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The Teflon Queen PT 4

Page 10

by Silk White

Angela slowly crawled back up to her feet, looked out the door, and saw Ashley and Mr. Death over in the room across the hall both fighting for their lives. Without thinking twice, she ran out over to the other room and joined the action. While Ashley held Mr. Death’s attention, Angel landed a sneaky punch to his kidneys followed by a kick to the ribs. Mr. Death turned and readied to punch Angela’s head off when suddenly his feet were swept from up under him. He hit the floor hard but bounced back up to his feet as if nothing happened. Angela and Ashley attacked Mr. Death at the same time. Fists flew from every direction, Mr. Death blocked most of the blows while backing up, his arms, and hands were moving at an all-time high speed.

  Ashley charged Mr. Death and tried to scoop his legs from up under him, while holding on to his waist. Ashley pulled the knife that was clipped to her belt and jammed it down into Mr. Death’s leg. Meanwhile, Angela landed a flying kick that violently snapped Mr. Death’s head back and sent him crashing out into the hallway. Angela and Ashley quickly followed Mr. Death out into the hallway. Ashley rushed, Mr. Death back into the wall, but he quickly used her momentum against her, and slammed her into the wall instead. As if he had eyes in the back of his head, he stopped Angela from creeping up on him from behind with a swift kick to the face that stopped her dead in her tracks. All three assassins took a fighting stance, backing down or bowing out was a thought that never crossed any of their minds. Angela inched towards Mr. Death when the staircase door busted open and two grenades rolled towards their feet.

  “Shit!” Angela’s eyes lit up as all three of them took off, diving in the air as the explosion helped spring board their bodies even further. Mr. Death’s body violently hit the wall and then fell down to the floor. He quickly made it back to his feet when he saw, Three S.W.A.T members quickly run over in his direction. Once the S.W.A.T. team saw the assassin make it back up to his feet, they opened fire. Mr. Death smoothly disappeared in the staircase as the S.W.A.T bullets ripped through the staircase door and walls. He laid on the floor and removed his back up .380 from his ankle holster. The first S.W.A.T team member that entered the staircase was rewarded with a bullet to the throat. The next S.W.A.T member tossed a smoke grenade in the staircase. When the blast erupted the remaining two S.W.A.T members entered the staircase and opened fire, they didn’t have a target hoping that one of their bullets would find a home in the assassin’s body. The two S.W.A.T members eased down the steps when the sound of footsteps coming from behind them startled them. Before they could even turn around, Mr. Death jammed a knife down into one of their necks, and then shot the other one in the face.

  Mr. Death quickly moved down to the next floor, when he heard footsteps from up above. He wasn’t sure how many S.W.A.T. Members were in the building, but he knew had to get them before they got him. Mr. Death ran down the stairs skipping two at a time, when out of nowhere the staircase door came busting open and two S.W.A.T. Members eased through the door. Before the S.W.A.T. Members knew what had hit them. Mr. Death jumped down a flight of stairs and landed a flying kick that took the first S.W.A.T. Member off his feet, the second S.W.A.T. Member turned his rifle on the assassin. Mr. Death hands moved in a blur, he landed open hand chopped the S.W.A.T. Member’s throat, then swept his feet from up under him before he had a chance to even grab his throat. Mr. Death stood over the wounded S.W.A.T. Member’s body and fired a bullet into his face. Just as the gun went off, he noticed two other S.W.A.T. Members bust through the same door that the first two had entered through. Mr. Death spun with the reflexes of a cat and dropped the first S.W.A.T. Member; he then turned his gun on the next S.W.A.T. Member and pulled the trigger. He watched as the bullet bounced off the S.W.A.T. guy’s helmet. The S.W.A.T. guy hit the floor, raised his rifle, and opened fire on the assassin. The bullets from the M-16 rifle spun Mr. Death around like a windmill sending him violently crashing down the stairs.

  The S.W.A.T. guy slowly stood to his feet and spoke into his earpiece. “Shots fired on the third floor, suspect is down!” He slowly eased his way down the stairs, then stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the assassin sit up with a gun in his hand. Before he even got a chance to do anything, a bullet ripped through his Adam’s apple and exited out the back of his neck.

  Mr. Death watched the S.W.A.T. guy’s lifeless body tumble awkwardly down the stairs landing directly next to him. “Fuck!” Mr. Death cursed as he slowly peeled himself off the floor, stumbled down to the second floor, and exited the staircase. The M-16 bullets didn’t penetrate through his skin but the impact and force from the shots had really damaged Mr. Death internally. From experience, he could tell that he had a few broken ribs and maybe a punctured lung. Mr. Death used the wall to help hold him up as he spit out blood. He quickly duck inside of a patient’s room when he heard soft footsteps coming from up ahead.

  Mr. Death looked down at his hand gun and noticed that it was empty. With each breath he took felt as if his organs were about to collapse at any giving second. When the footsteps became loud enough that he could pin point where the person was, Mr. Death sprang from out of the room and landed a blinding quick kick to the side of an S.W.A.T. guy’s head, the force from the kick knocking the helmet straight off the man’s head. Before the S.W.A.T. guy got a chance to recover, Mr. Death followed up with a four punch combination to the man’s face. Out of natural reflexes the S.W.A.T. Threw a lucky and powerful hook that landed directly on Mr. Death’s rib cage. The punch folded Mr. Death like a paper bag.

  “Get your ass up!” The S.W.A.T. Member growled as he roughly snatched the assassin up to his feet then roughly slammed the man’s head into the wall repeatedly. He then dug his fingers in Mr. Death’s eyes and tried to rip them out of the socket.

  Mr. Death dropped down into a split and landed a powerful uppercut to the S.W.A.T. guy’s groin area causing him to drop down to his knee. In a quick motion, Mr. Death removed a small knife from his utility belt and jammed it in the S.W.A.T. guy’s throat.

  Mr. Death slowly made it back to his feet when he heard a door bust open from behind him; he quickly spun around, looked down, and saw a grenade rolling towards his feet. “Shit!”

  * * *

  Ashley crept up on one of the S.W.A.T team members from behind, stomped down on the back of his leg, forcing him to drop down to one knee. She then snapped his neck before he got a chance to fight back. She then grabbed the dead man’s body and dragged it back into the room that she had just come out of. “The only way we going to make it out of here alive is to put on one of these S.W.A.T uniforms,” she said looking over at Angela. “Here you take this uniform and I’ll take the next one.”

  Angela quickly stripped the dead man down and put on his uniform. She then took the dead man’s helmet and put it on that way she wouldn’t be recognized. Angela grabbed the dead man’s machine gun and tossed it to Ashley. She then grabbed his back up hand gun and exited the room. Immediately Angela ran into four S.W.A.T members. She took a knee as if she was injured and as soon as the other members got close to her to see if she was all right, she fired off four shots. All neck shots. Angela dragged one of the dead men bodies back to the room where Ashley waited. Ashley quickly jumped into the S.W.A.T uniform.

  “Come on let’s get out of here,” Angela said as her and Ashley walked through the hallway as the sound of an intense gun fight rang out loudly on the floor above them. They immediately knew that Mr. Death wasn’t going out without a fight.

  “I hope they kill him,” Ashley said as her and Angela boarded the elevator.

  * * *

  Captain Spiller stood outside in front of the hospital with a nervous and concerned look on his face, until he heard someone yell. “We got two coming out!” Captain Spiller watched the two S.W.A.T members exit the hospital. He smiled when the S.W.A.T members removed their helmets and long hair flowed down their backs. “Wait! Don’t shoot!” Captain Spiller yelled as he ran towards Ashley and Angela and hugged them both at the same time. He didn’t care if they were injured or had blood on th
em; all that mattered to him was that they were both still alive. “We need a medic over here immediately!” He yelled. Instantly a team of paramedics surrounded Angela and Ashley and tended to their needs.

  While the paramedics were looking at Angela’s arm, Captain Spiller walked over. “So is the dead?”

  “I’m not sure, the last time I saw him he was still alive,” Angela answered honestly.

  “Well they just sent forty officers in there so hopefully they’ll be able to kill that bastard,” Captain Spiller informed her.

  Forty minutes later Angela heard someone yell. “We’ve got a survivor!” Immediately she turned and saw an S.W.A.T team member being helped out of the hospital. She yelled over and got Captain Spiller’s attention. “Did they find his body yet?”

  Captain Spiller shook his head with a defeated look on his face. “No sign of his body anywhere, all the bodies they found belong to either patients, staff, or S.W.A.T.”

  “Impossible he’s got to be in that building somewhere,”

  Angela fumed.

  “Don’t worry we’ll catch him next time, don’t beat yourself up over this,” Captain Spiller patted Angela on the back. Just as Angela was about to lose hope she noticed something. She looked over at the final survivor and something about him just wasn’t right. The survivor walked with a bad limp and seemed to be in server pain. “Captain you got a gun on you?”

  “Of course I do why?”

  “Give it to me!” Angela stood to her feet, grabbed the gun, and headed over towards the wounded survivor. Angela slowly walked over to the survivor with the gun hanging down by her side. She wasn’t sure about what she was doing, but she had to make sure. “Remove your helmet!” she demanded when she reached the survivor.

  “Ma’am this man needs medical attention. I’m going to have to ask you to step back!” one of the paramedics barked.

  Without warning, Angela slapped the paramedic across the face with the gun knocking her unconscious. “I said take your fucking helmet off!” Angela yelled aiming her gun at the man’s head drawing the attention of everyone.

  The survivor slowly removed his helmet and on the other side of the mask stood Mr. Death. He flashed a bloody smiled at

  Angela. “I’ll see you in hell.”

  “Indeed!” Angela said, and then blew Mr. Death brains all over the side walk. Angela dropped the walk and slowly walked back over towards Captain Spiller and Ashley.

  “Good work Angela,” Captain Spiller said with a huge smile.

  “How’d you know it was him?” Ashley asked.

  “His limp, I remembered you stabbed him in the leg while we were fighting.” Angela pointed out.

  “So what’s next for the Teflon Queen?” Ashley asked.

  “Rest,” Angela chuckled. “I need to rest and maybe even a vacation.”

  “I was talking about as far as the job goes.”

  “Well I don’t know that depends on my partner,” Angela flashed a smile. Ashley returned her smile and hugged her tightly.

  “You got two months to get all the rest you want,” Captain Spiller, said raining on Angela’s parade.

  “I could definitely use two months off,” Ashley smiled.

  “I was talking to Angela not you, Ashley,” Captain Spiller joked.

  “Hey you heard my partner we need to rest call us when the next mission presents itself,” Ashley smiled as her and Angela walked off.

  “Oh don’t worry I’m sure I’ll be calling you both real soon,” Captain Spiller laughed as he watched his two new favorite agents walk off. “Job well done ladies… Job well done...”

  To be continued . . . .

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