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Wind Runner (Vanderbrook Champions Book 1)

Page 15

by Edmund Hughes

  “You need to run into the wind to take off,” called Multi. “Can you arrange that?”

  Malcolm shrugged. He could set up the conditions, but he was still skeptical about whether it would actually work. The paraglider was big, but the idea of generating enough lift continuously to keep himself up for very long was a little daunting.

  “Just give it your best shot.” Tapestry’s voice came from the Bluetooth headset. “And keep your eyes out for smoke and fire.”

  “Sure.” Malcolm took a breath to focus, and switched his headset over to one of Danny’s 90s playlists.

  He held the paraglider’s main lines in his hands as he slowly started jogging forward, calling the wind toward him head on. It didn’t take long for the breeze to spread the canopy into position. Malcolm ran a little faster, and increased the strength of the wind. He lifted off the ground, missing a step. It almost felt like what he did when he was wind running, but with more upward pull.

  His foot hit again. He took another few solid strides, noticing how close he was getting to the trees. Summoning all the wind that he could, Malcolm hit the paraglider’s canopy with a powerful upward burst.

  He lifted off the ground. The speed at which he gained height was shocking, and soon, he was up over the trees. Malcolm felt his heart racing as he looked down at the other champions. They looked tiny and far off. Anna was waving to him, cheery as always. The Multis were smoking, a few of them already on their way back inside.

  “Stay calm,” came Tapestry’s voice, over his headset. “Multi says that you’re high enough up to use regular air currents as well as your wind manipulation.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Malcolm.

  “It means that you should be careful about trying to do anything fancy,” said Tapestry. “Just keep yourself in the air and wait until you feel like you have control to start adjusting your flight path.”

  The air currents were already taking him away from the dome, which soon disappeared amidst the forest. Malcolm could see Vanderbrook in the distance, the entire town seeming very self-contained from the height he was at. He looked directly down at the trees beneath him and tried not to think about what it would feel like to crash into them.

  He still had Tapestry’s power, of course, which put him a little more at ease. Though, he suspected that regardless of whether he could heal from getting impaled by a tree branch, it would still be incredibly painful to endure.

  “Alright,” he muttered. “Let’s what happens if I give myself a push.”

  Malcolm pulled the wind toward him from behind, exactly as he would to give himself a speed boost on the ground. Immediately, the paraglider’s canopy lost form and buckled. He screamed, falling a dozen feet or so before switching the wind to come from below him instead of behind.

  The canopy spread out again, and Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief, his heart pounding away in his chest. He made a mental note to never try to push himself directly forward, and tried to wipe the sweat off his palms.


  It took Malcolm a couple more minutes to get used to the feeling of paragliding, but once he had, he was in heaven. It was different from anything he’d done with his powers before, and it made him feel like he understood the wind.

  Wind manipulation was less about pushing, and more about guiding. Air currents were like invisible rails, and the paraglider would follow them by default, all he had to do was make sure he was aimed in the right direction.

  He was high enough up for the air to have a chill to it, and his teeth chattered from the cold, though he barely noticed.

  “See anything?” asked Tapestry.

  “There’s a small trail of smoke coming from the campgrounds to the north,” said Malcolm. “Probably nothing, but I’ll check it out anyway.”

  “Be careful,” said Tapestry. “And pace yourself. Don’t use your powers more than you have to.”

  “Right…” he said.

  This is the best use for my powers that I’ve ever found. I deserve to play around a little, don’t I?

  Malcolm pulled the wind in front of him and felt the paraglider pick up speed. He dipped lower, passing over Vanderbrook’s buildings, wondering if anybody on the street could see him. If they could, they wouldn’t think much of it. He was just a paraglider, up a little higher than normal.

  He used his powers to swerve from side to side as he approached the campgrounds. As soon as he made it over the trees, Malcolm saw that it was just a man building a small campfire. He pulled the wind up from beneath him, rising higher and higher into the air.

  “It’s nothing Tapestry,” he said. “I’m going to stay airborne for now, just in case something else turns up.”

  “You should take a break soon,” said Tapestry. “Malcolm, it’s really not good for you to get in the habit of using your powers when you don’t need to.”

  “I’m fine,” he said, grinning. “Quit worrying.”

  He switched over to his music, and for a couple of minutes, thought of nothing other than the wind. Birds flew in flocks, occasionally coming close to him. He chased after them, and teased them with bursts of concentrated wind.

  Malcolm knew that eventually he would find a way to fly without the paraglider. He would merge with the wind, move through it as a native. He had the power to do it, he just need more skill.

  His heart pounded in his chest. He could feel something there, deep inside. It was almost like a second store of energy, a force waiting for him to reach out and take it. Malcolm knew that he wasn’t supposed to, and that it was off limits, but it was still there. He would be okay if he opened himself up to it, wouldn’t he?

  I don’t have to follow the rules. I can live however I want, make whatever choices I want.

  “Malcolm!” Tapestry’s voice was sharp over the headset. “Wind Runner! What is your status?”

  “I’m… still keeping watch.” Malcolm pulled the wind upward, lifting even higher into the air. The town below looked like a satellite image, and the wind was roaring in his ears.

  “You need to report back in,” said Tapestry. “It’s Morph’s turn. We aren’t risking you up there any longer.”

  “…No,” said Malcolm.

  He spun himself in a slow circle, angling the wind so that he leaned to the side.

  “Wind Runner,” said Tapestry. “That’s an order from Multi. Get your head on straight.”

  “Oh, I think I see another fire.” Malcolm switched back to his music. He used the wind to guide himself forward and down, feeling a rush of euphoria at the control he now had. It was addictive. He understood so much more about being gifted now, about the temptation and urge to merge with his powers.

  He could hear something, a whisper in the air. The wind was calling to him. Malcolm felt hazy, like he was trying to make out important words in a dream he was on the verge of waking up from. The wind was calling to him, and he suddenly knew why.

  Malcolm reached across his harness, touching where the straps secured him in. He didn’t feel any fear or trepidation as he released the buckle. He still hung from his shoulders, the harness holding him under his armpits.

  “Malcolm!” cried Tapestry. “Report! What’s your current status?”

  He took off the Bluetooth headset, unhooked it from his phone, and threw it into the open air. Malcolm was grinning from ear to ear, feeling a sudden rush of euphoria and confidence. He’d only been toying with what he could really do for the past few days. It was time for him to become who he was meant to be.

  Malcolm lifted his hands over his head. The wind did the work for him, ripping the paraglider back like a balloon wrenched loose from a child’s grip by a strong gust. He fell, but only for a couple of seconds. He could sense the air currents, and using his wind manipulation, he coaxed them into action.

  His shirt flapped against his chest wildly. He couldn’t hear anything. For a couple of seconds, the ground surged up toward him, and even in his manic state, Malcolm felt terrified. Then, the wind
cooperated, submitting to his demands. Malcolm flew, slicing through the air, pulling up and away from the trees before he reached them.

  He shifted, leaning back and turning in a slow flip, the pleasure of each movement more intoxicating than any drug. Malcolm’s skin was cold, but he was sweating from the exertion. He was using his powers more than he ever had before. And there was nothing wrong with that. He would use his powers, and live on his own terms.

  We both can. Rose and me. She’ll be my queen, and they’ll never be able to stop us.

  He was on his way back into Vanderbrook, the town’s buildings illuminated by the setting sun. Malcolm could feel the wind shifting and dancing. It was playful, and it called to him even as he tried to recollect his senses and get back to reality.

  Malcolm saw his apartment. It took all the willpower he had to circle over it, slowly dropping lower and lower, listening to the reactions of pedestrians as they witnessed him descending. He landed on the sidewalk nearby, and had to suppress a sudden urge to throw up.

  No, I’m fine. I can go my own way now.

  He headed up into his apartment, wanting nothing more than to find Rose and be free.


  Rose was still in bed with the curtains pulled tight over the window. She sat up immediately when he came in through the door. She was still wearing the lingerie she’d promised to leave on for him, and she had a wicked smile on her face.

  “Rose,” said Malcolm. “I’m back.”

  She stood up from the bed and slowly walked into the living room, bearing the sunlight without complaint.

  “I take it you had an interesting night,” she said, nodding to his clothes. “Care to share the details?”

  “I’ll share more than just that,” he said. “I want to share it all with you, Rose. I’m free now. I… I get it.”

  He extended his hand, wiggling his fingers at the couch. All three of its cushions lifted into the air. Malcolm twisted his hand, juggling them around each other, controlling them with powerful, accurate bursts of wind. He dropped them and picked Rose up instead, tumbling her through the air and placing her back on her feet next to him.

  “What are you doing, Malcolm?”

  “I understand!” he said. “Rose, we can do whatever we want! The champions can’t control me anymore! We can be together now! We can leave Vanderbrook… Right after we kill the demon.”

  “Malcolm,” Rose said, in a calm voice. “Did you take off your stabilizer, somehow?”

  He lifted his arm up and pulled the sleeve down, showing her the charred remains of it. Rose massaged her temples and sighed.

  “You need to get a grip,” she said. “Right now. What you’re talking about isn’t what you really want.”

  “How would you know?” asked Malcolm. “What I want is you, Rose. And I know I can have you.”

  He walked over to her and pulled her into an embrace. Rose didn’t stop him, but the fierce look in her eyes made it clear that she was prepared to, if need be.

  “I remember more about them, now,” she said. “The stabilizers have a control device that helps keep champions from being able to binge on their powers and accidentally turn themselves into sprytes and demons. If you keep doing what you’re doing… you’re going to end up like me.”

  “Is that really such a bad thing?” Malcolm kissed her neck. Rose pushed him back roughly.

  “Yes,” she said. “And not just for you. Think of all the people who you could hurt if that happened.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt anybody,” he said, feeling suddenly defensive. “And it’s not like I couldn’t fight it, and try to stay in control. We’d be strong, and we could help each other survive. We could be together, Rose. Don’t you see?”

  “I see more than just that,” said Rose. “And I’m also thinking more clearly right now than you are. Malcolm, you’re about to make a really fucking stupid mistake.”

  “I disagree completely,” he said. “Now come here. We still have time to have some fun.”

  Malcolm reached out, pulling Rose against him. She felt soft and perfect, and lust surged through his loins. He kissed her, but she kept her lips flat against his.

  And then suddenly, he was on the floor, knocked back a half dozen feet by one of Rose’s shadow assisted pushes. It was just dark enough outside to leave apartment partially in shadow, strengthening her powers.

  “You have no idea what it’s like to be a monster,” said Rose, in a cold voice. “What it means to feel corrupted all the time, addicted to using your powers.”

  She reached out with tendrils of shadow and lifted Malcolm up, holding him with all four limbs outstretched.

  “Then tell me,” he said. “Or show me, if you can.”

  “Show you?” She let out a mocking laugh. “I’ve been trying to keep you from seeing it, Malcolm. Making a fool of myself to maintain, just so I could keep using you for another day.”


  Her words were like cold water on the flames of his manic state. He suddenly didn’t care about flying, or playing with the wind, or anything other than what Rose had just said.

  “Malcolm…” said Rose, her voice turning poisonous. “Why do you think you’re still alive right now? You’ve been sharing your apartment with an evil, dangerous spryte for the past couple of days…”

  “Rose…” Malcolm shook his head. The intensity of the conversation had done something to her. Her eyes were darkened, the whites pushed out by deep black, and shadows clung to her body like veils.

  “Do you think I spared you because I cared about you?” asked Rose. “Or because I just enjoyed the sex that much? Does that seem likely to you?”

  Malcolm summoned the wind, trying to knock her off balance. She anchored herself in place, unmovable against even his fiercest attack. She slowly drew him in closer, pulling the tendrils toward her until Malcolm was hanging from his bonds directly in front of her.

  “You’re my little champion,” whispered Rose. “My inside man. My shield against field champions, willing to lie and obfuscate to throw them off my trail. And you won’t be able to do that if you lose their trust.”

  “I… don’t believe you,” said Malcolm.

  “Good,” said Rose. “That means you’re learning. I’d have thought the champions would have a clear policy against trusting sprytes.”

  She held him just inches away from her. Malcolm stared into her eyes and saw only blackness staring back at him. The room was charged with emotion, but not in the way he would have expected. Rose’s body language was open and easy, almost as though…

  Wait… Her focus activity. It’s been almost a full day… She’s losing control!

  “Rose!” said Malcolm. “Hold on! You have to fight against it! You’re losing touch!”

  “I’m more in touch with myself than I have been in a long time,” said Rose. She kept him in the same position. Malcolm saw the chance he had, and took it.

  “Really…?” He whispered the word, leaning in and letting his breath tickle her neck. “Rose…”

  She shivered slightly, and Malcolm slowly brought his lips up to hers. He didn’t kiss her immediately, instead letting the tension build until it was about to explode. His lips brushed against hers…

  And the door slammed open. Tapestry was suddenly in the room, launching a vicious front kick into Rose’s chest and pulling Malcolm back.

  “No!” he shouted.

  “You…!” Rose pulled herself back to her feet, darkness swirling around her as though she’d opened a gateway to a dimension without light.

  “Malcolm, get behind me!” shouted Tapestry. She had her gun out, and was taking aim.

  Rose launched one of her tendrils directly at Tapestry. Tapestry fired, the sound of it deafening to Malcolm’s ears. He summoned the wind, trying to defuse the situation by keeping the two of them distracted.

  He looked over at Rose, and she made eye contact with him for a moment. Her eyes were, for an instant, back to normal. There were tear
s in them. Rose blinked, and the darkness took hold again. She threw the full force of her shadow power at Malcolm and Tapestry, not attacking or killing, but demonstrating.

  Tendrils of shadow surged by him, coming within inches of his face and neck. Tapestry was still trying to take aim at Rose, but she couldn’t see, let alone manage to hold her arm steady to get a shot off.

  Malcolm heard the sound of a window shattering, and then she was gone. Her aura of darkness followed behind her, and so did he. He sprinted toward the opening, summoning the wind and preparing to leap outside to follow her.

  “Malcolm!” Tapestry pulled him back from the window and wrestled him down to the ground. “Are you insane? You’re going to get yourself killed!”

  I can’t lose her. Not like this…

  “No!” Malcolm struggled, trying to push Tapestry off. She was straddling him, and pinned his arms to the floor with surprising strength. He bucked his hips, trying to throw her loose.

  “Malcolm!” Tapestry slapped him hard across the face, stunning him. Malcolm stopped fighting against her, leaning his head back against the floor. He closed his eyes and let out a slow, shaky breath.


  Tapestry moved through his apartment like a professional, taking stock of the situation. She locked and bolted the front door and found a piece of cardboard in Malcolm’s closet to put in place of the broken window. She took out Malcolm’s phone while he was still on the ground, and after muttering to herself for a minute about how to get it working, managed to play some of his music for him.

  “This is partially my fault,” said Tapestry. “I knew that your stabilizer had taken damage in the explosion. I just thought that it would be better to wait until we could replace it without Multi having to know.”

  “It’s not your fault,” said Malcolm. “I let myself go off the deep end. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  He ran his hands through his hair, feeling more annoyed with himself than he ever had before in his life. Not only had he come close to losing control, he’d also triggered Rose and scared her off in the process. And this time, he didn’t think she was coming back.


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