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Meet Your Mate

Page 13

by Donna Michaels

  Matthew's brows rose. “You did?"

  "Yes. Look, I'm sorry, Matthew. It wasn't my intention, but we were dancing and ... well, it just sort of happened. I couldn't help myself.” He finished in a rush, relieved to get it all out. “I don't blame you for getting mad. You can slug me. Go ahead. I deserve it.” He offered a clear shot of his cheek.

  "That won't be necessary."

  His gaze snapped to his brother's. “It won't?"

  "No. You see, I ... a ... have something to tell you.” Matthew glanced away.

  "Oh?” Arms folded across his chest, he breathed past the sudden jump in heartbeats. “Go on."

  "Well, I like Brielle. She's funny, charming, and always a surprise, but...” He stopped to take a breath. “Well, I sort of already liked one of the other girls before she came on the show. I didn't eliminate Brielle because Mom and Dad chose her."

  Jack stared at Matthew, slowly digesting his revelation.

  "It's also the reason I won't be eliminating her tomorrow night.” Matthew smiled. “So, you see? It's fine with me if you want to pursue her. As a matter of fact, I think that's a great idea. Just don't do it in front of the other girls. I'm sure Brielle would get slack for that."

  His arms dropped to his sides. “I'll be damned. You're saying you're not mad that I kissed Brielle?"

  "Nope. I'm not mad. I'm delighted.” Matthew grinned, slapping Jack's shoulder. “I think you should do it again."

  This time Jack laughed. “The thought has crossed my mind.” His grin faded. “But she's way too distracting, and I don't need that right now.” He recrossed his arms. “I think you should reconsider your decision and eliminate her tomorrow."

  Matthew jerked back. “What? Eliminate her? No way. I already told you. I have to keep her on because of mom and dad. Sorry, you'll just have to deal with it."

  He opened his mouth to protest and got a mouthful of chlorinated water as Matthew dove under and swam away. “Deal with it. Right.” His groin tightened at the thought.

  * * * *

  Brielle couldn't believe the events of the last few days—because there hadn't been any. Had the perpetrator stopped? There'd been no threats, no phone calls, no power outages. Nothing. Well, she smiled, glancing at the handsome man, sporting a familiar hat, as he sat across from her in the limo. Not exactly nothing.

  Before Carla's elimination last night, each of the contestants had their alone-time with the Anderson brothers. Brielle had barely gotten into the study when Jack had shut the door and kissed her senseless against it.

  "I told Matthew about our kiss, and he's not upset. It seems he's already fallen for one of the other contestants.” Jack had smiled, brushing her lower lip with his thumb. “He said he'd be keeping you on because of our parents. I must admit, I tried to get him to send you home.” His gaze had dropped to her mouth. “You're too much of a distraction to me."

  She'd smiled, slipping her arms around his neck. “Why's that?” She'd asked, bringing his head down to hers.

  Somehow they'd ended up on the couch, but her burning need went unsatisfied when she'd spied the grinning cameraman in the corner.

  She'd shaken her head at the man. “You've certainly got the best person to follow.” Smiling, she'd fixed her dress.

  "I know.” He'd smiled back, but it had quickly disappeared when Jack had faced him.

  "Oh, we're here!” Danni's excited voice brought Brielle's attention back to the present.

  "I can't wait. I love amusement parks. What a great idea for a group date.” Mandy giggled, rubbing her hands together.

  Brielle's gaze met Jack's. She knew what he was thinking. What in the world was wrong with the studio? This was possibly the worst location they could've picked. Very public, very dangerous. She'd be sticking to Matthew like glue today—she only hoped Jack wouldn't mind.

  As soon as the producers got them through the gates and past the massive caricature statues, he pulled her to the side, pretending to look at a map of the park.

  "Look, Brielle, I hate to ask you this.” His concerned gaze bore into hers. “Would you mind staying close to Matthew today? I know he's supposed to have some equal time with the others, but I'd feel better if you were next to him when I'm not."

  Her heart swelled. “It means a lot to me that you trust me to be with Matthew."

  He hesitated, searching her eyes, “I do trust you, Brielle. Although"—his frown deepened—"I don't want you harmed either. On second thought, maybe you shouldn't be near him."

  "I'll be fine. And between the two of us, so will Matthew,” she reassured, touching his fingers before slipping her hand in the pocket of her shorts.

  "I hope so."

  "What shall we go on first?” Danni asked, leading the others toward them. “Matthew and I want to head to the roller coaster, but Mandy mentioned the carousel."

  Brielle and Jack exchanged a look and promptly said, “Carousel."

  Two hours later, having ridden half the rides, they stood in line for a much slower paced attraction—the boats. They'd just gotten out of the haunted house, and Brielle's nerves were stretched. Every bounce, every bump, every jumping ghoul had her ready to pounce. She needed time to calm down.

  "I'm going with you, Matthew.” Mandy slipped her arm through his and tugged him close.

  Brielle glanced at Jack. She'd hoped to go with him but knew it was out of the question.

  "Me too.” She grabbed Matthew's other arm and smiled into his puzzled face.

  As they pulled away from the dock, she turned to watch Jack and Danni get into their boat. Their laughter twisted her gut. She should be with him, enjoying his wit, making him smile.

  Her heart had bad timing. She was heading for trouble. True, Dodger had often been in her thoughts this past year, but she really hadn't known him long enough to be having such strong feelings for him.

  And what about the case? This was a job, not an avenue to find love. What was wrong with her?


  Her pulse jumped. Jack was what was wrong with her. She enjoyed his company, enjoyed his kisses and prayed he wouldn't be too upset when she revealed the whole truth about her presence on the show.

  Please let him understand my reason for lying.

  "Uh-oh.” Matthew's concerned voice brought her out of her musings. “Something's wrong with the boat."

  "Maybe we're out of gas,” Mandy said, her eyes wide as they came to a halt.

  "Maybe.” Brielle surveyed the area. The leisurely ride paced the boats so you drove through the wide channel unhurried. “They have a routine and fill them every so many trips."

  "Well, now what? How do we get out of here?” Mandy looked at them.

  Chewing her lower lip, Brielle gauged the distance to the bank and Phil, focusing his camera on them; then she glanced at the brown water, and shuddered. The thought of putting anything other than an oar in the murky depths made her cringe. That would be a last resort. She eyed the canal in front of them but it was empty.

  Matthew looked over his shoulder and waved. “Hey, Jack. Can you throw us a line?"

  Brielle and Mandy turned toward the approaching boat. Her gaze met concerned blue eyes.

  "What's wrong?” Jack frowned, slowing his boat.

  "We're out of gas or something. It just conked out.” Mandy shrugged.

  "And it won't turn over.” Matthew cranked the key to show nothing happened.

  "Okay. I'll give you a tow.” Jack looked down by his feet. “You got any rope over there?"

  Matthew glanced at the floor. “No."

  "We can use my scarf.” Brielle untied the material from around her waist. “I officially take back the comments I made about the studio's choice of clothes."

  "You picked a good day to wear those belted shorts.” Danni smiled.

  Glancing from the back of Jack's boat to the front of hers, Brielle formed a plan. “Okay, Jack. If you pull ahead of us, I can tie the boats together."

  He glanced aft, then to their stern and n
odded. “Okay. Hang on."

  "No problem, Bro. We're not going anywhere.” Matthew chuckled.

  "All set, Brielle, but be careful.” Jack's gaze locked with hers.

  She nodded and stood up. “Hold this for a minute.” She handed Matthew the scarf, then swung her leg over the windshield and eased the rest of her body on top of the boat. “Okay.” Nodding at Matthew, she grasped the scarf and turned around.

  "Be careful.” Mandy's voice echoed the concern in Jack's eyes as he watched from his boat.

  Reaching the tip, she waited while the boat wobbled. When the shaking stopped, she laced the scarf through the chrome hook on the front of their boat and secured it with a square knot. After testing it with a tug, she carefully stretched toward the identical hook on the back of Jack's boat.

  "One down, one to go.” She winked at Jack.

  Instead of smiling back, he stiffened and alarm entered his eyes.

  "Brielle, look out!"

  Chapter Eleven

  Screams and shouts filled Brielle's ears as the boat pitched violently forward, tossing her toward Jack before she bounced backward onto her vessel. She gripped the sides in an attempt to stabilize herself and the craft.

  "Brielle? Are you hurt?” Concern marred Jack's brow as he reached for her, straining to touch her arm.

  "I'm fine. Just re-bruising my butt.” She steadied herself, then frowned. “What happened? Is Matthew okay?” Was this deliberate? Beyond disgusted for putting fun before her number one priority, she turned to find he and Mandy were unharmed. Exhaling, she glanced beyond them to the mother hugging a young boy in a boat behind theirs. It looked to be just an accident.

  Her gaze bounced to Phil. Was it just a coincidence that things seemed to happen when Matthew's cameraman was present? He gave her a thumbs-up from the bank.

  "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?” the mother asked, regaining Brielle's attention. Apprehension tightened the lady's features.

  "I'm fine. No worries,” she assured, looking them over. Pale faces, tight grips, yes, this was an accident. “How about you?"

  "We're okay.” The mother smiled weakly.

  Brielle nodded, allowing relief to enter her body. She relaxed her spine, then turned back to Jack. He, too, eyed the mother and son as a non-threat. Her gaze flicked over his lop-sided hat. The urge to fix itched her fingers.

  "I would say it's been nice bumping into you, but"—she lowered her voice—"I'd much rather bump like we did on the dance floor."

  Heat flashed through Jack's eyes, and he matched her tone, “I'll see what I can do.” Then he frowned. “And don't ever scare me like that again!"

  Given her lifestyle, she knew she couldn't make that promise. “Sorry, Jack, but trouble seems to find me.” Smiling, she scampered back toward Matthew and Mandy.

  Helping her into the seat, Matthew looked her over. “Are you sure you didn't hurt yourself? That was some smack."

  "I'm sure,” she said, smiling at him and the worried blonde on his right. At this rate, her facial muscles would far out do her derrière in the sore department.

  "I thought you were going to fall into that awful water, Brielle.” Mandy shuddered. “I'm so glad you didn't."

  "Me, too.” Brielle grimaced, then looked at Jack. “Okay, Captain, tow us to port."

  After making it to the dock without incident, she told the workers to keep the scarf, and the five of them headed in search of food and games.

  "I'm famished.” Mandy clung to Matthew's arm.

  "Yeah, me too.” Danni claimed his free one. “What shall we have?"

  Matthew's brows rose. “Whatever you like.” He grinned down at her, causing Mandy to scowl.

  "Oh, boy. Here we go,” Jack muttered, staying a few steps behind.

  Brielle stifled a laugh and stepped closer, happy to be near him. His hand automatically went to her back, and a jolt of pleasure shot through her body. Deliberately slowing her pace so his touch would become firmer, she sent him a sideways glance.

  Concern consumed his expression as he mouthed, “Are you sure you're okay?"

  Unused to having a man's concern directed at her, she found she liked the warm feeling it created. “Yes,” she mouthed back.

  His gaze turned wicked. “And what about you, Brielle? What do you want?"

  Oh dear. She took a deep breath. She wanted this case to be over, she wanted the truth to be out in the open, she wanted reassurance that he wouldn't break her heart, and most of all, Brielle wanted to be alone with him with both of his hands on her.

  "I'm game for anything,” she answered, instead. Time would take care of everything else.

  "Great, then it's settled.” Matthew nodded without turning to look at them as he walked toward a picnic table. “You ladies sit here, and my brother and I will go get our feast."

  * * * *

  Jack couldn't wait to leave the park. Not only because his brother walked around with an invisible bull's-eye on his back, but because he longed to get Brielle alone where they didn't have to worry about pretenses, and he could wrap her in his arms and keep her safe.

  Sure, she'd reassured him of her unharmed state twice in the past hour and a half since the incident, but he wanted more. Hell. Jack jammed his curled fists into his pockets as they all walked back to the limo. He might as well face it. The need to hold the dancer consumed him.

  These raw feelings were new. He'd never lost his sensibility completely to a woman before. He didn't like it. Fighting tooth and nail not to relinquish control, he'd restrained himself from commandeering one of the food stands and chasing out the teenage staff, just so he could get some privacy with her.

  He eyed her swaying form in front of him. Sunlight coppered Brielle's brown hair, haloing her body as it kissed her long, tanned legs—a pleasure he yearned to experience. His fists tightened. He was an idiot. Their day was almost over. How would he gain alone time with her now? Soon they'd be dropping the women off and heading back to the bachelor mansion. Regret soured his taste buds. They'd reached Rodriguez and their awaiting limo.

  To hell with control. Jack needed to talk to Brielle. He glanced around. It would have to wait until they got back. He didn't know how, but he'd find a way.

  Feeling some of the tension leave his spine, he rolled his shoulders, then nodded for Rodriguez to open the limo door for the smiling Mandy.

  "Uh, Houston, we have a problem,” she announced as she had at the ranch.

  "What's wrong? Don't tell me the carousel horses made you sore?” Danni laughed.

  "No.” Mandy backed away from the limo. “But I bet that note will cause Jack and Matthew some grief."

  Jack felt the smile freeze on his face as the blonde's words registered. He glanced at the girls. Alarm widened Brielle's eyes, mirroring the others as they stood on the curb. He stooped down to peer into the limo.

  "Damn! How the hell did this get here?” He backed out and directed the question to his man.

  "I don't know, sir. The doors were locked, I swear. I made sure of it.” Rodriguez frowned, glancing around the parking lot. “And I only left for half an hour to get lunch. That was it."

  Running a hand through his hair, Jack refocused on the note. “Call the team, and have them bring us another limo.” He turned to the group. “You might as well sit on the benches over there. Depending on traffic, it could take awhile."

  "I'm sorry this keeps happening, ladies,” Matthew said, arms around Danni and Mandy as he led them to the bench.

  "It's not your fault,” Danni said.

  "Yeah, you can't help it if you're dreamy.” Mandy smiled up at his brother.

  Jack transferred his gaze to Brielle, who still stood by him. “You might as well sit, too."

  "That's all right. I'm happy right here.” She glanced inside the limo.

  His lips twitched. “You wouldn't happen to have a pair of tweezers on you?"

  "No. But I bet you could buy a pair in one of the gift shops. Would you like me to go see?” She eyed the park's e

  "You don't have to. We have a pair in our van,” one of the cameramen spoke up. He rushed to their white cargo van, then returned with several pairs and a bag. “Here you go. And the bag is new. We keep them for our film."

  "Thanks.” Jack reached into the limo to extract the note off the seat. Using a second pair, he and Rodriguez carefully unfolded the paper.

  "Shit!” His gaze snapped to Brielle's. “I'm sick of this."

  The color drained from her face. “Jack? What is it?” She stepped closer. “What does it say?"

  "Yeah, what does it say?” Matthew got up from the bench and hurried to them.

  "It says: Did you enjoy your boat ride? I did!” The note shook as Jack worked hard to control his emotions. He refolded the paper and slid it into the bag Rodriguez held. Snapping his gaze from his brother to Brielle, he swallowed a curse. “It seems you didn't just run out of gas. You were lucky you only got a few bruises."

  The image of Brielle's body tossed like a sack of potatoes, while he watched helplessly from his boat, ran in slow motion through his mind. His cracking knuckles itched to make contact with something.

  "You're right, but I'm okay.” Warmth soaked into his fists as she uncurled his fingers. “I can take a lot more than that."

  He scowled. “That's not the point. You shouldn't have to take anything."

  "Boss.” Rodriguez cleared his throat. “The rest of the men are here with the other limo."

  He removed his hands from Brielle and straightened his shoulders. “All right, everyone get in. We're heading to the bachelor mansion."

  "Bachelor mansion?"

  He surveyed the now-gathered group. “Yes. I will be questioning each of you, privately."

  * * * *

  Brow wrinkled, Mandy paced the bachelor's Gathering Room. “What do you think Jack is going to ask?"

  "What brand of toothpaste you use.” Danni shook her head as she sat on the couch.

  "Really? I use—"

  "No, not really,” Danni cut her off. “He's going to want to know where you were all afternoon."

  "That's silly. We were with him all day.” Mandy rolled her eyes.

  "Not all day.” From her roost in a corner chair, Brielle gained the two contestants’ attention. She'd been observing them closely as well as replaying the day's events in her mind. “We each left the group at one point or another today."


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