Bodyguard Pursuit

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Bodyguard Pursuit Page 10

by Joanne Wadsworth

  His blue gaze followed her from the couch where he lay sprawled on top of a borrowed beige blanket from the end of her bed. He set his unopened book down and crossed his arms behind his pillowed head. “I ordered a dinner tray from the chef. The food should be here soon.”

  “I’m still not hungry.” She swept her bedcovers aside and crawled in under the thin cotton sheet. “What’s the book you’ve got?”

  “A crime mystery. I grabbed it from the entertainment room upstairs. I figured I’d need something to do since the last time I hit the sack at seven would’ve been when I was seven.”

  A knock sounded.

  “Great. That’ll be dinner.” Ben strode to door, opened it and took the tray from Henry who was decked as professionally as always in his crew whites. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sir. Enjoy your evening.”

  Ben bumped the door shut with his hip, returned to the coffee table and set the tray down. The scents of fried chicken and sweet potato floated toward her, although as delicious as she knew the food would be, it didn’t inspire her hunger.

  “I ordered a large portion, enough for us both.” He peered at her from the couch as he bit into his chicken. “You should try this. The chicken tastes almost as good as what you make.”

  “The chef’s a trained professional. I’m sure his chicken is far superior.” She plumped her pillow and rested back.

  “There’s blueberry cheesecake as well, another of your favorites.” He lifted the plate holding a large slice with a mound of fresh blueberries on top and several rolling freely beside it.

  “It looks yum.” She slumped back down.

  “Please, Saria. Come and eat something. It’s not like you to forego a meal.” He patted the space next to him. “And don’t make me come over there and get you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  “That sounded like a dare.” With feline grace, he stood then prowled with complete silence toward her. He plucked the sheet away, slid his hands underneath her and stopped. His breath came harder as he gazed at the lacy silk outlining her breasts. “This wasn’t the best idea. I should have made you walk.”

  “Since you’re here, you can carry me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck before he could let her go. He would worry if she didn’t at least try to have a few bites, and she could surely manage that.

  He carried her to the couch and settled her next to him. After cutting a sliver of chicken, he forked it into her mouth. “I don’t want you to worry.”

  “I’m worried when you worry.”

  “What’s upsetting you the most?”

  “Everything. Me. You. Particularly you.” She relaxed her cheek against his shoulder. He had the biggest heart and cared far more than he’d ever let anyone know. If only he’d let himself experience all life had to offer. He’d shared his past with her, Brigs, and Tyler. Now he needed to be pushed to take that next step.

  Memories stirred of the first time she’d pushed herself in that way. She’d been young, just a child when she’d found an abandoned puppy in town. She’d adopted it as her own, and nothing had made her happier than watching the animal grow strong as she’d nurtured it back to health. That could be what Ben needed. Something to love and cherish, that wouldn’t encroach on his decision to go it alone.

  “Why are you worried about me?” His words were whisper-soft as he stroked the back of her head.

  “You’re so good at looking after others, but you need to have something that’s all yours. What about caring for an animal? Their companionship and love heals the heart.”

  He snorted. “My heart is completely fine.”

  “Your heart’s taken a beating over the years, and you should get a pet, maybe a dog. They are supposed to be man’s best friend.”

  “Open up. You need to eat.” He fed her a forkful of sweet potato then scooped a mouthful for himself.

  She held up a hand so he couldn’t force her to eat anything more until she’d said what she needed to. “I hate the thought of you being alone.”

  “I’m never alone, and since I live in the city and I’m away from home most of the time, looking after a dog wouldn’t suit.”

  “Then I’ll look after your dog whenever you’re away. I love dogs.”

  “That doesn’t take care of the city part.”

  “There are dogs everywhere, including the city.” Maybe he needed more than a small push. “I think either a Labrador or a German shepherd would suit you. Those breeds make great guard dogs. You could train the animal and take it on duty with you.” Stifling a yawn, she picked up the cheesecake and slid a spoonful into her mouth.

  “If I got a pet, a goldfish would be my limit.”

  “A goldfish is good. I hear they don’t argue back. You’d be in your element.” She yawned again, set the cheesecake down and stood. “I’ll get you one.”

  “You’ve only had a few bites. Sit.”

  “I really am tired, and I need sleep more than food, particularly if I want a clear head to keep up with you tomorrow.” She crossed to her bed and flopped down.

  “It’s my job to ensure your welfare.” Ben thumped his plate on the coffee table and stomped after her. “You’re making that hard, Saria.”

  “Why are you so angry?”

  “I’m frustrated, not angry.” He pulled the sheet over her and hovered. “I don’t want you thinking too much about what’s happened today.”

  “I’ll try.” She stretched her tired muscles and settled as he arched one brow. “Stay with me if it makes you feel better.”

  He crossed his arms and tapped them as he eyed the other side of her bed.

  “I promise not to pounce.”

  “Ha. I’ve heard that before, but I’ll stay, provided you remain on your side.” He marched around the bed, kicked off his shoes and rolled in beside her. “This’ll be no different to the old times we shared.”

  “Yeah, but I prefer the new times, where I get to touch you, at my leisure.” She snuggled against him, and unable to help herself, flicked his remaining shirt buttons open. “You’ll be too hot with this on.”

  “You’re pouncing.”

  “I haven’t even begun to pounce yet.” She eased the soft fabric apart and exposed the heavy muscle of his chest. “I didn’t tell you, but while you were speaking to Dr. Hika, I snuck out to the pharmacy.”

  “What for?”

  “I bought a couple boxes of condoms. I didn’t want to be without some form of protection if you ever changed your mind. They’re in my purse, right on top of the side table next to you.”

  “Old times means no sex.” Though his gaze narrowed on her purse and his fingers flexed as if he wanted to reach for it.

  “Then say no, and make it quick.” She caressed his flat nipples then trailed down over each ridged ab and along his trim waist.

  “I can’t risk getting any more emotionally involved with you, Saria.”

  “We connected emotionally a long time ago, but if you’d like let’s strike a new deal. We could agree to a simple fling, one which is all about the sex and nothing else.”

  “There’s always something else when sex is involved.”

  “Not if we don’t spend any time together outside of this bedroom. We’d never date or go out with each other.”

  “You’re saying what happens here, stays here. That it’s nights only?”

  “Exactly. You could consider us friends with benefits.”

  “I’d need a timeframe.”

  “Is that a yes?” Her heartbeat pounded.

  “It depends on the timeframe.”

  “What about whatever time remains for us here on board?” Buzzing and jiggling, she kissed the corner of his lips. “All I want is for you to live free of the burden of paying for your father’s sins. You should be able to experience life as everyone else does, even though you’ve made the commitment to going it alone.”

  “In that case, yes.�

  “Are you sure?” She bounced onto her knees.

  “Yes, because quite frankly, I don’t think I can tell you no again.” He shoved his shirt off, grabbed her purse and withdrew a box. “I ache for you, and the need to be inside you is all-consuming.”

  “Well, I’m wide awake now and ready to deal with that ache.” She unbuttoned, unzipped, and removed his pants. His erect shaft lifted the waistband of his black and gray striped boxers and she traced the tip of his cock through the silky fabric. “I can’t believe you said yes.”

  “I need to feel your touch everywhere.” He cupped her cheeks in his hands. “I crave it, like the worst addiction.”

  “Some addictions can be good.” She tugged his boxers off, encircled his cock with one hand and gently palmed his balls with the other.

  His breath whooshed out and he arched off the bed. “Hell, everything feels so sensitive.”

  “That’s because you’ve been denied my personal approach of healing for too long. Never again.” She licked him from root to tip then swirled her tongue over the head.

  “Let me undress you.” He tossed her camisole away and hauled her sleep-shorts and panties off. Caressing her breasts, he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. “So beautiful. I’ve missed the taste of you.”

  “Thank you for saying yes.” She kissed him, sweeping her tongue inside his mouth until his breathing became as ragged as hers and the air thick with the heat pounding from them.

  He tipped her in beside him, tore a foil packet open and made quick work of rolling it on. “I want you on your hands and knees. It’s one fantasy you’ve yet to fulfill.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m all for fulfilling fantasies.” She moved into position, her hair sliding off her back and over her shoulder as she grinned back at him. His cock rose higher and harder and she longed to have him buried deep within her.

  He crowded her from behind, opened her folds and stroked along her slit. The heat of his chest on her back as he eased against her was a treasure all unto itself. Then he grazed his teeth along her neck and whispered in her ear, “Do you want me?”

  “Yes, I want all of you.”

  “I want you too.” He clasped her hips, pushed his cock between her legs and before she could draw her next breath, he plunged deep inside her.

  He took her hard, just as she needed and pined for, and she urged him on, pushing her bottom into his groin each time he thrust forward. With his breathing and hers loud in her ears, her inner muscles tightened, locked and squeezed him in place. His passion took her soaring, her body putty in his hands as she shuddered with ecstasy. He grunted and came right along with her, and together they collapsed onto the mattress, his body a blanket of warmth across her back.

  “Saria?” Her name was a warm breathy word in her ear. “Look at me. I need to see your eyes.”

  She threaded her fingers through his where his hand flopped over hers on the pillow. After wriggling up an inch, she rolled over and faced him. “Better?”

  “Thank you.” His kissed her, so sweetly she melted under his loving touch. “Are you ready for round two?”


  Chapter 9

  “I’m glad these sensors finally arrived.” Ben tossed another device to Tyler through the tight gap in the jungle’s trees. It had been a week since they’d dropped anchor at the cove, and the first order for the alarms Gilchrist had sent had gotten lost somewhere along the way. This batch though, he’d collected personally from the resort after they’d been choppered in.

  “It’ll make protecting the girls go a lot easier knowing every route is covered.” Kneeling, Tyler wiped his sweaty brow as he secured the sensor low on the trunk’s base. He checked the camera attached to it before flipping the switch. “This one’s set.”

  Ben mounted his last sensor in the bow of a tree, made sure he’d aimed it in the right direction so even at that height it’d catch any movement and an image. Carefully, he backed out of the scrub and returned to the trail. The dozen alarmed devices they’d set within their small corner of the island were evenly spaced out and each would send a warning to their cell phones if triggered.

  “Let’s head back. Lydia doesn’t like it when I’m late.” Tyler tracked toward the cove and Ben followed. As they made the curved white sand beach with its jagged cliffs either side, the sun dipped along the horizon and sent a final flare of red across the sky. Tyler strode to the beached inflatable and heaved it into the water.

  Ben splashed through the surf, bounded into the craft and sat at the stern. He pulled the motor’s cord and the engine roared to life. They were off, cruising back to the ship moored in the deep.

  Once on board, Tyler walked toward Brigs as he leaned against the front glass doorway watching them, his corded binoculars swinging around his neck. Tyler clapped Brigs on the back and disappeared inside.

  Ben stopped next to Brigs. “How are the girls?”

  “They had an enjoyable day. Saria went diving with Dylan and Luke this afternoon, and Lydia kicked back by the pool with Liam and Nico. They’re below-stairs now, getting ready for dinner.”

  For the past week, Ben had kept his word in his and Saria’s bargain. Nights only. He’d steered clear of her during the day, allowing Brigs or Tyler to watch her. Which had been damn hard and only just doable.

  “I’ve got some news.” Brigs cleared his throat.

  “Good or bad?”

  “Good. Agent Gilchrist called. Mia Taita is still holed up in her gated seaside Wellington home, but he’s managed to get a team in when she wasn’t looking and her place is now bugged.”

  “About time we got in there. The woman has to slip up sooner or later, and Gilchrist needs to catch her.”

  “She’s a sly one, always getting others to do her dirty work for her. Gilchrist is now more prepared. He’s tackling every angle he can.”

  “So are we. Check your cell phone. Make sure it’s picking up the activated sensors.”

  Brigs lugged it out of his pocket. “They’re showing.” He eyed him. “Does this mean you’re happy for the girls to roam the beach if they’d like to?”

  “Absolutely. They’ve been looking forward to stretching their legs on land.”

  “So have Tyler’s brothers. Even on board, they hover over them, never letting them out of their sight.”

  No surprises there. The urge to keep them safe buzzed through all of them. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “You’re actually going to make it tonight?” Brigs cocked a disbelieving brow.

  “Yeah, good point. I might see you at dinner.” He couldn’t trot downstairs fast enough. Once inside their room, he flicked the lock.

  The bathroom door opened and steam billowed out. Saria stood there with a delectable smile on her lips and not one inch of her gloriously creamy skin covered. Well, apart from her wet hair clinging to her breasts and hiding those luscious nipples.

  “You’re right on time. I’ve just got back from diving and turned the shower on.” She sashayed toward him, gripped his hem and lifted his shirt over his head. “Did you have a good day?”

  “Yes, I’m one very happy bodyguard with alarmed sensors in place.” After shucking his cargo shorts, he walked her backward into the bathroom. He swung her into the shower, pinned her against the glass side and kissed her as he’d longed to all day. Hot water pummeled his shoulders, and his woman slid her arms around his neck and held on. He relaxed, every tense muscle easing as peace invaded his soul.

  “I love the way you hold me. It makes me feel so secure, cherished, and wanted. Even when you’re inside me, I can feel your strength and determination, along with such sweet tenderness.” She hooked one leg behind his knee, rubbed up and down his calf. “Sorry, I don’t mean to get all sentimental.”

  “That’s in your nature. As long as you don’t make anything more out of our agreement than what we’ve decided, you can get as sentimental as you like.” He cupped her bottom and
drew her hard against him.

  “I won’t make a thing out of it. The sex is hot, and that’s what I like.” She nibbled his neck. “Brigs told us about the call from Gilchrist, that Mia Taita’s place is now bugged.”

  “We’ll catch her.”

  “I know you will.”

  Her faith in him was absolute, something he valued beyond belief. “Tell me about the diving.”

  “We explored along the reef, but I got distracted by the dolphins.” Her tone bubbled with excitement. “One nudged Luke to the surface. He grabbed its fin and it took him for a ride. It was the most amazing sight.”

  Luke was damn lucky to have spent the day with Saria. “Tomorrow, you’re welcome to use the beach.” That way he could watch her, even if from a distance.

  “Wonderful. Nico is bursting to build a sandcastle. Lydia’s actually drawn up a master plan for one.” She glided her hands down his sides as she slowly knelt. “Pass me the soap.”

  His already hard cock got incredibly harder. “I’m not—”

  She slid her lips around him then licked the head.

  “—going to last if you do that.”

  “That’s your fault for being so tasty.” One mischievous wink and she sucked him deep into her mouth. Oh hell, he was a goner.

  * * * *

  Saria intended to tempt Ben beyond his endurance. On her knees, with the water sluicing down her body, she built his pleasure with her mouth until his thighs shook and his fingers pressed deep into her shoulders.

  He groaned and rocked his hips. “Please, Saria. Show me some mercy.”

  “Mercy is completely overrated.”

  “I want to be inside of you, not to come in your mouth.” He pulled out and sagged against the shower wall. “Hell, that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.”

  Yet harder still was his cock and she was without a condom. “Wait here, Ben. I didn’t think of protection.”


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