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Miss Elspeth's Desire

Page 19

by Imogene Nix

  “It’s wrapped, Aeddan. In silk.”

  He retreated from the room, stopping only to call for the bathwater, and hurried down the stairs in the direction of the stables.

  The saddlebags were placed on top of the saddles, perched on hay bales. He gathered them up as Grundy came barreling around the corner. “Sir?”

  “My wife’s saddlebags. She has something in one she requires.”

  “Let me.”

  Grundy moved forward, but Aeddan stopped him. “No. I have what she’s after.” He held up the silk-wrapped parcel, the size and shape of a book. His breathing seized. Surely not!

  His thoughts skittered, and while he couldn’t be sure definitively to what he held, excitement grew in his mind. If this is what I believe it to be… The thoughts matched increased eager growth that suddenly made itself known in his breeches.

  “Grundy, have a meal prepared then send the staff home for the day.” They’d cope without others for a night, and if this parcel was what he hoped, he didn’t want any interruption as they explored what lay between the covers.

  Grundy stared at him as if he’d run mad. “Sir? Miss Isabelle is due on the morrow as you instructed and—”

  “Good night, Grundy.”

  * * * *

  The staff disappeared once they’d drawn a deep and fragrant bath. The scent of candles, sandalwood and patchouli the maid had lit emitted the most decadent of aromas. In the daylight hours as they flickered and danced—erotic and sensual. Truly this is wanton in the daytime. Though many of the sensual delights Aeddan had introduced her to probably fell into that category too. She thrust the thought aside.

  The door slid shut with a whisper, and she dropped the robe from her shoulders. The mirror on the wall reflected the color of her skin along with the dips and hollows of her body. Elspeth stopped, her hands running down her nude form, no longer embarrassed by the act. Aeddan had taught her that passion and sensuality were not just acceptable, but a gift. Something to be savored and enjoyed.

  The last time she’d been here, she’d scurried through the ritual of bathing, eyes averted from the view in the mirror. The looking glass then had seemed inappropriate, yet now…

  “Perhaps my view of life has changed.” Her mind cast back to her parents’ bathing room. There’d been no such item in there, leading her to wonder if indeed this was an unusual item in a married woman’s apartment. A small titter escaped. No wonder so few marriages seem fulfilled, if they did not enjoy such abandoned intimacies. She sobered for a moment. Just as mine could have been if we hadn’t spoken freely.

  Turning away, Elspeth moved to the tub and stepped in, her body relaxing in the warm water as it slid over her skin. As if she were ready to float away.

  The tub was deep and long, and she stretched, resting her arms on the side of the metal, her head lying on the lip where a towel had been laid. Eyes closed, she inhaled the essence, noting the heady scents of neroli, rose, and jasmine from the oils the maid had poured in.

  Her gaze flashed to the doorway at the crashing sound of wood against plaster. Aeddan strode inside, his eyes turning smoky as he settled his gaze on her. “I found the gift, Elspeth.”

  She smiled, knowing full well it was filled with mischief. “Did you? And you opened it?”

  He cocked his head to one side. “No. I thought we might do that later. Together.”

  Promise lay in his words, and her stomach lurched, her mind returning to the last time they’d perused it together. The emotions and the physical acts they’d enjoyed.


  Without a word, Aeddan reached for the buttons of his shirt, and Elspeth was spellbound, watching him flick at the tiny closures until his chest was bared to her sight. Delicious skin bronzed where the sun had caught it, and pale in other areas.

  Next, he divested himself of his boots, careful actions as he stared at her, aware that her body had started to prepare for what lay ahead.

  Her mouth dried when his hands turned to his belt, understanding his intentions. She gulped for air as he hooked his thumbs under his breeches and undergarments. Then he stood before her. Naked. All man and all hers.

  She gazed her fill, her eyes roaming up and down the planes of his body. Taking in the dark hair at the juncture of this legs and the immense erection.

  Hunger roared, but she had to hold onto her sanity. “The door. You should lock it.”

  He smiled, his eyes ablaze. “I’ve given the staff the rest of the day off. There’s no one else here, Elspeth.”

  He advanced, loped toward the tub and climbed in, settling at the other end, so his legs bracketed hers.

  Decadent. No other word described the act of bathing together in the daylight.

  The water rippled, the warm swell lapping at her body, nipples budding tightly in response while her sex ached, ready for fulfillment.

  “Will…” Talking and thought were difficult as her brain turned sluggish with desire. “Will it always be like this?”

  “I hope so, Elspeth.”

  His foot moved, glancing up the side of her leg, and she moaned, as her body reacted intuitively. She slid a little deeper into the water, adjusting her posture and wondering if it were indeed possible in the tub.


  The breath in her lungs fled as he reached for her hand. “Would you be interested in another lesson?”

  Yes! Oh yes! “Please?” she answered with a croak, and he reached for her, taking her hand and pulling her upright.

  “Not here though. Not this time.”

  So, it is possible.

  Elspeth made to crawl into his lap but he placed a soft finger against her lips. “Come, let me bathe you. Turn around.”

  Without answering, she maneuvered so her back rested against his chest.

  Dribbling water down her shoulders, he ministered, “Loving is an art, Elspeth. Lovers should be aware and responsive to the needs of the other.” His hands settled at her waist, and he pulled her so she could feel the length of him against her buttocks. His chin rested on her shoulder, the whisper of his words teasing the sensitive skin there. “It is giving. Eager to share its bounty.”

  Elspeth shivered as his hands closed over her breasts, his thumbs gently teasing the tight nubs. His legs held her immobile, as she arched back, fine tremors of hunger zinging through her body.


  “Just feel, my love. Breathe deeply and concentrate on how you feel when I touch you.” One hand moved down to her ribcage. “Feel it here. The pleasure and warmth.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed. “I… I do, Aeddan.”

  “And here.” His hand settled on the curve of her belly, which quivered with excitement. Heat settling in her stomach as she gave herself up to the pleasure.

  When his hand slid down to her mound, she arched up, the water shifting like a wave which licked at her nipples on its return, and she moaned. Desire was a ravenous creature within her.

  “Aeddan?” Her cry echoed in the silence.

  The deep chuckle and reverberations echoed inside her mind. “There’s more, my love. And no need to rush.”

  He released her, reached for the soap as she cracked her eyes open.

  A demand rose to her lips, heavy with frustration, but it melted away when he captured her gaze—hooded and hungry. He rubbed the cake between his hands. “This is part of the ritual too. Let me bathe you, my love. Prepare you for the night ahead.”

  When he touched her she jolted, the slide of fingers and palms over damp skin reigniting the fire that had dimmed when he’d moved away.

  “Your body is a temple. Perfectly built for my loving.” His words drugged her, pulling her deeper into the sensual haze. “When you’re ready, you’ll show me just the same. Gift me with the words.”

  She opened her mouth then closed it again.

  “One day, soon. But today, let me teach you more. School you in arts you’ve not yet imagined.”

  * * * *

  After t
hey moved from the bath to the bedroom, he led her by the hand to the edge of the bed, allowing time for her hunger to abate slightly. “Come, let us inspect this gift from your friend.”

  He gestured to the parcel on the bed, and all the while, her body throbbed with hunger for Aeddan.

  “We could—”

  The kiss he stilled her words with scorched. His tongue thrust deeply inside the cavern of her mouth, and she pushed closer, skin against skin.

  He tugged away, framing her face with unsteady hands. “Soon. Come, my love, let us see this gift.”

  Her moue of regret was met with a bark of laughter.

  She sighed and followed him onto the mattress, settling against the mounded pillows as he unfolded the length of fine, purple cloth.

  “She wrapped it in a sari,” he murmured. Once he had finished unwrapping it, the book of pleasure they’d seen at the palace was revealed.

  “Amber told me they had other copies. It was a gift of friendship. She’s lonely and I think enceinte.” Pregnancy wasn’t discussed between husbands and wives openly, but with Aeddan, and the things they did, if felt natural. Snuggling closer to Aeddan, her body cooling, it felt important to tell him what she’d discovered.

  “Indeed. She and the prince are very much in love. Their child will be cherished. Just as much as any from our union will be.”

  His words, spoken quietly, surprised her. “Aeddan, if I were expecting, we wouldn’t be able to…”

  “Shh. We can cross that bridge when we arrive there.”

  A vision rose, and while she wanted it, could almost touch the tiny breathing bundle, they weren’t ready. Not yet, so she blinked, banishing it...for now.

  Aeddan opened the cover. Paging through to where they’d ceased last time. “This one intrigues me, Elspeth.” The image was of a couple, entwined intimately, his hands at her waist, the man seated within the woman.


  Again, her body quickened. Aeddan pulled her into his embrace, laying the book aside, then reaching for her leg. Holding it up so he could nestle there, his erection nudging her core.

  “Let me try something?” The timbre of his voice was rough and hungry.

  Elspeth couldn’t deny him, her body ablaze already. “Yes, Aeddan.”

  “Every time I look at the illustrations, I don’t see them, Elspeth. I see us. You and me, entwined.”

  She melted inside and knew he felt it too. His words filling the emptiness within her so that all there was room for was him. The other half of her soul.

  “Your honey tastes so sweet and it’s already coating me, my love. Let me enter your temple. Let me fill you.”

  Her body bowed, so he slid within.

  She vibrated in his arms as they moved slowly. “Every time is better. More mystical.” His mutter was lost as she moaned, starving for the pleasure that was ready to explode within her.

  “Aeddan? Let me feel you.” She dragged her fingers up his chest to grip at his shoulders, demanding more. “Let me feel your hardness. Your strength. Fill me.”

  Every caress heightened her awareness. Her body so hot she would surely combust. They undulated—rocking and yearning against each other until the wave crashed over her. Her cry echoed, matched only by his.

  The racing of their hearts slowing as they held together.

  Chapter 22

  The journey to the Jamestown took time to arrange. Elspeth used the break to finalize the initial purpose of her visit to India. Time passed quickly, meeting with her man of business and inspecting the bales of cloth that arrived. Ledgers required inspection, and invoices awaiting authorization were dealt with. She placed more orders, able to specify the types and lengths of material, and gave instructions for a new supplier to be added—the one who’d created the fine purple silk wound around a book hidden carefully in her trunk.

  Isabelle returned from her visit with Lady Manton, full of fire and excitement. In her free time, she chattered about the balls and outings they’d undertaken, and the people they’d met and interacted with, including the vicereine, Lady Lytton. “Lady Lytton is indeed a wonder, Elspeth. She’s involved in all manner of ideas. Of course, her little girl is just the sweetest, little thing!”

  However, Isabelle still kept a watchful eye on Aeddan and became more subdued. Something that Elspeth mulled over with concern.

  On the arrival of the Jamestown, though, Isabelle waited just as impatiently as Elspeth. Inspection of the vessel and reorganization were handled by Isabelle in her usual unruffled fashion. This allowed Elspeth and Aeddan to conclude their business free of concern for their voyage, though Aeddan did mention it was a trifle unusual to have a female in charge of such matters.

  He remained busy, settling his affairs, returning the lease on North Point and disbanding all the servants, except for Jacinthe and Grundy. Jacinthe had been overcome by the offer made for her to become Elspeth’s official lady’s maid since Anara wouldn’t travel with them. It was a title Jacinthe would never have aspired to.

  One evening, just before they returned to Spence’s Hotel, Elspeth enquired, “Isabelle, was there no girl among the staff who would be suitable for your personal lady’s maid?” Finding space aboard for a second maid would have posed problems, but they weren’t insurmountable.

  “No, Elspeth. I feel sure though that until we reach Shanghai Jacinthe will cater for both of us admirably.”

  Elspeth simply shrugged, allowing her sister that latitude. Aboard the ship, there’d be little enough work for the young girl.

  On the ship, Jacinthe and Isabelle took up residence in one cabin while the captain’s quarters were made ready for Elspeth and Aeddan.

  Early on the evening before sailing, Elspeth jumped at the rap on the door. “Come in!”

  Isabelle entered the room and placed a wooden box on the small ledge beside the bed. “What’s that, Elspeth?”

  “It’s a gift. From my husband.” Elspeth ran her finger lightly over the wood, aware that inside lay oils, scented and meant for her continuing ‘education’ as her husband archly described it.

  “You’re happy, aren’t you? India was everything you asked for and more.”

  Elspeth sighed, unable to ignore the longing in her sister’s voice. It hurt to realize that she’d found a treasure here, yet her sister remained unattached.

  “I truly am, Isabelle. Tell me, for all the events you attended, was there no man who intrigued you?”

  Isabelle slumped down on the bunk and shook her head. “None that drew me the way Aeddan did you. Am I going to be the only one left a spinster, Elspeth? Where is my happy situation?” Despair colored her words.

  Elspeth moved to embrace her sister, but Isabelle shook her head.

  “That was unfair of me. Forgive me. I just… Maybe in Shanghai I’ll meet a man. One who completes me.” Isabelle rose, wiping away her tears. “The future is for looking forward to, and I’m sure this voyage won’t be as exciting or traumatic as the last. So, tell me, when is Aeddan due aboard?”

  Elspeth inspected her sister’s face. She’d chosen to focus on what was positive, but Elspeth resolved that if Isabelle didn’t meet someone in Shanghai, she’d do her best on their return to England to find a suitable gentleman for her sister. Isabelle deserved a happy future.

  “He’s meeting with Lytton now, making his final report and finalizing his commission.”

  They’d told Isabelle most of the truth, agreeing to only share the facts about the courier duties of Forster Shipping captains when at sea.

  “I can’t believe we’ve been here five months. It’s gone so quickly.” Her sister glanced out the window, her gaze pensive.

  Isabelle was right. The five months since she’d arrived in India, the events that culminated in her very happy marriage had whipped it on with fervor.

  A commotion at the gangway caught her attention and she glanced outward, seeking the source. There was Grundy and Aeddan, coming aboard. She moved from the cabin to meet her husband.
/>   With the cargo loaded, it was time to leave. To another adventure and the next port.

  If you enjoyed this book, be sure to look for the upcoming book, Miss Isabelle’s Craving.

  About Imogene Nix

  Imogene is published in a range of romance genres including paranormal, science fiction, and contemporary. She is mainly published in the UK and USA due to the nature of her tales.

  In 2011, Imogene Nix (the pen name, not Imogene herself) was born. Imogene sat down and worked tirelessly for three months culminating in the book Starline, which became the first in a trilogy titled “Warriors of the Elector.”

  Imogene has successfully been contracted for twenty-five titles. She has also completed several others. In 2017 Imogene decided to self-publish most of her further works—a plan which is in train.

  Imogene is a member of a range of professional organizations worldwide, and believes in the mantra of mentoring and paying it forward.

  She loves to drink coffee and wine, and eat chocolate, and is parenting two spoiled dogs and a ferocious cat, along with her husband and two human daughters.

  Imogene’s Website:

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  More Beachwalk Press Titles by Imogene Nix

  The Star of Ishtar



  Star of the Fleet


  A Bar in Paris

  War’s End

  The Assassin

  Executing Justice

  Box Set: The Reunion Trilogy


  Loving Memories

  Sex, Love & Aliens, Volume 1

  Sex, Love & Aliens, Volume 2

  Love at the End of the World

  Loving Memories

  A second chance at love could come with a killer price tag.


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