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The Book of Eva: Clone, Book One

Page 17

by Paxton Summers

  Here, not so much. Everywhere around us, the city burned. Dark smoke rolled between buildings, coating everything in greasy soot. The smell of burnt flesh and hair permeated the air. Blood had congealed in the crevices around the cobblestones. The red gelatin caught the light of the flames and looked like glass. Mobs of clones rioted, dragging any who didn’t have a chip into the street, where they were beaten to death.

  They paid us little mind. The blue light blinked from my cheek, and though it couldn’t be missed, we didn’t exist to them. Axel continued on, pulling me back against his chest. I was exhausted, but too wired to relax. At any moment, someone could jump out and take a shot at us. We drove past the screams from dark alleys, the bodies and looting, pulling into cover on occasion to hide from soldiers. Block after block we traveled, until we reached the edge of the city, leaving the violence behind us. Ahead, the sun rose above the horizon.

  Axel threw the glider into park, and it sank to the pavement. He climbed off and helped me down, placing me on shaky feet. Lacing his fingers into mine, he gave my hand a squeeze.

  “Are you okay?” Instead of looking at me, he stared into the distance. I could only guess at what.

  I looked back. Ahead, the UR was opening the borders to help refugees. Beacons from across no man’s land were lit, signaling to those fleeing. Behind us, the rapid fire of soldiers’ weapons barked against the morning as the fighting continued.

  Was I? My mother’s heart beat in my chest. The city was a torch. The only home I’d ever had was gone. My father was dead. Everything familiar had been destroyed. Worst of all, because of what I’d done, hundreds of corpses lay in the streets, and I had received a firsthand tour of my handiwork.

  I turned toward the sunrise, catching the beams on my face. No, I would never be okay, but I would go on, and perhaps the lessons learned this day would not be forgotten.

  Lifting my chin, I looked at him and nodded. I hoped in time, the wounds would heal and the pain ease.

  I had been given a second chance. I would not waste it. That day, I became the youngest president of Aeropia, and most wanted person on the globe.

  Long live our independence! May it be worth the bloodshed.

  About the Author

  Paxton Summers loves to incorporate crazy plot twists, comedy and the unexpected into her worlds. As a U.S. Army veteran, she naturally adores men in uniform and feels the world could always use more. She does her part by incorporating as many sexy soldiers in her novels as she can. When she isn't writing or running the roads, you can often find her online chatting with her peers and readers. Grab a cup of iced coffee, pull up your virtual chair and say hi. She loves emails and blog visits from her readers.

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