Bodyguard Pursuit

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Bodyguard Pursuit Page 11

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “No, I’m not letting you go now. We’ll come back and finish this shower later.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her dripping wet body to the bed. He tumbled her onto the mattress, nabbed what he needed from the bedside table and sheathed himself.

  “You forgot to turn the water off.”

  “If you’ve got time to think about that, then I’m not doing my job properly.” His gaze roamed over her chest then he crawled on top of her, cupped her breasts and eased them together. Slowly, he licked her nipple. The hot stroke of his tongue sent a bolt of desire to her core, and all thought of the running water flitted from her mind.

  “I love when you kiss me like that.”

  “I’ve only just begun.” He grinned then nipped the tip.

  “Show me.” He did, sucking her nipple deep into his mouth until a torrent of tingles raced through her. She grabbed his arms and clung. “That feels so good.”

  “For me too.” He swept her legs apart and knelt between them. “Now to make you feel even better.”

  “Everything you do makes me feel that way.” Up on her elbows, she traced the ridged bands of his stomach. His hard muscles were honed to perfection, and his abs rippled as she brushed the head of his cock. His shaft was thick and long and saluting her from a thatch of blond hair, the same pale color as his head. She sat straighter, bringing their bodies closer together. His chest hair tickled her breasts and she sighed with delight. Then he kissed her, hot and hard and exactly as she wanted. She loved his kisses.

  He broke for air, blue eyes twinkling. Then he drifted lower, kissing and licking. She fell back onto the bed as he bent his head and kissed along her inner thighs, his breath puffing against her skin. He dipped his finger along her folds then rubbed her clit.

  “Please, yes please.” She grabbed fistfuls of the soft cotton bed sheet. “More.”

  “Demand anything you wish.” He plunged one finger deep inside her then stroked, harder and faster, until he hit that spot that had her gasping.

  “I want you buried deep inside me and to never leave.” She looked into his eyes as she skimmed his cock. She caressed his hot flesh then pumped him in time with how he stroked her. “Now.”

  “As you wish.” He slid over her and filled her completely.

  “Ben.” She writhed as he thrust and melded their bodies together. Each of his deeply penetrating strokes took her over. “I can’t hold on any longer.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Only with you.” The words rushed from her as blissful spasm after spasm racked her body, and he came too, his climax tumbling over hers and sending her flying into oblivion.

  “You okay?”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled. “Never better.”

  Chapter 10

  Later that week, having handed the communications to Brigs for the day, Ben patrolled the cove in the hope of having Saria in his sight for a while. She and Lydia, along with Liam, had Nico buzzing about as another of their monster sandcastles took form. They’d built so many, one each day and they dotted the white sand of their private beach. He stepped out from under the shady tree line. Out in the bay, one of the inflatable’s motors roared to life and Tyler pulled away from the ship. He cruised in and beached the craft next to the two WaveRunners Dylan and Luke had been blasting about on earlier.

  Tyler jogged toward him. “Hey, another update just came in from Gilchrist. One of his techs found a backdoor into Taita Software’s network.” Gilchrist was working every angle he could.

  “Has he found anything of interest?” With Taita Software being one of the most secure networks in the country, as yet they’d found very little.

  “No, but he’ll let us know how it goes.”

  After two weeks of no movement in their case, the whole team felt the pressure to uncover the solid evidence they needed to toss Mia’s butt back behind bars.

  Ben loosened the back zip of his wetsuit an inch and ran his finger around the tight neckline. He should head out and do another sweep along the cliffs since Tyler was back.

  “You look anxious.” Tyler crossed his arms.

  “It’s nothing.” No one-on-one time with Saria during the day sucked, particularly when she was in sight. “Go and spend some time with your girl.” At least Tyler could.

  “Thanks. Take it easy, okay?” Tyler strode toward Lydia as she collected a bucket of water from the surf. She and Saria had built a wide moat around Nico’s sandcastle. Lydia sloshed the water in and Liam gave a jubilant shout from the center of the massive structure then high-fived Saria. The two laughed, and then hugged Nico who snuck out of their embrace and danced around them in his red swim shorts.

  “This is the best sandcastle ever.” Nico giggled.

  Never had Ben experienced a childhood like that, where attention was lavished so freely on one. He’d missed out on so much, and being around Tyler’s family these past few weeks had only nailed that knowledge home.

  Saria left the others, wandered toward the surf and rubbed the sand from her knees. The incoming tide splashed her white shorts and she gripped the elastic waistband. Hell, she was going for a swim. He should turn away, only it was impossible. She shimmied her shorts off and kicked them up onto the dry sand, a move so sensuous, his mouth watered. Slowly running her fingers under the lower edge of her red bikini bottoms, she straightened the shiny fabric.

  Not going to her made every nerve in his body stretch to breaking point. He wanted to touch her, but instead he remained right where he was as she stepped into the water, lifted her gloriously long brown locks and stretched her body. The two squares of red material hugging her breasts strained over the mounds and he gritted his teeth. When she finally walked deeper, dove and disappeared beneath the water’s surface, he released his breath.

  He waited for her to appear, and like a sea nymph, she rose with water running down her body. A loud laugh burst from her, and then she grabbed her foot.

  Luke emerged from under the water, lifted her up and tossed her. Dylan was out there too, both of them snorkeling after their jet ski.

  She came up for air, shoved against Luke’s chest and pushed him backward. The two disappeared within the water’s depths, and unable to hold back any longer, Ben strode into the waves. As she resurfaced, with Luke’s mask and snorkel in hand, she slid it on and dived with a last laugh.

  “Saria!” Luke yelled. “Get back here now, you vixen.”

  “Hey, Luke.” He joined the man. “You need me to grab your gear?”

  “No, I’ll go and fetch another set from the inflatable. I didn’t get a chance to warn her though. The tide’s turning and it’s rough out near the reef.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on her.” Her safety and wellbeing came first, even over their agreement. He swam toward her before she got too far, dived and snagged her hand. As she jerked around, he pointed upward and she nodded her understanding.

  They broke the surface together and she eased the snorkel’s mouthpiece to one side. “What’s up, Hammers?”

  When she said his last name like that, it always got him so hard. Now was no exception. “The tide’s turning.”

  “That tends to happen a couple of times a day, so far as I know.” Grinning, she tweaked his nose. “Do you have anything else enlightening to add?”

  “Luke said it’s rough. It’s best I swim with you.” He kept a stern expression, even though he wanted to smile at her cheekiness.

  “Since when do I need a guardian in the water?” Her curious frown sent a buzz of need through him, and he was already needy enough.

  “It’s a precaution, and it won’t hurt you to take it.” The waves bumped them together and he caught her around the waist. “Please, Saria.”

  “I gave you my word. No time together outside of the bedroom. Let me honor that. Send Tyler out to watch me if you’re that concerned.” She popped her snorkel back in and kicked away. Damn it, he needed this, to remain with her. He’d certainly had enough of miss
ing her when she was so close.

  It was time for them to speak about it. He dived. Colorful fish darted about as he searched for her within the deep blue. A partial reef between them and the ship formed a natural underwater reserve, one she loved snorkeling along. That could be where she’d gone. He surfaced, wiped his eyes and got his bearings.

  “Ben!” Saria screamed his name from a hundred feet away.

  He was off, powering through the water toward her. He grabbed her arms as she dropped beneath the waves. Blood sloshed all around as he hauled her close and removed her mask. “Where are you hurt?”

  “My back, up high.” Her eyelids fluttered shut, and a stingray splashed the surface and shot away.

  Heart pounding, he swam them both back toward the shore.

  “What happened?” Tyler raced into the water as he carried Saria in, Lydia right behind him. On her front, Ben laid her down, her head carefully turned to the side.

  Blood oozed from a gaping wound on her back. “A stingray attacked her.” He pressed the ragged edges together.

  Lydia fell to her knees and checked Saria’s breathing. “She’s out of it. Open your eyes, sis.”

  She remained unresponsive and Ben nudged Lydia. “Get the first aid kit. Some clean water and towels. Everything should be in the inflatable. Move quickly.”

  “I won’t be a sec.” She raced, yelling at Liam to keep Nico away.

  Tyler inspected the wound. “For her to suffer a strike so high on her body, the stingray had to have been swimming above her. She would have been caught unaware.”

  “I saw it splash away along the water’s surface. We’ll wrap this up, take her straight to the doctor. Can you go and get the boat ready for me?”

  “Sure thing.” Tyler dashed off.

  Saria moaned and squirmed. “Ben?”

  “I’m here, baby. Stay still.”

  “It hurts.” Her eyes flickered open and she squeezed his leg where he knelt near her head. “You’re pressing too hard.”

  He eased back on the pressure, but only a touch. “That better?”

  “A little. How bad is it?” Her chilled fingers shook on his thigh.

  “The wound’s a couple of inches long. Tyler’s getting the inflatable ready, and we’ll take you straight to the doc.”

  “I’ve got everything.” Lydia skidded in, unscrewed the bottle lid and gently splashed water over the wound, rinsing the fine grains of sand away. “Trust you to take on a stingray, Saria Sands.”

  “I didn’t even see it.” Saria poked Lydia in the leg with a wobbly finger. “I’m hurt here. Don’t grump at me.”

  “You scared me.” Lydia kissed her cheek. “I’m allowed to get grumpy when that happens. I love you.”

  “I love you too, sis.”

  “I’m going to bandage the wound. It might hurt a bit.” Lydia dabbed the area dry with a clean white cloth. Flinching, Saria closed her eyes and gripped his leg. He desperately wanted to hold her, to take away her pain.

  “It’ll be okay, Ben.” Lydia nodded at him as if understanding what he felt. “Move your fingers out of the way as I bind it.” He did and she carefully taped Saria’s flesh together, applied a sterile pad and fixed it firmly in place. To her sister, she said, “What I’ve done should hold until the doctor can stitch it.”

  “Thank you.” Saria glanced at him. “Can you help me put my shorts on?”

  “Sure.” He slid them on then scooped her up, and mindful of her back, carried her high against his chest to where Tyler waited with the inflatable. On board, he cradled her in his lap as Tyler revved the motor and sped them out of the bay toward the resort. He kissed the top of her head. “How does your back feel?”

  “Better now it’s taped.” As they bumped over the waves, she cringed and tried to hold still. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get hurt. I just wanted to keep my promise.”

  “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have let you swim away. We need to strike a new deal.” He tipped her chin up, melded his mouth to hers and luxuriated in the feel of being with her. “I can’t lose you.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t look so hot on your résumé if you lost a client.”

  “I didn’t mean—” The craft crested a massive wave. He lifted her as the hull slammed down. The impact knocked the wind from his lungs, but thankfully, he’d kept her from the brunt of it.

  “Are you okay?” She fluttered her fingers over his chest as spray blew over them.

  “I’m fine. Hold tight. Tyler’s in a hurry.”

  They rounded the final bend toward the wharf and relief poured through him.

  Tyler slowed and guided the inflatable up onto the shore, clambered out and called, “I’ll go and let the doctor know what’s happened and that you’re on your way.”

  “Do that. Fast.” With Saria in his arms, he stepped out and strode toward the doctor’s clinic as Tyler disappeared along the coral sandstone path ahead.

  “You should let me walk.” Saria frowned as he crossed the bridged walkway over a garden-edged pond. “We’re attracting a lot of attention, and you’ve spent the past two weeks ensuring I remain invisible.”

  “Then hide your head, because I’ve no intention of putting you down.” He should’ve instructed Tyler to bring them in via the beach’s side access near the meadow.

  “Stubborn man.” With an arm wrapped around his neck, she dipped her head in close against his throat and nipped his skin. Heat raced through his veins as memories surged of her sucking the same spot last night. Hell, he needed her, and not just sexually. Something he’d have to address and soon.

  At the clinic door, Tyler waved him in and he quickly forced his thoughts back into order.

  “Dr. Hika’s in the rear surgical room,” Tyler instructed. “His last appointment for the day just left, and the area’s clear.”

  “Thanks.” He marched inside and Tyler shut and locked the door with a snick. In the back room with its white walls, labeled cupboards, and shiny metal countertop, he gently set Saria down on a white-sheeted medical bed.

  Dr. Hika stepped in front of Saria and stared into her eyes. “Tyler told me a stingray caught you across the back, and that you lost consciousness for a minute or so.”

  “She did,” Ben answered for her. “Her sister taped and bandaged the wound as best as she could.”

  “I’ll take a look.” The doctor pulled a tray of utensils forward, hastened around to the other side of the bed and removed the bandage Lydia had applied. “There aren’t any barbs, Saria, but I’ll need to clean this wound properly then I’ll stitch it. I’ll numb the area first. You’ll feel a pinch as the injection goes in.”

  “It’s all right. I know the drill.” Knuckles white, she gripped the edge of the thin mattress. Ben rubbed her knee and she squeezed his hand. “I’m okay.”

  “You won’t be okay until you’re healed.”

  “Well, technically speaking, yes, but I’m still okay.”

  Long minutes passed then finally the doctor applied a sterile bandage over the area. “Saria, you’ll need to keep these stitches dry for the next five days, and I’ll issue you with a prescription for pain relief. You can start the meds immediately. Follow the prescription for dosage.”

  “Thank you.” Saria flinched. “And pain meds sound good.”

  He wrote on his pad, tore the sheet off and handed it to Tyler. “Drop this into the pharmacy so they can fill it before they shut at five. The wait’s usually ten or fifteen minutes.”

  “Will do.” Tyler eyed Ben. “I’ll return the moment it’s done.”

  “If you have to wait for it, then run and move the inflatable around to the beach entrance on the meadow’s side. It’s quieter. I should have mentioned it before.”

  “I know the entrance you’re talking about. I’ll lock the door as I leave.” Striding out, Tyler patted the weapon holstered under his shirt.

  The doctor dropped his utensils into the automated cleaning mach
ine on the bench then returned to Saria and gave her a smile. “How do you feel now?”

  “Woozy. Sore.” Sweat beaded along her brow.

  “As a precaution, I want someone to wake you every hour or two during the night.” The doctor glanced at him. “I also need to check the wound again first thing in the morning. Don’t worry about making an appointment. Just come straight in. I understand you’re trying to lay low.”

  “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  “No problem.” His cell phone beeped and he checked the display. “Sorry, I’ve got another emergency down by the pool. I have to go, but stay as long as you need to.” The doctor flicked the lock as he raced out the door.

  “I guess that means you’re on night duty.” Saria wriggled forward and he cupped her hips and helped her off the bed and onto her feet.

  “I’ll gladly wake you every hour or two, although possibly not for the reason I wanted to.” He guided her to one of the gray metal chairs in the waiting room. “We’ll remain here until Tyler returns. Keep you out of sight.”

  She rolled her shoulders and cried out. “Ow, I can’t do that. The wound is right between my shoulder blades where I want to stretch.”

  “Then don’t.” He clasped her hands and looked into her eyes. “We need to talk.”

  “If you’re going to ban me from swimming forever, then I’m not listening.”

  “I’d never do that.” He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss against her palm. “Although you’re not allowed to go swimming without me.”

  “Should you be doing that? It’s still daylight for another hour and kissing is supposed to be off-limits then.”

  “Which is what I wanted to talk to you about earlier.”

  “I remember. Losing a client isn’t a good look.” Groaning, she closed her eyes. “It still hurts. Do you think you could run over to the pharmacy and sweet talk one of the staff into handing over my meds now?”

  That wasn’t what he’d been about to say, but it could wait. “We’ll talk as soon as I get back.” He locked the door, dashed across to the pharmacy and approached the uniformed saleswoman stocking a shelf. “I’m after Saria Sands’ meds, please. It’s urgent.”


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