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The Dragon of Croatia

Page 4

by Valerie Everhart

  The man reached up and brushed Calie's check with his other hand. She turned her head, and bit his finger.

  It took them all by surprise, including Gavriel and he almost missed the opportunity she presented for a distraction. He grabbed the gun Mratin held, swung it around and clobbered the man standing next to him. Mratin dropped to the ground as if hit, also. Gavriel fired off a shot and hit the man standing behind the leader, watching the leader lose a finger joint. He'd been laughing, it was the last thing he ever did. Gavriel appreciated the fact the man died laughing.

  The man standing next to Calie didn't have a gun, but at the sound of gunshot, he whipped out a knife and held it against her breast. “Mratin, shoot him. Now!” Mratin never moved from the floor.

  He pricked her skin with his knife enough to make blood run down the valley between her breasts. The man had a death wish.

  "What have you done to my men?” The look-alike Conte snapped.

  Gavriel shrugged. “Step back from her, and you will live to relay what transpired to the Conte."

  The suited man grinned. “For what you have interfered with this eve, I'll tie you and make you watch, while I fuck your woman."

  With that statement, Gavriel knew she hadn't been violated. “You give me no choice but to allow you to watch your own death.” Nonchalantly he removed a glove from his hand. His voice dropped low and soft, mesmerizing. “There is no way to defeat me, your death is eminent.” His green eyes glowed—a dark promise.

  The man with the knife watched warily but spoke, blustering, “The wish for death is yours, and then will be hers."

  Gavriel inclined his head, and then flicked his fingers. An arc of electricity shot out and landed on the pants of the man holding the knife at Calie's throat. Howling, he dropped the knife to swat at the flames devouring the material around his legs and waist.

  Gavriel casually approached the man, picked up his knife and deftly imbedded it in the man's throat.

  Gurgling, the body slumped to the floor. He rolled the man over, who was still breathing, but barely. “Your mistake was in touching her in the first place. Your next mistake was in thinking I would allow that."

  With a brush of his hand toward the floor, an arc shot, zapping the man, he jerked and was still.

  The dragon inside was strong and struggled for control. He paid a price for using the power of the dragon. For with each use the dragon became stronger, demanding dominance of the man. Yet he had an anchor this time, one that could withstand the touch of his fingers. Could she endure the confrontation that just took place?

  Gavriel heaved an inward sigh, and dreaded seeing the fear in Calie's eyes. He could hear her gasps of distress, and needed to get her away from this.

  He stood in front of her; she flinched and stifled a scream when he reached behind her to free the rope that held her. She called out, “No. Not now. I can deal with it."

  He watched her shake her head, looking toward the door, and realized she wasn't speaking to him.

  "Nice touch, that.” Halsten spoke from the door.

  Gavriel's head whipped around, as he entered the room.

  "You'll have to show me how you do that, sometime. Hey, has anyone noticed the thunder and lightening outside, but not a drop of rain has fallen? You okay, sis?"

  The man claiming to be her brother was anything but. Gavriel's mind fought for dominance. He growled. Halsten raised an eyebrow at the sound, and approached Calie.

  The roaring in Gavriel's head grew louder. His eyes glowed a fiery green the closer he drew near. A breeze blew in from the doorway, fanning the rage racing through his body. Bolt after bolt of lightning slammed the earth. Calie must have felt the danger as she turned to him.

  "Gav, just untie me, and get me a shirt, for god-sake. Halsten don't come any closer, you're not needed here.” She was shivering although it was hot in the small room.

  "Sis, uh ... any reason you felt to do this one on your own?"

  Gavriel removed his shirt and covered her, but he watched her as he bent over to untie her from the chair, his body pressing, protecting her. She struggled when he had the ropes loosened and tugged them the rest of the way, then threw them on the floor. She surged to her feet.

  "Get the hell away from me, Halsten. Now. I didn't want in on this mission, and you can take it and shove it."

  Expecting fear and hysterics, Gavriel wasn't prepared for anger and a temper. The storm outside subsided.

  Halsten shrugged. “Get over it, sis. Did you find out anything?"

  "When have you gone so brain-dead as to talk in front others? Gav, and the Monk, have heard everything you've said, so you've blown your cover."

  "Actually, they are all on the same side, just different teams. So what did you find out?"

  She was clenching her fists. “Fuck you, Halsten. I'm out of here.” She looked like she could have cleaved him in two, the dragon settled.

  She stalked to the door. Gavriel liked seeing her in his shirt; ; he followed her, and grinned at Halsten as he sauntered by.

  He stopped,, retrieved the other weapon from the second man, and walked out the door.

  "Calie, wait.” She didn't answer him, but at least she was headed in the direction of the pier. He caught up with her, and reached for her shoulder to stop her. She swung around, her fist coming up to hit him. He leaned back, dodged the blow, and pulled her toward him.

  She squirmed and clawed to get away from him. He was grateful to hear the hum of the motor as Maro returned with the boat. Just in time. Maro didn't wait but had the boat whipped around and was headed back to Rudine.

  He sat her on the bench in the boat. Tears were streaming down her face, he was none too happy about what all went down either.

  "Anything you care to talk to me about, sweetheart? Like what was all that shit Halsten said about a mission?"

  The minute he let her go she sprang forward and almost made it out of the boat and into the water. He caught her up again and carried her down to the berth, locking the door behind him.

  Breathing heavy, he would need to go over a few things with Maro and then could decide the best way to handle her.

  After telling Maro where he needed to go, and explaining what happened, he turned to go back down the steps. He sighed. This would not be easy, but she needed him, or at least he hoped so.

  * * * *

  He would be back and she would be ready for him. After looking around for a weapon, Calie located a long fish cleaning knife in the drawer. She wasn't going to worry about clothes now, not knowing when he might come back for her. She saw what he was capable of.

  She found a dishtowel, however, and staunched the blood trickling down her chest. She winced as it stung, but at least it had stopped bleeding. She still couldn't stop shaking. She kept swallowing, hoping her stomach would settle. This was a nightmare. She'd always loved adventure. Going down into a dark cave, was a way to unwind from undercover operations, the illicit running of artifacts for the most part, innocuous. This incident was way out of her league.

  Her heart hammered as the door slowly opened. She had positioned herself on the bench, protected by the wall that closeted the bathroom. He wouldn't be able to see her until he was in front of her. She held her breath, heard his step closer, and leapt, the knife raised to strike.

  His swiped the knife from her hand easily. It clattered to the counter. Pain shot through her hand, but she didn't cry out, too intent on escaping. He reached for her and she struggled. Clearly, it was useless, the cabin too small to maneuver around him. She ceased struggling, and tried to stop the tears and control her ragged breath.

  "Calie. I am sorry this happened. Please believe me. I have no wish to harm you."

  He released his grip slightly, but she made no move to get away. “Let me get you some clothes, and we can talk."

  She waited, her breath coming in short gasps.

  "I will not let you go until I know you won't leave,” he said gently.

  She nodded. “What
are you going to do with me?"

  He rose and opened one of the closet doors. “See to it that you remain safe."

  She saw he watched her, and she didn't make a move to leave. She had gotten the tears under control, but the shaking was beyond her ability just yet. She didn't trust him. Words were just that—words. She sat on the bench, her hands between her knees to stop them shaking.

  "Why did they kidnap me? They said it was to draw you in. What did they want from you?"

  "To stop my delving into their illegal activities."

  "What activities. Oh. The tablet. They asked me where the tablet was. You have it, don't you? It was never returned.” If she couldn't leave, she would uncover more information.

  Cold, green eyes studied her before he spoke. “The Conte has a ring of runners that smuggle ancient artifacts from the caves. Like Vindija Cave, where they are recovering Neanderthal remains. They also are finding caches of 1400-year-old silver, that they then sell underground to collectors in other countries. They are raping the ancient culture of Croatia."

  "What does the tablet have to do with them?"

  He found a smaller shirt and shorts that were too large for her. The shirt would cover enough, but he wasn't sure what to do with the shorts that were several sizes too large. He helped wrap the shirt gently around her, and his arms stayed, covering her. He bent his head, and kissed her gently. She stiffened, unsure of what he would do to her.

  He whispered in her ear, “I can't get enough of you."

  She felt the same way, but there was a difference. She meant it. He was saying it to achieve a purpose. Calie wondered if he was trying to distract her, to not have to answer about the tablet, and decided to follow where he led, for the moment. She brushed her fingers across the bulge in his jeans, and felt him throb at her touch. She heard his breath intake. She didn't look at him, but watched her own hand caress him, then asked, “It was just sex, wasn't it?"

  "If it was just sex for me, as you say, I could get that with the next beautiful woman I meet, just by mind-commanding her into my arms. If it was just sex, you would not be able to bear the touch of my bare fingers on your skin without being dazed. If it was just sex, I would not still want you even after we have just made love.” His grip on her tightened, “We did not ‘have sex'."

  He sounded angry, but that didn't stop her from asking, “You did that to me, didn't you? When I dreamed of you in the cave, and first saw the dragon. Mind-controlled."

  "If that is what you choose to believe.” He stood glaring, towering over her.

  "So, tell me of the dragon. Is that how you have such abilities? And the fire shooting from your fingers, whatever you call it—how can you do that?"

  "I'd rather you trust me, enough to let me love you again.” He stood with one knee bent on the seat next to her. She still sat, but faced him, her face eye level with his stomach.

  He bent down and lapped the open wound where the knife had burst her skin. It had stung, but at his touch, she felt a warm sensation. The pain disappeared and in its place a shiver of desire ran through her.

  He started to remove the shirt he had just placed around her, but she stopped him. She saw him take a large breath for control at her resistance.

  She whispered, “Wait. Let me.” She peeled the gloves off him then reached up and ran her hands down his chest, and watched his eyes widen. She tugged the button lose and then the zipper, and released his stiff cock. She leaned forward, slowly, allowing her breath to caress the head. She felt the shiver go through his body as he closed his eyes.

  Her tongue teased the top of him, trailing down the side of shaft with her kisses. He moaned and reached blindly for her hair. Her hand slipped between his legs grasping his sacs, feeling the weight of them, massaging. They tightened with her exploring caress. She felt herself creaming from his building desire.

  "Ahh, I love your mouth.” His voice hoarse with emotion. She returned to the tip and closed her mouth around his raging erection. His hands clenched. A low aggressive growl escaped. He filled her mouth with his fullness. Her tongue danced and teased, alternating with sucking, and he groaned his pleasure. His hips surged. He thrust deep in her mouth. Anticipation was building within her. Seeing the affect she had on him, the control she wielded, she was burning up with need for him, to have him inside her core.

  His head was thrown back, and the muscles in his face tensed. “Calie. Stop. I want inside of you.” He pulled back from her, grasping at her, his breath coming in ragged gasps. She felt her body pulsing, needing his invasion.

  He leaned her back on the bench, bringing her legs toward him and spreading her out before him. The lacy underwear he dispersed and his fingers sought her wet folds.

  "You're ready for me. I can't wait,” he rasped. “I have to be inside. Now.” She opened to him and he slipped inside, sighing at the heightened pleasure. “You're so tight. So hot. I never want this to end, but I won't last.” He thrust deeper, stretching her, filling her.

  Her breath coming faster, she moaned, “Please don't stop."

  "I'm too close, too close. Come for me sweetie. Let me love you.” With each stroke he drove harder, deeper, the pleasure spiraled higher and sent her body out of control. Too fast. Too soon. Now. She cried out, convulsed around him, tightening, sending him over the edge with her.

  He emptied himself in her, and thought he couldn't drag in enough air. He angled over her, and saw her look of satisfaction. He leaned down and trailed kisses on her neck, lapping her breasts, enjoying the tightened nipples.

  "We still need to talk, Calie. Don't think this interlude will turn my brain to mush and I will forget what happened back there. You have much explaining to do. But, I'm not through with you.” She grinned at him, and he foolishly grinned back. “That was far too quick. And I owe you."

  Suddenly, the boat slowed and lay there idling. That was not part of his instructions to Maro. He hastily pulled on his shorts and slipped into shoes. He glanced at her and she stretched lazily, then rolled over and closed her eyes.

  "Let me see what has happened, and then we will talk."

  He closed the door behind him.

  Chapter Five

  "Maro. What is it?"

  "I did not want to bother you, slowing seemed the best way. We got a call from Mratin. He needs to talk. He says the Conte has moved since the assault at the cabin, but his cover is still intact. He would get word to Petar if things change. We approach the Rudine inlet now."

  Gavriel saw a pier loom before them. Maro approached slowly, but they didn't tie up. He let the boat gently slap the side of the floating wharf.

  "Murvica will be where we can talk. I will have Petar arrange to meet with him at the Lighthouse. I have another job for you.” He motioned over his shoulder. “Take her to the airport. See she gets on a flight to the United States. I need her safe."

  "That one will not go quietly, think I."

  Gavriel shrugged. “I need to know what they've uncovered and will be shipping next, and when. I want to see her out of the way and to safety, first."

  Gavriel thought a moment, then turned and walked back toward the steps, looked down, and knew he was in trouble, or she was. The door to the cabin was unlatched and open. He shook his head, amazed at his own incompetence.

  He was lulled into thinking she had been totally conquered and satisfied, and would stay there. Hell, he thought she'd fall asleep.

  The berth was indeed empty, like he thought. He leaped back up, skipping steps as he landed on deck and headed to the side. A quick glance down the pier confirmed she wasn't there, and he peered over the side. No ripples were seen in the water. He called to Maro, “Did you see her go over?"

  "Who? The girl?"

  "She's gone. Slipped over, evidently, while we were discussing plans."

  "She couldn't be far. She didn't leave the pier, we would have seen her."

  "I don't know how she did it. I'm going to check the shore."

  Gavriel charged down the pier t
o search the shore. Maro stood on the wharf, holding the rope to their boat, shaking his head.

  * * * *

  Calie listened and heard them leave the boat. She hadn't left the cabin, but had pulled the seat cushion up and crawled inside.

  She'd slipped up the steps outside and heard Gavriel tell Maro about sending her back home. It made her blood boil that he thought he could dictate what she was going to do. This was her vacation. Just because they had great sex, didn't mean she was going to marry the lout, like she would want to. If she left the door open, he might think she had gone ashore, and he did.

  She crept out of the berth and onto the deck, crouching, in the event they watched the boat. She moved toward the boat controls, still bending low. Just as she hoped, the key was in the ignition. She thought it might be marooned to the sides of the pier, but she hoped it was loosely tied, and would pull loose.

  At the same time she turned the key, she stood up, at the roar of the engines, threw both controls into forward. The rope drew taut, but it wasn't tied to the pier, Maro was on the other end. He was pulled into the sea, but immediately let go of the rope. She breathed a sigh of relief, hoping he wasn't hurt. She looked back down the pier, and saw Gavriel race back toward the boat.

  She was free.

  Her hair whipped about her face, she looked back to see Gavriel standing at the end of the pier. He leaned down to help Maro back onto it. She raised her face and laughed to the sky.

  She didn't laugh long. Reality set in, and she had no idea where she was, or where she was going. She followed the coastline for a bit, but she needed to land and decide what direction to go in. She didn't get to decide.

  Before she found a place to dock, she heard the sound of an approaching motorboat, coming in fast. She looked around. Small and low to the water, the craft drew closer. She contemplated running from it, but knew her boat was a lot slower. It might be Halsten, she'd better start thinking of a plan.

  The small craft drew closer and she saw it wasn't Halsten, after all. They didn't attempt to stop her, but just followed in her wake. Not recognizing the two men in the boat, she headed toward the nearest landing. Halsten met her at the pier and helped her tie up. He reached out and practically pulled her out of the boat. The men stayed in their boat.


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