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Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet

Page 79

by Stacey Brutger

  Tuck took an involuntary step toward her before restraining himself. “How?”

  “You’re so damn busy destroying the evil supernaturals, you didn’t even bother to think that they might be your only hope of survival.” Raven shrugged. “Your blood is killing you. If you petition the Council, the alphas, they might take you into their packs. When you join a powerful enough pack, an alpha can either draw on the power of the pack…or give it. It’s not a cure, but it will stop the deterioration.”

  Raven grabbed Jackson’s arm, then turned and opened the door. “You’re going to have to decide what’s more important—starting a war that will destroy half the world to rid it of paranormal creatures, or going against your orders to save millions of people…including you and your fellow soldiers.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Raven trailed Jackson up the stairs, more tired than was warranted. It bothered her that she still hadn’t recovered completely from the recent attacks. She automatically reached for her dragon, but couldn’t sense anything except a vast, open space of nothing.

  She was so distracted she didn’t notice Jackson had stopped moving until she smacked into him. He whirled, catching her before she could topple back down the stairs. “You’re exhausted.”

  Without waiting for her reply, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Raven snuggled into his warmth, sighing in pleasure when the scent of fresh-crushed grass surrounded her. He gently set her on the edge of the bed, then went about removing her shoes and socks before tucking her under the covers. He closed the curtains on the balcony door, enclosing them in darkness.

  Her eyes quickly adjusted, and she watched him while he stretched out on his couch, but instead of falling asleep, he remained awake and alert—guarding her.

  She might be a shifter, but the room felt cold without him near, the bed vast and empty. Her skin turned icy, almost numb, the cold seeping into her bones. After another five minutes, unable to find a comfortable spot, she gave up and sat.

  Jackson bolted upright, coming to instant attention. “What’s wrong?”

  Despite the height of the bed, they were at eye level, only a few inches apart. She studied his rugged good looks. He was too masculine, too purposeful to be beautiful, but she found him fascinating. “Are you happy here?”

  “What do you mean?” He growled the reply, his body stiffening, caught between bewildered and grumpy.

  Raven had to sit on her hands to keep from reaching over to soothe him.

  “She hates the distance between you two.” Taggert pushed the door open and entered, not in the least concerned about what he might be interrupting.

  Jackson’s head swung toward her, his eyes wide and speculative. Taggert stripped off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, then crawled into bed behind her.

  He curled his arm around her waist, then dragged her backwards, cuddling her close. It helped, but the underlying ache remained. Jackson watched them, his face blank, before he eased back onto his couch. The discomfort faded, softened by Taggert’s contentment, and Raven was stunned to realize what she was feeling before Taggert climbed into bed with her was what most shifters had to deal with when they were denied touch.

  Jackson warned her it was often used as a punishment, and she jerked upright, appalled that she’d subjected him to such torture for months.

  Both men bolted to their feet at her reaction, searching for the threat, but she only had eyes on Jackson.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that being alone hurts?”

  Jackson froze, then ducked his head, running a hand over the back of his neck. “It’s nothing.”

  Raven shook her head at her own foolishness. She thought it was the mating heat that put her on edge, but now it occurred to her that she might be picking up on his emotions.

  All their emotions.

  Horror at her unintended abuse slammed into her hard, and she had no one to blame but herself. Jackson had warned her. She slipped out of bed to wrap her arms around Jackson’s waist, pressing her face to his back.

  “You stupid ass, why didn’t you say something?” It felt like her heart was breaking, the shattered pieces shredding her insides to ribbons.

  He didn’t say anything as he carefully rested his hands over hers, holding her close. “You had your reasons.”

  Raven reached up and smacked him on the back of his head. “Do you imagine that I would want to hurt you in any way?”

  “Of course not.”

  Of course not…that’s why he didn’t say anything. “You were trying to spare me.” When she would’ve smacked him again, he twisted and caught her wrist, dragging her closer. “You had no right.”

  “I have every right.” His grip tightened as he pulled her closer. “I’m an enforcer. My job is to protect you…even from yourself.”

  Her breath caught at the feel of him pressed against her, every bit of him taut with muscle and power, the hardened shell he wore cracking as he glared down at her.

  “Why do you stay?” She rested her hands against his chest…then, unable to stop herself, she ran them up to his shoulders. She slipped her fingers to the back of his head and lightly scraped her nails along the back of his neck.

  He shuddered, his breathing shallow as a low groan escaped him. Seconds later, he tore out of her arms, his eyes a neon yellow as his wolf rose to the surface. When she moved to follow him, he backed up, looking panicked. “Don’t.”

  Raven stopped immediately.

  “I have perfect control…except when it comes to you. One touch, and you can bring me to my knees.” Raven blushed at the image that popped into her mind, but it vanished when he dropped his eyes in shame.

  “I know all about control.” Though she wanted to go to him, she was afraid he would run. “Maybe I don’t want control anymore.”

  “You’re afraid that you’ll hurt her.” Taggert rolled off the bed and casually walked over to stand next to Jackson. “What if I can guarantee that you won’t? What would you do for a chance to be near her? To touch her?”

  “Anything.” Jackson stilled so much she doubted he even breathed. Hope and yearning burned so brightly from his eyes that her throat ached.

  “Strip.” Taggert turned and began to dig in her dresser. “Take off your shirt and pants and lie on the bed.”

  Raven could do nothing but gape when the big, indomitable Jackson obeyed without question and yanked his shirt over his head. When he reached for his pants, her eyes widened, but she couldn’t make herself turn away. He strode toward the bed in tight boxer briefs, careful to maintain his distance from her, as if terrified of accidently brushing up against her.

  The sound of a drawer closing had her spinning to find Taggert holding a couple of straps of leather, and it took her brain precious seconds to recognize her belts as he walked toward the bed. Jackson tensed at his approach, but didn’t protest when Taggert began to wind them around his wrists.

  Understanding dawned, her legs suddenly unsteady as she watched Taggert tie Jackson to the bed.


  “No.” Taggert didn’t let her finish, shutting her protest down before she could voice it. “While he can escape the belts at any time, the reminder is for his beast. The pressure will keep him contained.”

  As Taggert went to bind the last wrist, Jackson grabbed his arm. “You will stay in the room.”

  It was clear he wouldn’t do anything without Taggert there to protect her.

  Taggert nodded like it was a forgone conclusion, focusing on the task of securing the binding. When the last knot was completed, he stepped back and came to a stop at her side, his shoulder brushing against hers. She couldn’t help but be distracted by their nakedness.

  Taggert looked directly into her eyes. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want. You can walk out the door now. Neither of us will think any less of you.”

  Her mouth watered as she remembered the way Jackson tasted.

  She craved more.

  But when Tag
gert walked past her, she grabbed his arm, suddenly nervous. He tensed under her touch, flexing his muscles in a way that was completely hypnotizing.

  “Do you want him?” Taggert ran his hand down her arm, and she shivered at the caress, feeling her temperature rise.

  “Yes.” She didn’t even have to think about it.

  “Are you worried you’re going to hurt him?” He kept running his hands up and down her arms in a distracting manner that encouraged her to speak.

  When she focused on his questions, she was startled to realize she wasn’t afraid. At some point during the past few weeks, she finally accepted the truth they had tried to explain to her from the very beginning. “No, my beast would never hurt any of you.”

  “Are you worried he will hurt you?”

  Raven glanced at the bed, and her eyes caught on the hungry, almost desperate way he watched Taggert touching her. She should be afraid to be alone with a shifter, but she knew none of them would ever lift a hand against her. “Never.”

  Taggert grabbed her chin, forcing her to continue looking at Jackson. “He’s terrified that he’ll hurt you.”

  Raven snorted at the absurdity, but Taggert tightened his grip.

  “He lost control last time. He was barely able to hold his beast back and let you go. If you take things farther with him tonight, he knows he won’t be able to stop. He wants you too much, and his beast needs to lay claim to you for that need to fade. Until then, his desire for you will only continue to increase and become more painful for him.”

  Taggert turned her face toward him. “Do you understand? Are you sure you want to do this?”

  His chocolate eyes were serious, the fresh wood scent of him calming her nerves.

  She wanted a future with them, she wanted them happy, and for some reason, they’d decided she was the only one for them.

  Raven was determined to try.

  They made her wish for a better life, one she never dreamed of for herself.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, Raven smiled at Taggert. “I understand.” She rested her hand against his cheek. “This pack is my family. I’ve fought with you, then run from you. Now I’m ready to fight for you.”

  “Kiss me.” Taggert rested his forehead against hers, his breathing rough, his eyes heated.

  Raven gave into his demand, then nearly squeaked when he wrapped her in his arms and crushed her to him, ravishing her mouth like he couldn’t get enough.

  She couldn’t either. She thrust her fingers into his hair and tightened her grip, giving as good as she got…until a tortured moan jerked her out of her haze. Heat flared in her cheeks when she saw Jackson watching them intently. Instead of jealousy as she’d expected, he hungrily followed her every move.

  Raven couldn’t resist toying with Jackson. She placed her hand on Taggert’s muscular chest, marveling at the smooth, heated muscles. Knowing he groomed himself especially for her was so sexy. Neither Jackson nor Taggert appeared to be breathing as she trailed her fingers down to his stomach. When she reached the waistband of his pants, he automatically sucked in, leaving a tantalizing gap for her to explore.

  She ran her fingernails along the edge, but didn’t give into the temptation to dip below. She watched Jackson strain against his restraints, his knuckles white as he gripped the straps.

  “Kiss him.” Taggert nudged her away, guiding her onto the bed, and she slowly crawled over Jackson’s body, taking care to keep her touch light, barely brushing against him.

  Jackson spread his legs, giving her room to kneel between them, and she sat back on her feet, stunned by the sheer beauty of seeing him stretched out before her. His muscles were taut, his body lacking even an ounce of fat. A smattering of hair dusted his chest, arrowing down his stomach to disappear into his underwear, tempting her to explore further.

  Her eyes locked onto the clear outline of his erection through the thin cotton. Jackson gave a tortured moan when he saw the direction of her stare, his hips flexing, silently begging for attention.

  “Straddle him.” Taggert crawled on the bed behind her, cupping her hips and guiding her forward.

  The heat of Jackson’s flesh combined with Taggert’s firm touch melted the last of her self-consciousness. She leaned forward, stopping before their lips met, ducking to brush her mouth against the faint bite mark on Jackson’s upper chest—the spot where she bit him when she took him into the pack. Taggert had told her those marks were sensitive, even erotic.

  Jackson shuddered, but it wasn’t enough, and she bit down hard, just short of drawing blood. Jackson arched beneath her with a strangled growl. Only then did she reluctantly release him, licking the spot once more, pleased when he shuddered again.

  When she sat up, the white scar was now red, and a primitive part of her purred to see her mark on him. She peered up at Jackson and saw pure lust staring back at her. His eyes were glowing, heavy-lidded, the angles of his face sharpened with hunger. She’d almost swear she saw fangs. He tightened his grip on the belts until they creaked, and pleasure tingled along her neck and down her spine.

  “What do you want?” She lightly rested her fingertips against his stomach, fascinated by the way the muscles flexed, and couldn’t resist tracing the rigid cords of his abs.

  “More skin.”

  She shivered at his guttural demand, his voice so low her stomach clenched with need. She reached for the hem of her shirt when Taggert’s arms encircled her and lifted her clear off the bed. Her breath caught in her throat at his easy strength.

  Taggert gently set her on her feet, then caught her hands when she raised them to remove her shirt. “Let me.”

  His mouth was so close to her neck, she could feel his warm breath caress her skin. Her insides heated more, imagining the feel of his mouth on her, and she bit her lip to keep from begging.

  Then she felt his hands on her hips. He dragged them up her sides, his palms sliding under her shirt, and she leaned back against him, craving more contact, her legs suddenly weak at such a simple gesture. “Arms up.”

  Raven didn’t hesitate to obey, and he whisked the shirt over her head, leaving her wearing only a skimpy tank top. The touch of air prickled along her skin, seconds before he splayed one hand against her stomach, the other against her neck. His fingers tightened for a moment before trailing down her neck to skim along her shoulder. He slipped his fingers underneath the strap of her top, and a sharp tug snapped the cord, revealing the tops of her breasts.

  Her breath halted, but the vicious snarl from the bed grabbed her attention. Jackson was straining against the leather straps. He could clearly break them without much effort, but he was doing his best to restrain himself. His eyes were wild and hungry as he watched Taggert’s hands on her body.

  Taggert easily snapped the other strap. The top dipped, caught on her breasts, and he forced the material down her stomach, leaving her bare, not once caressing her breasts, and she nearly groaned in protest, aching for his touch.

  As if hearing her silent plea, his hands settled on her stomach, then slowly slid lower, reaching for the snap of her jeans. She held her breath, not sure she could stand much more of his slow seduction.

  She gasped when he gripped the snap of her jeans and ripped them open. He then slid both of his hands down her hips, dragging her ruined tank top and pants down, his fingers brushing all along the sides of her legs until her clothes pooled at her feet, leaving only her panties intact, and Taggert practically kneeling behind her.

  Taggert cradled her calf, gently lifting her foot before dragging her clothes away. The combination of gentle and rough made her breath catch, leaving her anticipating what would happen next as he repeated the process with the other foot.

  He kissed her thigh, her hip, taking his time as he dragged his hands up her body while he got to his feet. His lips lightly brushed her shoulder blade, then along her neck.

  Raven whirled away from him, not able to withstand his teasing touches without returning the favor. She rested her finge
rs lightly against his shoulders, tracing the muscles along his collarbone before she raked her nails down his torso. He sucked in a startled breath, groaning in pleasure, but obediently stood before her, his hands clenched at his sides.

  She reached for the waistband of his pants, but took her time unsnapped them, then sliding down the zipper, one excruciating inch at a time, acutely aware of his cock clearly outlined by his briefs as it was slowly revealed.

  Unable to help herself, she cupped him, startled by his size and heat. He groaned, his whole body tensing, while Jackson growled. She heard two distinct pops, but before she could turn, strong arms wrapped around her, dragging her backwards until she was sprawled across Jackson’s lap.

  When she wiggled, a growl rumbled in her ear, and she froze. Jackson grabbed her wrists, pinning her arms at her side, his chin coming to rest on her shoulder.

  “Strip.” He bit out one word, his voice gruff.

  Taggert immediately obeyed, and Raven nearly swallowed her tongue as he began to remove his clothes, then slowed when he noticed that he had her complete attention. He gave her a seductive smile and began to put on a show, swinging his hips and moving his body to a song she could almost hear. Her eyes stung—but she wasn’t about to blink and miss a second. It wasn’t long before he was completely naked.

  She twitched, wanting to touch him, and Jackson tightened his grip. “You like to watch.”

  The men exchanged a glance when Taggert sat on the couch, completely comfortable with his nakedness. When he grabbed his cock, Raven sank her nails into Jackson’s thighs. He groaned, then rocked against her, and she became aware of his arousal pressed intimately against her backside.

  She shifted her hips, needing more, and Jackson hissed in a breath. “Keep your hands on my knees.”

  She nodded mutely, and he reluctantly lifted his hands before running them up her legs until they came to rest against her hips. He spread his legs, forcing hers apart as well, lifting her with an ease that made her breath catch. Then he slowly lowered her onto his length, and she lost her breath for another reason as he filled her.


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