouldn’t have shifted without undressing first.

  “Okay, that sounds like a plan. When we find her, this time, we won’t let her go,” Bayoh swore.

  * * *

  Trina rested her head against the side of the whirlpool tub, letting the bubbles massage her tense body. It was so soothing she found herself drifting off to sleep. What an odd day this had been. It started out as a nice laid-back day as she’d intended, but then she began to see things that shouldn’t exist. On the way back to her bungalow, she could have sworn she saw a Merman, not to mention Tal, who’d sprouted wings before her very eyes.

  As disturbing as that was, the scene which kept playing in her mind was of Roar, Bayoh, and Talh. Why the hell did those three nuts have to be so damn good-looking? And why did the thought of them make her heart beat faster and her pussy grow wet? Was she greedy for lusting after three men or wondering what it would be like to be with them all at once?

  Tim had once suggested they try a threesome, but the thought repulsed her at the time. Why now did she think about three partners simultaneously? Did it make her a slut? Whether it did or not, she shouldn’t have been thinking about it at all. This definitely wasn’t what she’d visualized when she came to Chimera. It seemed as though her vacation was doomed, especially if she spent all her time avoiding Roar, Bayoh, and Talh.

  Had it been simple lust perhaps she could have dealt with it, but Trina sensed there was something more to this thing she felt for them. It was absolutely nuts, because she’d just met them.

  As she lay in the tub, thinking, someone knocked on her door. “Damn,” she muttered, as she reluctantly stood up in the water. She grabbed an oversized terry cloth towel, wrapping it around her before stepping out of the tub. The knock became louder and more forceful as she made her way to the door.

  “Okay, I’m coming. Hold your horses.”

  When she unlocked and opened the door she immediately tried to close it again because standing behind it was none other than the last three men she hoped to see.

  Bayoh stuck his foot in the door, shoving it forward, pushing Trina back.

  The three men strode into her bungalow as though they owned it. “Get out!” Trina yelled, clutching the towel around her as though her life depended on it.

  “We aren’t going anywhere, Weezy, or should I say Trina Davis?” Roar stepped forward menacingly.

  She gasped, taking a step back. “How did you… how did you find out my name? How did you find me?”

  “It’s not a very large island, you know. It wasn’t very hard once we realized you lied to us about your name. As for how we found you, someone on the island saw you come to this bungalow, and was quite helpful to us.” Talh stepped closer, his light eyes flashing fire.

  She knew there was no escaping them this time, but she had to try. “If you guys don’t get out of my place right now, I’m going to call the island authorities. You can’t just come into someone’s bungalow uninvited,” she said, trying the reasonable approach.

  “Why should we need an invitation to our mate’s bungalow? As I said earlier, who on this island would stop us from claiming our mate?” Roar gave her an easy smile as he stepped forward.

  Trina stepped back until she found her back against the wall. “Leave me alone!” she screamed, grabbing the first thing she could get her hands on which just happened to be the television remote. “Stay away or I’ll brain you!”

  “You won’t be able to keep us away with that puny thing,” Roar chuckled, pissing her off.

  Before he could duck his head in time, the remote caught him just above his left ear. The smile left his face. She refused to plead with them, however, because she was only trying to protect herself. “Just leave me alone, okay?” She held out her palm to ward them off.

  “You will pay for that, but later. Now, we will get to know you better.” He smiled at her again. Before she could respond, Roar grabbed her against him. Trina struggled, caught in his strong muscular arms.

  “Let me go, you big blond ape.” She raised her hand before smacking him in the face. When she lifted her hand to him again, the cold look in his blue-green eyes made her stop in her tracks. This time she realized she’d gone too far.

  “That is the last time you will strike me, woman!”

  She would not cry. She would not cry. “Please. What do you want from me?”

  “I thought we’d already said, we want you,” Bayoh answered.

  “Why me? There are other women on the island -- willing women.”

  “But we don’t want other women. If we did, we wouldn’t have gone through so much to find you. If I let you go, will you sit down and listen to what we have to say?”

  Should she trust these guys? She had no reason to, but it was three against one. What if they hurt her?

  “We wouldn’t hurt you,” Roar said as though he’d read her mind. His cheek was still red from where her palm had connected. She winced. It wasn’t in her nature to strike people, but her fear had made her act out. The only time she could ever recall getting violent with anyone else was Tim, when she’d caught him in bed with Twan.

  “I’m sorry about hitting you.”

  Roar’s eyes lit up. “If you give me a smile, I will forgive you.”

  She did, and his own smile widened. Damn, he was fine. They all were.

  “Give us your word you won’t try anything like running off, and I’ll release you.”r />
  “Give me your word none of you will touch me and I won’t,” she countered.

  Talh shook his head. “We will touch you, because you belong to us.”

  “Do you guys hear yourselves? I’m a person, not a thing. I’m no one’s possession. Now please let me go. This isn’t funny.”

  “I agree. It isn’t funny. I wish you would listen to us with an open mind.” Roar leaned over, whispering in her ear. The sensual undertone of his voice made her tremble. Trina could feel her nipples hardening.

  He must have noticed too because he started to smile again. “See? You’re not as averse to us as you say you are. I think you want us, just as much as we want you.” Roar brushed his lips against hers. She was too stunned to react as his tongue slipped between her parted lips.

  He tasted so damned good -- so hot, so male. She found herself surrendering to his hungry kiss. She was so caught up in Roar’s mouth moving diligently over hers she didn’t notice the other two men remove her towel until she felt cool air against her skin, causing her to shiver. Trina pulled her head away from Roar’s. She moaned, “No, this isn’t right.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. This is very right. Perhaps we’ve been going about this the wrong way. They do say actions speak louder than words.” Roar lifted her into his arms before carrying her to the bedroom with Bayoh and Talh trailing behind. She knew she should struggle, but it was as though her brain had shut down.

  He placed her on the bed. Trina’s breath caught in her throat as the three prime hunks of man flesh began to undress. They were just as perfect without clothes as they were with them. She longed to run her fingers over their nicely cut bodies. As they removed their pants, her eyes widened as the men revealed three of the longest, thickest cocks she’d ever laid eyes on. They would have made John Holmes proud. Dear Lord, she’d have to be a yoga master to take on all three of those donkey dongs.

  As Trina marveled over their length and girth, she noticed something else -- what she’d originally thought were belts were actually tails.

  Dear Lord, they had tails. So, she hadn’t been imagining things on the beach. Each possessed a long thin tail, the color of the hair on their heads. Trina scrambled off the bed to the other side of the room, putting as much distance between them as possible. “Why the hell do you have tails?”


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