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Iris's Guardian

Page 23

by Lisa Daniels

  “There’s no reason to be ashamed,” the man took her shoulders and turned her around to look in a mirror. “See? This goes like this.” He moved the collar to show her what he had done, “And this doesn’t look quite right, but I’m not about to undress you to fix it. However, watch.”

  To her surprise, the man began to remove his clothing. She wanted to stop him, to point out how inappropriate his behavior was since she was a girl, but she was also aware that she could not tell him she was in fact a woman. Unsure what to say, Kerensa kept her mouth shut as her eyes were plastered to the mirror as the man began to remove his coat and shirt. Her eyes went wide and if she had been like her sister, Kerensa was certain her face would be a brilliant shade of pink.

  There was no ceremony as he removed his shirt and under shirt, then looked over at her. Kerensa couldn’t help but stare at his perfectly shaped torso. There wasn’t a hint of fat anywhere as the muscles rippled and moved as he finished removing the underclothing. His physique was unlike anything the young woman had seen. The scholars she spent time with were always either skin and bones or portly. The men of society put not effort into their bodies, so many of them were in whatever shape genetics dictated (their staff usually made sure that they didn’t get too overweight). It was possible that men like Chadwick had those kinds of muscles, but she never had any interest in finding out what was under the thick clothing. Many of the men on the ship also appeared to be muscular, but the young woman’s mind had never dwelled on it as it seemed irrelevant. Now here she was in close quarters with what she was quite certain was impossible perfection – but the man didn’t seem to think anything of it. He thinks I'm a boy. Maybe I should tell him? A little late, she began to try to find ways to get the stranger to dress. This was certainly not the behavior she was accustomed to.

  “Um, excuse me sir, but could you please put your shirt on?” She could feel that her face was flushed as she tried to pry her eyes off of his body. He said something, but she did not hear it as her eyes took in his exquisite form. With the man’s shirt off, Kerensa’s eyes were drawn to a large tattoo on his chest. Staring back at her was an enormous dragon’s face, it’s teeth open as if it were about to roar. It covered the man’s entire pectoral muscle and moved along his arm. The dragon was impossible to miss. It was not the kind of thing high society men did, but something about it seemed noble, almost other worldly as she looked at it.

  There was a gentle laugh, “Yes, she is quite lovely, isn’t she.” The man’s hand went to the head of the dragon, almost as if he was petting it.”

  Kerensa drew her eyebrows together, “She?”

  “Of course. Now, if you will please watch the way I put this on. It will be difficult to replicate without doing it yourself, so feel free to give it a try on your own if you would like.”

  Her cheeks flushed, “I am not comfortable removing my clothes.”

  The man looked at her before laughing again, “I understand. I meant you can work on my clothing once you have seen me do this a couple of times.”

  “Oh!” Kerensa’s face flushed more, “I think I should warn you-”

  “Warn me?” The man tilted his head to the side, but there was a smile on his face, “Do you think that I believe you are a boy?” Kerensa’s eyes widened again. “No man would make that mistake if he had spent any time with women of your station. I am here to help you, and since I am not going to ask you to remove your clothing, I feel it best to offer my body as a way for you to try to dress like a man. After all, we are not the only passengers from a higher level of society. I may not know your specific story, or what drove you to this, but I know how brave it was and what kinds of sacrifices you have made. I am always willing to help people like you who are only trying to be true to yourself. After all, this is nothing compared to the struggle you will face every day.”

  Kerensa swallowed and watched the man’s face. While not everything he said made sense, much of what he said made it sound like he actually did understand her position. “Th-Thank you,” she managed to stammer.

  “No need to thank me. Just watch. I will help you learn what you need to do to pass for a man.” With another dazzling smile that showed his dimple, the man began to put the clothing back on, making sure to comment with each article that he added.

  It took a bit of time, but before too long, Kerensa’s attention was squarely on what the man was doing. Her eyes followed his movements and she took note of the things that he said. After he finished, she looked at him and tilted her head. “Would you mind doing that again please?”

  The man smiled and began to remove the clothing, “It is obvious that you are more interested in learning than whatever you were born into – a born scholar, not a born lady.”

  Kerensa gave him a rare smile. Her father was the only person whom she knew who ever said anything like that. It was a kind of recognition that she never thought she would find elsewhere. At least it was the kind of recognition that she had ceased to look for as a woman. Now here was someone recognizing her interest, although there was no way for him to know her ability. As he began to remove his shirt, she picked up a pen and some paper, preparing to take notes. Though his physique was a bit of a distraction, the young woman was able to quickly get her mind back on the task at hand. By the time he finished explaining what he was doing as he dressed, Kerensa was feeling that she understood the principles. However, understanding and doing were two very different things.

  The man looked at her with his startling blue eyes and incredible smile. She gave him a small smile back, then looked out of the window as she asked, “Could I trouble you to watch me to it? I think I understand what needs to be done, but…” Her eyes turned back to see a slight look of shock on his face that the man quickly hid.

  “Of course. It makes sense that you would like some guidance. I can help you as long as you are alright with the arrangement.” His smile was very sweet as he acquiesced to her request.

  Her mind firmly on the task of looking like a man, Kerensa began to unbutton her shirt. If she could persuade everyone that she was a man, there was nothing that she couldn’t do. It was just as Bree had said, it was just a matter of hiding her gender so that people could see her for herself.

  As soon as she had removed her undershirt, Kerensa looked over her notes again before getting started again. Her eyes then went to the man, who was similarly undressed. A faint blush went over her face as she considered how awkward it would be if anyone walked in at that moment. With the binding around her, there was no doubt about her gender in this state of undress.

  The man was standing close enough that she could see the detail in the dragon tattoo, but not so close that they were touching. Trying to put her mind back on the task, Kerensa picked up the undershirt. A sudden shock went through the ship, and she stumbled and nearly hit the dresser. A cool arm gently wrapped around her before Kerensa’s body struck the dresser.

  “Careful. We aren’t on land anymore. You need to keep your legs a little more flexible.” His arm was still around her as the man reached down and tapped behind her knees. “Don’t lock them, alright?” His eyes met hers. Kerensa felt her breath catch as she looked into the icy blue eyes and dimpled smile. His face was so close. The feel of his cool body was like a fresh breeze on a hot day. It distracted her from what she needed to do. Giving a little nod, she pulled away from him.

  “Oh! I apologize.” He quickly released her and began rubbing a hand on the back of his head, rumbling his beautiful hair. “Of course you aren’t comfortable with a man being so…physical. Just be a little more relaxed.”

  Kerensa nodded again, noticing that she seemed to be having trouble with her breathing. Moving her hand around the bandages hiding her chest, she thought perhaps they were a little too tight. There is no time for that. I can fix it later – I need to be getting this right before he leaves, she reprimanded herself. Quickly she began dressing trying hard not to look at the beautiful stranger in her cabin.

  The y
oung woman did not look at him until she had finished redressing, her mind still on the feel of his skin against hers. The man seemed to have forgotten it entirely as he gave her a critical look, then stepped toward her. Even though she was focused, a small part of her mind could not ignore the way his muscles rippled as he began to tug and adjust a couple of places. “If you would put it on this way – oh, sorry. Do you mind if I…” He was looking at her, his hand resting on the top button of her shirt.

  “Please go ahead, this has been most helpful.”

  He undid most of the clothing, and then put on each piece of clothing with a few tips. She knew that she had rushed a little too much, that the unexpected contact had left her a little distracted, but she still found it difficult to put all of her attention on what the man was saying. The first time his hands brushed against her skin, Kerensa shivered.

  “Are you cold? Perhaps we should stop here?” He looked at her with concern.

  Kerensa felt embarrassed by her reaction, but he had given her the perfect out, “No it is fine. Just a slight chill. Please, I want to be able to dress properly because I need this trip to be a success. Here I will try to do better this time.” With that she stripped and began to redress, this time putting all of her attention on her actions instead of the past events.

  There was a satisfied sound as she finished adding the last part of her clothing. “That was very well done.” A hand reach out and straightened a couple of parts of her shirt. “Just be careful of here and here.” He smoothed down the areas that he wanted to highlight. “I’ve seen full grown men do it with far less grace and accuracy. I think you will manage just fine when you dress. You are an incredibly fast learner. I can understand why you feel the need to change, and I have to admit that it is very admirable in a human.”

  Kerensa looked into the mirror and saw the man looking at her with his stunning smile. Shyly she looked away, “You are a very good teacher. Usually, men are very condescending, but you know how to explain in a way that is clear and easy to follow. Thank you very much.” Something in her mind was trying to register something that he had said, but Kerensa’s mind was going off in several different directions, giving her no ability to analyze anything.

  “Next we need to work on your gait. That one may take a little longer, but you already have a good basis for it. Judging by the way that you walk, it is easy to see how I was able to figure out who you were early on. Most ladies of your social standing move with a grace and elegance that borders on obscene. It’s not terribly practical, and if you walked as those ladies, I dare say most people would have already figured you out.”

  Kerensa frowned a little as she listened to him. There was so much in his words that she didn’t quite understand, but the one thing that stood out was that the way she walked was a problem. That was something she already knew after all of the lessons with her mother, but to hear someone else point it out hurt. She refused to think that it was the person saying it that made the words seem harsh.

  There was a knock at the door before she could ask the man anything. Kerensa strode over to the door and opened it. Beaming on the other side was Chadwick. “I thought you may want a hand with your luggage, so imagine my shock when I was told that you had already made it to your room.”

  He took several steps into the room as he chatted and smiled at her. Suddenly, Chadwick froze, his eyes on the man standing at the mirror.

  Kerensa’s eyes followed the assistance and she realized what he was probably thinking. “Chadwick, thank you for your concern, but it really was not necessary. This is …” For the first time, the young woman realized that she had no idea who the man was.

  Without hesitating, the stranger reached out a hand to Chadwick, “I am Heath. It is a pleasure.”

  A little stunned, Chadwick looked at Kerensa as he shook Heath’s hand. “Chadwick, sir. Thank you for helping-”

  “Yes, I have not thanked you properly have I?” Kerensa interrupted afraid that Chadwick was about to say her real name with the door wide open. “I am Velius. Thank you very much for everything.” She held out her hand, and Heath took it with a radiant smile.

  “I can assure you, the pleasure is all mine. Well, Velius, unfortunately, I have a few things that I need to take care of before we leave Berenice. How does this evening sound for another lesson?”

  Kerensa had planned to be nose deep in books that evening, but if her walk was going to give her away, she figured that was a higher priority. “That is very kind of you. This evening will be fine. Thank you very much.” She gave him a slight curtsey before realizing that was wrong. Correcting herself before she finished, Kerensa stood up straight and leaned forward in a bow.

  “I dare say you have the bow down if you will remember it before your body does what it has been taught to do.” The man was smiling at her.

  “I should be able to bow. I had to watch my brothers learn, and after a while, I was showing them because they had no interest in that kind of teaching.”

  The man tilted his head to the side, “They teach children to bow in Senses?”

  “Oh, um, where I grew up yes.” The young woman immediately realized her mistake. Only the upper classes taught that. “Well, we lived somewhere rural and my father wanted to make sure his kids were able to make livings for themselves so…lessons.” The explanation sounded weak even to her ears, but it was all true. They did spend most of their time in rural areas, and it was to further their potential. The idea of outright lying to this man who was being so helpful seemed horrible.

  “Oh, I see. That was very forward thinking of him. I hope that he is as supportive of the life you have chosen as well.” There was something in his beautiful eyes that Kerensa did not understand.

  “He is very supportive of my chosen path. He is the best of fathers, so I am taking care not to do anything that will hurt his reputation. You have done much to help, and for that I am very grateful.”

  The man smiled, “It is entirely my pleasure. It is good to see the continents are beginning to catch up to my home. There is still a long way to go, but I’m sure your people will get there eventually.” With that he bowed and moved toward the door.

  “Thank you very much Heath.”

  He turned before opening the door, “You are most welcome. One word of advice, if you will hear it.”

  She nodded.

  “Stick to your room as much as possible. With your current gait, I feel certain you will attract unnecessary attention.”

  “Of course.” She smiled at him, “Thank you. I have no plans to leave my cabin again today.”

  “Very good.” With that he left, closing the door behind him.

  With a sigh, Kerensa looked at Chadwick, “Chadwick, I appreciate you coming, but we were not supposed to meet until much later. The researchers are not going to be discussing anything until after we are underway. It may seem a little strange to have us talking before there is anything to talk about.”

  “Oh, you are so right. I am so sorry my la-

  Immediately she began to shake her head, “No, you have to get used to calling me Velius. As long as we are on this ship, I am nobody’s lady. Please, be careful.”

  Chadwick nodded, “I understand and will try to do a lot better. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “No, I am alright.”

  It was clear that Chadwick wanted to say something, but was looking for a way to say it. He headed to the door as he pondered how to bring up what was on his mind. Before he opened the door, he turned to look at her, “I hope that you are conducting yourself in a way that is appropriate so that you don't-”

  “Chadwick,” Kerensa’s voice was a low warning as the man was about to discuss her father, the one subject he was not to bring up on the trip, “I appreciate your concern, but this has nothing to do with you or the experiment. If you have nothing else, I would like to get to work having just been inspired by a rather interesting lesson.”

  Not having any idea how to react to that, C
hadwick looked at her for a moment, then bowed and left.

  Feeling like the trip had started out far better than expected, Kerensa closed the door and got to work.

  Chapter 3

  Another Type of Society, Same Problems

  Kerensa felt guilty a little about Chadwick because he was only trying to look out for her. However, she knew that she was going to have to remain firm so that he did not do anything that would let anyone know who she was or how she had grown up. He was a great friend, but his hesitance to keep her secret had already caused her to distance herself from him over the last few months. If Chadwick continued to have trouble with their new dynamic, Kerensa would have to put more distance between them.

  As soon as he was gone, she pulled open a book that her father had bought for the trip. While she wasn’t quite as enamored on dragons as she had been a few years ago, Kerensa still had a fascination for them, both as a researcher and as a human. Something with that much power could do pretty much whatever it wanted, but unlike people, dragons tended to prefer to live far away where they would not be disturbed. There was the occasional dragon attack, but as far as Kerensa could tell, they were far less frequent over the last 300 years in her country. In fact, the last time a dragon had attacked the capital, Ciampino, was nearly 500 years ago. There hadn’t been a dragon attack in Volsci for nearly a decade. Of course, the country had been at war for the majority of those 10 years, and Kerensa had a feeling that dragons were much smarter than people. When people were killing each other, there was no reason to give them a common cause.

  Kerensa and her family lived in Marcellina, which was near the largest city in the country, Licenza. The young woman had seen dragons fly over on a few occasions, but they had never come very close, so they appeared as huge birds a long way off. Every few years, her father would get her a new book that the young woman would devour as she tried to learn more about the magnificent and dangerous creatures. This year a completely new book had come out written by the foremost scholar on dragons, and it was this book that she was reading now, even though it had nothing to do with her current research. Kerensa liked to think of herself as a dragon enthusiast, not that anyone would take her seriously. The only people who were ever considered qualified to discuss dragons were people who had encountered them. That was an incredibly small circle of people, and only dragon hunters had seen the creatures in their natural habitat. As Kerensa had already experienced, there were a host of problems with trying to talk to a dragon hunter about their primary prey. She had grown to hate people who killed dragons because all of the hunters she had met were crass, crude, and unkind. Of course, there was no question that they were necessary for dragons who enjoyed killing people, but the way some of them bragged about the final moments of the magnificent creatures made her feel sick. The young woman had heard that not all dragon hunters were that way, but the three she had met certainly were. They seemed to be in in it for the fame and fun. There had been a few dragon hunters who had passed through the city over the years, but most of them liked to keep to themselves, and as soon as they realized that people knew who they were, those dragon hunters left. It had certainly been the case several years ago when her father had told her about the female dragon hunter. The woman had left almost as soon as word got out that she was in town.


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